4 u . -w. 'V a . . Xi & - v . -i v bulf-find it In the L. Notices 1 NOTICE The Sno White i-auncry is now under new management. Try us. II we please tell your friends, if not tell us. Vi and Eddie Hargate. 56-Up NOTICE S50 reward for infcr maticn leading to the return cf ship vise taken frcm steel table at former canning fac tory yard. W. M. Babtitt Construction Co. 5o-2tc f NOTICE Special price cn pa- j per hanging. Jim Eden, phone 42 S4. S2-tfc! i Card of Thanks ! CARD OF THANKS To all cur 10 I sent cards, flowers and all the acts cf kindness, during Ray's illness we sincerely thank each i and every one cf you. Mrs. Ray Patten ! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patten j Brothers and sisters. ; 55-ltp CARD OF THANKS Our heart- j felt thanks to all who extend- ed comforting sympathy and ! help in our recent sorrow. For I the beautiful service, floral j offerings, and other kindness- j ei. we are deeuiv grateful. If-; c R. 3 3nci Irs. George M. Miller 56-ltp ycu fnen-ds and relatives for cards, feed and donation to cancer fund for cur wife and s:iter. Frances Humble. Carl!" Humble. M a r y Hessenflow Willa Hansen. Marzaret Moore. I Vera Hiid. 55-ltc CARD OF THANKS I wish to ! for ail u i curing my siay , icspital. Ere 55-ltp CARD o: thar.k THANKS I wish to and relatives for ail the lovely car bile I was in , 1 Jennie 5'i-itp Personals LON"ELY? Have Sweethearts, Wife or Husband. Free infor maticn. Lincoln Ci'Ib, Bos 1371, Lincoln, Nebr. 45-lStp Lost and Found LOST Black and crown ter rier pup. answers to the name cf "Rex." Dcnnie Story, Phone 251. . 55-tfc Help, Wanted HELP WANTED Lady for nurs ing care. Good working con ditions and good wages. Riv erview Home, 6th and Ave. F. Personal interview. ;.6-tfc WANTED Girl. :ff:ce wor. Reu-iy P.O. Typing required. Sox .o. Pu l. TT.T, TIME baby sitter and Uzht housework. Private quar ters. Phone 6270 or 7219 be fore nccn. 54-tfc WANTED: A man to work 9 hour day, 6 cay week. Car necessary. S75 cer week, plus expenses to start. Write: P. O. Box 3. Lincoln WANTED Responsible lady to stay with and assist elderly ladv in modern country home ic-" board, room and wages. Write Box S3 The Journal and furnish references. 53-4tp Wanted Sidewalk bicycle. P. rr. 0 h.-r-.i Good CCn- i con-5-3 -2tp d:t:cn. Phcne 4.-41. "x:riZD Work in hay field. ashed. ' iaiph Wever. Phone 3290. 55-ltc Wanted to Rent .-i.5itJ i.w r.Z-.t x iww.ij. . . cr 3 bedroom house. Write Box j A. D. T Journal. 55-tfp j V.'ANTED TO RENT OR LEASE: Three bedroom home, pref- j erlbiv cr. one Hoor. Perma- j rent business man. four aau in familv. Possessior desired Julv lit to 15th. itw Wntp all rarticuiars to J. J. O'Ccrmeli. Kenvon. Minnesota. 55-4tc WA r-.CS S'2 iwdS. . tine, iricsn ; r-,ade cn teiepnene ad3 :e accepted from users wi V i I r--,r 13 ex; ectsd frcrr, custcmer cr.arges EACH WCRD. First Insertion EACH WORD. Subsequent Insertions (Minimum Charge CLASSIFIED DISFLAY. per KeYES cr ELI NO ADS. service charge 5Cc CARDS CF THANKS, IN MSMCRI'JM MESSAGES, POETRY same as Want Ad Kates DEAD LINE All Waet Ada mast be in Hiis effice by 1 1 A.M. Day of Publication. TELEPHONE 241 I a-! en eV f:''cwr f rs insertion r is made in your ad, nctity the Journal cmce immect-t-ublicar.on. We cannct assume resccrabiiity after the Wanted to Buy WANTED More iunk cf any kind, including old cars. Bill Wever. Phone 3290. 44-tfc Services Offered Father and Grandfather like pictures of the "kids." Call Frank's Photo's for Father's Day specials. Frank Gaines. Phone 7137. 51-9tc Graduates "No Obligation" Come in and discuss Your Job Future MEN: Bookkeepers, den ial, effice managers, sales, engineers. WOMEN: Stenographers, re ceptionists, typists, filists. Mutual Employment Service 432 Kilpatrick Bidg. Omaha, Nebr. Phone WE 070 43-tfc ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Fouchek & Gamett 126 North Fourth Street Piattsmouth, Nebraska. 5 -tf c LAWNS MOWED, general yard work. Raymond McShane, Phone 3112. 50-lStfc DISC SHARPENING Have the work done on your farm Dy L. J. Clarence, Union Nebras ka. Phone 2551 or Write. 23-tfe WE CCT GLASS to any size. Picture framing. Piattsmouth Paint Store. 44-tfc GARDNER 333 Main Piattsmouth Phcne 7152 Plumbing Heating Air Conditioning Sheet Meta! Vcrk Armstrong Furnaces 2nd Air Conditioners American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Hoffman Water Heaters Meyers Water Systems Easy Monthly Payments Can Be Arranged Free Estimates Personal Loans $20 - $50 - S1C0 - $500 - $700 To A $1000 Prompt Confidential Service No Lower Payments Anywhere American Loan 530 Main Phone 3213 Leans Made in Nearby Towns 52-tfc IT'S COOL MAN, COOL! That's what youH say all sum mer long if you install a Cor onado air conditioner from Gambles. No matter how high temperature and humidi ty rise, you'll be able to re lax in cool, fresh comfort! See cur complete line youll like the down-to-earth prices. As little as $2.25 per week. GAMBLES ' Phone 3254 50-tic COMBINE CANVAS repaired. Smithy's Repair Shop, Murray, Nebraska. 54-tfc JEEP A trenching, sewer trench ing, basements dug. Colbert & Colbert. Nebraska City, Nebr. Phcne 2217. P. O. Box 574. 35-tfc GARDNER UPHOLSTERING 1615 Vinton Phcne Packscn 4753 Omaha, Nebr. Free Estimates cr Delivery 55-tfc iS u ciaw.w w.. w , fcr a period cr Six days. ro want csiinquert in their accsunts. Pay- upcn tneir receipt ct rci..,j-..cn ci 3c 2c tor any AJ 35c) inch ..75c 5Cc 1 i ! H 7 . ' Insure - J In Ciita t . v r I Insurance j . ZT With ! ':w.-K A. E. "Ham' ! O Chovanec 'nm Tiiiiimira -iiaM. Hii I H ' jf urn SERVICES OFf'ERilD Paper tanging and sample .book shown and free estimate. Mrs. D. L. RameL 4o-tfc We make patios, steps and side walks and lay blocks and do carpentery. Phone 7C23 or 5107. 54-tfc CESSPOOLS AND seotic tanks cleaned. Phone 6G62 Piatts mouth. 55-Stp SPECIALIZING In Washing r Drying FREE Pickup r Delivery 1 DAY SERVICE WHIRLPOOL LAUNDERETTE 123 N. 6th Phone 7225 42-tfcM For Sale FOR SALE Pomeranian Doss. Mrs. J. J. Smock. Phone 5962. 5o-2tc i FOR SALE Puppies. Phone 8473. 55-3tc FOR SALE Cameraman here's a buy. Weston Light Meter cost S23.00 new. Will sell for . $5 including leather case. TeL 241 between 8 am. - 5 p.m. 56-tfp FOR SALE Five IS-inch tires. Reasonable. TeL 3321. 56-tfc FOR SALE 45 lessons on Diesel Engines from correspondence course. Phcne 41S3. 5o-2tp FOR SALE Fryers 3 lbs. and over 31.00 each. Mrs. Harold Rice. Phone Murray 4514. 56-2tc FOR SALE Baler twine, $7.50; binder twine, $3.90, for Mid continent at Farmers Feed Sz Seed. 50-tfc FORNEY ARC WELDERS WELDING STJFFLTZS Stites Farm Eq. Chicago Ave. Dial 157 33-tfc nM T Tl Z. iur. .r. u-enume tsunuy clarinet, like new, $30.00 cash. Phone 207J Weeping Water. Mrs. Ruth Ketelhut. 54-4tp USED AUTO PARTS FOR SALE Starters Generators Radios Batteries Transmissions Tires Wheels Radiators Body Parts See cr Call Bruce Gold, Jr. Bob Nickles jack Frans 52 CARS IN STOCK 50-5 tc USE DOUD'S Home Rendered Lard for the Best Fried Chick- - en. Fish and Pies. Goes far ther. Costs less. Money back guarantee. 30-31 lbs., S4.75. Gal. $1.50 delivered. Phone 8491. 55-Stp FOR SALE 2 ton Crosiey air cenditioner with timer. New warranty. Bill Shell. 1424 Highly d Drive. Phone 6353. 55-2tp FOR SALE 3-3 Vz lb. fryers, $1.00 each. Donald Harvey. Phone 8233. 55-2tp Fryers for sale. ilrs. Clarence Enselkemier. Phone Hurra v 5113. 55-4te FAR SALE Cottomsrocd lumber all dimensions, Pierce &; Son Saw Mill. Phone 4255 !Cl-tf2 FOR SALE Second batch 3 to 4 pound fryers, S1.C0 alive, $L25 dressed. Five miles south of Piattsmouth cn Highway 75. Will deliver in town free four cr more. Mrs. Orval Kahier. Phone S333. 53-tfc FCR SALE SENSATION lawn mowers. Prices start at S4S. Brown's Airport, Weeping Wa ter, Nebraska. 52-Stp "PYYP RSTT. ton Hot Point air conditioner with thermo- f stat. 6217. Used 53-tfc ,...,.. I J,MliPMi..j-.. I. M. I JUL ' IFOR SALE Duo-Therm lawn mowers. Competitive prices, j Brown's Airport, Weeping Wa- ter; Nebraska. o2-Stp EVERY DAY SPECIAL Chrome Kitchen Chairs S5.95 up Window Shades 29c ea. BARGAIN CENTER 54-tfc Household Goods REPOSSESSED Zig Zag sewing machine to be sold in this lo cality to close account. It sews buttonholes and fancy work without attachments. Small monthly nayments or will discount for cash. Write Credit Manager, Box 123. Lin coln, Nebr. 55-2tc FOR SALE Like new Interna tional Harvester refrigerator and ether furniture. Phone 3907. 56-2tc WANT RELIABLE party to take over 7payments of So.65 each on 1S55 model Singer Sewing machine with a buttonhcier. Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Lincoln, Nebr. 56-2tc FOR SALE TV antenna and water cooler air conditioner. Cheap. Walt Schmitz, Shady Nook Trailer Court. 55-ltp FOR SALE Crib, 5 year oid'size, good condition. Also baby buggy. Phone 3118. 56-tfc Livestock for Sale FOR SALE Guernsey cow, fresh two weeks, giving 5 gallons, 4J yrs. old. Cow and calf S1SQ.00. C. A. Brenn, phone 4-2357 Elmwood, Nebr. 56-ltc Feed & Seed for Sale FOR SALE Alfalfa windrow cr bale. hay in Stuart Schlichtemeier. hawka 2599. Phone Ne-55-2tc FOR SALE Kansas orange for age sorghum seed. Robert Cole. Phcne 8273. 54-4tp FOR SALE Corn, bulk, $1.55 at. bin or delivered in truck loads. Farmers Feed & Seed. 50-tfc FOR SALE Seed com, U. S. 13, small flats S7.CQ per bu. Farm ers Feed & Seed. 45-tfc OR SALE Feed Wayne for & faster gain. Hog and Cattle I e e cl contracts avaiiaoie. Farmers Feed and Seed. 43-tfs Where to Buy It FOR YOUR MORNING COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS MOM'S CAFE Open Snndays 420 Main St. 41-tfc For Father's Day Slax. Sport Shirts Sc Many Gift Items" Smith's Men's Wear "Let Us Help You Make a Selection" 5o-ltc FOR SALE For monogrammed napkins, .informal notes, place cards ana match covers for wedding gifts, anniversaries and banquets, see the Piatts mouth Journal, or phone 241. 50-tfc America's Finest FATHER'S DAY CARDS Created By Buzza Cordozo CASS DRUG EVERY DAY SPECIAL Outside White Paint ' S2.49 gal BARGAIN CENTER R. C. A. T. V. AIR CONDITIONERS Wm. Schmidtmann 55-3tc Real Estate for Rent FOR RENT Unfurnished mod- I em apartment PhnA r43 Subscnae to ine journal Now FOR RENT Large siee room for ren . Tel. 4155. 55-tfc FOR RENT Small furnished" apartment downtown. Phone 6996 after 6 p. m. 53-tfc FOR RENT Comfortable room for gentleman. Close in. Phone 5256. 54-tfc FOR RENT Furnished apart ment and garage and washing facilities. Phone 3972. 55-tfc FOR RENT Duplex unfur nished 3 rooms. Private bath. Nice yard and handy location. Phone 3060. 55-tfc FOR RENT House. Phone 3124. 56-tfc FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment. Phone 205. 55-tfc FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment. Phone 3276 days. 5194 evenings. 56-tfc t FOR RENT Two room fur nished apartment. Inquire 701 Ave. B. 56-tfc FOR RENT Small furnished apartment, close in. Contact Margaret Dingman at the Journal office. 55-tfp FOR RENT Two room furnish ed anartment. utilities paid. $45. Phone 4212. 54-tfc FOR RENT Modern furnished apartment. 312 South 9th Street. 50-tfc FOR RENT Two room furnish ed apartment, utilities paid, $45 per month. Phone 4212. 43-tfe FOR RENT Small furnished apartment. No pets. Court House Apartments. Paul Fau quet. Phone 0113. 43-tfc FOR RENT Three room un furnished apartment $40. Phone 5239 cr 4250. 42-tfc FOR RENT Three rooms and bath, unfurnished. Phone 274. 42-tfc FOR RENT Efficency apart ment by week. Piattsmouth MoteL Chicago Ave. 86-tfc FOR RErTT Four room house with bath, partly furnished. t Phone 4064 after 6:30 p. m. 49-tf c FOR RENT Furnished 2 room apartment. Phone 3254 or 3032. 43-tfc FOR RENT Partly furnished basement apartment. Prefer working couple. Phone 6245. 56-2tc FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment, upstairs, newly decorated, phone 3252. j 55-tfc FOR RENT Small furnished apartment. Phone 3192. 55-tfc FOR RENT One three room and one two room apartment or five room and bath fur nished. Main floor. Inquire 701 Ave. B. 54-tfc Real Estate for Sale' DWELLINGS FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM Oakmont home. Price reduced for quick sale. Possession new. 5 ROOM modern on 3rd Avenue pavement. An but priced right. older house, 2 STORY, brick in Soutn Park.! With part cr all of 15 lots.) 1 block frcm pavement cn oil- j i ed street. Close to schooL Ideal for development and priced to sell quick. DWELLING AND 3 LOTS on South 10th. Close to schooL Pavement, sewer available for another dwelling on the lots. 7th on 4th Avenue. JUST LISTED TWO BEDROOM home in Val ley View. Excellent condition. Almost new. See First Realty Co. 50S Main Dial 234 1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Sis lots on paving. Call cr con 1 tact Jim Beaiey. 54-2tc FOR SALE Building lot cn j Main street, z block from i Central school. Phone 7195. 52-tfc FOR sat.f Large bunding let cn 11th St. ll2 blocks frcm Central sch.ee L Phcne 71S6. 52-tfc IFOR SALE Good improved - t FArt -f n ! I Jouma nal Want Ads Pay ; f- To . . . 1 i , "-4,; BUY " : SELL "--r1-' RENT j It . - rvcai aiave Davis FOR SALE All modem 3 -bed- room home, 2 lots on paving, 3 blocks frcm Central SchooL S 7250.00. "See- Steve." FOR SALE Partly modern 4 rocm home, full basement, 4 good lots, 2 blocks south of Main Street. $3500.00. "See Steve." FOR SALE One of the few ic vci luui iii excess irom nmsy urn Store, on pavmg witn an uxi-; hties. Here s building . site. a real home j "See Steve." ' STEVE DAVIS 112 No. 5th. St. Phone 6111 cr 321C 55-2tc i I FOR SALE Alpha C- Petersen residence, 509 Ave. B, Piatts mouth. Two lots, 8 room house with 4 bedrooms. Good condition and excellent loca tion. Contact Jessie Whelan, Executrix. Phone 3255. 56-2tc BUY NOW! 6 rooms and bath, 4 lots, $4,000. $1,000 down, $50 per month. Recently constructed 2 bedroom heme, full size basement, $5,500. Neat and attractive four rooms and bath, gas heat and plea sant yard. $5,C00.C0. Six excellent building sites- 5 rooms and bath, gas heat, large garage, $5,300.00. LORIS B. LONG REALTOR Office at 125 N. 4th Tel. 5233 or 42o0 3S-tfe Automobiles FOR SALE 19ol Plymouth tu dor Radio and heater. $350. Georze's Barber Shop. After 6:30 524 Ave. C. 52-ftc hatrfth ovSv GoSd htJlIu Call John 5045. Baburek, 295 or 54-tfc FOR SALE 1930 Ford Model A Tudor. Ton condition. Phone 2593 Nehawka. Robert Schlich temeier. 55-4 tc 1950 Chevrolet 2-Dr $233 1950 Mercury 4-Dr.t over drive 1949 Pontiac 4-Dr., Hy- 1943 Pcntiac 4-Dr 1S51 Studebaker V8 Club Coupe 1945 Ford 2-Dr 1949 Dodge 2-Dr 1950 Buick 4-Dr 344 255 Z99 297 1945 Hudson 1945 Chevrolet ..4 1947 Dodge 4-Dr 1941 Ford 2-Dr 1953 Plymouth 4-Dr. 1953 Dodge 4-Dr. 1954 Studebaker Coupe 1955 Dodge 4-Dr. 1956 Dodge 4-Dr. R. V. BRYANT MOTOR- CO. Piattsmouth, Nebr. 67 99 99 44 - - o. t x-x -:-:-:- Legal Notices Every government official or board that handles public money should publish at regular intervals an accounting of it , showing where and how each j dollar is spent. The Journal ; holds this to be a fundamental ! principle of democratic govern- ment- X&$g&&&SmsmZSX EDWIN T. McHUGH. Attorney Murdock. Nebraska 'OTJCE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons interested in the estate of Art Handrock, de ceased. No. 4531: Take notice that tne Administrator ct said estate has filed his final report anc a peation ict exmirLiozi and allowance cf his accounts, determination cf heirship. In - heritance Tas and distribution of said estate and for his ens charge, which will be heard be fore said Court cn June 2 1st, 1S56. at ten o'clock a. m. Dated May 24th. 1956. (Seal RAYMOND J. CASE. Cct Judge No. 2257 1956. -May 23, June 4, 11, Britain is reducing her am forces by 72,C0 to a total iuu.uuu. nsr i.r. i.ccr ci i;iKiiie jtold Parliament. THE PLATTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Monday, June 4, 1956 PAGE FIVE LEGAL NOTICE Itition is for the foreclosure cf We, Nolan Hottle. President, ! an Old Age Assistance lien ans and J. Eldon Mender hall, Sec- j ing by virtue of Old Age Assist retary of the Farmers Union tance payments furnished to Cooperative Association, which i Pauline Oiierman. deceased, is engaged in handling products! That unless same is paid by cf the farm and furnishing sup- j you. or any cf you. that a decree plies to its members and ether twill be entered in said Court ipatrons with principal effice at j jElmwocd. Nebraska, certify that i 1 tha chr?rhnTriprs nf said porocr-! lation have fully adopted, in I cordance with the law in such case made and provided, amend-, cr to said herein described real ed articles cf incorporation that, j estate, and that the same, cr so among ether things, changed as may be necessary to the name to Farmers Coopera- j satisfy the plaintiff's lien, to tive Association of Elm wood, gther with coats, shall be sold Nebraska; Increased the auth-;xn acc0rdance with law, and for crizecl capital stock to $100.- s-ach clher relie as equity re 0C0.00; made the existence OxCrX:ires or t0 toe court may the corporation perpetual, and seeni just and equitable. cj-c-i.-JoW tVi o !3T-tiHc fn rnn-; - , . , amendea tne arucies io con-, you and eacii of you are here form with the general and co-;vrr1,;fTH thitmn-irprpnnirprf operative laws c Nebraska. NOLAN HOTT PRESIDENT J. ELDON MENDENHALL, SECRETARY No. 3252 May 21, 23, June 4,j 1956. RICHARD C. PECK COUNTY ATTORNEY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE LIEN LN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA COUNTY BOARD OF - ) PUBLIC WELFARE OF ) CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA, ) Plaintiff -vs- ) MAUDE SMOCK, ET AL, ) Defendants TO THE DEFENDANTS : The heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Ira A. Parker, aso provements in Street Imp rove known as Ira E. Parker, de- ment Districts Nas. 119, 125 and ceased, (real names unknown); j 127 of the City cf Piattsmouth. and all persons having or claim- Nebraska, and for the levying ing any interest in Lot Six (6, ; of such assessments. Block Sixty-Three (63), City cf i real estat;e included in Piattsmouth Cass County, Ne- j street improvement District No. braska, (real names unknown. ; 119 f0uows You and each cf you are here- j t . q.,,, QQ. of May, 1955, the County Board J cf Public Welfare cf Cass Ccun- ty each of you, which cause ap pears in Docket 15, Page 134, Case Number 11447, of the rec ords cf the Clerk of the District Court of said County, the object and prayer cf which petition is for the foreclosure of an Old Age Assistance hen arising by virtue oi uiu Age xiSwiautuce pa meets furnished to Ira A. Parker, also known -as Ira E. Parker, de- ceased. That unless same is paid by I cree be eStered said Co' foreclosing and forever barring all claims upon, interest or es tate in, rights or title to. cr lien upon, cr equity of redemption in cr ta said herein described real estate, and that the same, cr so : much as may be necessary to i satisfy the plaintiff's hen, to- igether with costs, shall be sold in accordance with law, and for such ether relief as equity re quires or as to the Court may seem just and equitable. You and each cf you are here by notified that you are required to answer said petition cn cr before July 9, 1956. COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA By: RICHARD C. PECK, County Attorney No. 3259 May 23, June 4. 11, 18, 1956 SMITH & LEBENS. Attys. Piattsmouth, Nebraska NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA To all persons interested in d c.-fn . rn ' the estate of Roy Tschirren de-' 'ceased. No. 4590: Take notice' , that the Administratrix of said ; estate has filed her final report ; and a petition for examination ' i and allowance cf her accounts,! ; determination cf heirship, and! j distribution cf said estate and : ; for her discharge, which will be :; i heard befcre said Court cn June 1 22nd, 1956 at ten o'clock an ; Dated May 23th. 1356. RAYMOND J. CASE, (SEAL? No. 32-54 June 4 County Juize 11. IS, 1955." ! RICHARD C. PECK COUNTY ATTORNEY NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE LIEN IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF r a c: o rnm 1 ! 1 v t7T3tj a err' ; CorNTY BOARD qT ) : PUBLIC WELFARE OF ; CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. j V5 'J j BERTHA WULF, ET AL, Defendants. TO THE DEFEND A VTS; - Bertha Wolf. Widow: the heirs. devisees, legatees, personal rep- resentatives, and all ether per- sons interested in the estate nf 'Pauline Oiierman, deceased, i ireal names lT'irni persons having cr cia ng any (interest in Let Seven (7) and the North Half (NV cf Let Eisht M3r. in Block Twentv-Seven (27f r villa c? Ri'p Cp rnr-tv Nebraska, '.real names un- known . You and each of you are here by notified that on the 25 th day cf May. 1955. the Ccunty Beard of Public Welfare cf Cass Ccun- :ty, Nebraska, filed a petition in j the District Ccurt cf Cass Ccun ty, Neoraska, against you, and : each cf you. which cause an- ed , pears in Docket 15. Page 135, Case Number 11443, cf the rec Gi Ir-rri;; nf the f!ar nf fi-o. t? ; trict :t Court of said County, the ' ic eject and prayer cf which pe- foreclosing and forever barring you and each cf you cf any and ?! !i"s frvin iifprpst nr ps ac-'tate in, rights or title to, or lien ; Upcn, or equity of redemption in I to answer said petition cn or ! before July 9. 1956. j COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC l WFT.FARE OJr' CTAS ( UL.N i 1 . NEBRASKA By: RICHARD C. PECK, County Attorney No. 3253 May 22. June 4, 11, 18, 1956 NOTICE OF MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 9th day cf July 1956, at its regular meeting place in the City Hail in the City of Piattsmouth, Nebraska, the City Council will meet in special session as. a Board cf Equalization for the purpose of equalizing and adjusting the special assessments for benefits cn account of the application cf asphaltic oil and work inci dental thereto as street im- Outiot 64; Outiot 14;' All in th SFSWl.; Sipr M a l-ii m tntf Twp. 12, Rge. 14. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 in Block 8; N.176' Lot 1; S.62' Lot 1; S. part of Sublet 2 of Lot 1; and Sublet 2, all in Block 9, all in ''s Addition to the City cf i Lot 6, Block 23, Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 24; Lots 5 and 6, Block 1 2a; All Block 35. All hi South Park Addition to the City cf Piattsmouth. Lots 1, 2, NE 14'3" Lot 3. S. 60' Lot 3. All in StreitweLser Subdivision. Outlet 9: Sublot 1 of 9; Out lot 111; Outiot 117; Lot A of Lot 117; Outlets 113, 123 and 135. All in the SWU of NWU of Sec. 19, Twp. 12, Rge. 14. Outlets 15 and 112 in the NWI4NWU Sec. 19, Twp, 12, Rse.-14. Outlets 13, 39, 40, 41 and 42 in NEL4SEU Sec. 24, Twp. 12. Rge. 13. Outiot 17 and Sublot 1 of 17 all in SESE'i Sec. 24, Twp. 12 Rge. 13. Sublot 27 of Lot 17 in NWU NWI4 Sec. 25, Twp. 12, Rge. 13. Outlets 21 and 27 in NEU SEV-i Sec. 24, Twp. 12. Rge. 13. Sublot 2 of Lot 2, Lot 3; Sub lot 2 of Lot 3; W-2 of Lot 4: Sublot 3 cf Let 5; Sublot 4 cf Lot 5; Lot 8: Sublot 2 of Lot 9; Sublot 9 of Lot 9; Lot 10; Lot 11. All in Porter Place Addi tion to the City of Piattsmouth. Lets 5, 6 and 7 in Dove's Ad dition to mouth. the City of Platts- :nr n ion Lincoln Avenue All railroad property abutting and lying within the SESW1 Sec. IE. Twp. 12. Rge. 14 and the NWU NWU cf Sec. 13. Twp. 12. Rze. 14 and within the boundaries of Street Improvement District No. 119. The real estate included in Street Improvement District No. 125 is as follows: Lets 7 and 3, Block 65; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6 and 7 in Block 171; s-"?,.1? , All v Lots 1. 7. 3. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 in Eiock 172. All in Ori nal' Town. City of Piattsmouth. Lots 1 and 14 in Block 3, Thompson's Addition to the Ci cf Piattsmouth. The real estate included in Street Improvement District No. 127 is as follows: Lets 7 to 12 inclusive in Block 25: Lets 1. 2 and 3. and the N. 95" Lets 4. 5 and 6 in Block S3. All in the Original Town, Citv cf Piattsmouth. Nebraska. At said time and place the isaid cit? ?rant a hearing f to 2lu persons interested, and - whl P2-55 a resolution making i --e. ; such spe ? viced bv law. CITY OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA By: Bruce E. Gold Maycr Attest: Aioert Olscn City Cleric ( SEAL 1 No. 2253 June 4. 11, 12, 25, Ji 2. 1S55. (More Lejals on Pa?e S) SATTLER Funeral Home Dial 3123 i IS -7 -.I. A h,r 11. I- -i -