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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1956)
THE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMi-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO Monday, June 4, 1956 iP -- Dial 241 JeannetteM . Schoeppner Joins Do7 Dean Knight in Marriage i LOUISVILLE (Special) Jeannette Marie Schoeppner, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bchoeppner, of Louis ville and Doil Dean Knight, son of the late Mr.' and Mrs. Lynn Knight of Carroll, Iowa, were married at the St. Patrick Church, in Manley, Saturday. Father Lawrence Schoeppner, uncle of the bride from Owens, Iowa, officiated at the 10:30 Families Enjoy A Memorial Day Dinner Memorial Day was the setting of a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slathisky, Sr. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Slatlnsky of St. Charles, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pet erson, Donald, John and Mari lyn of Richfield; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slatinsky, Jr., and Pa tricia and Frank III of Ral ston; Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Bellinger, Jr., and Rosemary; and Mrs. John S. Slatinsky and daughter, Laura, of Omaha. John Slatinsky was unable to attend since he is in New York on business for the next four or five months. Families Visited Here Memorial Day Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Potter Memorial Day were Mrs. Potter's brothers and and sisters They are Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hutchinson and daughter, Mar garet of Eauclair, Wise, Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Hutchinson of Pacific Junction, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Hutchinson of Lincoln and the following from Plattsmouth: Mrs. James Hutchinson and children, Vickie and Michael; Mrs. Will Carey and Phyllis and Mrs. Will Oliver and Doris. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hutch inson and Margaret departed for their home Friday morning. a. m. ceremony in the presence of 150 guests. Music was furnished by or ganist Mrs. Regina Colbert and the choir. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white ballerina length gown of French imported .chantilly lace and nylon tulle over heavy bridal satin, with a sculptured bodice, featuring a regal stand-up collar of lace and illusion yoke, out lined '.in scallops of lace. The long sleeves tapered to points over the wrists. Her fingertip veil was of silk illusion with coronet of lace outlined with pearls. JoAnn Schoeppner of LeSeur, Minn., served as maid of honor and Louise Jannings of Carroll, Iowa, was bridesmaid. Their dresses were of light blue, bal lerina length with fitted bodices, full skirts of net over taffeta. They each carried a colonial bouquet of yellow carnations. Richard Schoeppner of Louis ville was best man; ushers were Don Mosman and Bernard Jannings of Carroll, Iowa and Gary Schoeppner of LeSeur, Minn. A one o'clock breakfast was served at the Legion Club which was decorated in garden flowers All girls who graduated this spring from Louisville High School, classmates of the bride, wearing pastel dresses and light blue aprons, served the recep tion guests. The bride chose a blue suit for her traveling costume. The couple will live at 18th and Burch, Carroll, Iowa. The bride groom graduated from the Car roll High School and is employed at a manufacturing company there. Si ' 0 if " A'. Piano And Accordion Recital To Be Given Wednesday At Lion's A piano and accordion re cital will be given Wednesday, at 8 p. m. in the Lion's com munity building with Mrs. Ar nold Meisinger, instructor. Accordion students are Ron ald Puis, Marlin Kime, Larry Jones, Gene Engelkemeier Larry Roeber, Sharon Kiser, Donald Vogler, Larry Peterson, Lyle and Robert Engelkemeier, Janice Siemsen, Jim Hoover, John Jones, Eleanor Stohlman, Lawrence Vogler, Larry Engel kemier, Margaret Kupke, Karen Tilson, Sandy and Patty Toman, Margie Johnson and Carolyn Vinduska. Piano students are Linda Jones, Cheryl Peterson, Delbert Puis, Mary Ann and Bobby Lochman, Joyce and Glenn Fornoff; John Kaffenberger, magic performer, will give a specialty act and there will be a concert by the Double M Melody Makers. ass II heafre Plattsmouth Last Times Mon. Cr Tues., June 4-5 All Technicolor hit from the makers of the "Glenn Miller Story" They are all you'll ex pect and more! Also News Reel Added Wed. Cr Thurs., June 6 & 7 Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable and Lauren Bacall, co-starring Wm. Powell in "HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE" Here is a picture you might want to see, we have. had many re quests for this all Technicolor Cinemascope hit! Its the big time show of all time! . Also Comedy and Cartoon Couple Here From Lafayette, Louisiana Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Benoit of Lafayette, La., arrived at the home of Mrs. Benoifs parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Long, Thurs day evening. Mrs. Benoit . arrived in time to be near! her grandmother, Mrs. Adah tyewton, who under went surgery Friday morning at an Omaha hospital. Mrs. Newton recently fell and broke her hip. Mr. and Mrs. Benoit plan to locate in Nebraska. mm ENGAGED TO WED Mrs. John C. McCarthy announces the engagement of her daughter, Mary Lou, to William Paxton Ber ry, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Berry of Omaha. Miss McCarthy graduated from Plattsmouth High School in 1955 and is em ployed in Omaha. Mr. Berry, a student at the University of Omaha, formerly attended the University of Nebraska where he was associated with Theta Xi Fraternity. An August wedding is planned. Marie Elizabeth Toman Weds Virgil L. Hammons on Sunday Son To Ensign Burton J. Gleason of Pensocola, Fla., June 1, 1956, ii-nioVii-nrr ft lh-3 OrQtirlnarpnt.s are Mr? and Mrs. Walter T I ported chantilly lace and Gleason of Plattsmouth and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Reddington of Kansas City, Mo. Son To Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Hoover of Rapid City, South Da kota, May 24, weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. He has been named Wil liam Paul. The mother is the former Doris Leesley of this city. Grandfather is William Hoover of Louisville. 17 BEST BUY IN TOWN You can bring your message to 15,000 people for as little as 35 cents. Plattsmouth Journal Classified Advertisements are proven best sellers. I Best Food in Town! 1 a Pan Fried Chicken $1.15 I We Serve All U. S. Choice Meats Large Variety of Sea Foods Open Every Day 5:30 a. m. - 8 p. m. LOU'S CAFE 116 So. 6th St. Dial 221 s,;;.s:iB:i..B.:.B:j;i:;i!:H;j.y Marie Elizabeth Toman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M .M. Toman of Murray and Virgil Lee Hammons, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hammons of Fair Play, Mo., were married at the Christian Church at Murray Sunday. Approximately 200 guests at tended the double ring cere mony officiated by Rev. Robert Larson. Urns of white gladioli and greenery atop satin draped ped estals decorated the altar. Su san Vardeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vardeman 1 of Overland Park, Kans., was flow er girl. Ringbearer was Jim my Hammons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Finis Hammons of Kansas City, Mo. Dick Fischer of Murray and Robert Woods of Phillipsburg, Kans., seated the guests. Mrs. Richard Sack of Mur ray, organist, accompanied Mrs. Merle Rogers of - Union, ' soloist, with vocal selections including "Because," "I Love You Truly," and "The Lord's Prayer." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a waltz length gown which featured a satin bodice covered with im- a scooped neckline accented with scallops. The sleeves "were long and tapered to a point at the wrist and were caught with tiny lace covered buttons. The skirt of satin featured a parted pep lum of chantilly lace covered with a froth of tulle. The fin gertip veil of silk tridal illusion, imported from England was held in place with a tiara of nylon hairbraid. She carried a cas cade arrangement of calla lilies and soft blue delphinium and lace handkerchief over fifty years old, borrowed from a friend. Her only jewelry was a single strand of pearls. Miss Darlene Hammon ter of the groom of Fair Play, Mo., was maid of honor. She I wore a gown of pink dotted swiss featuring a slim bodice with soft pleats accenting the neckline with tiny sleeves and full cir cular skirt. She carried a co lonial bouquet of white pom poms with a pink center. Bridesmaids, Mrs. Ernest Bond of Plattsmouth and Miss Mil dred Svagera of Omaha, were gowned in sky blue dotted swiss identical to that of the maid of honor. They carried colonial bouquets of white pom-poms with a blue center. Bob Litle served his cousin as best man. Both best man and the bridegroom were attired in dark blue business suits and wore a white carnation bouton niere. . . A reception immediately ' f ol- VISITS AT NEHAWKA Mrs. C. M. Alvord of Co lumbia, Mo., arrived Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Raymond Pollard, and Mr. Pollard. Family Dinner Held Sunday For Out Of "Town Guests Mr. and Mrs. Finis Atkinson of Pacomia, Calif, visited for a week at the home of Mrs. Ollie Atkinson. A family dinner was held Sunday honoring the out of town guests. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cunning ham, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Cunningham and family of Schreiner's Special Formula HAND CREAM JUST THINK 3-oz. Jar . 50c 8-oz.Jar . $1.00 16-oz! Jar . $1.50 A Wonderful Quick Vanishing Fragrant Cream How Much Are You Paying for a 3-oz. Jar? Schreiner Drug Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cunningham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellberg and family all of Ralston. Also Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keys and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Atkin son and family and Blanche Sutton all of Plattsmouth; Mr. .and Mrs. Leland Meisinger and baby of Nehawka; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Murphy and daughter, Mary of Riverton, Iowa. Subscribe to The Journal Now! -V- Mrs. T. L. Rogers Is Having OPEN HOUSE Honoring Her Mother, Mrs. F. C. Egenberger, on Her, SOth Birthday Anniversary Thursday, June 7 3 to 5 p. m. and 8 to 10 p. m. At the Home of Mrs. L. W. Egenberger 637 Ave. A lowing the ceremony, was held in the church parlors. Miss Edith Lewis cut and served the cake and Miss Wanda Litle poured coffee. Mrs. Keith Hos tetter served individual ice cream molds. Also assisting at the serving table was Mrs. Ron old Hostetter. Patricia Toman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Toman of J Plattsmouth, served the bride's j table. Pink and " white colors were carried out in room dec orations. ; Pauline and Frances. Wilson were in charge of the gifts and were assisted by the Misses Sandra Toman of Plattsmouth and Dorothy Woods of Phillips burg,. Kans. Miss Frances Motis of Isabel, South Dak., cousin of the bride, tended the guest book. Mrs. Joe Lochman of Platts mouth had charge of the flow ers. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Reuel Sack, Mrs. Johnny Stones, Mrs. Kenney Hostetter, Mrs. Lloyd Lewis and Mrs. Fred Campbell. all of Murray. The bride chose a two piece boxer suit of petal pink linen with white accessories and a corsage of powder blue pom poms for her wedding trip to the Black Hills, Yellowstone and Northwestern states. After three weeks the couple will be temporarily at home with the bridegroom's parents on a farm near Fair Play, Mo. VY. fpy11 ygf j OPEN UNTIL 9 PM. EVERY NIGHT Valu TOMATOES 2 No. 303 r ( Cant Del Men re Whole Kernel or Cream Style Golden O No. 303 ArC Family Picnic And Reunion Held Here Mrs. Dave Thomas and three children, Gary, Joyce and Rich ard Thomas are visiting from Calbwell, Idaho with Mrs. Nellie Moore and John Boetel. Mrs. Thomas is a sister of Mrs. "Moore and is a daughter sis-1 of Mr. Boetel. Sunday a family get-to-gether was held at the home of Henry Adkins with a picnic lunch at noon and an evening wiener roast. Those attending were Mrs. Dave Thomas and childern, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clary, Lois Ann and Ronnie Clary, Dealia Freel, Mr. and Mrs.- George Whelen and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reel, Patsy and David Reel, John Boetel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins and daughter, Connie Rae and Mrs. Moore. KARR & SOCHOR Auditors & Accountants Audits Income Tax Service Bookkeeping Systems Installed Donat Building Ph. 6287 CORN Atkins Whole Dill PICKLES Morrell Luncheon Meat SNACK Jiffy White, Devil, Yellow CAKE MIX Cans Quart 49' :i9 1 GSLATiM 12-oz. nnc in Cai Swansons Pkg. Chicken, Beef, Turkey, Frozen 10" POT PIES Real-Lime Frozen LIME-ADE C Cr H Brown or Powdered SUGAR Van Camp PORK & BEANS $100 for 1 6-oz. f rc Ca 10' 2 Ibs 19' 1 6-oz. Ca nlO' wm m m I m. s w Royal Ass. Flavors sax Hy Klas 46-OZ XSV ft Can J Hillsdale Slices Can f,t 1 x x m : it'::.- m m m m m m m m 1 m Wilson, Corn King BACON 3 LBS. USDA Choice SIRLOIN STEAK HI 3 , 'd0:01- 59c 0 " Pkgs. Sm fm-satteii:?.- Sno Crop Frozen PSAS or COSiM Heinz Tomato Kf TCHUP Cranulated Beet SUGAR Sweet Every Melon 100 Cuaranteed WATER MEL 14-oz. Btl. 10-lb. Bag O N Pound 19c 99c 5c m mm The best place for your furs to spend the sum mer, is in our cold storage vaults. All garments fully insured. Call us today! WHEN IT CALLS FOR CLEANLINESS and QUICK ACTION Phone "Are Your Clothes Best Friend" 7th cr Chicago Ave. Drive In Cleaners Dial 493 or Free Pick-up and Delivery Service COMPLETE LAUNDRY SERVICE CKAKBEROFOhHERCE MEMBER FREE STORAGE on all winter garments when you send them to us for cleaning and pressing. We'll store them in a moth-proof Bag until you call for them next fall.