The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, January 02, 1950, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO Monday, January 2, 1950
Just Dial
Cullom Women's
Extension Club
The Cullcm Women's Ex ten- 1
sion club met on December 16th,
at the home of Mrs. Leonard !
S'oehr with a very fine attend
ance of the members.
The meeting was called to
order by the president, Mrs. ;
Fred Wehrbein
A number of the group were,
invited as guests at a pre- j
Christmas party given by the j
Fairview club at the parlors of j
the Christ Lutheran church on
December 8th, all greatly appre-
oaiing this pleasant treat.
One of the members of thi
Cuilom club was unable to at
tend, being at Omaha, where
she was hositalized. Mrs. Geo.
Inman was welcomed as a new
member of the club.
The last half of the laundry
demonstration was given by
Mrs. Garold Keil, assisted by
Mrs. Leonard Stoehr.
A delicious lunch was served
at the close of the' afternoon
by the hostess to complete a
very pleasant day.
Big Annual
F7 1 f
Tiaay, January mu
IN 1950
Lverbest Pure
14 oz.
2 Lb.
Everbcst Old-Faslnoned
Preserves gLT 23s
Joan of Arc Brand Kidney
Beans. 2NT21c
No. 2 Cans....2 for 23c
Sun Harbor Calif. Natural
Sardines 2 25s
Sapphire Hrand
Light .Meat Chunk Style
i oz.
Staikhl Grated
Chunk Style
7 oz.
The time and place of the next
; meeting will be announced
t later.
Local People Wed
At Papillion
Friday afternoon at the par
sonage of the Lutheran church
at Papillion, occurred the wed
ding of two of the well known
residents of this city, Mrs. Pearl
Tuttle and Lester Curtis were
joined the bonds of wedlock by
the Rev. H. C. Moelbring, pas
tor of the church. The wed
ding was witnessed by Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Groves of this
city, close friends of the couple.
Following the wedding mem
bers of the party returned to
this city to receive the . well
wishes of their friends. They
are planning on making their
home in this city.
The groom has grow up in
Plattsmouth and has been em
ployed on the force of the U. S.
Engineers on the Missouri river
work in the last few years.
A classified Ad in the Journal
costs as little as 35c.
Resolve Now
to Shop at H inky-Dinky
Su Mm,.
k, sit?-
r 2
J Blaeberries :i.
Weeping Water
The Weeping Water Christian
church was the scene of the wed
ding on Sunday, December 11th
of Miss Helen Marie Falk,
daughter of Mrs. Katherine Falk
of Plattsmouth, to Richard D.
Appling, son of Mrs. Marion Ap
pling, of Weeping Water.
The ceremony took place at
1:30 in the afternoon, Revfc T. V.
Hubbell, pastor of the church,
The bride, given in marriage
by her brother, William Falk, Jr.,
wore a gown of white satin with
fingertip veil, held by pearls.
She carried red roses.
Her bridesmaid and cousin,
Miss Alice Vroman, wore a gown
of blue and orchid combination
and had a corsage of red roses.
Bruce Robinson of Palmyra was
best man.
Preceeding the ceremony, La
vonne Lohring and Enid Morris
lighted the candles and Shirley
Appling, sister of the groom,
sang "Because" and "The Lord's
Prayer," accompanied by Mrs.
Maurice Hammons.
Doris Falk, the bride's sister,
was flower girl. Maurice Ham
mons served as usher.
A reception in the church
basement followed the wedding.
The bridesmaid had charge of
the gifts and Joy Ann Lenker
had charge of the guest bock.
4-H Clubs Hold
Holiday Party
The two 4-H clubs, the Cul
lom Eusy Bees and the Nimble
Fingers Sewing club, held their
joint Christmas party at St.
John's hall in this city the past
week with a very large attend
ance of members and their par
ents to enjoy the occasion. '
The evening entertainment
was opened by the singing of
Christmas carols by the group
with Mrs. Henry Nolting at the
The members of the two clubs
gave a very interesting demon
stration of 4-H yells during the
evening that was very much en
joyed by all of the group.
The entire party had a rare
treat in showing of motion pic
tures by Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Schafer of near Nehawka, these
being made by Mr. Schafer on
their recent trip to the west
coast, and were very much en
joyed by all.
Games of the evening were
given under direction of Mrs.
Emil Schmidt, and served as a
delightful feature for the chil
dren cf the party, as well as the
older ones.
The prize winners were John
Hild, Mrs. Leonard Stoehr, Mrs.
Otto Schafer, Marlyn Stoehr,
Valeria Meisinger, Benni Rae
Speck, Dennis Todd.
Members of the two clubs
then joined in a gift exchange
and in receiving favors that had
been prepared for them.
A delicious luncheon was
served at the close of the eve
ning. Nola Jane Weiss, Busy Bees;
Mary Elizabeth Schmidt, Nimble
Fingers, reporters.
Mrs. Florence Duda is an
nouncing the engagement of h'jr
daughter, Florene, to Pfc. Rob
ert W. Nickles, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Dow Nickles. No date has
been set for the wedding.
Sun. & Mon., Jan. 1 & 2
Special Hit for New Year's
Dan Dailey - Ann Baxter
Big Technicolor hit show . . .
Comedy . . . Romance and
Color Special "The Boy and the
Eagle," Disney Cartoon and
Matinee Sunday 2:30
Nights 7:00 and 9:15
Tues. Only, Jan. 3
Bargain Day Adm. 12c & 20c
Inc. Tax
Tyrone Power - Dorothy Lamour
All-time, all-thrill action smash!
Comedy and Novelty
Night Shows 7:00 & 9:00
Wed. & Thur., Jan. 4 & 5
Olivia De Havilland and
Mark Stevens
Secured by special booking ar
rangement for mid-week show
ings at regular admission!
You may never get another
. chance to see it!
Comedy and March of Time
Nisht Shows 7:00 and 9:30
iawHwifflftf rim niniM
I Calfindar i!
Monday, January 2
Meeting of Plattsmouth Wo
man's Club at Edith Solomon l
Coffee Shop dining room in
Hotel Plattsmouth, Monday eve
ning at 8 p. m. Speaker, Fa
ther John Kelly.
Wednesday, Jan. 4
Presbyterian Federation will
meet at the church Wednesday,
January 4, at 2:15 p. m. Circle
No. 1 will entertain.
Thursday, January 5, 1950
The Golden Rod Study club
will hold their meeting at the
Mynard Community hall at 10
a. m. on Thursday, January 5tn.
Friday, January 6th, 1950
Regular monthly meeting of
the Hugh J. Kearns post of the
American Legion at the club
house on the curve, Thursday,
January 5th at 8 p. m. Special
Woman's Auxiliary of St.
Mary's Guild of St. Luke's Epis
copal church will meet at tfte
heme of Mrs. J. A. Donelan on
Thursday, January 5 at 2:30
p. m.
X -X & yy.'s r Jlru
3Irs. Dayle G. Frazier
who prior to her marriage to
Mr. Frazier on Monday, Decem
ber 2Gth, was Miss Mary Pat
terson, daughter of Mrs. Elsie
Petrik, of this city. Mr. and
Mrs. Frazier are now on their
honeymoon in Texas and on
their return home expect to
make their home in, Plattsmouth.
Boot and Spur
4-H Club Meets
, The Boot and Spur 4-H clubj
held their first annual meeting
at Weeping Water on December
27th. It was voted to make this
a county-wide organization and
to work out a drill team.
Officers for the coming year
were as follows:
President Marge Nelson, Ash- !
Vice-President George Born,
Secretary Dayle Parson,
Weeping Water.
News Reporters John Ran
ney. Weeping Water for the
Weeping Water Republican and
the Elmwood Leader-Echo; Jan
ice Wiles to report for the Platts
mouth Journal and the Ashland
The next meeting will be at
Elwin and John Ranney's at
Weeping Water, January 8th.
Everyone is to bring either cook
ies or sandwiches. Anyone inter
ested please attend the next
Janice Wiles, News Reporter
Entertains Choir
At Farm Home
The members of the choir vi
the First' Presbyterian church
were most delightfully enter
tained on Thursday evening at
the farm home of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Terryberry, ten miles west
of Plattsmouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Terryberry had
arranged a most enjoyable time
for the members of the group.
The evening was spent in a
social way with games of various
types to serve as entertaining
features for the choir.
At the close of the evening de
licious refreshments were served
to add to the completion of a
most delightful time for all. It
was an occasion that all of the
choir will very pleasantly re
member. Betrothal Is
Revealed Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dow of
this city, Friday revealed the
betrothal of their daughter,
Audrey Dow, to John S. Biegger,
dental technician at Offutt
Field, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
U. Biegger of Des Moines, Iowa.
No date has been set for the
Miss Dow, a graduate of the
Plattsmouth high school in the
class of 1946, is at this time dep
uty register of deeds of Cass
county. Mr. Biegger has for the
past several months been sta
tioned at Offutt Field in com
pleting his specialized work.
Jockeys stand in their stir
rups to distribute their weight
ask - i
June Wedding
Is Planned
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stander
of Union announce the engage
ment of Jthe-ir daughter, Iia
Mae. to Mr. John L. Alden, son
of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Clarence
of Union
Miss Stander graduated from
I .
Chapman high school and at
tended Nebraska Central col
lege. She is now teacher in
the Merrick County rural school
Mr. Alden graduated from
Union high school and served
in the United States navy.
He is now employed as a
salesman for John Opitz,
A June wedding is being
The Christmas party and De
cember meeting of the River
view club were held at the home
of Mrs. Frank G. Hull.
Her home was beautifully
decorated in the holiday dress
and the fifteen members pres
ent had a most enjoyable after
noon. The business meeting was
opened by the president, Rose
Hull, and Silent Night was sung
November minutes were read by
the secretary.
The entertainment was con
ducted by the leader, Ruth To
man, and prizes were awarded.
The hostess was assisted by
Mrs. Blanche Nickels, who served
Christmas tree ice cream and
cakes, closing a very delightful
Ruth Toman, Reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Con Grebe, of
Portland, Oregon, arived Friday
for a visit of several weeks here
at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Grebe, Mr. and Mrs. John
Grebe and Joe.
Con is the youngest of the
Grebe brothers, and has in the
last few years made his home
on the Pacific coast, and is
planning a very fine time in vis
iting the old friends and neigh
bors here in Plattsmouth and
vicinity on this trip back home.
Funeral Service
For Noel Rawls
Funeral services for Noel Bu.
dette Rawls were held at 2 p. n.
Tuesday at the Webb Chapel in
Lindsay, California, with Alfred
Chandler, pastor of the Method
ist church, in charge.
Mr. Rawls passed away Sunday
afternoon at the Lindsay muni
cipal hospital following a long
illness. He was 65 years of age,
having celebrated his birthday
November 9.
Mr. Rawls attended schools in
Plattsmouth, Neb., and went
three years to Annapolis before
he had to leave in his fourth
year because of rheumatism. He
came to California in 1911, work
ing for a short time in a Tulare
bank. He moved later to Por
terville where he served for nine
years as an agent for the New
York Life Insurance Co.
On August 12, 1923, Rawls and
Miss May Poston were married
at the Visalia Methodist church
and in 1933 moved to Lindsay
where he accepted a position at
the Lindsay Ripe Olive Co., as
canning and grade floor super
intendent. He transferred from
that position to the bookkeep
ing office five years ago because
of poor health.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
May Rawls; a daughter, Mrs.
Lois Gwartney, and two grand
children, Michael and Roberts of
Salmon, Ida.; a son, John Rawls,
Boise, Ida.; a brother, Glenn .tt.
Rawls, Bedford, Va., and two fos
ter children, Leroy Boyd Rawis
and Joe Dee Boyd Rawls. Lind
say (Cal.) Gazette.
St. Augustine, Florida is the
oldest city in the United States.
Watch Repair
S & II Green Stamps
Grove Jewelry
fjlli &, Main
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John
L. Tidball, III, a daughter, Mary
Sue, at the Lincoln General
hospital at Lincoln, Wednesday,
December 28th. The grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. John
Grundman, cf Nebraska City.
Mrs. Richard Spangler, of this
city, is an aunt.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Porter, of Plattsmouth, a dau
ghter, Mary Lou, Saturday, De
cember 24th ihe Clarkson
t.ospital. at Omaha. Weight
seven pounds and six ounces.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
John T. Porter and Mrs. John
Alexen of this city.
MRS. ."RACE PLYBON, Correspondent
Mrs. Clarence Pool, Miss Haz
el Pool, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Colbert of Weeping Water, were
business visitors here Tuesday
Word has been received that
Leo Horton passed away at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred
Rothrock at Coffeyville, Kan
sas. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hewitt
and family of Panama, were
Christmas guests of her mo
ther, Mrs. Nettie Mendenhall.
Marjory and Judy remained for
a longer visit.
A Christmas Eve oyster sup
per was enjoyed at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Pratt and
Marion, and Mrs. Laura Deies
Dernier, with the following
guests present: Mr. t and Mrs.
Harry Arnold, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Pratt, and Robert Eilers
of Panama. On Sunday a fam
ily dinner was served there, the
out of town guests being Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Sisco and little
sons of Syracuse, and Mr. and
Mrs. Hary Pratt of Lincoln.
Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Haist had
their two daughters and their
families home for Christmas,
and their two sons gave them
a long distance call from Bur
bank, Calif.
This week's guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Moomey are her
nephew, Milton Box, and his
friend Ralph Block, both of
Winnetoon, Nebr.
The Clements family Christ
mas ,dinner was held at the
Guy Clements home.
Misses Catherine Lorenz and
Aria Shaffer of Omaha, -Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Lorenz and Stev
en of Lincoln, and Mr.and Mrs.
Arthur Lorenz were Christmas
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
A family dinner was held at
the home of Mrs. Emily Gonzal
es on Christmas Sunday.
Holiday guests of Supt. and
Mrs. Whittemore this week were
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Whittemore, of Polk, and her
mother, Mrs. Uptcn, of Union.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schoenberg
of Red Ook, Iowa, and the Ros
coe Bornemeier family of Wich
ita, Kansas, were Christmas
visitors of their parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Bornemeier.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Jones
are spending the winter in Cal
ifornia. The holiday party of the Com
munity kensington was held on
December 29th at the home of
Mris. Nettie Mendenhall, the
president. Judy Hewitt played
"he lopening song, ""America"
and Marjory Hewitt played the
piano solo "Star of the Sea".
Mrs. Daisy Moore presided at
the piano for the Christmas
" 'Jy
We are closing out all our dress and sport shirts, except Arrow or
Marlborough. The lots are broken, but nearly every size and sleeve
length is represented. Values to $6. They are positively the biggest
shirt bargain cf the season at this one low price of $1.95. Stock up on
" these at this price. They're pure gold 18 karat values.
Green Stamps
carols. Mrs. Mary Lnihart sang
as a solo "A Song in the Air".
Games and contests were lead
by Mrs. Edna Fleischman, Mrs. j
Cora Gerbeling and Mrs. Man-!
ning. The secretary read a,
letter to the group from Mrs.!
John Wood of Santa Monica,
Calif. Gifts from the decorated
tree were exchanged and a so
cial time and luncheon were
enjoyed. j
At the Elsie Miller Christmas j
family dinner those present were
delighted to receive a long dis
tance call from the son, Leon-
ard Miller and family from;
Mr. and Mrs. Colon, teachers'
in our school are the owners j
of a new Frazier car. The bas
ketball team under Coach Colon
has scored victories in the
games played, so far this year.
Mrs. Wm. Hulfish celebrated
her 80th birthday on Thurs
day. Her children presented
her with a large lecorated in
scribed cake. "
John S. Toman has returned
from a ten day stay at Clark
son hospital in Omaha and is
recuperaitng at his farm home
here. He is doing nicely and is
well on the road to recovery.
A classified Ad in the. Journal
costs as little as 35c.
Walter H. Harold R.
Smith & Lebens
Donat Bldg. - Plattsmouth
A simplified bookkeeping system for ihe small and
medium size business. Provides for a record of
all daily transactions and figures for income tax
returns cash or charge basis. Arranged to
simplify transfer of totals to income tax return.
. Detailed directions with specimen entry pages make
- bookkeeping simple and accurate with ALL-FACTS.
Commercial Printers
Since 1879
Mrs. Arthur Bruce
Returns to Home
Mrs Arthur Bruce return1
home from the Doctors hosp;
in Omaha nn Wednesday af
spending three weeks there u:..
Hot- trpa mpnf, Mrs. iirUCe 5
feeling somewhat improved bv
is still ouite sick. She has bev.
in poor health for the past tv,
years and a hall ana nas dbc:
bedfast a greater part of th
A mandrill is a large baboon
with a light blue nose, orange
and yellow beard and a fore
head crest of greenish hair.
Patronize Journal AdverstisersJ y
It Pays
IF YOUR home burns,
Rental Value Insurance
will pay the rent of
temporary quarters
during the time of re
building. Ask this agen
cy about it.
Stephen M.
Second Floor Plattsmouth
State Bank Bldg.
Phone 6111
& Oil Chang
6th & Vine Plattsmouth
Successor to
"Bill" Steinkamp
Office Supplies
Green Stamps