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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
fHE PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO Thursday, November 17, 1949 SOffIS Just Dial 241 Fontenelle Chapter D. A. R. Meeting Wednesday the members of Fontenelle chapter of the Daughters of the American Re volution held their November meeting with their regent, Mrs. Zclphia Seward and Mrs. C. A. Rosencrans at the Rosencrans home on North 8th street. The members of the local chapter were delighted to re ceive into the membership, sev eral of the residents here who are eligible for membership in this group of descendents of those who participated in the Revolutionary War. The new members of the Fontenelle chapter are Mrs. H. L. Gamer, Miss Jessie M. Robertson, Mrs. David Fawler. Mrs. H. G. Mc Clusky, Miss Ruby Hiatt of Cres ton, Iowa, a cousin of Mollie C. Gobelman of this city. The meeting followed the Thanksgiving iheme and the time was taken up with the plans for the coming year. The next meeting will be the Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Gamer in December. The hostesses served delicious refreshments at an appropriate hour. LEAVES FOR WEST Mr. and Mrs. George W. Jamea, long time residents of Piattsmouth and vicinity, de parted Sunday night, November 13th to spend the winter on the west coast. They will be with a son, Mr. and Mrs I. S. James and family at Riverside, and another son at Santa Ana, Calif. By trade, St. Paul was a tent maker. 11 CALL Your Local Bonded Singer Representative RICHARD KEAIRNES Phone 6047 . Piattsmouth "We Buy and Sell Used Singers" ft ft ft ft ft KEEP ON THE JOB Don't let cclds get you down Be prepared Guard against the common enemy Build Up Your Health J 1 V Xi t Monogard Multiply Vitamins, 100 for $2.96 W & 200 for $7.00 & .: Bexel B Complex Vitamins ft O : "With Liver and Iron, 100 for $5.95 j$ J Miles One-A-Day, 60 Days for $1.98 J Dwarfies Vitamins, 100 for $3.00 & - ft f$ Promote Your Resistance ? Oral Vaccine Tablets, 20 for $1.35 f 2 50 for $3.38 100 for $5.40 C5 Enteral Capsules, 20 for $1.19 J $3 ; - 60 for $2.97 JJ ft : . ft Ammunition -Jnhistone Tablets , Neohetramine Tablets - Anahist Tablets "Brcmo-Quinine Tablets ft ft ft ft ft Hills Cascara Quinine -Vicks Vapo Rub Camphorated Oil, 4-oz WE GIVE GREEN ft ft ft ?? I. swim IT Social Meeting j Of the C. D. of A. Tuesday evening the members i of the Lady of Loretta Court of the Catholic Daughters of ! America, held their social meet ing at the pleasant home of Mrs. Ernest Janda, 1401 Avenue A, with a very large number of 1 the members in attendance, i The evening was spent at cards and in the playing Mrs. Fred I.. Rea was the winner of the high scoret in bridge and Mrs. I. L. Kocian in pinochle. A guest of the evening was Mrs. Mullen of Omaha, moth er of Mrs. Richard Van Ackren. At the close of the evening delicious refreshments were served by the committee com posed of Mrs. Raymond Haith ; Miss Lucille Meisinger, Mrs. Janda. Mrs. Joe Knoflicek and ; Miss Josephine Rys. Returns from Trip To Kankakee Miss Elizabeth Perry, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Per ry returned last Monday from a very enjoyable visit of three and a half weeks in Illinois, where she was guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Minor at Kankakee. She also visited a cousin, Mrs. Jack Rice and Mr. Rice at Rockford. Mrs. Rice is the former Eleanor Minor. Miss Elizabeth drove back with Mr.' and Mrs. Herbert Minor recently and remained for a longer visit. Harry Speck, who has been engaged in working cn the Har lan Dam near Republican City, is home for a visit with his re latives and old friends. t n ONLY. for Fighting 39c 89c 49c 39c Tablets 39 .........33c 39c TRADING STAMPS Edmunds-Ackley Wedding Held At Nehawka The Methodist church at Ne hawka was the scene Sunday, November 6th of the very love ly wedding of Miss Gladys Ed munds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Edmunds of Ne hawka, to Mr. Gerald Ackley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Ack ley, of Nehawka. The church was very attrac tively arranged with decora tions of multi-colored chrysan themums and the tall candle- labra. The marriage lines were read by Rev. Harry Hart, pastor of the church, in the presence of 130 friends. Proceding and during the ceremony Miss Marjorie Whip- i pie played the wedding music and accompanied by Miss Doris Franke. who sang "Because" and "The Lord's Prayer." The bride wore a gown of n.hifa Hfirlol cqHti fnsliinnpri with fitted bodice. The sleeves! vveit: lUHg anu tame iu n vii , over her wrists. The yoke and a i - 1 Ml I sleeves were oi wnue v;nanuuy lace. The cascade skirt fell in to a long train. The gown was made by the bride's mother and the bride fashioned her own finger tip veil of white nylon with flowered tiara and nylon net. The bridesmaids, Miss Betty Ackley, who wore aqua taffeta with a colonial bouquet, Miss Louise Fassnacht, in lavendar taffeta, and Miss Byrdena Fass nacht, wearing peach taffeta, they caried colonial bouquets of white chrysanthemums. Maid of honor was Miss Lela Edmunds, sister of the bride, who wore yellow taffeta, with a colonial bouquet of white mums. The gowns of the bridesmaids and maid of honor were fash ioned after that of the bride. The groom was attended by Emmett Oliver of Falls City, while the ushers were Lowell Banks, Council Bluffs, Eldon Ackley, Newton, Iowa, and Paul Bobbit of Council Bluffs. Following the wedding a re ception was given by the par ents of the bride in the church parlors, attended by some two hundred and seventy-five guests. In the parlors of the church the color theme of yel low and white was carried out. Mr. and Mrs. Ackley departed after the wedding for a week's honeymoon in Iowa and Kan sas and on their return expect to be at home in Omaha to the friends after November 15th. The bride graduated from the Bellevue high school and at tended Peru State Teachers college, later teaching for two years. She graduated from the Radio Electric School of Omaha and for two years has been em ployed with the Guarantee Mu tual Life Insurance Company. The groom attended the Riv erton (Iowai high school and had four years of army service and is now attending commer cial school in Omaha. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. William Ramer, Anna Louise, Leroy, Dale of Schribner; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Edmunds. Ne braska City; Roy and Mildred Edmunds, Brock, Neb.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Edmunds, Miss Ethel Edmunds, Brock; Mrs. Thelma Mason and Elizabeth of Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baldwin and Allen, Miss Jane Sahl, Miss Beverly Anderson, Miss Darlens Warric of Omaha; Miss Dorothy Moore, Miss Lor aine Thorp, Macedonia, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ackley, Verl Ackley, Miss Phyllis John son, Mr. and Mrs. George Poul os, Jr. and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dysart, Union; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rihn, Piattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cox, Donald, Lawrence, Carlene, Miss Patri cia Pryor, Peru; Eldon Ackley, Newton, Iowa; Mrs. Oliver and son, Emmett, Falls City; Mr. and Mrs, Ray Athens and Rol and, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ath ens, Riverton, Iowa; Paul Bob bits, Lowell Banks, John Akins, Council Bluffs. Musical Rangers Play at Union The Musical Rangers, popular local musical organization, fea turing the popular tunes in true v"fern vie as well as the moro classical ball room music, were ai union Monday evening, entertaining for the dance given for the benefit of the Union schools. There was a very fine crowd, the hall being filled with the delighted dancers un til near the midnight hour. The members of the group compris ed Jim Quinnett, John Tilson and Dick Quinnett, with Ed ward Kohrell as the caller for the dances. . . Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Heil, Jr., of near Louisville, were in Plat t&mouth Tuesday to look after some business matters and visit ing with their friends. - In China the first course at dinner is the dessert. t I Golden Wedding Is Observed . . imw imnrrfinn afUnaniiTi' Vi'- Tin" Mr. and Mrs. Alton Miller, of Elmwbod, who recently celebrated their golden wedding at their heme. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are anions the loved and honored residents of Stove Creek precinct and the friends over Cass county will join in best wishes for the future years. ::: :-.-Xv" :v,4, ; - . v-.-Ay-x : . ':: Aw-jf Mrs. Clayton Bruce was mar ried at Grace Methodist church in Lincoln. She is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Pol lard. She is secretary to Sena tor Butler of Nebraska. Mr. Bruce is a student at George Washington University at Wash ington, D. C, and is taking h;s internship at Gallanger Memo rial hospital. They reside at Ml. Ranier, Maryland. District Meet V. F. W. Auxiliary Held at Auburn The sixth district meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary was held at Auburn cn Sunday, November 13th. Sophia Wolever, district pres ident, presided at the meeting which a large number of the members attended. The sixth district comprises units of Piattsmouth, Peru, Pa pillion, Nebraska City, Auburn, Falls City, Tecumseh and Paw nee City. Gertrude Atkinson, depart ment chief of staff, conducted a school of instruction which was very inspirational to those attending, giving the members a greater appreciation of the work of the organization. Falls City members exempli fied part of the ritualistic work for the meeting. Discussions were held on numerous phases of the Auxili ary work and reports were given by all presidents of the district. Many plans from these sugges tions will be of very importance to the members in the district. The meeting closed with the members declaring it was a very successful meeting. Auxiliary members attending from Piattsmouth were: Vera Warga, Sophia Wolever, Mar jorie Willis, Charlotte Gall, Bet ty Pruess, Helen Nierste, Jose phine St rough. A program by the Auburn Auxiliary was presented at the armory. A delicious dinner was served by the Auxiliary with a dance following. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Fred Hobbs, who has been en gaged at the Conoco service sta tion here, is at the U. S. Veter ans hospital at Lincoln. He has not been well for some time and it is expected that he will have an appendectomy as soon as his condition permits. A se vere cold has interfered with his operation at the present time. Calendar Monday, November 21st The Piattsmouth Garden clu'o will meet on Monday afternoon, November 21st at 2:30 at the main dining room of the Hotel Piattsmouth. Emil J. Weyrich will show pictures and a very line entcrminment will be of fered. All are urged to attend. ! Junior omen's Club Meeting Monday Night The Junior Women's Club held their regular meeting on Monday evening in the main dining room of the Edith Solo mon coffee shop, with Mrs. Vera Warga. president, presiding. The room was beautifully dec orated with the Thanksgiving theme being carried out in the settings. Several new members were present and given welcome by the president. The minutes of the previous meetings as well, as reports of the treasurer read and approv ed. The treasurer was instruct ed to send a check of $100 to the board of education, this money had been pledged to the stadium fund while Esther Do nat was the president of the club. The plans arc being made for the Christmas party and Dee Nielsen is the chairman of this committee. The polio drive was discussed, the president is to attend a meeting of county chairmen to be held in Auburn Friday, No vember 18th, where plans will be made as to how the drive should be carried out. Juanita Brendel, chairman of the Caso County Cancer Con trol, was unable to be present, J,t sent a message saying the reason for this foundation is to educate the people to the warning signs and symptoms of 'this dread disease. Movies and speakers can be had by con I tacting Mrs. Brendel. The club was extended an in vitation to meet with the Senior Woman's Club at their Decem ber meeting. Mrs. Bilse Robin son, state president, will be the guest of honor. After tne ciOse of the bus iness the meeting was turned over to Joan Solomon, program chairman, she introducing Lt. Don Shearer of the Nebraska Highway patrol, who showed movies on traffic hazards and how they can be avoided. This program was very interesting and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Delicious refreshments were served by the committee, Ruth Ann Davenport, Joan Solomon, Blossom Yelick, Augusta El liott, Blanche Highfield and Marcella Eloe. Sunbonnet Garden Club Has Meeting The Sunbonnet Garden Club met at the home of Mrs., John Fitch with Mrs. Earl Payton as associate hostess. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Ethel Hennings, vice-president. Plans were made for the annual Christmas party with Last Time Thur., Nov. 17 Loretta Young - Henry Wilcoxon "THE CRUSADES" Cecil B. DeMille's Great Picture! Fri. & Sat., Nov. 18 & 19 John Garfield - Marie Windsor "FORCE OF EVIL" A Big Smash Hit! and Allan "Rocky" Lans SUNDOWN IN SANTA FE" Action on the western ''border! "Batman" Serial Mat. Sat. 2:30-Nights 7:00 & 9:30 Sun. & Mon., Nov. 20-21 James Stewart, June Allyson ' and a Big Cast "THE STKATTON STORY" It makes baseball history! True story of Monty Stratton and his comeback! Color Cartoon and News Mat. Sun. 2:30-Nights 7:00 & 9:15 mi Son J Born to Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore Libershal of Lincoln, a son, Charles Edward, at Lincoln General hospital, Nov. 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Libershal of this city are the parental grand parents. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Hirz, Piattsmouth, a son, Satur day, November 12th, weight twj pounds. Mrs. Hirz is reported as showing fine progress and is expected home this week. The baby is being cared for in an incubator at the hospital Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baumgart of this city. Daughter Born to Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Asnlock, of this city, a daugh ter, Linda Lee, Wednesday, No vember 9th, at the Methodist hospital at Omaha. The moth er was formerly Mary Jane Godwin. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. O. Ashlock and Mr. and Mrs Albert Godwin of this city. the exchange of gifts to be held on JJecember 8th at the home of Mrs. Louis Hansen. Roll call was thoughts for the day. At the conclusion of the business session delicious re freshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Fitch and Mrs. Payton. Women are not eligible Rhodes Scholarships: for Am FROM YOUR OWN LAUNDRY TO THE HOUSEWIVES OF PLATTSM0UT Do you like to finish shirts? Nine out of ten women cj just like yourself detest the job! We have just installed the very latest shirt finishing' a equipment. Now, for the first time in history, your own cj home-town laundry can give your husband's shirts that n "New Look." Handsome, spanking-clean shirts. Collars a and cuffs starched just right, buttons on, and no frayed d edges anywhere. k Now he will be proud to wear shirts finished by us - h and so reasonable, too! . Dj SHIRTS LAUNDERED ONLY 20c EACH jl (15c Each if Sent in Family Bundle) 9 OUR GUARANTEE Send us your next soiled shirts. If you are not complete ly satisfied with our new extra fine service when they are returned to you we will cheerfully refund your money. IT WON'T COST YOU 1c TO TRY! 0 FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE 4293 FOR FINEST SHIRT FINISHING AND LAUNDRY WORK Otis & Janasik, Owners I , !?fc Breathtaking Moment $$MMM. i of her life. The gift of an engagement ring V Tf$i&l preserves forever those memories Y ifetV ' 5; of lifetime's happiest moments. vvM-W ' 'v'S: Your ring, though modest in XcilStilfij. cost, should be chosen with " Sit-V utmost care. Your trusted DENOMA jeweler is your tSC -.A Engaaement ring $309X0 fe-l B (trk jjWedding ring $ 79.50 M.t JSs-W Engagement ring $1 25.00 m WwWin9rin9 so-00 mm&m: i THE CORNER JEWELER 6C1 Main USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN i SHOP EARLY FDR CHRISTMAS BEAUTIFUL GIFTS When it comes to warmth . . . we've got -everything the very younger set needs . . . from swaddling clothes to snow suits ... to insure their comfy cozy well-being. WEE i r . vi TBse Phone 223 AVE GIVE S & II GREEN STAMPS in 320 Main St. 0' IJr Av1 -C,.)