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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1949)
OOOOOQ50.0I YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT HINKY-DINKY When You're Preparing for my m B i LOOK At These Features For 5p w r w !5 Thanksgiving Feasting! Cranberry Sauce Ocean Spray, Whole or Strained, "I C 16 oz. Can Food Club Strained , 16 oz. Cans C OLIVES It's time now to start planning for your taste-tempting long-anticipated Thonksgiring Feott. There' plenty of good newt in this ad for every shopper . . . plenty of mouth-watering feature foods, specially selected for Thanksgiving Uftt - - planty of special low prices -special purchases for thrifty shopping! Don't delay, stock up today shop and save at. Hinky-Dinky! room Ducks - Geese - Chickens Again fhis year Hinky-Dinky will feature poultry that will be the talk of the town. Tender, plump birds with plenty of ligh meat - - the perfect centerpiece for your Thanksgiving Dinner. Order your Thanks giving Poultry now to be assured of getting the finest quality in tha size you wont! SMOKED PICNICS Z&Sft. 35c PORK CHOPS LiSj. 55c Food Club Stuffed Manz, 3 oz. Jar Food Club Prime Queen, 5 oz. Jar Food Club Combination AQf Pak, 7U oz. Jar WW Lindsay Extra Lge. Ripe, Vr, 1 Tnll Can WWW Stoma Med. Ripe No. 1 Tall Can 33c 29c 23c Boston Butt PORK ROAST .b. 39c Country Style, Seasoned Just Right PORK SAUSAGE .b. 33c Lean Sliced Boston Butt PORK STEAK 45c Just in Time or Thanksgiving Kuner's Fancy 14 oz. Bottle Layer Pack Sliced rT BACON ib. 49c g PICKLES Everbest Candied Sweet Cucumber Chips, Dills or Sweet Relish 1fl 5 oz. Jar 1 UC Food Club Extra Fancy Whole Sweet C9a 22 oz. Jar 3JC MINCE MEAT rLs 2 29c Candy and Nuts Fancy Mixed QQf Nuts, 1-lb. Cello V Blue Pirate Lge. Duchilly' Filberts, , Wyt 1-Lb. Cello Pkg MB Funsten Extra Large Paper Shell Pecans, AQfk 1-tk r-piin tJIW A 4KJ 'W w ---- De Martini Tanzil Brazil, 1-Lb. Cello Diamond, Lge. Eureka flQ Walnuts. 1-Lb. Cello tH Med. Walnuts, 1-Lb 45c Blue Diamond IXL Almonds, A3f 1-Lb. Cello Oh Henry Nut CWc'.ev-:, 12-oz. Cello Tootsie Rolls, 10-oz. Cello. 23c Old Fashioned Cut Rock, 1-lb. Cello 29c Chases Banquet After Dinner Mints, 5'.2 oz. Cello Jane Whyte Choc Thin Mints, 1-Lb. Box , Erach's Villa Choc. Covered Cherries 1-Lb. Box O SPARE RIBS (Serve with Kraut, 2-lb. 15c) lb. 43c E. V. T. BABY BEEF OR HEAVY VEAL ROAST, Shoulder Cut lb. 45c RIB CHOPS lb. 55c T-BONE STEAK lb. 69c SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 65c VEAL BREAST . -lb. 25c Skinless WIENERS lb. 39c Tasty Tempting .... POLISH SAUSAGE . lb, 39c Humboldt Fancy West Coast Quality SOLE FILLETS lb. 49c CATFISH FILLETS lb. 49c Lanre Size "A" I1ATATACC rUIHl KJLaO Cobblers or Minnesota Washed Red Triumph 10 Ik. 35c 100-lb. Bag (When Packed) $2.98 : CAULIFLOWER fe CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Eatmore . 39c A DDT 17 C Jonathans, Rome ib. 19c o o Beauty or Delicious t--:;v-"-'"-""-;"":": Jonathans. Ring Pack Bushel Basket " Rome Beauty or Delicious, Ring Pack Bushel Basket . 29c 5 15c 49c red 55c Washington Green Pascal . - - ' CELERY ........s 15 c I- rr 1 I rancy rresn ,txin. wcicry HEARTS Cello. OC . .Bag CDC California Green Top carrots: Tt lbs. f 1 -$2.49 jv $2.69 . kin. 10c Q CATSUP TOMATOES ?oTVo:n3yo3Socdn. TAnnXACO Kuner's Fancy Solid vitin i vlu CORN CORN PEAS PIAS PEAS PEAS PICKLES 6REEN BEANS Cut, No. 1 Can GREEN BEANS Cut, No. 2 Can... GREEN BEANS 1 IlinV ni-fiMC Colorado WMA HCia cut, n WAX BEAMS ?MAV DCAPie Kuner's Fancy WHt DtHHd C LIMA BEANS Pack, No. IVz Can Kuner's Fancy Cream Style Golden Bantam, No. 303 Can . Kuner's Fancy Cream Style Golden Bantam, No. 1 Can Kuner's Fancy Tender Garden, No. 303 Can Kuner's Fancy Champion, No. 2 Can Colorado Sugar No. I Can Kuner's Fancy Champion, No. 1 Can Kuner's Fcncy Reg. or Kosher Dills, Quart Jar. Mile High No. 2 Can. o o. 2 Can... Kuner's Fancy Cut, No. 1 Can 6 f' 98c 8 fr 87 c 6 ,ot1.35 6 (' 87c 6 ,or 75 c 1.03 79c 79c 6 63c 6 ,or 2.05 6 f' 03c 6 -1.47 R for )8f -1.95 D 1.69 2.65 Dm 1.69 for for for 1.23 for Fresh Green Solid '. CABBAGE SQ-lbi Bag (When Packed) O CHILI BEANS ut. No. 2 Can. Colorado No. 303 Can... Kuner's Fancy No. 300 Can... for for fS DCCTC Kuner's Fancy Sliced, Diced 1 O lb 4C OLi I 0 or Cut, No. 303 Can IOC $1.29 Calif. Sweet Red Emperor irge luster Bun. rDADCC Large vjivni Lij cii 2 ib. 25c ...... PUMPKIN 2 f' 29c 2 25c Kuner's Fancy No. 2'3 Cans Utah Valley No. 22 Cans Large Size Texas Marsh Seedless GRAPEFRUIT : Ib. 8c U. S. No. 1 Texas Porto Rican YAMS Sa!ad Dressing Tood Club Salad OTt Dressing, Pint Jar fc I C Qt. Jar 49c, 3 oz. Jar 17c Food Club Mayonnaise, QIS Pint Jar C 8 oz. Jar 20c Elna Salad Dressing, Qt. Jar OMAR CAKE MIX White Cake 18 ox. Pkg. IS Food 16 oz. tkg. 39c Sried Fruits, etc. Dessert Thompson Seedless Raisins, f 2 Lb Rag mC 4-Lb. Bag ...... 7c Arabian Layered Figs, 6 oz. Pkg. Fresh Calif. 90 it Dates. 1-Lb. Cello fcIC Ideol for Poultry Stuffing WATER T.1 AID RICE It ft'i 29c 1A . IS I' 8 s X sweet PS& Stock Up Now and Save! Repeated hy Popular Request Food Club Sun Ripened Florida mmm f 46 ox. Con V Speciolly Priced 2 No. 2 Cans OJC k Dozen ' Cans 4.65 Dozen 1.93 Cs. of 2 doz 3.85 ivurrers "i ut ilia iii Stock Up Now and Save! Cookies and Crackers Supreme Alpine CREAMS ,::.. 37c Milkolet Tuff COOKIES luZ. 23c Sunshliie Devils Cake 35c SQUARES.... !t.OJ- Sunshine HYDROX i-37c Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS. 25c Uillapoint Whole VI ft-rih r Arch Rock Mustard Salomar l-ancy Elna Grated TUNA. 17c WILSON'S Corn Beef Hash 16 oz. Can 35c South America Corned Beef 12 oz. Can.... 45c For Holiday Baking SWIFTNING 37?c For Your Kitten's ThanksgiYinfl PUSS N BOOTS " 29c For Fido's Thanksgiving IDEAL tHJL .......-................ I3c For Sparkling Odor-Fret Toilet Bowls VANISH uis-23c In Polka Dot Containers SWIFT'S CLEAHSER , ; He For Sparkling Windows. Qt. Tin : . , M ... A I I A A A jk irices are euective througn jnov. o. suujc.i l W Al-UlJr IlLAjJ W tSSaC "serv the right to limit: quantities. No sales to dealers. We For Pre-Thanksgiving Housecleaning Lge. Pkg. fell SUPER sues AJAX Cleaner, Reg Can 11c White Laundry Soap Crystal White. .,!!.. 7c The Aristocrat of Toilet Soaps CASHMERE I i " fh i tfTi n i MW& sg0M . . . w cars w w For the Skin You Love to Touch PALM0LIVE.Z -K5 15c VEL ... "fSupeii i Bath Size Bar 1 1c rv 9'een beans l L fc'Cfo Seafood Features Blue Tlate OYSTERS 4c2;3.02 43c AVCTCDC io oz. 49c Can..., SARDINES..5varca19c UAriCD A I i Lb. 23c 29c Can.... l2 Lb. 'Can.... FAB SS: 27c St 26c ft