The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1949, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 12

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Thursday, Hot ember 17, 1949
By Mrs. F. O. Sand
Howard Bane of Piano, Iowa,
is spending from Sunday until
Thursday with his daughter,
Mrs. Howard Heesch and Mr.
Heesch. Mr. and Mrs. John
Heesch and family of Nebraska
City called Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Rose Wander, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Wander and sons of
Nebraska City called at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Murdoch Sunday afternoon.
LaVonda Murdock was home
from Wesleyan to spend the
week end with her parents.
Bert Philpot of Weeping Water
called at the Murdoch home on
Miss Bonnie Cutler and Del
mar Bogenrief of Omaha were
married at the Trinity Luther
an Church in Omaha Sunday
afternoon. The immediate fam
ilies attended the wedding. The
reception after the wedding
was held at their new home,
which they had purchased in
Omaha. Those who attended
from Nehawka were: Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin McReynolds, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Trotter, Mr.- and
Mrs. Gilbert Kime and Marlin.
Delmar Bogenrief attended the
Nehawka school for one term
and stayed with his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McReynolds.
Tucker were in Lincoln Thurs
day, Nov. 3 to attend the Harold
Lloyd Ceremonial of Sesostris
Temple of the Mystic Shrine. A
parad at 3:30 p. m and a cer- Un Ross to the at Un.
coin Saturday. After the. game
Elmer Ross and Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Hansen brought the din
ner Sunday evening. Cards af
tforded entertainment for the
Mr. and Mrs. Henning John
son accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
Checking Up On Assessments
3 n
imonal dinner at 6:00 marked
the afternoon program. After
the dinner the Shriners ad
journed to the 4-H club build
ing on the fair grounds where
they listened to an address by
Harold Lloyd, Imperial Poten
tate. He is a native Nebraskan
and was born at Bur chard. Mrs.
Berger accompanied the men
and spent the afternoon shop
ping. In the evening she attend
ed a dinner at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Wm. F. Damkroeger.
Her mother and sister, Mrs. L.
W. Wilkens and Allegra, also at
tended the dinner.
Mrs. Emil Jasa of Lincoln
spent the week end with her
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin McReynolds, and accom
panied them to Omaha to at
tend the wedding reception of
Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Bogen
rief. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kime ac
companied Mr. and Mrs. Walt
er Hunker of Nebraska City to
the Ice Follies in Omaha Thurs
day evening.
A pink and blue shower was
given at the home of Mrs. Boyd
Mayfleld Wednesday afternoon
for Mrs. Lyman Anderson. Mrs.
George Kime, Mrs. Kent Bal
four and Mrs. Will Ost were co
hostesses. Mrs. Anderson re
ceived many lovely gifts.
In observance of Martin
Ross' birthday, which occurred
Nelson Berger , and Marion Saturday, his children, Mr. and
: There's smooth, even get-away in store for your truck when
you trade in its old, worn-down clutch for a genuine Inter
national factory-rebuilt exchange unit.
You'll save up to Vi the cost of a brand new clutch and
you get a new-clutch warranty!
-We have reconditioned crankshafts, carburetors, brake
shoes and other truck units for sale on an exchange basis,
too. Take advantage of the savings, now!4
Suites FarEi Eqpt,
"Your International Harvester Dealer"
Chicago Ave. Phone 267
1 , ?yy '
ONE Quart of Alamito
Golden Guernsey
Equals 778 Calories
AJarnito Golden Guernsey is an extra fine
" A Grade MUls Proceed Only, by Selected
Golden Guernsey Caitte ion Grade A Farrns.
is alwavs knt senarate iiom other .milks. .
Just think! There's an ext& generous supply
of rich cream that you may use for eofiee
... more body building food solid below the
cream line, and it contains carotinc (an
important source of Vitamin A.) -;
At Your Qrocrs or DeliTf'fd to Yor Poor
they had dinner and attended
a show.
Relatives and friends sur
prised Mrs.JWill Ost on her
birthday Monday by bringing
baskets of lunch and spending
the evening at cards.
Miss Evelyn Wolph attended
the silver wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. John Rieke at
Weeping Water Sunday after
noon. Supt. Krong and Mrs. E. A.
Nutzman furnished transporta
tion for the boys and girls of
the Nehawka high school to
Plattsmouth Wednesday. They
attended Boys and Birls Coun
ty there and participated in the
County Government for a day.
Mrs. Cooper Hunt entertained
Friday for her daughter, Peggy,
who was four years old. Her
guests were Carol, Susan, Bev
erly, Roger and Neil uanour.
Twenty ladies attended the
paper product demonstration at
the home of Miss Evelyn Wolph
Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ellis ;
Lacey of Avoca, gave the dem
onstration. Mrs. Clarence Embury, Presi
dent, presided at the November
meeting of the American Le
gion Auxiliary Tuesday at the
Auditorium. Special music was
played by Peggy Sand. The
composition was Morning by
Grieg. She accompanied Carol
Turner who sang "Forever and
Ever." Thanksgiving was theme
for the program. Mrs. Ned Nutz
man, program leader, recom
mended a sound philosophy for
A Good Thanksgiving, quoting
the poem by Marian Douglas.
Plans were made for a card
party on Armistice night at the
Auditorium. Mrs. R. B. Stone,
Mrs. George Polous, and Mrs.
Stuart Schlichtemeier were the
hostesses. They served from
tables festively decorated in
autumn harvest style. Mrs. Ver
ner Lundberg, Mrs. Stuart
Schlichtemeier, Mrs. Clarence
Embury, Mrs. Henry Ross and
Mrs. Emma Nutzman attended
the Cass County convention at
Greenwood. Report of conven
tion was given at the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Ingwer
son and Mrs. Margaret Norton
of Lincoln visited their aunt,
Mrs. Lucy St. John, Sunday.
County Assessor Wm. Puis shows the Boys and Girls County
students the proper methods of assessing as they are practiced ;n
Cass County at his office here last Wednesday during the first
annual visit of the group to the courthouse. Pictured above are:
Mary McLaughlin, Elmwood; Henry Mueller, Avoca; Maynard
Ingrim, Louisville; Rolland Cooper, Nehawka; Ross Abel, Platts
mouth; Gener Burgen, Weeping Water; Myron Oehlerking, Mur
dock; Carol Lee Roddy, Union; Robert Lipskey, Alvo; Marilyn
Stoll, Eagle. Journal Staff Photo.
Mr. and Mrs. August Schweg
man, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sch
wegman and Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Schwegman.
Rynhart Ketelhut drove to
Nehawka last Monday and visit
ed relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sexson of
Huntington Beach, Calif., ar
rived in Eagle on Tuesday of
last week and attended the fun
eral services held for the form
er's father, H. T. Sexson, on
Thursday afternoon. They ate
also visiting with Mr. Sexson's
sister, Mrs. John Rockenbach, j
Mr. Rockenbach and family and j
friends for a few days before
returning home. i
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips
and Tommy of Havelock, spent
Sunday evening with the Rob
ert Phillips family.
Mr. and Mrs. Valley Trumble,
Mrs. Rosa Caddy, Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Trumble and Connie of
Eagle and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Caddy and Jill of Havelock,
spent Wednesday evening in
Elmwood at the Wellington Den
nis home, where they helped
Terry Dennis celebrate his sec
ond birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Adams re
turned home last Wednesday
evening from Elk Point, S. D.,
where they had spent, several
days at the home of their
daughter, Mrs. Jay Busker, Mr.
Busker and family.
A horseshoe should be hung
with the ends pointing down.
U. S. Not So Safe 4
Chicago (UR) The United
States has one of the highest
accidental death rates in the
world. The National Safety
Council reports 67.1 accidental
deaths per 100,000 population,
in 1948, compared with the
world-wide post-war rate of
Dorothea Keil
Journal Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer
and family of Lincoln visited
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Palmer last
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Hilbert Anderson of
Waverly spent last Thursday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Nelson.
Mr .and Mrs. William Trum
ble drove to. Weeping Water
last Sunday afternoon and call
ed on Mrs. J. W. Horn, who is
being cared for in a nursing
home there. They found her as
feeling some better that day.
H. T. Sexson passed away in
Lincoln Sunday, Nov. 6th at the
age of 83 years. He and his
family lived on a farm north ot
Eagle for many years. He and
Mrs. Sexson resided in town for
a few years prior to her death
January 15, 1941. He is survived
by three daughters, Mrs. John
Rockenbach of Eagle, Mrs.
Lawrence McMaster of Half
Moon Bay, Calif., Mrs. Verle
Rosenow of Huntington Beach,
Calif., a son, Henry, of Hunting-
Less corn on lh ground.
More corn still on the stalks.
More bushels p:r acre. These
are what enthusiastic corn
pickers report on fields planted
to Carlson Champion Hybrids.
Be a champion corn raiser
yourself. Plant more Carlson's
corn next spring. Get it now
from your Carlsrm Dealer
'while choice varieties are
Write for result on 'Nation
si machine picker contest at
Cedar Rapid. Ia.. sponsored
by WMT and originated by
Elmer Carlson, former world'
corn huskinK champion.
Clarence H. Beccard
Frank Frolick
Bernard E. Grady
Chas. Haertel
F. Joseph Knecht
South Bend
Gilbert J. Neumeister'
James F. Mills
Ernest Otto
Or Write
Carlson Hybrid Corn Co.
Audubon. Iowa
ton Beach, Calif. Services were
held at the Methodist church
in Eagle last Thursday after
noon. Mrs. J. W. Horn, who had
been ill for a week at her home
in Eagle, was taken to a nurs
ing home in Weeping Water
last Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hursh of
Grand Island spent last Friday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hursh.
Mrs. G. H. Palmer returned
from North Bend last Thursday
evening where she spent two
weeks helping care for her sis
ter, Mrs. Edith Been.
Mrs. A. J. Nelson entertained
the O. S. C. Club at her home
last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Laura West has had as
her guest during the past week
her cousin, Miss Emma Dennis,
of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Weszel had
as their Sunday dinner guests,
1 I: J
c n r t
t2- 7 1
Income Tax Service
J. Howard Davis
Phone 264
Soennichsen Bldg.
Long Bell Creosoted Posts 50c
American Steel Posts 75c
Barbed Wire - 80 Rod Spools
and American Field Fence 7.50
V5 "iiim VJ:LS
1 I I mmmmmmtmmmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmm3
MHw Dff'g MHOS!! PI18&V
J t x;,"s s -H & j. Vthiit jioewoi" f.rei ovotfo&! oUio corf.
ifSr xfrfMVMk 1 slower speeds. And wnar power! meres o iu.. fS - fji o f"
11 W5T 100 horsepower wrapped up in thU V-8 design that H . . 11 77 Av
A Wit i Aw S power than any otner car anywnere rem T Jn-T- & 5 1 V . X S1 'i-f" X
! ffite'Tk, low price and sells for less than rnos. conventional )'iwX'.Wf Cv
It's the auiet of new super-fitted pistons, new "hushed
timing gear, new fan designed for better cooling at
slower quieter speeds. And what power! There's a full
100 horsepower wrapped up in this V-8 design that
makes you master of any road. It delivers more
power than any other car anywhere near Ford's
W 'ow P"c ond sel's for ,ess ,han 10s, conventional
"sixes." And Ford offers a 5ix, too an oa
vanced Six with 95 horsepower.
i.liDhA ISA i
New "sound conditioning" in floor,
doors and body panels insulates
Ford's "Lifeguard" Body against
road noises. More extensive body
insulation and sealing in 41 areas
give aMitional interior quietness
and protection. -
There's c&PUfi in your future
with a future
built in
. & & V i
U rtri V. WIS s .
Ford's famous "Mid Ship" Ride is
now so quiet you can talk in whis
pers while travelling at highway
speeds. So smooth (with its great
team of "Hydra-Coil" and "f ara
Flex" Springs) that it virtually
erases every bump.
New quality is easy to find in this
50-way-new Ford. You find it in the
new push-button door handles, in the
new rotary door latch that needs only
a feather touch to open, yet closes so
securely. You find it in new sparkling
upholstery colors.
Not only does the 1953 Ford offer you
more hip and shoulder room than any
other car in its field - it offers you the
long-lived driving comfort of a mm
foam fubber front seat cushion over
new non-sag i?3t spnn;s. Arri.a
relaxed after tioun o! nding.
But set it for yourself.
Drive it so you can feel and
hear the difference.
And price it and see hoW much
less it costs than
any other really fine car;
Ma to
LOW-PRICE FiSL atyour porp DEALGRfe
"Your Friendly Ford Dealer"