The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1949, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TWO, Image 10
THE PLATTSmOUTH, NEBRASKA, SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO Thursday, November 17, 1949 ing the hours of services at St. Luke's will be as here announc ed. Canon Tyner wishes to say that he hopes that the late hours of service will serve as an invitation to many Plattsmouth people who have considered 9:00 a. m. too early. He also says that from the pulpit he will endeav or to give a message helpful to all, to find new light for daily life. Our relationship to God is not only one which results in producing goodness, but it con ! nects us definitely with a power by which our weakness is chang ! ed to strength; our blindness to j clear vision; our sicknesses to health, our poverty to wealth. Indeed our whole outlook upon life can be enlarged, both now and here. We may possess peace, and be freed from fear, we need not be carried away by the con fusion and turmoil of world ' evenis. His sermon next Sunday morning will be on this subject: "GOD CAN MAKE OUR LIT TLENESS INTO GREATNESS," YES, HE CAN! You are invited to come. new Tabitha Home Building in Lincoln. Wednesday at 8:00 p. m., Thanksgiving services. j Thursday, Dec. 1, the Ladies' Aid will meet in the church par- j lors. Mrs. August Keil and Mrs. Fred Wehrbein will be the hostesses. Future County School Heads "The Suffering Servant Lessen for Kovctnber 20:" Isaiab 53:1-12 Memory Selection: Isaiab 53:4 THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD and' suffering for others has an im portant place in the Old Testament and preeminent place in the New. Of both the Old and the New it is written: "Without shedding of blood there ii no remisson." In ancient time sacrificial beasts were laid upon the altar. In the fulness of time Jesus was hanged on the cross. In the temple the priest laid his hand upon the head of the slain beast, identifying the man who of fered with the animal that was ' sacrificed. Now the sinful man, through faith in Christ, may claim the Lord as his sacrifice, be saved from sin, and have the power to overcome sin. Centuries before Christ came, Isaiah wrote of the Suffering Ser vant of God who should save his people from their sins. In Isaiah 53 there is a striking prediction of our Lord's sufferings. Two signifi cant facts appear Jesus "was wounded for cur transgressions," and it "pleased Jehovah to bruise him." God gave his Son to suffer for men, that his law might be upheld, and a way of escape be made for those who believe. In the New Test ament we read that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son." Through suffering for others, Jesus won the victory over sin and death. Would you conquer through Him? "EeHeve cn the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou ; shalt be saved." OUR CHURCHES IMMAXUEL LUTHERAN" CHURCH 4 ."Miles Southwest of Louisville Melvin H. Meyer, Pastor Sunday Services at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 9:45 a. m. The choir meets on Friday at 3:00 p. m. Saturday School at 9:00 a. m. Walther League on Sunday evening at 8:00. Thanksgiving Day services at 10:00 a. m. Sunday School teachers on Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Communion Service on No vember 27. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Sixth Street & 2nd Ave. i Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Morning service at 11 a. m. "Soul and Body" is the sub ject of the Lesson-Sermon which , will be read in Christian Science churches throughout the world on Sunday, November 20, 1949. The Golden Text is: "My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God." (Psalms 84:2 . Other Bible citations include, "There is therefore now no con demnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit j of life in Christ Jesus hath made j me free from the law of sin and : death . . . For they that are ! after the flesh do mind the 1 things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit." Romans 8:1, 2, 5). The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with ! Key Jo the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, "In Science we are children of God; but whatever . is of material sense, or mortal, belongs not to His children, for i materiality is the inverted im- j age of spirituality." (Page 572 . ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Third Street & Avenue A Canon Geo. St. G. Tyner, rector Sunday Services: Church School at 9:30 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon at 10:30 a. m. Beginning next Sunday morn- ; iUNITEBL PRESBYTERIAN , ii;iCHURCn -, ... ; .. i ?-s,MurTay, Nebraska" ! Roy P. Morris, Pastor 10:00 a. m. Bible School, with ' classes for all ages, James Corn stock. Supt. 11:00 a. m., Morning worship, with sermon, "A Faith That Satisfies." CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Plattsroouth-LooisTille Road Rev. A. Lcntz, Pastor Sunday, Nov. 20: Sunday School at 9:30. 10:30 a. m., Services. 3:00 p. m., dedication of the : ":' A.-.v .v. . . r fgl A PEACE AND fjfj CONSOLATION In the soothing suiv roundings of our beau- I tiful chapel and reDOa- u.j.js,m Ttiwai mg rooms, you will find peace end consolation as well as freedom from the burdensome details of a sudden sorrow. CALDWELL FUNERAL HOME Dial 4111 702 Ave. 15 rialtsmouth m PLAY A WINNING GAME . , . by letting us do all y.our ptiwiidi i ii u nuusenoia wash! Conserve the energy gained by holiday trips this easy, economical way and preserve the life of your lin ens and clothing. Call 225. TRY OUR CLEANING AND PRESSJNC Rager's Laundry and Cleaners VA7 TO WESLEY AN METHODIST Rev. A. E. Harris, Pastor 619 South Tenth Street Snndav School 10:00 a. m. Evangelist Service at 11:03, a. m. Tne revival oervu:es tuu- tinue this week. Services each pvenine at 7:30 n. m. A wel come to all. Location of church, 619 So. 10th St. HOLY ROSARY CHURCH Rev. Edward C. Tuchek, pastor Sixteenth and First Avenue Holy Mass is offered each Sun dav at 8 and at 10 o'clock. The Boy Scouts meet every; Monday evening in Rosary Hall at 7:30 p. m. The Altar Society meets on the first Wednesday of each month in Rosary Hall at 7:30 p. m. - The choir meets every Thurs day evening at 7:30. Sorrowful Mother Novena at 7:30 every Friday evening. Holy Hour of Reparation on the first Saturday of each month at 7:30 p. m. Confessions every Saturday evening, Thursday preceeding first Friday, Vigils of Holy Days 7:30 until 9 o'clock. " - ' -A-rif, ' Wednesday in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Campbell visited with relatives at Elm wood Sunday. Mrs. Vyril Livers and Keith and Mrs. Dallas Livers spent Tuesday in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Sireipht attended the funeral for John Wagner at Winside Friday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Glen Thiessen, Mrs. Clarence Vande man and Mrs. Pleas Proctor. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roscn crans had dinner Sunday at the Bernard Grady home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cop.v:y of Omaha had dinner Sunday at the Bernard Dill home. Mr. and Mrs. Le onard Punish spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Herman Furrcr. and Mr and Mrs. Johnnie Spcckman and family. Lincoln visiting Mrs. R. L. Davis, the door prize. Mrs. Ilcfm-ir Mr. and Mrs. Craig Moller and ! and Betty served a very e-li- boy3 r-pent Sunday at the Tyler - Nunn home. Little Reggie Mol- Mr. and Mrs. Lugh OKr, ... Ipv rrmninprl with his TTand- Spent oaiurady VI.- parents while his parents are at daughter Mrs. ion: . the hospital with Randy who i.; : and faniiy- having his tonsils removed Betty Kearns sp:ru . , visiting Mrs. Tom Cars Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Davis and j Maruon- Gary spent the week end with ' The nrt Fipps Mr nnd Mrs J C. Rtrpioht and '; Council Epulis spent ... A . at 1 Vi c Tj-y w. j . ucnen. and Mrs. Vyril Livers were Oma- SLpSl na visitors lasi oaiuraay. Mrs. Glen Kuhn and end at the John Fipps hn-.v..-. Mr. and Mrs. Russt-il C c called on : Cora Campbell Sunaay. FIRST METHODIST Rev. E. C. Williams, pastor Seventh & Main Streets -:45 a. m., Church School. 11:00 a. m.. Morning Worship with Thanksgiving message. 6:00 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. the annual Thanksgiving1. Union Service will be held in the Methodist Church with Rev. George Swiney of the First Christian Church as speaker. Junior Choir rehearsal on Saturday at 1:00 p. m. County Superintendent L. A. Eehrends wasted no time in ushering his group of Boys and Girls County students through the maze of details required in supervising the school districts of Cass county. Sponsored by Cass County American Legion organizations Eoys and Girls County meetings will have far reaching education al advantages. Grouped hers are: Dick Kinney, Murdock; Jean Stone, Nehawka; Thomas Carneal, Plattsmouth; Peggy Jergensea, Avoca; Beverly Stoiz, Alvo; Donna Lamb, Greenwood; Francos Schick, Elmwood; Patricia Ann LaRue, Weeping Water; Sherman Selbery, Louisville; Lila Gerhard, Eagle; Phyllis Grunwald, Union. Journal Staff Photo. Linda ' spent Wednesday in Lincoln. j Mrs. Emma Hofmeister and : Betty invited friends and neigh- 1 bors to their home Saturday to ! play pinochle. Prizes went to j Glen Kuhn, first; Hazel Sack,! (low for ladies; Dennis Jackson Sell It Thru Journal Want Ails. W. J. OTJrifn and Mrs. Jason high; Elmer Hofmeister, low for Streight spent Wednesday In men. Dennis Jackson also won Fouchek-Garnett LAWYERS Bonded Abstracters GH99Q57 I F f F 'f "V V 1 W1IVI1 V ic to be given at the Thankigiv- ; ing services at. the Methodist church on Wednesday evening, November 23rd, at 7:30. Rev. Swiney of the Christian church will preach. The Westminister Fellowship groups will meet on Wednesday evening at 6:45 and 8:00 o'clock. South (Bsjid IT ft (piu bin ...SAVE $ 1S ns S3 M UP m5 BESIDES! Mrs. Glen Kuhn FIRST CHRISTIAN Eighth Street & Avenue G Rev. Geo. Swiney, Pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Church Service at 11:00 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Bible study and Prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:30. Whosoever will may come. UNION METHODIST Rev. E. C. Williams, Pastor 9:45 a. m.. Morning Worship. Special music by Vested choir. 10:30 a. m.. Church School. Friday evening at 7:00 p. m., Youth Fellowship. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Mynard, Nebraska D. V. Herrick, Pastor Royal .Smith, Sunday School Superintendent Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Worship Service 11:00 a. m. Youth Fellowship 7:30' p. m. Sunday, November 27, is the day set aside for the dedication of our new church furnishings. There will be services both morning and afternoon with a covered dish luncheon at noon. Bishop V. D. Weidler will be the speaker. More particulars will appear later. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC Rt. Rev. Monsignor Geo. Agius, Pastor. Rev. Father John W. Kelly, Assistant. Winter schedule of masses: Sunday Masses at 8 a. m. and 10:30 a. m. Week-day Masses 7:15 and 8 a. m. Confessions on Saturday from 4 to 5 p. m. and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The members of the Altar So ciety and the Sodality of the high school boys and girls will receive communion in a body at the first mass, Sunday, Nov. 20th. The Sodality choir will sing at the first mass of Sunday. S. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED CHURCH Fifth St. and Avenue A. Parsonage at 714 First Ave E. J. Moritz, Pastor Church School at 9:30 a. m. Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday evening, Novem ber 23, at 7:30 o'clock, Union Thanksgiving service at the Methodist Church with Rev. Swiney as the speaker. You are cordially invited to attend our church school and worship service. Taken Too Literally Arkansas City, Kan. 'U.R When the city fathers put up new welcome nags lor a j state-wide letter carriers' con- ; vention, someone misinterpret ed the word. Two were taken. "Those flags cost $6 each," said Harry Gibson, in charge of j them. "We'd welcome them back." i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holtz of j I Fairmont, Minn., spent Wed : nesday and Thursday of last week with Mrs. Emma Hof- j mrister and Betty. j Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Haswell of i ards and girls Friday evening. ' Verncn Ewing. Jim and Har- ! j old had dinner Sunday with the ! Valgene Ewings Mrs. Ed Gilbert of Ashland j ! spent Tuesday visiting with Mrs. Glen Kuhn and Linda. Mrs. Hazel McGinness spent ; Jeep Assault Too Much Sydhey, Austrailia u.P) Lester J. Hook, 20, was taken to court for assaulting his girl friend. Mavis Taylor, 19, with an um brella and. a jeep. The umbrella charge was dismissed but Hook was fined $16 for driving the jeep over the sidewalk at Miss Taylor. Use Journal Want Ads. Wescott's Good Clothes Nothing Else Since 1879 For Greater SAFETY of farm ownership Get a FEDERAL LAND BANK LOAN Long Term Low Interest Repayment Privileges No Commissions No Fees See Your National Farm Loan Ass'n. II. C. Elliott, Scc'y.-Trcas. Weeping Water, Nebraska Phone 64 f-' I $20.00 Delivers Both Sink and Disposer in Your Home! This is it . . . the opportunity to modernize your kitchen with the world's finest sink-disposer combination at a record low price. Sate uork and steps . . 6tore pots, pans, silver, canned goods, soaps, cleansers, kitchen towels, etc. in the big, handy, 54 work cen ter . . . right at your fingertips! No more handling messy garbage! Drop Darga IHIardware food wastes . . . even hard bones . . . into your American Kitchens disposer. They disappear down the drain! The disposer automatically cleans itself and turns off! Offer good for limited time only . . . ACT NOW! CS-542 AND APPLIANCE STORE 517 Main Phone 3171 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Seventh Street and Second Ave. Dr. n. G. McClusky, Pastor Sabbath School at 9:45, Ralph Wehrbein, Supt. Morning church worship at 11:00. The Ever Member Can vass for our church budget will be started this Sabbath. The sermon: "Giving Unto the Lord." A rehearsal of the choirs of the Council of Churches will be held Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church at 2:00 p.m. to practice for the special mus- BIKE IT i IM IEFIIE 111 III ! .,vw,.v.v.v- w MHMlHMMIHMMninnHHMn ..... ..vs-rtw?''-'-,R,"X'-':: WJ... .....vww.wwW-w .-:-x..- -a wawav.:.-.....-.; v.. ........ r ".-.V-Vc."-v - . - -.-.;.;.:...-- : 'vftv.-Vn -W'.iwu eoooiiiow 7 .n.. ,00. -m Lg-88- 1 ! 3 h mix ii fil-' f W s -Mi: iite . --v.,:,-.,..,, f . , Watch Repair Diamonds Watches Silverware S & II Green Stamps Grove Jewelry ftCKET" INCJtfS-iKYDRA-MATIC OR Try u team that's a driver's dream! Try the "KocLet" Engine plus Ilydra-Matic lrivc and you'll know it's Oldsmobile for you! Kiglit from the start, the "Hockct" whispers the smoothest song of power you've ever heard! As you touch jour toe to the gas pedal Oldmohilc's Hydra-Malic transforms the. "JWketV response into a velvet tide of flowing niotiou! And after that moment, each smooth, silent mile is a new adventure an exciting experience you'll never forget! IJest of all, the "Rocket" works with Hydra-Malic to pivc you really impressive gasoline savings! But thousands of words can t inalch one minute driving the Futuramic "Co" Iwest-priced "liwket" 1 1 y.lra-M at m; car. So phone your Oldsmobile dealer. Try the most famous ctigiuc trauauiisoiou team ever Luilt. Then put your netv car money on OLDSMOBILE! Da CDS A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE PHONE YOUR NEAREST OLOSMOBILE DE A L F. R CASS COUNTY MOTOR CO. 607 1st Ave. Dial 3210 416 Main St. Plattsmouth, Nebr. 6th Si Main Plattsmouth