The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1948, SECTION 2, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 11

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Mrs. John Remmjifa
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Erauch
inuellcr and family of Waver
ly, spent Sunday afternoon at
the Henry Tin:m homo.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Boiler
and children were supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Boiler
and Eddy. Mr. and Mrs. John
Itcmmenga and Marjorie were
evening callers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Boiler
and Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. John
Abbott and Deris and Mrs.
Olive Vhitlatch vers Thursday
supper gursts of Mr. and Mrs.
Holland Tinnean of Greenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weaver, Jr.
and Dennis were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Bashman. Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Wulradt and Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Marclf called in the afternoon.
Mrs. Myrtle Lindsay of Cal
ifornia. Mrs. Margaret Lehman
and Wallace McCiellan were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Mansfield at the
Silver Cafe.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sten
bcrg and family and Mrs. Em
ma Olson spent Sunday even
ing at the Dallas Hunt home.
Mrs. Martin Stenberg spent
Wednesday in Lincoln.
Mrs. A. B. Bachman, Mrs.
Margaret Lehman, Mrs. Henry
Nitz of. Wann, Mrs. Myrtle Lind
say and Mrs. Earl Mansfield
were Friday evening dinner
guest's of Mrs. Robert Graham.
The men folks attended a
meeting and dinner in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mansfield
and Sam attended the Fred
Waring show in Lincoln on Sat
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergman
and Nancy Jo called on Mr.
and Mrs. Alien Gillespie Wed
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ives of
Omaha returned from Califor
nia Saturday evening after
spending three weeks in Cali
fornia visiting relatives at
Waterford, Monterey and Los
Angeles. '
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eckery QUT OUR WAY
una ennaren spent lnursaay
evening at the Harold Kellogg
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellogg
and children spent Sunday
evening at the Hnery Klipp
Mrs. Fred Rueter and Floyd
called at the Harold Kellogg
home on Monday.
Wallace McClellan, Mrs. Mar
garet Lehman and Mrs. Myrtle
Lindsey called on Mrs. Maude
Barrow Sunday afternoon.
Duane Nelson and two friends
spent the week end at the Ray
mond Nelson home. Mary Alice
Nelson was home also.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sandy
and Evelyn, Mr. Otto Renwanz
of Greenwood spent Sunday at
the Raymond Nelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rick
ards spent the week end at
Schuyler at the Glen Fosnot
Mrs. Elsie Kelly of Green
wood spent Sunday with Mrs.
j Mrs. Lee Snavely and Mrs. Carl Parks,
j Charles Snavely, Mrs. Pauline Mrs. Julia Barta of Elmwood
I Eosenow, Mrs. Charles - Roelfsz was a dinner guest of Mrs. Carl
i of Alvo and Mr. A. D. Zaar cal- Stander on Tuesday.
led on Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones , Earl Nichols spent Sunday
Sunday afternoon. ; with John and Sarah Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jones and Mrs. Harold Richards spent
little Judy Bornman called on Friday with Mrs. William Zeig
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jonos Sun- enbien at Havelock.
-1-- OH, TRVIM' li'jlljjlijJi'jiif LOOK AGIN Yi;j ,1
r'K TO SLIP OUT V li!! I 'll AIM'T THAT 3 W !! 'jji!'1 I'l!'
.n- WITHOUT TH' Mji Hi-i1- jj HIS NOSE Vij ; -i V:j , Ijf
. ; sr-rl IT LOOKS LIKE ) &' MYPAKJTS '
---A VOU DID T fj yLECtl
T WFfi V &rro iMft frv nr rrovirr tuft.
ciay eveninc
ri iiww miii mill inn 'TrrnrprrrTTTTTimarTW"
I -. -. f . i n taw-ffcJiriKi!
Porcelain top table, immitation leather covered
cliairs. Three coats of chromium plating over cop
per eliminatos flcor marking. Choice of Red, Blue,
Black and Yellow. Nationally advertised at . . .
Free With Purchase of Breakfast Set
15 piece luncheo.n set consisting of 4 plates, 4 cups,
4 saucers, cake plate, creamer and sugar bowl.
litiif Furniture
Phone 3133
Joaia Richards attended the
Fred Waring show in Lincoln
Saturday and spent the night
with Elizabeth Richards.
Kitty and Kathryn Theissen
were Thursday evening dinner
guests at the Harold Richards
Joan Richards spent Wednes
day evening with Kathryn
Theissen and attended a show
in Omaha with Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. Roselius, Rev. Nyholm
of Blain, Professor at Dana
College, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Maack and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Buelke and Delores
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Maack.
Floyd Rueter spent Saturday
evening at the Dewey Moore
Fred Rueter spent the week
end at the Dewey Moore home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Moore
and boys spent Sunday evening
at the Fred Rueter home at
Alvo to visit Genevieve ; Rueter
who recently had her tonsils
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rook
stool and son of North Platte,
Nebr., are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Hill for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. George Born
man and Ruth Elaine and Mr.
and Mrs. George Bornman, Sr.
sDent Monday afternoon in
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Thornton
of Louisville visited Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Roeber Friday
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Odell call
ed on Mr. and Mrs. Walter
; Goings Saturday-.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keller
spent Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Sowards.
Nagel Bricker was a Sunday
1 dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
; Bruce Sowards.
Marcella Stander spent Tues
day night with Carol and Janie
Master Sergeant and Mrs.
Sedrick G. Laughlin, Arthur
Laughlin of Ashland and Mr.
and Mrs. Vernor Rastid. Wilbur
Laughlin drove to Thurston
Nebr., for a visit over the week
end with Mr. Rastid's grand
parents and went pheasant Cooper, Jeanie Cooper, Mr. and
huntinsr On Sundav morning, Mrs. Henry Friesel, Mr. and
Master Sergeant and Mrs. Sed- Mrs. Vincent Rehmeier, Mr. and
dick G. Laughlin and Arthur Mrs. Harold Domingo.
Laughlin called on Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ranney
Mrs. Harold Kuhn. Mr. Kunn
was Arthur's buddy in the
Friday evening Master Serg-
ant and Mrs. Sedrick G. Laugh- Monday, Tuesday and Wrednes
lin were surprised by a chari- day, attending the Mid-West
vari group. , Farm Equipment show.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kuehn ' A letter to relatives here last
were Sunday luncheon guests week, told of Oscar Domingo
of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Rikli. accompaning four other men
Mrs. Anna Bullock of Powell, to Saratoga, California, to en
Wvomine. Mrs. Mary Bullette joy Bass fishing. Mr. and Mrs.
Rv A R William 1 took her back to Lincoln Sun-
y IV. VVllliamS I oftorr, onH tV,PV visit-
ed Miss Agnes Rough, who is
owner and operator of an old
folks home in Bethany.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Michelsen Sun
day, were their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Christensen and family, of
Walter Box has returned from
his wheat ranch, at Reardon,
Wash., to spend the winter in
Weeping Water. Mr. Box still
owns a half section of land in
Cass county, while operating j
his wheat ranch in the west.
Mrs. Henry Meyer returned
home from her visit to Grand
Island, last week. She was ac
companied by her son, Robert
Meyer, of North Platte, who
spent several days at her home.
Mr .and Mrs. Donald Meyer
and family expect to arrive
here this week, from New Hav
en, Conn., where they have
made their home since they
were married. They expect to
make Weeping Water their
home. Donald is an electrician.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Day
went to Lincoln Saturday even
ing, to hear the Fred Waring
Cyrus Livingston, Harrison
Livingston, Maurice Hammons
and Eli Plunkett and their
wives went to Lincoln Monday
morning, to join a party from
Lincoln, after which the men
travelled on to Sutton, for a
days pheasant hunting, and
the ladies accompanied by Mrs.
R. B. Leffler, spent the day at
the home of Mrs. Don Schultz,
at Walton, returning home late
in the evening.
Thursday, November 18, 1948. PAGE FIVE
The center of population and
the geographical center of West
Virginia are only five miles
apart. Gassaway is the center
of population, and Sutton, to
the east, is the geographical
Davis k Peck
Phone 264
and two sons enjoyed a Sunday
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Wiles and family.
Thomas Stacey was in Omaha
Union Volunteer Fire Department
at American Legion Hall, Union, Nebr.
Admission $1.00 Per Couple.
Come, bring the whole family and have a good time.
of Tulsa. Oklahoma, and Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Lenhard of
Murdock were Monday after
noon callers at the John Rem
menga home.
Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. L. J. Roeber were Mr.
and Mrs. William Frieze, Barn
ard, Mo., and her daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. William Rickey and
children of Council Bluffs, la.,
Mr. and Mrs. .Henry Stander,
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Hopp, Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Roeber, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Neuman and
Walter, Alvina Kuehn and Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Roeber and
John. Afternoon callers were
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gake
meier, Murdock, and Mr. and
Mrs. Edgar Kuehn of Malcolm.
Mr. and Mrs. William Frieze
formerly lived near Louisville.
.. - - - - : M
3 Mic-
W.'V TdMias M-jrtey
Domingo are spending the win
ter in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Uffelman
spent Friday evening at the
Bert Copenhaver home in Syra
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Pollard,
of Nehawka, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meising-
er were in Plattsmouth, Sun
day, visiting with Ed Steppat,
who has been bedfast since in
Mrs. Charles Everett began
work at the Omaha Public
Power district office Monday
Mrs. Arthur Everett expects
to leave this coming week for
the west coast, from where she
will sail sometime in December
for Guam, to join her husband,
i Sgt. Everett.
j Mr. and Mrs. Lou Campbell
! of Saginaw, Mich., were visitors
at the Thomas Stacey home,
one day last week.
The L. P. V. club met Thurs
day. November 11th. at the
home of Mrs. Arthur Rough,
with Mrs. Harold Meisinger as
co-hostess. Twenty-one mem
bers and two visitors, Mrs. Geo
Last Friday the Ames, Iowa, Sickmann and Miss Pauline
Incross Hybrid Poultry Co. five Rough, enjoyed the aferntoon
passenger plane landed at the with the club. Their new presi-
Brown Airport, east of Weep- dent, Mrs. Wendell Hart, pre
ing Water. The plane was pilot- sided, and the meeting opened
ed by Pat Mac Iver, and it with group singing, led by Mrs.
brought Oiav Smedal, a com- Merl Ragoos. The program for
mercial photographer from the next year's meetings were ar
Ames company, to Weeping ranged, and plans were made
Water to take pictures of. the for a covered dish supper and
Norris Hatchery, who sell the a gift exchange for the members
Ames Incross chicks, and of the of the club and their families
Calvin Carsten flock of Ames to be held December lOlh, at
Incross chickens. The Carsten the Philpot school house. The
flock is one of the best laying i lesson for the day, was a con
flocks in this locality. The j tinuation of the last program
Ames Company are going to i about "Color in the Home", and
use the pictures of the Carsten ! it was in charge of Mrs. Wen
flock in their magazine in the dell Hart and Mrs. E. J. Boedek
near future. j er. Mrs. Harold Meisinger is
The birth of a sen to the their secretary.
Princess Elizabeth, of England, Mr. and Mrs. Knud Jensen
was a historical event, of great i celebrated their thirty-fifth
importance, to all the people. , wedding anniversary Sunday
i But to one Weeping Water ' with about seventy-five friends
banker, the day was a memor- gathering at their home for a
able one, for it was also the covered dish dinner and an af
birthday of Oscar C. Hinds, j ternoon of visiting. Their son
cashier of the First National ' in-law and 'daughter, Mr. and
Bank, of Weeping Water. The Mrs. Audry Fisher, and their
suggestion has been made that two sons, Bob and Jimmy, of
he request that the young Falls City, were here to enjoy
prince be named Prince Oscar, the happy occasion. The guests
There was a gathering of presented Mr. and Mrs. Jensen
relatives in this vicinity, at the with a purse filled with money,
Hinds home. Sunday, honoring as a happy reminder of the
SEYMOUR, Ind (u.R) History
repeated itself when Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Lucas became the
parents of a son and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Schneider became
the parents of a daughter at
the same time at Schneck Me
morial hospital. Five years pre
viously Mrs. Lucas and Mrs.
Schneider gave birth to daugh
ters at the same time and place.
11 A.M. TO 5P.M.
Shells on Grounds
9 A A V
M 1
This deep oval shape roaster gives ample
space for a 12 to 14 pound fowl or a 16 to
18 pound roast. Patented "Treewell" de
sign. " "
r - .bm mw mm W mm m
immmm mum mm. W - m mm -
j Mr. Hind's birthday. They all
t came for dinner, and enjoyed
1 an afternoon of visiting. From
Lincoln, came Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hinds and son. Tommy,
, from Maryville, Mo., came Mr.
' and Mrs. James Elaaard and
two children, Jane and Bobby;
and from Omaha, Mr. and Mrs.
Eli Hinds.
Mrs. L. D. Noble, of Cedar
Rapids, Nebraska, has been
visitina her daughters. Mrs. F.
Send your hostess beautiful flowers this Thanksgiving. Chrysanthe-
-tlie traditional Thanksgiving flower make the most exquisite
And, if your wife is your hostess this Thanksgiving
surprise her with one of our artistic arrangements that will please her
We specialize in unusual floral decor . . . we're known for
. - i . rl llf f 1
the finest, heartiest and tresnesi nowers. we leiegrapn e:ryynuC
-deliver locally. Place your order now.
so much.
Phcne 6193
106 North 6th
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stacey
and son, Michael, spent Sun
day in Seward, visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Clarence Schmadeke, M r s.
Henry Rugha and Mrs. Herbert
Ohlerking attended a commit
tee meeting of the Home Eco
nomics clubs Monday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Nelson
Berger, near Nehawka, when
J. Domingo and Mrs. Walter plans were made for next year's
Roberts, and her son, Louie year books. , ,
Noble, for the past three weeks.
Sunday, Mrs. Roberts entertain
ed at a dinner for Mrs. Noble,
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warn
staff, of Hamburg, Iowa; Law
rence White, of Leavenworth,
Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank J
Domingo, and two children,
John and Mary, as guests.
Lawrence . Houseman attend-
Delmar Clark has been trans
! ferred to Beatrice, where he
i will continue with his work
with the Gas Co. Mr. Clark
j made his home with Mr. and
i Mrs. Frank Cook, while in
j Weeping Water.
i Frank Cook joined friends
j from Alvo, who went to Sutton
for pheasant hunting; . Sunday
ed the Mid-West Farm Equip- i His son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
ment show in Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Renos Anderson
entertained at a turkey dinner
Saturday evening, at their
home, when their guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Eiden
miller, Mr. and Mrs. Thorwald
Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mayficld, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Wesley Cook, were with the
party, while their daughters.
Dianne and Suzanne, remained,
with Mrs. Frank Cook.
Miss Pauline Rough came
from Lincoln to spend Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Roiu;h. Her parcnk
and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wiles
V c
5 ht
s i i rj
. Banquet Size Oven
Automatic Timer
7 Heat Speeds
ii ranker
3 50 Pr Wcett
poyab! rMy
.u-r," for easier, fester,
is range ,,.,- white to-.-
chrome tnm. cuy
or Christmas gWmg.
. .... ..n,,l" f 'ms',
.SpotKims "
3 SO Pr
.ri nc
refri9e,o.or buy ol -e , (4otvjresin
9 cy. tt. . , .,-.c-r. and anr 5,u3 mtinU-
meat chesr, wr . Give
, NAD0 this ChrhtmoM
: ft
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