The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, July 24, 1941, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1941.
L i .in
By Journal Field Representative
mouth last Saturday evening Icok-
ing after business and visiting with
friends for a time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reeder and son
Eennie were visiting at the home of
her mother. Mrs. Ella Exline near
J. A. - Pcctten has contracted to Union where all enjoyed a very pleas
bund two cribs, one for Wm. Krop ant visit.
near Wyoming and the other near
Henry Schwartz was threshing his
oat crop Monday of this week, he hav
ing completed the other
lact neck.
Parker Chriswisser of Piattsniouth
was a guest on last Sunday at the
home of his friends Mr. and Mrs.
YV. O. Troop.
John A. Davis was in I'latts-
Mr. and Mrs. George Nickles were
over to Liegh last Sunday, dinner
guests at the home of a sister of
Mr. Nickles, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wr
resigned their positions here and de
parted on Monday for a place in
Alabama where they have assurance
of employment. Some others who
have been staying in the Carroll
home have moved farther north.
threshing , Winteman
L. W. Egenberger
Insurance - Real Estate
Bakin B!dg. Plattsmouth
Telephone 28
Mrs. John F. Bates of Rising City.
;a sister of Mrs. Margaret Brendel.
'si-rived in Murray last Saturday and
visited with the sister over the week
lend and a number of days t hi - week,
j Rennie Reed-r, sone of Mr. and
jMis. John Reeder while playing in
the grass and weeds became inocu
lated with poison ivy or poison oak.
and has been having a very sore
ankle and leg.
Mrs. Donald Hcicr presented the
hu-land with a very fine nine and a
Many Attend Pleasant Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jennings were
host and hostess at their home in
Murray last Sunday, guests for the
day at a delightful dinner, a number
of their relatives and friends. Among
those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Greene, of Louisville. Mr. and Mrs.
'James Persinger of Beatrice. Mrs.
jMaxine Rhoades. daughter of Mr.
land Mrs. Jennings, who is visiting
here from California. Delbert Jen
nings and family. I. P. Greene of
Louisville and wife, making a large
circle of relatives and friends.
By Journal Field Representative
George C. Sheldon was in Lincoln j
last Sunday night attending the Han-sen-Becker
J. J. Tollard was in Liucoin last i
Sunday where they were visiting;
jwith relatives for the day. j
Fob Wunderlieh, who is working
at Onawa. Iowa, was enjoying a visit
at the home of his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Wunderlieh.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lyon were
visiting in Weeping Water last Sun
day, visiting with friends and attend
ing the services at the Methodist
c hurcli.
Edward Knahe was in town to
secure some repairs for his tractor
last Monday morning, as he was
combining his oats, he having the
other small grain harvested and out
of the way.
Mrs. John O. Yeiser of Omaha was
in Vi.Vswl.-a lQt Rur.ttiv viitim- at
Tyson attending reports . pleasant visit here and has concluded ! the ll0me of hpr ra,vnts. Mr. and
Jattended by people who attended the .went to Plattsmouth during the late
; school during its earlier years, among sevent ies. They made the trip in a
whom were J. II. Steffens and wife, number wagon and it rained during:
Frank Schlctemeier and wife, Sennjtiie evening, drenching them all as
Waddell, Omer Schlictemeier and! they returned home. Mr. 'Pecker's
wife, Robert Schlictemeier and many:father had given Uncle Abe a dollar
others of the old time residents.
Visiting Relatives at Murray
Raymond Reeder of IaGrand. Ore-
arrived in Murray last week
half son last Thursday with thejto visit with his uncle, John Reeder
mother and son doing very nicely, jand family and has enjoyed a very
Dr. R. W
both doing well.
i Alvador Xickles lat Mo. ship
ped a ear load of cattle which he has
had on feed for some time to the Om- I.
:to remain and work here.
Will Work in Louisville.
P.. Greene, one of the visitors
By Journal Field Representative
w hile Uncle Henry Wolfe had also j
:TI i- was one of the old-fashioned j
Fourth of July celebrations. Mr. j
Pet her tells of how they purc hased
their fireworks at the store of Phil;
jYoung, who had his business in the j
jroom occupied by the Rates Book and
; Stationery store. Few now remem-
,ber when Thil Young, E. G. Dovey
Anna Burkhart of Los Angeles.
California, was visiting friends in
Union two days this week. :and Sons, J. V. Wechbach. Tootle and
Frank Boggs has just c ompleted j Hannah and other old timers were
the painting of the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Cook, whif-h is looking
Mrs. Roy Yonkers and children,
David and Norma and Dorothy Clar
ence were visiting in Nebraska City
last Saturday.
in business in Plattsmouth.
Successful Swim Week
Last week was swim week for
jthe kiddies of I mon and was most
successfully managed under the
'super intendency of Mrs. Charles At-
Wheit in Plattsmouth
Timm's Place
"The Red Front Eudweiser'
'Bud on Tap'
pull line or
and the Very Ecst of
525 Main Street Telephone 42
- Mrs. Ora Guerra was looking after : t berry, who had charge of the kid
tbe business at the bank on Tuesday Idies. She looked after every detail
of this week while Mary Becker was insuring the safety of the young
looking after some business matters ptcrs, and was rewarded by a number
You're Always Welcome at
Donat's Tavern
Liquor Store
Best Beer - Fine Liquors
Fresh Fish Sandwiches
Our Specialty!
He asked Tom Jennings if he would
like to accept a position with him
and it was acepted. Mr. Jennings go
ing to Iouisville to work with Mr.
Greene. .
iof days has
aha market. The cattle were excep-;at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom L
tionally fine and it is expected they Jennings, at the dinner held Sunday,
will st il near tops on the market. jwas saying it was rather difficult
s The threshing machine, operated: to secure needed help on account of
by Victor Wehrbein which has been $o many being called in the draft and j;)f.(.r havin
in operation during the past week or Hie had been working short handed.
I more has made the rounds and com
pleted the thieshing of all the circ le,
and they are glad they are done.
! While Mr. and Mrs. John Reeder
: were in Plattsmouth trading last
'Saturday. Mrs. Reeder. who is in:
i delicate health, swooned, as the store j Enjoyed Visit at Elmwood
room was stifling hot. After she was j Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Tyson and
; gotten out in the air she revived and j daughter who have been enjoying a
; it seems she is having no ill effects j vacation in the east, returned home
ilast week, and Sunday went to Elm-
Mrs. A. F. Sturm and w,,s accom
panied bv her mother whui she re
turned. Mrs. Sturm will visit for at
number of days with th" daughter
in umana.
B. L. Philpot of Weeping Water
rnd his son Charles who is visiting
at home from Glendale. California i
in Omaha.
Orma Erwin was hostess to the
Union 4-II club Tuesday of this week
when they studied the regular les
son, and enjoyed a very pleasant
afternoon as well.
Lester Shoemaker and family were
of the class
acquiring the art of
Red Cross Members Bo Work
The members of the American Red
Cross of Union have been very busy
in the work of sewing and knitting
guests for the day and dinner at the 'of sweaters and other articles of
; been here for
announced his
number i
home of Mr.
Ilast Sunday.
md Mrs. II. W. Griffin
Mrs. Shoemaker is
of remaining in Weeping Water, were
'is'ting and looking aftt-r business
witters in Nehawka last Monday.
Home Lads Win Ball Game I
The Nehawka baseball Team play-,
ed at the Nehawka park last Sunday :
and were able to deieat the Martin
Aircraft team from Omaha. The
score was S to 4. J. R. Mayfleld of
near Weeping Water was umpire j
while another man from Omaha also i
shared the honor with Mr. Mayfield.
jThe same teams will play a return
game August 3rd.
Large Modern House
and Two Lots
Taved Street Close In Good Buy
from her experience.
Messrs. Fred L. Hild. A. A. Young i wood to visit at the home of the
p-h1 Harrv MiCulloth. who are em-'mother of Dr. Tyson, Mrs. L. A. Ty-
ployed with J. A. Scotten went outson, where they also met a brother
'near the Eight Mile Grove church. :0f the do:ter. Silas Tyson of Omaha!
iv. here they were placing a shingie.who had come down to visit the
eof on a barn for Mr. Ileil. also do-.mother.
iing some carpenter work on a num.- '
h-r of other farm buildings. j. Beturned from South Dakota
j The family of Arch Poyntcr cf j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gorder were
Weeping Water were guests for the 'enjoying a vacation which carried jeJ.jnc g Becker of Linen1.:)
!day last Sunday at the home of Mr. ,them to South Dakota, they stopping nijmber of friends of Mr
ard Mrs.
Redden where they
. ... . . I r .. . ,1.-,- on. I ftn ni'iiii
jWMl'U ll'I lilt ill. 11 ciiju,mi
hery fine time and an excellent
Married at Lincoln Sunday.
As will be seen elsewhere in this
paper Fre'd Hansen was united in
marriage last. Sunday to Miss Kath- j
A large
nurse. i frmn Wliawb attended the cere
who makes her home near ;ra0Tiy and am0ng these we! Mr
e. The trip was especially Peri-S r,arents. Mr. end Mrs.
J daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Griffin. j
j Telegrapher It. L Warren, for
iinerly of Omaha and Fort Crook, is
jnow installed at the Missouri Pacific
'station in Union, as one of the force
of the office with Station Agent R. N.
I Frank Bauer and the girls, who are
1 visiting here from Oklahoma were
Ivisiting at the home of Gust Splitt
(and inspecting the new stone quarry
which has recently been opened on
the Splitt farm.
Mrs. Wm. Karnopp of Lincoln,
mother of Dale Karnopp who h3s
been visiting with them for the past
two weeks, departed last Sunday
morning after having enjoyed the
visit here greatly.
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Atteberry and
'three sons. Boh. Jess and Dick ot
; Kansas City were
Mast Sunday with
wearing apparel which are to be sent
to England where the homes and
wearing apparel have been destroy
ed during the war.
completing some ei
l!otiM l-"-MUir II tmiti rcy Hosinrl.
John l,rli- ami l:llit- IImtI in
'The Wagons Roll at Night'
.Ui'Hl;iie .lii.l tiiiil.s with ;i cirrus on
a-!. A jii t .i re v.Ty n Ui.l lik-.
'The Border Legion'
Zane ivy's routes: tlit ilier. e it:
Also 'Jungle Girl' Serial
Matinee Sat.. :::::: NiKlits, 7 a:i.l ::::.
The ladies are ! Adults, 28c inc Tax Children. 10c
hteen sweaters .
and much
other ' sewing is being i
Visited in Omaha.
A party composed of Mrs. II. II.
Becker, Mrs. Mabel E. Reynolds.
Mary Becker and Mrs. A. L. Pecker
were in Omaha last Tuesday where
they spent the day. A. L. Becker was
dropped off at Plattsmouth where he
had business to look after for the
Visit with Mrs. Eikenbary
Mrs. Anna B. Pierson of Lino'n
and daughter Ruth Chenoweth Wat
son of Inman spent Sunday with
j their long tiir-e friend. Mrs. Fannie
enjoying a visit j Eikenbary. motoring down from Om
Grandfather andaha Sunday morning, they having
a j berg
dir.- Colon
er. Their son. Art, remained for a j pleasant for Mrs. Gorder as she j jIanten John Hansen and wife. Mr. S
A. F
ilonger visit during the early portion
of the week.
The Food and the
. AT
mpy's inn
on the Highway at
211 Chicago Avenue
Lunches - Short Orders
Sandwiches - Beer
Large Lighted Parking Lot
Eat Dinner at Mo. " Valley.
C. I). Spangler has a brother, John
Spangler making his home at Mo
ville. Iowa. With ever recurring
vear tbev have celebrated by eating
! dinner together, one year at Mur
iray and the next at Moville. This
'time they adopted a different play,
jlnstead of one family and their rel
atives in one of the towns driving
'the entire distance they concluded to
'meet as near half way as convenient.
there at
: Grandmother Jesse Dysart as well as! cp,.nt the night v.ith the Harold
Ivisiting with other friends in Union, j Chenoweth family and returning to
Frank Foggs began early this week Lincoln on Sunday evening. They
J.-im- i-Mitrt Jntly t.nrlim!
mid lleilv I. hiii ii rr in
'ZiegSeld GirP
w ith the K'eai. sl All-Star east in years.
Also nml Nowlly Utrls
MM) A V MAT1NKE, 2:3
KSatinee 28c, inc. Tax and 10c
Nights 33c, inc. Tax and 10c
llarnin ll Jlm nin'f Oiul
Miiii-'Mi niul Ills: ( l in
'Lady from Louisiana'
Stirring romance r the World's most
festive eit . Also ttnu-ly. iiflly H et-
i festive i-itv. rmi'v, o-lly m-I-.
i at 2 Xieists i-t 7 and t.
i No Tax Adults, 15; Children, 10c
ixti hit: it: ti hi:
j I-itlnard Ariioltl hii-I John llnrrjniorr in
j 'The Penalty'
' unit Itiehnril rlen mill Analy lei"c in
j 'Men of the Timberlands'
A St ft fiji'-C Story of the North Woods!
! Adults, 23c inc Tax Children. 10c
named Hidden Timber for two con
secutive years and is well acquainted
Charles Sans Still Poorly
Charles Sans who has been so very
ill at his home still continues in a
very poor state of health and is
cared for by his brother John, and
Mr. and Mrs. lin Morris have
m o v e d into their new home
which makes a very desirable place
to live. The home has been under
construction for some time and its
selected Missouri Valley as the ! completion makes another very fine
home for Murray.
.pin-.". Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Spangler
Everett Spangler and family. Mrs.!
'Margaret Todd and son. nick of Mur-! Entertained at Enibacher Home
'ray drove to Missouri Valley where j m,-. aIHj Mrs. G. E. Brubacber and
they met Mr. and Mrs. John Spang- daughter. Beverly Ann were host and
It. their thr-e sons and families and : hostesses to a gathering at their
.rh'iighters and families, there being, home Sunday, in the nature of a
'thirty-one in all at the gathering, j farewell dinner in honor of Dr. L. M.
They selected a park with plenty of jllauptman and daughter. Mrs. Haupt
, shade and water where they all en- jman js sister of Mrs. Urubacher, the
joyed a most pl
.dinner together.
painting the home of
Swan. During recent
Mrs. Myrtle
weeks many
Drivers Machine to Auburn
Eugene Hicks, who is employed
by the Sheldon Manufacturing com
pany delivered a second machine
which is put out by the factory, to a
party in Auburn lit Saturday and
Sunday. He had some ill luck and
did not get to his destination until
Sunday morning.
Paoe;an.J Mrs. George C. Sehldon. Mr. and
1,11 s- ir -lua". ""u "-' of the homes in Union and vicinity
George Pollard and many other cf his , , , . , . . , . .
nave neeii irvmeu it- a yaim. jv.
friends from Nehawka., i ... ., j
wltn me result uiai me iu u aim
surrounding country is looking much
Mrs. E. B. Chapman who is mak
ing her home with her daughter.
Mrs. Clarence Wiilis in the country,
has been verv sick and has been
i cared for by the daughter and hus-
band. The many friends of tins ex
cellent woman are much concerned
about her illness and are hoping that
she may soon be showing improvement.
report the Wilbur Chenoweths o 1 w.- 4l.n Hirsute rf twins. I
a boy and a girl born July 3rd. Their I 5jQ(0
r.ames are David and Joan.
;ant visit and ate i Hauptmans having made their home
Good Insurance
on Lincoln where Dr. Hauptman last
Saturday received his dot tor's degree
Now E''gllty-five Years Old "'n secondary education and was de
Mrs. John Reeder, v. ho is niece of jparting for I-al'ort. Indiana to accept
iiivi.t Vvlinn ulm iiomv vf:ivs a?fi n invitinn in the schools there, Thos
..... .. j enjoyeu a visit aim numer ai ink
it. iiaiipiman. wjie anu 1
home ot a orotner, .ir
To Celebrate Silver Wedding
On July 27. 1916. Miss Sophia
Frhrns became the bride of A. A.
McReynolds and now aftter twenty
five years they are to celebrate their
silver wedding anniversary. They
v. ill receive their friend- at the home
northeast of Nehawka. A full ac
count will be given of the celebration.
Makes Tour of Nebraska
Joe V. Brandt has been in all the
states including Mexico and Canada,
so this summer he toured Nebraska
via auto and all its bordering states,
also saw the Kingsely dam near
Ogallala. which is a wonderful proj
ect and worth seeing.
Kiatt Furniture Co.
126 South 6th Street
New Furniture
STUDIO COUCHES late style, heav
ily upholstered in veloux-$37.50
A Regular .39..10 Value
Three piece Bedroom Set Chest,
Eresser and Bed $37.50
Open Air Meeting Well Attended
The open air meeting which is
1 being sponsored by the Methodist
church, was well attended at the
outdoors pavilion where the free
jmovies are held. last Sunday, with
jthe Rev. Nelson, pastor of the Bap-
Mist church of Nebraska City deliver-
i ,
xt- -ii. nr-ii tt... iinsr the message. A uuariei noui
Mrs Paul Pntmn and children of , Omaha assisted in enlivening the ser-
St. Louis, has been in Nehawka for
some days visiting with her mother.
Mrs. Gertrude Carper, and last Sun
day all were in Murray where they
lived southeast of Murray but now ; present were
home at Amelia. Calif., 'laughter, the parents of Mrs. Hatipt-
' makes hi
w?s passing his birthday v nd was
sent a caid by bis niece, commr nior-Titin-'
the passing of his eighty-fifth
.nan. Mrs. Brubacber and Mrs. Clel
Black, all daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
A. C. Lash of Auburn, Dr. Hauptman
birthday inmiversary. A
of Mr. Exline being in
health notwithstanding
told land farnilq. Mr. Milo Hoppe.
Phone- 16
Leave for the South
Three families who have
staying in the Burton house,
raerly the W. S. Smith homcfi
employed on the pipe line, with the'ing will be with Mrs
continuance of the line north, have : August 7th.
n,anyj Neighborly Club
I The Neighborly chil) east of M'lr
r;ty met with Mrs. G"orge I'.rinklow
iju'.y 2nd. A pleasant afternoon was
been : spent in study, games and music.
for-j Miss Jessie Baldwin, home extension
and iager.t was a visitor. The next meet-
Charles Edgar
Lucean Car
per and family. Guests at the Car
per home were Olaf Li'ndberg, Gust
Nelson. A very enjoyable
was had.
vices. A large number of people
enjoyed attending the services.
FhiloG Electric Refrigerators
Radio Repair Service on All Makes
liorge Gas flange Korge Washers
Attended Weeping Wter Services
A number of people from Nehaw
ka, were over to Weeping Water last
Sunday attending the services of the
Methodist church during the after
noon, at which time there was a
special anniversary gathering in re
membrance of the early years o
Sang at Eitle School
The three daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Nickle. Ruth. Dorothy
and TYssie Ann. who are spending
the summer with Frank and Anna
gathering 'Bauer, and who attend the Baptist
Bible school, sang a special number
at the Bible school session last Sun
day inorninc, which was greatly en
joyed by all present.
Auxiliary Met at Peru
The American legion Auxiliary
iourneved to Peru July 14 to meet i
with Mrs. Thelma Bugbee for their ! lunersprbg Mattress, fully guaran
reguiar meeting. j teed to give satisfaction for 5 years
Joyce Snodgrass. the girl who ; or will be replaced $16.50
attended Girls' State at Lincoln, gave Occasional Chairs and Eocker Stur
a very interesting report. j y fcujjt chairs upholstered in velour.
A communic ation was read con-j g00(j a $G.85
cerning scrap aluminum and it was j
decided to co-operate with the local Used Furniture
committee on this project. j e. - r;a Qltl lnnl-c
like new. See it, buy it-7 :
The next meetins will be at the
Baptist church here and the Nehaw
ka Auxiliary will be guests.
Brome grass seed, 1941 crop. Sc.
Howard I'hilpot. Nehawka. Ncbr.
Efdroom Suite, 3 piece Chest. Van
ity and Bed. Mahogany fin.$24.95
Studio Couch Pillow style, tapestry
i upholstered. Good value at--$6.50
Gate Leg TablesS$7.50. $10.50
Walnut Good Values
An Early Celebration
A. L. Becker, being in a reminis
cent mood last Monday, was relating
a Fourth of July experience which
he r.r.d some seven of the sons of
the Wesleyan University and was '.Uncle Henry Wiofe, had when they
or rioe
na i
Fifteen Minutes From Bellevue to
ttsmouth State Bank
A Convenient Banking Connection
r 1 .
Elxperienced and Thourghful
Maintained through fifty years of
pleasing business relations in Cass
and Sarpy counties ... and looking
fciward'to further years of like as
sociations as this section grows and
prospers, based on our life-lorg pol
icy that 'No matter how Low the
price there is only ONE standard of
service the Best.' Day and Night
Ambulance Calls. Phone 52 or 276.
John P. Sattler Jchn P. Satiler
mm$imm?sm 4- ST. s avc. a
iirlf PHOTS E
QWl-id pi. Et&f ,