TSonssAt, rEciksis 14, 1939. PAGE n C1AL Vra TuMOaya rany Celebrate Joint Birthdays Mrs. Harry Williams, wdo ob served the passing of her birthday yesterday, and Mrs. Karl Schneider, whose birthday occurred Thursday, December 7, were the special guests of honor at a birthday dinner served at 1:00 p. m. Sunday at the home of Principal and Mrs. J. R. Reeder. Mrs. Reeder is a daughter of Mrs. Williams and a sister of Mrs. Schnei der. Other guest9 at the birthday din ner party were Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Langhorst of felmwood, and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Moore and daughter, Dor othy of Omaha. Coirple Set Wedding Date Miss Hancy Leona Price, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Price of this city, and Mr. Willard N. Brink, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Brink of Ihis city, have set Tuesday, December 26 as their wedding date. The nup tial ceremony will take place at 6 a. m. at the St. John the Baptist church, Monsignor George Agius being the celebrant. Mr. and Mrs. Bronson Timm will serve as the couple's at tendants. This evening Mrs. Bronson Timm and Mrs. Keener Price are entertain- I Like Corn, But Oh, Boy! Give Me . . . UVLf fnlfrfl UVLzn UVL; Why axe bo many leading hog feeders using Minral Meat Meal exclusively to balance their grain rations? First the hogs really go for it. Second it gives them minerals, proteins, conditioners all in one bag. Third it helps save corn (and corn prices are up). Fourth it helps build firm, hard pork, the kind the packers want. That's why Minral Meat Meal sales today are exceeding all previous records. Investigate this corn-saving, money-saving feeding plan with Minral Meat Meal. Plattsmouth Feed Center 301 First Avenue Telephone No. 36 ing at a miscellaneous shower In honor of Miss Price at the Keener Price home. v7. C. T. U. Meets Members of the Women's Christian Temperance Union met Monday after noon at the home of Mrs. Joseph v7ile9 and a very pleasing attendance list was reported. Mrs. R. B. Hayes of Omaha and three other guests were present. The group enjoyed hearing a fine program. Mrs. Stephen Wiles read one of Longfellow's poems, and Mrs. i"). S. Sumner gave a Christmas story. Miss Olive Gass gave a talk on "The Gift of the W. C. T. U. in Honor of the Birthday of Christ." At the close of the program Mrs. Wiles served refreshments. j3H f3a w A "WHERE EVERY DAY IS FOOD VALUE DAY" Ad for Plattsmouth, Fri., Sat., Dec. 15 and 16 PHONE 93 and 95 WE DELIVER Y en Granulated 10 lb. Cloth Bag P A TQIIP YELLOWSTONE 3RAND Q Kf 1 JUi 142-oz. Bottles. Each Vs MARSHMALLOWS 1forb . 12ic or SPAGHETTI 3-lb. Cello Bag LETTUCE Large Solid Heads, ea. . . 5c CORN FLAKES 3wr's' Lar.90 Box... 25c RANKS Large 176 Size Calif. Sunkist Navels, Doz.- COFFEE Chase & Sanborn, lb 25c OXYDOL or RINSO Large Box . . 19c MMS uii FIRM YELLOW EIPE Per lb. 8c PINEAPPLE SfiS.d,5iUSI,'ed.0': .T,d.3 25c SALMON, Trolling Pink. Mb. Can 15c N TV B CHOCOLATES lb. A YXMAS MIX. . . lb. CUT ROCK. . . lb. KRIS KRINGLE lb. C MULLEN'S MEAT DEPARTMENT Phone 95 and 93. We have Four Deliveries Daily 8:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. BEEF ROAST, extra fancy quality, lb.. 15 BEEF STEW, Cut, no bone, per lb 15 HAMBURGER, fresh cut, 2 lbs 25 PURE FRESH PORK, 2 lbs be 15c VEAL BROWNIES, per lb.... 2S$ PORK BRAINS, lb 10 WE ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF Cold Meats - Dill Pickles - Fresh Oysters Leave Orders for Dressed Poultry for Christmas Donna Lou Richards Feted Monday, December 11 occurred the ninth birthday anniversary of Miss Donna Lou Richards daughter of Mrs. Marie Richards. Her grand mother, Mrs. Albert Stokes tendered her a birthday party Saturday after noon and with the guest of honor eighteen were present. ,Guests at Donna Lou's party in cluded Donna Lee Rhoden Betty Alt schaffl, Mary Jo Kebal, Charlotte Gray, Edna Edith Forbes, Helen Lewis, Beverely Ann Chansley, Elva Jean Smock, Melba Price, Charles Newton, Sonny Gray, Marvin Ferris, Jackie Downs, David Downs, Leon Elliott. Richard Wohlfarth, Bobby Meisinger of Plattsmouth and Don ald Green of Omaha. The children enjoyed the afternoon in playing frames and the prize win ners were Marvin Ferris, David Downs, Beverly Ann Chancellor, and Donna Lee Rhoden. Assisted by Mrs. James Ault, and Mrs. George Downs, Mrs. Stokes serv ed a birthday luncheon to the "kid dies.' A birthday cake, with nine glowing candles, featured the center p:ece of the table Mrs. Stokes baked the cake. checkers was played and Mrs. R. L. Hone, of Humboldt, received the prize for the highest bridge score. Mrs. Charles Harlamer of Humboldt, won the Chinese checkers prize, and Miss Clenevteve Whelan received the prize for the highest pinochle score. Tim Wosters Feted at Party In honor of their thirtieth wed ding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Tim Foster were the guqgts of honor at an anniversary party, which was ten dered them last evening at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clement "Woster. The Wos ters' children were all present at the occasion. Present at the anniversary party were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stoehr of Cedar Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mur ray and daughter, Loraine and Flor ence Woster of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woster and son. Stephen, Rob ert Woster, Alice Woster, Mary Ellen Woster. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Woster, and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Woster and daughter, Miss Clementine of this city. The evening was spent in visiting and a session of progressive pinochle was played. In the ladies' division Mrs. Henry Woster received the prize and her husband, Henry Woster, re ceived the prize in the men's division. The guest9 of honor unwrapped their anniversary gifts and the evening concluded with the serving of wed ding cake, Christmas bell ice cream, and coffee. ' from Wednesday"! Dn Robert Reas Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Edward Osenkop of Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Terryberry and son, Paul Michael of Plattsmouth were special guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rea at a din ner party Sunday, December 10. The dinner was served a the noon hour and the guests spent the remainder of the day with Mr. and Mrs. Rea. They returned to their homes in the evening. Honored at Shower Miss Nancy Leona Price was the guest of honor at a miscellaneous shower tendered her by her sister-in-law and forthcoming bridesmaid, Mrs. Keener Price and Mrs. BroMon Timm. The shower took place at the Keener Price home at the Sharpnack apartments and was attended by a large number of close friends and associates of Miss Price. Guests at the shower included Mrs. William Henrichsen, Mrs. James Wauzy, Mrs. Merrill Meisinger, Mrs. James Randolph, Mrs. Sheldon Giles, Mrs. Homer Lutes, Mrs. Herman Bergman, Misses Llla Jane Elliott. Marjorie Fitch, Maxine Nielsen, Bea trice Arn. Cleda Koukal and Mrs., Harold Chandler. Mrs. Sheldon Giles. Mrs. James Randolph, .and Miss Cleda Koukal were the prize winners for the bingo game, which was enjoyed by the Sroup of young ladies. The forthcoming bride received a number of very useful and lorely gifts the variety was large, and fol lowing the opening of the gifts a luncheon was served to the thirteen guests. Christmas Parties Predominate Plattsmouth's social calendar is gradually being predominated by the influx of Christmas parties that are occurring each day. The Boys' Sodality of St. John the Baptist church met last evening' at the church club room for their Christmas party and between seven teen and twenty boys turned out for the event. A committee of four women, which comprised mothers of lour of the members, prepared and served the evening luncheon for the boys. The committee was composed of Mrs. Emery Doody, Mrs. William Brink, Mrs. Edward Berlett, and Mrs. Elmer Webb. Chinese checkers as well as other games were played. While about their 'social business the bojs had an unexpected caller Santa Claus himself. Preceding the luncheon the boys exchanged gifts. Fifteen members and two guests of the Live Wire club were present at the society's Christmas party, which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Warren Scharfenberg Mon tf&y evening. A turkey dinner was served at 6:30 p. m. The dining table v.as very prettily decorated with festa tableware and lighted small Christmas trees. Following the din ner pinochle, bridge, and Chinese . n -jr Choose from our large selection of strong:, beautiful WASHINGTON FIR CHRISTMAS TREES at 25c up OAov Jfc ere Make HINKY-DINKY your headauarters for Christmas foods! Finest quality priced low! (When you shop this week-end, ask for yoiir free copy of the gala holiday issue of McCaU's Meal Planner). for jToledai ialuesf SAC BOO fresh! delicious! Chef Leon Prepared Mince Meat 2-lb. Jar 22c Standard Quality TOMATOES No. 2 Cans 4 for 25c Assorted Varieties XR3AS WSL Lb., W ChOCOlateS Harriet Clark Cherries 1-lb. Box Season's Greetings, Assorted, 5-lb. Box Sensation Cherries 1-lb. Box Mint Patties Edward's Chocolate 1 -lb. Box .. ....... . Miniatures Harriet Clark Chocolates f Crt 2-lb. Box, 49c; 1-lb. Box. Chocolate Mints Harriet Clark, Thin iXg 1-lb. Box . Chocolate Drops or ORANGE SLICES 4 Am Per lb. 1...1UC 21c 85c 19c 19c Harriet Clark Fancy Asstd. Chocolates 4gA 3-lb. Box, 73c; 1-lb. Box. 5-lb. Box, $1.09 Edward's Assorted Chocolates ttt 3-lb. Box WL Contessa or EXMOOR Assorted Chocolates, 1-lb. Box 2-lb. Box, 39c Filled Candy Rainbow, 50 Filled 12n 2 lbs. for. A3w Daisy, 100 Filled lffn 2 lbs. for. A3v Peanut Brittle Fresh, Crisp 4l Per lb XUC 20c Bwfe LLnfln BOAST. Small, Lean Loins. By whole or half, lb.. Cudahy's Pure, Rex Brand Bulk 4 ibs. TO) Tender, U. S. Graded Beef Shoulder Cuts, lb. HIT .2c H5C Lanralb IRLoactt &,nS,I,...3c Spare Mlbs Lean, Meaty, lb. . . Choice, Lean, lb. Lamralb StteaEi BSammtanrgesr Saunoage Pure Pork, Bulk 2 lbs. . . . RUncccedl Lunmiclhiemi Tender, Tasty Shoulder Cuts, lb. . Freshly Ground Beef Cuts. 2 lbs 3LSC 25c Virginia Dare Assorted Beverages Large 24-oz. Bottle (Plus BoL Dep.) 4 for 25' PRUNES Santa Clara - Large 40-50's 2 lbs. 230 10-lb. Box 98 90-100 Size 4 lbs. 25 Morton Mouse Date Roll It's Delicious! 9C Regular rCans3 for ialcP COCOMALT for Health and Energy 1-lb. Can, 39r y2-lb. Can 25' Fresh, Crisp, Solid California Iceberg. Large 5-Doz. Size, Head. Cabbage BS&nSS! 3c Grapefruit iS? 321k&. .2c Texas Marsh Seedless Pink Grapefruit, 80 Size, each... 3U ro1oV Tender California, Well- " IkttZlCry Bleached, Large Stalk Cranberries JMIrt.lSc Figs Oranges c'SIzTioaza5MO,."., .19c ..22C New Pack, Jumbo Wide 9S.g Calimyra, 6-oz. Pkg 3 for )v Juicy Florida Seedless California Sunkist Seedless Navel Oranges, 252 Size. Dozen , KJnntis 3 Choice Mixed NO PEANUTS BRAZIL NUTS, Jumbo Brite, lb 15 MIXED NUTS, extra Fancy, 2 lbs., 45 ; lb.23e: PEANUTS, Jumbo Boasted, Bulk, lb 10 WALNUTS, Calif. Long Type Baby Emerald.17 PECANS, large Bleached Papershell, lb 23 DATES, Golden Hallowii, Bulk, 2 lbs 23 TOBACCOS 'hrltmas-Vraiprd Tobarma. C'lKarrttctt or 'lKnr . . make KXCKI.l.KXT GIFTS UNION LEADER Qr 14-oz. Can 3 C Prince Albert, Velvet, Ral eigh, Granger or Half CCin & Half, 1-lb. Can OVC G. Washington. 1-lb 55c Kentucky Club,' 1-lb. Can 75c Edgeworth, 1-lb. Can $1.09 CIGARS, popular 5c brands, box of 25 $1.15 CIGARETTES, pop. brands, 2 for 25c; Ctn..$1.19 CIGARETTES, pop. 10c brands, Ctn 89c MARVEL CIGARETTES, Carton 95c CIGARETTES, Kools or Philip Morris, Ctn.. $1-39 HEINZ KETCHUP Large 14-oz. , . Bottle ! 17" Heinz Pickles Fresh Cucumber Style 2for39c 24-oz. Jar 20c JOHNSON'S Furniture Polish V3 Pint Bottle DEL MONTE Sliced, Halves, ja No. 21 can . . Lux Flakes K'KT! 21c Lisrx Toilet Soap 3 Bars 17c Omar Flour Silt SSS?.. $1.65 Oalad Dressing 31c TOttaafO SOUP Van Camp's, lO-oz. cangC Fork & Beams van camp's, Mb. cans. 6c )r '7An O. Pekoe, Christmas Pkg. f5 5 ICa I4.b.. 43c: 14 -lb . .2J3C 9Ac (5iscx) CRISCO Shortening JOHNSON'S GLO-COAT SELF-POLISHING iy3-Pint Can for J?QC Price of 1-Pint Can. fjjf Butter-Nut Specially Mellowed (Regular or Drip Grind) 2-lb. Can or Glass Jar .4 WALDORF TISSUE RF.G ROLLS 6 for 25c, Scottissue Soft as Old linen! 2SL4 for 29c Atnaizo Syrup (Golden) 5-b. Pail 24 10-lb. Pail 3Qc I' GOLDEN I Balanced Ration IDEAL Dog Food 1-lb. Cans Idiot $fnr2Cc BOG Doz. 98 Case, 48, $3.85 (Save Labels for Valuable Premiums) Hersbey candy bars, large. . . .2 for 25c nSA. So-Tast-ee quality Soda Crackers, 2-lb., 19c m?) illlA BUTTER CRACKERS, 1-lb. Pkg Gold Medal Flour li $1.65 Oucar ,Ho.ra,S' B!'..u" 52c Sugar f,,.,scN5rhDBcaAB"E .55c CoOSee Zgfcitt..:. 3 37c 171 Af Iff Ryal P'ou". -b. Sack, S1.05 ma JT lUllir Hinky-Dinky Superior quality, 4S-lb.. .ipileiV 'Ad tor riattamonth, Frl Smt De. 15-16 Ri(kt to Limit Renerred 1