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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1939)
TABLOID EDITION, PLATTSMOUTH JOUBNAL PAGE KO. HB. OCTOBEB, 5. 1939 ilANLEY CHURCH AN EAEXY MISSION (Continued from Page 8) About 18 SI, land was secured at Col Iftre Hill and a frame church erected, dedi cated to St. Patrick by the Rev. Patrick S. Lynch of Plattsmouth. Two acres of la rid were secured for cemetery purposes. The first resident priest was the Rev. F. J. .Nugent, who came in September, IS 5 4. He boarded with the Schlater fam ily until a small frame residence was built. In July. 1902. the church was struck by lightning and destroyed. Or. the return of the pastor, the Rev. John Hennessy, from a trip to Ireland, steps were taken to erect a new brick ihr.rch in town. Five lots were bought, and the cornerstone was laid by Bishop Bonacuni June 2S. 1 f 0 :i . He dedicated the church, which cost about $20,000, May 2U. liiOl. and confirmed 21 persons the same day. A two-story frame residence v. as erected adjacent to the church. Before the church was built. Mass was celebrated at the home of Patrick Blessing ton and Frank Slander and in the section , house at Louisville and a school house a mile west of the present cemetery. j Priests who attended the church or were pastors of it were Fathers Bobal. Lynch. Nugent. John Lawless, John Hennessy. William Higgins. Wattelle. Harte and J. J Kaczmarek. The Rev. James Hennessy is the present pastor, with Elmwood as a mission. The original Stander home is still standing. Mass was celebrated in it over sixty years ago. Farmers predominate in the parish, al though there are some workers from the Louisville cement plant and Weeping Water quarries. There are 4 8 families. Raymond Haith, Miss Eleanor O'Brien, Thomas Stava, O. M. Kintz, Mrs. Baltz Meisinger. RT. REV. AGIUS CLASSMATE OF POPE The Rt. Rev. George Agius was born in the island of Malta. Europe on January 10, 1S72. He studied in the Seminary of Vic toria, where he was ordained to the priest hood in lf'Oo. He went to Rome in 1896 and frequented the Pope's University, when he bec ame Pod or of Divinity and Doctor in Canon Law. It was at that time when he met the present Pope Pius XII with whom" he was a classmate for (our years. Father Agius came to America in 1902 at the invitation of Bishop Bonacum, whose Secretary and Chancellor he was for ten years. He was in charge of Seward from 1912 to 1916. of Geneva from 1916 to 1927. "and of Plattsmouth from 1927 to the present time. He was made Domes tic Prelate of His Holiness in lf'3f and Dean of the Plattsmouth Deanery n 19 37. ANNIVERSARY DONATIONS The following were contributors to the special collection for the SOth anniversary observance: Contributed $3.00 Dr. W. V. Ryan. Contributed $2.00 Mrs. E. J. Richey, Francis Hetherington, John Bergman. Contributed $1.00 Philip Horn, Mrs. C. Bintner, Mrs. Peter Claus. E. Fitzger ald. Frank Xeugebauer. L. W. Lorenz, A. R. Case, George Jaeger. John Bajeck, Mrs. E. J. Doody, Edward Stava, Dr. L. S. Puce lik, Frank Smith. William Halmes, Dan Reichstadt, M. Hausladen, Mrs. Anna Pitt man, Mrs. Frank Molak, Mrs. Thrall, Fran cis Toman,. Edward Kelly. Joseph Schla ter, Frank Libershal, John M. Meisinger, John Libershal. John Cloidt. W. M. Wool- cott. Frank Mullen, Edwin Schulhof. Mrs. J. C. Petersen, Miss Alice Rohren, W. M. Brink, E. A. Lorenz, Carl Ulrich. Richard Otterstein. Miss Nora Kennedy, F. I. Rea, Mrs. Penny, Mrs. E. Ulrich, Mrs. L. Free man, Miss Margaret Scotten, Miss Gene vieve Whelan, Mrs. M. D. Brown, Mrs. Elmer Webb, Mrs. Edgar Creamer. Contributed 50c Mrs. Julius Pitz, Mrs. Phillip Born, Mrs. John Gochenour, Mrs. Helen Toman, John Tomas, J. Bierl, Ken neth McCarthy, Mrs. LeFter Gaylord, Mrs. HEALTHY CATHOLIC GROWTH IN DIOCESE ONE THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE TELLS i FRIEND IT PAYS TO TRADE AT ATnTisip-nnr fiporsrp Asrius. nastor of St. John's church in Plattsmouth. who wrote the history of the diocese under Bishop Bonacum. and who is familiar with the development of the diocese throughout the fifty years of us existence, was recently asked by Monsignor Helmann. editor of "The Register." Catholic publication, to write the concluding paragraph of an ar ticle by Monsignor Helmann tracing Cath olic growth in the diocese under Bishop Kucera. Monsignor Agius wrote as fol lows: "In these fifty years of its existence, the Diocese of Lincoln has reason to rejoice for God's having sent to it, according to the times the rie-bt man to lead the peo ple. First, he gave us Bishop Bonacum. who for almost a quarter of a century laid the diocese's foundations on a solid basis and traced, as it were, its future course of life. Other bishops followed him Bishop Tihen. Bishop O'Reilly and Bishop Beckman and continued his work. And then, when other times came times not of prosperity but of depression and dis couragement God sent us another man according to Bishop Bonacum's own heart. This man is Bishop Kucera. Like Bishop ; Por.acum. he has put new life in the Dio jcese of Lincoln. Not unlike his first prede cessor, he is a fearless leader, and he al ways has in view the best interests ot religion. "For that reason, he has used hercu lean efforts to keep what others had built, and it seems now possible that he will save what only a short time ago, because of the hard times, seemed almost irrepar ably lost. No wonder that today then the priests of the diocese are, as never before, united with their bishop. 'Dominus con servet eum et vivificet eum et beatum facial eum in terra.' " And So Another Customer Comes to Ft T AS-TEE SHOP JUST Good Fresh Ice Cream Compliments of a Compliments of UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO. OMAHA, NEBRASKA BRINK HATCHERY COMMERCIAL AND CUSTOM HATCHING SEEDS AND REMEDIES Plattsmouth, Nebr. PboM 117