The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1901-current, October 05, 1939, SOUVENIR TABLOID EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 15
I OCTOBIE 5, 1939 OCTOBXE 5, 1939 TABLOID 111111011, PLATTSMOUTH JOUESA1 PAGE KO. SETEJ J CONGRATULATIONS ! COMPLIMENTS OF i - - , congratulations- Bestor & owatek to. Cass County Motor Co. j hardware Plattsmouth CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE j 433 Slr"' P,M , i .Bakery OTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA PHONE 120 ) 1 3f0rt0Tl LUNCHEONETTE R R O G R A M TFuilml DELICATESSEN 3th Anniversary of Catholicity in Plattsmouth wwfriwi SUNDAY. OCTOBER 8, 1939 TTa home made ce cream Forenoon Field Mass Anniversary Dinner Iwlllw arfield Park Near the First Catholc Served at 1:00 O'Clock in the Auditorium ' Church in City of Plattsmouth of Legicn Community Building COMPIIMENTS OF "plattsmoutl), yizbr. All dtholic jK-ople are invited Rev. Elmer McFadden, Avoca ii DORCPTQON t.. meet at St. Johns church Toastmaster V. A. KUDLKIOUIM l.. in the Processional to Welcome for CityGeorge Lushinsky ATTORNEY AT LAW r.arileM Park. ;th and Gran- Mayor of Plattsmouth ' CONGEATTJLATIONS ! ite streets, for Field Mass. Response Walter H. Smith, LI. B. CDAnV P ADATC BEKIN BLDG. PLATTSMOUTH NEBR. .-Solemn Pontihcial Field Mass. CaS8 Co Attorney V tJU I UAKAUL M.-t Rev. Louis B. Kucera, Resxnse L. S. Devoe, A. B., M. A. p, 5g plattsmoutu " lii,, of Lincoln. Celebrant Superintendent of Schools one W nattsmoutn COMPLIMENTS OF Anniversary Dinner will be served at Address Robert LeRoy Cochran CONGRATULATIONS! Conis Shoe Shining Parlor Ann ri an Lesion Community Building Governor of Nebraska w , :i.o i. in This dinner prepared and tttjj ct PVllVV I .llTirll Phone 194 - Plattsmouth d by u.e ladies of the St. John's and Address.Rev. Thos. H. Bovvdern, S. J. U 1 JL11J.HjXI 1 nunc Rosary parishes. Public is invited! 1K;r , , , . . . . . , m V, "t""""""'""" 6th and Ave. A, Plattsmouth i he (i and program, all are in- AddressMost Rev. Louis B. Kucera PHMPT IMFNTS OF : to participate ni the bingo game at Bish Lincoln UJMrUMtJN IDUf ;all. The Sodality Girls will also con- " . .,.,.., a raiidv sale. In the late afternoon. -Address Rt. Rev. George AglUS COMPLIMENTS OF sr-r J-.hns school P-T-A will serve lunch. D. D., J. C. D., Pastor St. John's O O HENRY JASPER Conoco Service Station -yiorist - -i ... - -.- r.,-- 24 Hour Service Phone 13 COMPLIMENTS OF f Phone No. 3 Plattsmouth j Mullen's Meat Department Plattsmouth Creamery U.""" lorenz bros. on , A , n o jj S Meat and Grocery Store anufacturers of Lasco Jlutter A C0MPLETE mE OF i o i i o 134 NorUl Sixti Street 3 Main St. Phone 94 Plattsmouth, Neb, J School Supplies phone ?4 Plattsmouth 1 BATES BOOK STORE