The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 07, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr. Rylejr o? Dawson was a
pleasant caller here Saturday at
term o*
Kuunerson Hauer* shipped live
cars of rattle to Kansas City last
Prank Dietrich and *on Alvin
wore t rariMoling business in
Kails City IHiosday.
II. L, Outlet! made a business
trip to Sal m one day last week.
Blanche Itandell is home from
a recent visit with her cousin,
Vera Ouilliants, south of town.
Uittl? Ardell Heifers, who has
been very ill is improving nicely
«t this writing.
The farm era are busy threshing
and hauling their grain to mar
Hazel Douglass of Union was
♦lie guest of Heorgia Stump
Messrs. (). At. and A. J. Hein
t.clmann made a trip to thc'rtoun
ty seat in their auto Wednesday.
0. P. Teat came tip from St.
Joescph laai week for a brief
'isit with hi* brother, doe and
Dr. Burofcard of Pall* City was
n town on« day last week tiav
ing been called Here by the ser
ious condition of little Ardoll
Miles brathers moved their
household goods to Humboldt
last Wednesday.
A car load of cattle arrived
Thursday morning from Kansas
City for F. Friedley .
doe Higgins of Hhuhert was a
pleasant, caller at the home of
M. Mali/ft njeentJy.
fJrandpa Waggoner of Forest
City, Mo., is visiting Ins soli
Frank and family at this writ
Mrs. Slick and children loft
Thursday atfernoon for Olay <*en
ter, this gUtc, where they will
make theta*,future home.
Mrs. doh* Dillon and son lial|!i!
were |>»t-«o*gyi;* to Omaha Wed
ucstlny afttwaooq.
Mr. an.l Mrs. Nelson Timmer
in anti made a pleasant trip to
tlie county seat in their auto
Kmutci'uun Hauers shipped a
. ar of cattle to Kansas City the
,'irst of the week.
Mrs. Huimorson Hardin left
Saturday for Hurwell, Nebr., for
r.u extended visit, with her sou
Clyde and family.
Miss Stella dohuso* was em
ployed in .1 S Carson's store a
few days last week.
Miss Hemice llcinemann lias
returned to her home at Falls
City after a pleasant visit here
with her cousi* Meta lleinc
. 4
Charlie Tingicy of liiueoln is
* 11 'asnl visitor in this vicin
ity at prewut
dohu Oeteriek, wife and daugh
ter, M ss Busan, spent Sunday
•n town the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ccorge Fogle.
The 11umliotdt booster club was
n town Tuesday last, they were
accompanied l*y tin* lluniholdt
band which furnished the music
for the occasion
B F. Vea<h shipped a ear of
hogs to Kansas City Thursday
even irrg*.
Mrs, Arthur 11arris came up
from Falla City the latter part
of the w*tik for a visit with her
uncle Frank Veaeh.
The Verdon base hall team
rrossvd bats with the Humboldt
team here Thursday afternoon.
The score w» - U) to 4 in favor
cf Verdou.
The Misses Hazel and Irene
Veal eamo down from Lincoln
the latter part of the week to
spent the Fourth of July with
their cousin, Claud Veal,
Mrs. FJiza Goolsby and little
granddaughter Lola returned
home Thursday from a short stay
with relatives in Falls City.
M. Meliza is the proud pos
-essor of a fine new Overland
touring car which he recently
purchased & Edwards of Shubert.
f f Shnbetr.
The south hound passenger
train Thursday afternon set fire
to t e right of way north of the
labroad crossing, the wind being
from tlie south drove the flames
direct towards the property <»l
Nancy Hollers, now occupied by
Frank Rendoll, and the residence
*>f W. McCullough. Fortunately
toe fire was gotten under eontorl
h< fore much damage was done.
Miss Myrtle and Elmar Dillon
left last week for a \ isit with
relatives in Kansas; they expect
to he. absent from home a week.
Several from here attended the
funeral of Frederick Fischer at
Falls City Sunday.
Ambrost Parsons. Monday re
turned home from Buffalo, N. V.
where lie was "sent as a delegate
for the M. \V. A. lodge.
A large crowd from here went
to Salem Tuesday to celebrate
* ,, I
the Fourth. All report a lint
<). P. Veal and daughters Ha
zel and Irene, who are visiting
here, spent Sunday in the coun
try the guests of Vincent Ar
nold and family.
The Missouri Pacific has put J
n a new pumping station down (
near the Muddy, this will he a
great help as the old well has
been failing of late.
11. F, Veaaeh and wife left
Friday afternoon for Excelsior
Springs, Mo., where they expect
to remain until the first of Au
gust for the benefit of the lat
ter’s health.
Herbert Cullen and famil.v mov ^
<d to Salem Wednesday when1
Mr. Cullen will assist J. Mere
dith in the butcher shop. We are
sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Cul
len from our circle, hut wish
them success in their new home.
Miss Margaret Weiek returned
to her home near Shubert the lat-1
ter part of the week after spend- !
ing the past five weeks here with
Mrs. Frank Veacli.
Miss Luella ltca and her uiothe
of Denver, Colo., are visiting
Miss Carie Rea at the home of
1 A. Dunn, after a trip to 111 in-!
I. A. Dunn sold his hogs last
Miss Lizzie Mioheals is suffer
ing with a severe ease of ivy
Mrs. Kd. Kge is seriously ill
at t his writ ing.
Lulu Siemering spent Saturday
afternoon with Miss F.lla Wis
Clifford Fink moved his thre
sher to Shubert where lie will
start threshing, I
I. A. Dunn and family spent |
Sunday at X. A. Arnolds.
0. W. Duerfeldt was in Falls
City last Friday on business.
Henry Siemering took a busi-,
ness trip to Falls City Friday. ,
Harry Rea spent a few days
last week at 1. A. Dunn’s.
Mr. and Mrs. doe Sohawang
spent Friday in Falls City.
das. E. Stephenson was over
from Salem on Sunday for a visit
with homo folks.
Mrs. B, B. Andrews of Nema
ha spent Sunday the guest of
her n< w grandson, Ilarrv Hub
Mahlon Spiekler is down from
I Council Bluffs visiting his many
Harry Hendricks returned Sat
urday from an extended visit at
Miss Hattie Lilly of Verdon
spent the week as the guest of
Mrs. d. A. Martin and other
Audrey Wile man, Lulu Lau
kempf and Mattie Barker came
down from Peru on Friday re
jraainiug over the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Spiekler
moved to Shubert Wednesday
wliore they have rented the El
! mer King residence.
Sam Anderson of Auburn is
assisting R. ,T. Dunn & Son be
diind the counter of their large
mercantile establishment. Mr.
Anderson lias had thirty-two
years experience in mercantile
Mrs. W. A. Cox left Friday
lor Bancroft ,being called there
by the illness of her father, Kel
ly, a former resident of this town
and who is now night watchman
at Bancroft. In endeavoring to
<;iml! a disturbance between a
couple of rowdys in a restaurant
one of the offenders seized a
•'ork and plunged it into Air.
K 'ley’s eye, entirely destroying
the sight, of that member. Mr.
Kelly is now in a hospital at
Mr. Thompson, a real estate
man of Omaha, is in this vicinity
1 ransueting business.
Jas. Tillman Jr., was in the
city .Monday.
The Harry Kimmel theatrical
troupe of Auburn held forth at
tin1 Woodman Hall Saturday eve
ning. They were greeted with a
large audience.
Don’t forget the meetings at
Evungl. church beginning July
!). Presiding Elder Williams will
be here for the entire week and
a splendid service is assured. Ev
erybody invited.
Grandma Orr and Mrs. W. E.
Whittington were over from Shu
her! <*110 day last week for a visit
with home folks.
Mrs. C. E. Teter is again able
to be about, after a severe illness
of several weeks.
Pert Elliot and Miss Lena Har
rison were married by Judge
Gagnon at the court house Wed
nesday of last. week. The bride
lias lived just south of town fori
her daughters in Wymore and
Diller, Nebr.
A1 Shaffer of St. Edward visit
ed with his mother and other rel
atives here the first of the week.
Frank Blair returned to his
home in llgihland last week, af
ter a two weeks visit with rel
atives in this city.
Conrad Horan of Falls City
visited with his new grandson
and other relatives here last
Mrs. Maggie Harrison and little
daughter left Wednesday for
their home in St. Joseph, after a
two weeks visit with relatives in
this eity.
days of last week in Lincoln.
John Kanaly spent several
days in Lincoln last week.
Miss Kate Young of the Y.
was a Falls City shopper last
Agent Pope returned Friday
from a short business trip to
J. A. Osborne and family re
turned from a ten days overland
trip to Lincoln, Dorchester and
several other Nebraska points.
Dr. Coleman of Crete spent a
few days last week with friends
in Rulo.
Mrs. J. L. Hopkins and sons
returned Thursday from a two
weeks visit at Creston, Iowa.
Cecil Kanaly returned home
from Peru where she has been
attending school.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Hen
Hob Miller returned to Arizo
July Clearing Sale
—.- ..." AT THE ~. .
Home Shoe Store
During the month of July we are going
to clean up all the Summer Shoes
if LOW PRICKS can remove them.
We are calling your special attention to
our White Pumps at $1.50 and White
Button Shoes in Sea Island Duck of the
best kind at 50.
The Home Shoe Store
Four Doors South kichadson County Bank
a number of years. The groom
is a farmer in Kansas. After a
short visit with relatives, they
left Thursday for Robinson, Kas., j
their future home. Their many!
friends wish them a happy and!
prosperous life.
Mrs. Ed. McMahan and three
children of East Las Vegas, New
Mexico, are visiting her father
John Randolph.
Tom Rrinegar spent a couple
of days with his pai*ents at Sa
lem, the first of the week.
Curtis Graham of Johnstown,
Nebr., came last week for a visit
home folks and old friends.
llarvy Marsh has built lumber
"lo ds at his saw mill.
George lluckett of Wymore
was a Rulo business visitor, one
day last week.
Ervin Mathers of Napier was
a Rulo visitor on Wednesday
Airs. Annie Stoekwell, nephew
and two neices of Kansas City,
spent last week with Air .and
Airs. R. D. Larabee,
Airs. Otis Williams of White
Cloud was the guest of Airs.
Thomas AVinterbottom last week.
Airs. Robert Tliaver of Leav
• *
enworth came last week for a
visit with her mother, Airs. Win
terbottom, and otlier relatives.
Harry Huber of Waterloo, Io
wa, arrived Tuesday night por
a few days visit with relatives.
Fred Johnson of Lincoln was
a business visitor in Rulo 1
Airs. Emma Kern left Wednes
day for a three months visit with
ua Monday, after a short visit
with relatives in this city.
Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd visited
in St. Joseph a few days of last
ry Scott entertained several mo
thers with their small children
in honor of her son Percy's sec
ond birthday.
Mrs. Charles Arnold of Kan
sas, was a Rulo visitor Wednes
Wilbur Long arrived here
from Hamburg, Iowa, Saturday,
called here by the death of his
grandmother, Mrs. Anderson.
Floyd True came dowu from
Salem Saturday for a short visit
with home folks.
Frank Robison was a Falls Ci
ty visitor the last of the week.
Charles Smith of Wymore was
a Rulo visitor the first of the
Mrs. Claud Seley and little son
of Thompson, Nebr., are visiting
with Rulo relatives.
At the school meeting Monday,
Dan Ratekin and John Mooney
were elected as members of the
school board.
James Goolsby of Forest City,
visited with relatives in Rulo a
few days last week.
William Carico of Diller, visit
ed with relatives here the first of
the week.
Will and Clyde Nietzel of Hub
ble, spend the Fourth with home
George Seley came in from
Quincy, 111., Sunday to visit his
( family.
Mrs. Alfred Fry returned to
her home in St. Joseph Sunday,
after .spending a few days with
Frank Bingham and family.
R. I). Larabec spent several
days last week with his son's
family at Preston.
Cecil Kanaly and brother John
nie were Falls City visitors Mon
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Al, Moore of
Council Bluffs, Iowa, returned to
their home again Tuesday after
attending the funeral of Grand
ma Anderson. Mable Long ac
companied them home.
Will Dunn went to St. Joseph
Mondday e vcning for a visit
with relatives.
Agnes Kanaly returned Mon
day evening from Peru, where
she is attendding school.
Frank Borland and family who
recently returned from Florida,
are visiting friends in this city.
Miss Dorthy Morris of Kansas
City is a guest at the home of O.
L. Bantz and wife.
D. E. llarbaugli and family of
Dawson took in the hand con
cert in this city Saturday night.
Will Crawford of Table Rock
spent Sunday with his mother,
Mrs. Lina Crawford, and family.
Clias. Woods and family of Ta
ble Rock vsiited with Elmer
Woods and family in this city,
the latter part of the week.
Claud Lynch left the first of
the week for Colorado, where he
lias employment.
Misses Frances Ilynek, nose
Wozab, Frances Klosner and Mit
tie Gridly, who are attending the
Peru Normal, returned home Fri
day to attend the Fourth of July
Frank Shane of Pawnee City
visited for a short time this week
w ith Humboldt friends.
Rudolph Vertiska of Table
Rock came to this city Saturday
to spend a few days with rela
Ralph Ilummel of this city aud
Miss Minnie Bliss of Falls City
were married in St. Joseph Thurs
day. We understaand they will
reside in this city.
Mildred Creed who has been
seriously ill for several weeks, is
now on the road to recovery.
Mrs. F. E. French and child
ren returned Friday from a visit
with relatives in Salem.
Dr. Todd Waggoner and bride
of Dawson spent the latter part
of the week with friends in this
city, on their return from a trip
to Omaha and Lincoln.
Frank and Otto Kotoue re-1
turned Thursday from a trip to
the western coast.
George Neuton and bride this
week commenced house keeping
in their new home east of the
Methodist church.
Rudolph Ilnizda aud wife of
Table Rock were visiting in this
city the first of the week.
Bert Williams of Pawnee City
was a business visitor here a few
days this week.
L. It. Mann and Frank Snethen
transacted business in Pawnee
City Thursday.
Miss Mabel Smith visited with
friends in Pawnee City the lat- j
ter part of the week.
P. K. Walsh is making an au-1
to tour through South Dakota. |
this week.
Mrs. K. -I. Curdy left Thursday
for King City, Mo., where she
will visit at the home of her
Mrs. Ray Downing and child
ren have returned to their home
in Omaha after spending’several
weeks with relatives in this city.
Earl Goddard was up from
Falls City Wednesday aafternoonJ
Mrs. Ella Williamson returned
Tuesday from a several weeks
1 visit with relatives at Indianola.
Mae Skillett returned the last
of the week from a visit with
Falls City friends.
Miss Edith Stout, a former
Humboldt girl, now living at Be
; itrice. is a guest of her friend
M ss Gail Parsons.
Tom Riley of Dawson was in
ilhis city Wednesday.
Mrs. George Seabury and littl
daughter of Kansas City are
visiting the Cooper families and
other friends in this city this
Miss Oil it* l’etrashek was a
gut st of friends in Falls Wity
this week.
Mrs. .John .Johnson of Omaha is
visiting at the home of her son,
Will Johnson and family.
Mrs. C. 10. Kueli and little
daughter, Atinahelle, left Wed
nesday for Minneapolis, where
they will visit relatives.
Henrj Sherman of Council
Bluffs, a former resilient of this
place, was greeting friends here
'his week.
Mrs. Kohert Traverse and son,
Frank, of Lincoln are guest* at
llm home of her parents, Win.
Cooper and wife.
A Peek Into His Pocket
would show the box of Bueklen’s
Arnica Salve that E. S. Loper, a
carpenter, of Marilla, N. Y. al
ways carries.” I have never
had a cut, wound, bruise, or sara
it would not soon heal,” lid
writes. Greatest healer of burns,
boils, scalds, chapped hands and
lips, fever-sores, skin-eruptions,
eczema, corns anti piles. 25e at
all druggists.
Harvey Peck of Morrill. Kas.,
who underwent an operation for
appendicitus at the Sabetha, Kas.
hospital the last week in May,
has recovered so much that ho
was able to come up iu this vi
cinity and visit relatives last
Mr. and Mi’s. W. Stump and
little daughter and E. M. Kim
mel and family were entertained
at the L. S. Nedrow home.
Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Watson and
Moses Royer, wife and daughter,
all of Falls City, came out in
the latter’s auto to the Silver
Creek church where Rev. Wat
son filled his appointment at 11
a. m. and then they went to the
home of II. J. Prichard and were
entertained the remainder of the
F. S. Liclity and family were
in Falls City Sunday the guests
of relatives.
A great many of the farmers in
this locality are harvesting tlioir
oats this week.
Mrs. C. J. Peck and two child
ren were guests at the home of
C. Mueller and family one after
noon recently.
Homer Elsline is quite sick at
this writing.
Johlin Dietrich and bride ar
rived home from Pa. and will go
to house keeping at Straussville.
Frank Fisher and Earl Sturms
visited with Edgar Corn Sunday.
Amelia Zeibeineieher was the
guest of Amelia Constantine at
the home of H. Fritz and wife.
Parson’s Poem A Gem.
From Rev. IT. Stubenvoll, Alli
son, la., in praise of Dr. King's
New Life Pills.
“They’re such a health necessity,
In every home these pills shomlH
If other kinds you’ve tried in
And be well again. Only 25e. at
all druggists.
Falls City Gets Postal Savings
Postmaster Aaron Loueks was
notified by the Postal Savings
Bank department to establish a
postal savings bank here on July, ,
27. Au inspector will be here jj
to instruct the Postmaster in his |
new duties relative to conductingg|
the bank. 9
Subscribe for the Tribune.
Made A New Man Of Him. I
‘■I was suffering from pain in my B
stomach, head and back," writes 11.1
T. Alston, Kaleigh, Ei, C., “and my I
liver and kidneys did noi work right,I
but four bottles of Electric Bitters I
mado me feel like a now man " I