The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 07, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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•lee Dauenhauser spent Sunday
at liis home in Atchison.
Frank Davis of Bniley-ville.
Kansas, lias been visiting with
Alex. Bowman.
•John Hall and ( has. Weir of
Y'erdon were In the city last Sat
urday" afternoon.
Fred Sebold of Omaha was in
the city Friday enjoying a visit
with old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry" Thomas of
Hiawatha were over in their ear
last Fri lay afternoon.
Mrs. ('. T. Bun-hard returned
Friday from a three week’s visit
with her mother i:i Atchison.
•lodge Kelligar of Auburn was
in the city last Thursday look
ing after matters of business.
•J. S. Lord attended a me ding
of the Democratic SVio tom
initteo at Columbus last week.
Mr. aand Mrs. Henry Schh»
ser of Omaha, are visiting Ibis
week with the ofrmcr’s brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Prater of
Beatrice spent Sunday in this
city, tin- guests of their parents.
Henry Zimmermann and wif“
of Fargo were in the city last
Thursday attending to shopping.
Mrs. Miehaelis and family of
Fargo were in the city doing
their trading Monday" afternoon.
Jim Whitney of Salem was her
Friday afternoon, making the
trip down and hack in his auto
Clyde Stumbo came up from
Kansas City Sunday morning to
spend a few days with home
Miss Maude Graham spent
tew days the first of the week
with her friend Miss Weller in,
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Meliza of
Verdon came down in their ear
Thursday to do their weekly
Misses Alma and Sadie Dae
seliner of Preston wore in the
city Friday afternoon doing some
New potatoes are as high as
the sky, owing to the dry spell
this year. They only cost +3.00
per bushel.
Mesdamcs Leonard Simons and
Jno. Mohler of Preston were in
the city Saturday afternoon do
ing their shopping.
Miss Inzc Holstein left Thurs
day for Illinois where she will
spend the summer with her sis
ters, Erma and Frances.
Mr. and Mrs. James Stephen
son of Salem were in the city
Sunday visiting with the latter’s
parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. -I. Oli
Miss Lena and Louis Nettle
back li ft last Thursday for Colo
rado Springs, Colo., where they
will spend a two month’s vaca
Grant Goolsby of Ohio town
ship was overcome with heat
last Friday while plowing corn.
The weather is something fierce
he says.
Miss Marie Gehling left last
Saturday morning for Vermillion,
Kans., where she will make a
two weeks visit with Mr. and
Mrs. 51,art Huber.
Arch Cook and Chas. Birdsley,
traveling salesmen for the Col
umbia Stock Powder Co., came
home and spent the Fourth of
July with their families.
51 iss 51ary 51urphy accompan
ied her cousin, 51r. Tiegh to his
home in Weeping Water last Fri
day, and will visit with her rel
atives there for a short time.
Glenn Moore of Salem has ac
cepted a position with the Godd
ard 5Iusic House of this city. He
will stay with his grandparents,
Mr. and 5Irs. Samuel Bayne.
Stephen B. Miles law Thurs
day left for ths Great lakes,
where he will later be ,jonie,t by
his family, and they will spend
the remaining summer months
at Lake Erie.
Harry Burkett, of Lincoln, for
merly of this city, is here visit
lug with old friends and admir
ing the progress of our city. Har
rj has charge of the horses for
the Lincoln Draft Horse Co.
Fred Oraham was a Lincoln
visitor cm the Fourth.
E. F. Salisbury, o*t‘ Kansas City
s]>eut Sunday in this city,
James Stephenson of Salem was
a Falls City visitor Wednesday.
All the time good Butter and
Eggs wanted at Lippold’s. Phone
Frank VanValen of Hiawatha
was a Falls City visitor on the
Fourth. N
Frank Dietrich and soil were
down from Verdon Tuesday on
Ed. •!ones is moving to his new
home in the north-east part of
town this week.
Miss Ollie Petraeshek of Hum
boldt is visiting with friends in
this city this week.
Cleaning, pressing and repair
ing Yeung’s Panitorium. Op
posite Wahl’s Store. tf
Miss Bernice Heinemann re
turned from Verdon yesterday,
where she has been visiting with
her cousin, Miss Meta Heinemann
Messers C. M. and A. J. llein
zclmann of Verdon were trails
acting business in this city Wed
Frank Wolf and wife of Mem
phis, Nebr., were the guests of
Mr. and Airs. S. II. Bailey last
David Stedham of Slmbcrt took
a ear of hogs to St. Joseph last
week, returning home Friday af
Strayed—A small black pig.
Hot loose on the evening of the
3rd. Finder please notify the
Miss Emma Spaeth left Sunday
for Hutchison, Kans., where she
will visit with Air. and Mrs. Ed.
May for a few days.
•1. ('. Shulcnberrg and wife and
•lake Birdslcy and wife of Shu
bert spent Saturday in this city
attending to shopping matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bentley
and daughter, Miss Dorothea,
spent Sunday in St. Joseph hav
ing a good time at the pleasure,
Work on the new residence of
Huy Greeuwald is nearing com
pletion. When it is finished
Huy will have one of the nicest
homes in the city.
Miss Lola Sturm left last Sat
urday for Hiawatha where she
will he the guest of the Misses
Mildred Neibling and Velma .Jac
ques for a few days.
Miss Hariett Merchant and
sister, Mrs. Will Houston of Ag
re, Okla., have been spending
the past week with the McDow
ell family of this city.
Mae Skillett, who has been
visiting with friends in this city
for the past few weeks, returned
to her home in "Humboldt the
latter part of last week.
Major W. H. Keeling and
daughter, Miss Lois, returned the
latter part of last week from
Aurora, 111., where they have
been visiting for some time.
1’rof. II. A. Reynolds, ■ Sugges
tive Tlieropeutist and Magnetic
Healer. Rooms over Richardson
County Bank. All acute and
chronic diseases treated. Day
phone 504; night phone 555.
Miss Gertrude Gossett resign
ed her position at the .Dittmar
store last Saturday evening and
intedns to accompany her mother
to Excelsior Springs, M<>., where
they will visit with her sister.
Mrs. Frank Clegg.
A fire alarm was turned in late
Friday evening and the fire boys
soon arrvied on the scene of the
conflagration, which porved to
be the wooden foot bridge, ad
joining the Cameron stone bridge.
Mrs. Jim Powell, accompanied
by her little niece, Miss Evelyn
Morton, went to Sabetha Satur
day where they will visit with
the former’s mother, Mrs. Eliza
Morton and other relatives and
Work on the new building be
ing built by Jno. Powell is pro
gressing fast and we will soon
see a new building there in use.
This building will be occupied by
the Frederick Auto Co., and will
have a meat market in the west
half of the building.
Dr. Wilson, Walil Building, tf
Karl Goddard was a Humboldt
visitor last Wednesday.
1. R. Mathers, Dentist. Over
State Bank. tf.
Conrad Horan was in Rulo part
of last week visiting relatives.
L. C. Kdwards celebrated the
Fourth at Humboldt, his old
Miss Mabel Hermes was the
guest of friends at Humboldt
Miss Kate Young of Rulo was
in Falls City shopping last Wed
[Miss Terry of Auburn spent
Saturday visiting with friends in
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Tiniuiermann
were down from Verdon Sunday
visiting friends.
Mr. Reavis of Oregon, Mo., is
in the city the guest of A. Mil
ler and daughter.
<). H. Bush was up from l’res
ton Friday afternoon looking af
ter business a l a firs.
Miss Cecil Kanaly and brother
John of Rulo were Falls City
visitors last [Monday evening
Frank Shuhert of Shubert was
in the city Friday afternoon visit
ing and doing the shopping net.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers of
Beatrice are in the city the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Whitaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hillyard
spent the Fourth in Humboldt,
the guests of the latter’s par
Prank Robison was up from
Rulo the last of last week visit
ing with friends and acquaint
.Jacob Aldutz of Los Angeles,
California, formerly of this city
's here visiting with old time
The merchants of Palls City
closed their stores Tuesday after
noon to give their clerks a half
P. 11. .lusseii relaid a portion
of the flag pavement in fronl of
Wahl & Pan-lien's store one day
last week.
Airs. Eliza Goolsby and grand
daughter, Aliss Lola of Verdon
were Falls City visitors Thurs
day afternoon.
AVanted To Rent: Furnished
house or room and hoard with
private al'mily. Plione 171 White.
Pest references.
Pr. Burchard was called to
Verdon one day last week to at
tend little Aliss Ardell Liefers
who was quite sick.
Abel Baldwin and little daugh
ter Byral, of Stella, were the
guests here Sunday of the for
mer's daughter. Airs. Bailey.
Aliss Alary Kollman of Rapids
City, 111., is visiting here for a
few days with her cousin. Airs
•Jacob Vogel and the Alisses Gril
Subscribe for the Tribune.
V company of young people
wore delightfully entertained last
Saturday evening at the home
of Miss Nellie Soft, it being a
farewell surprise on Miss Vera
Kamel, given by her schoolmates.
Games were played in abundance
ad a general good time is report
ed. Dainty refreshments were
served in the evening.
The members of the S. If. club
and a number of invited guests
spent last Thursday evening with
Miss Inez Holstein at the spa
eioUN holm- of .Miss Ellen Wvler.
The party was given us a fare
well reception for Miss Inez who
left the next day for n visit, with
relatives in Quincy, III. and t"
attend school at Normal, III.
Misses Lois and Edna Spencer
entertained a number of their
young lady friends Monday morn
ing at an eight o’clock breakfast
ami kitchen shower, compliment
ary to Miss Stella Shock, whose
marriage to Uleim L. McMillan
took place hist, night. .\ deli
cious breakfast was served in
two courses by the hostesses.
Place cards cut to represent dif
ferent kitchen utensils were used.
Miss Cindrilla Houston was
hostess last Friday afternoon to
the B. Cl. club and a few invited
friends. In connection .with the
party a nisieellaneons shower was
given for two of their members
who became dune brides, Mrs.
Eugene Sherman, nee Miss Clara
Stockton and Mrs. Chester Mc
Dowell, nee Miss Celia Dittmar,
both of whom received many use
ful and beautiful gifts. The af
ternoon was spent in a good so
cial time anil also some of their
kcnsington work. Refreshments
were served by the hostess, as
sisted by Miss Louise Rule.
Escaped With His Life.
“Twenty-one years ago I facial
an awful death,” writes H. B.
Martin, Port llarrelson, S. C.
“Doctors said 1 had consumption
and the dreadful cough I had
looked like it, sure enough. I
tried everything, I could hear of,
for iny cough, and was under the
treatment of the best doctor in
Georgetown, S. C. for a year, but
could get no relief. A friend ad
vised me to try Dr. King’s New
Discovery. 1 did so, and was
completely cured. 1 feel that I
owe my life to this great throat
and lung cure.” Its positively
guaranteed for coughs, colds, and
all bronchial affections. 50c. &
$1.00. Trial bottle free at all
Great Savings Offered in
20 to 331 °|o Discount on all
Brass, Iron and Wood Beds
Parlor Tables
Dining Tables
China Closets
Chairs and Rockers
Library Tables
Leather Couches
Turkish Rockers
Dressers, Chiffoniers
The savings made possible by the great reduc
tions in this sale justify buying in anticipation of fu
ture needs.
Furniture Company
Electric Irons, Stoves
and Toasters
Of which we carry a complete
assortment. These AR 1I(. LES
carry a two year’s guarantee.
The BEST there is on the
East Side Stone Street Falls City. Nebraska
.... in in hi in in hi in in in in in in in in in in in in
Our pictures come to us
direct from the factory
and you will always find
us showing all the new
and up-to-date pictures.
A visit will convince you.
By attending the GRAND
Plenty of electric fans
placed in the house so as
to insure you a comfort
able seat. An evening
spent here will be a bene
fit to you both pleasing
and intellectual. Every
night is a special Pro
gram with us and we give
you value received.
Children 5c Adults !0c
DOORS OPEN 7:30 p. m.