The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, June 30, 1911, Image 4

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Many of our gardeners fear for
the potato crop unless rain is
soon forthcoming. \V. A. Cox,
however, has no fear for his crop
as every day his table is served
with fine new potatoes averaging
in size to that of an ordinary
tea cup.
Mrs. John ltandall and child
ren returned from a week's vis
it with a sister at Liberty.
A large party of young people
made a trip to the river Sunday
II. Q. Deuerfeldt of Spokane,
Washington, visited last week
with his father and other rela
tives hereabouts.
K. E. Butler and daughter
Blanche of Hebron spent last
week in this vicinity transacting
business and incidentally visit
ing relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Butler
and daughters Nellie and Em
ma, with S. F. Butler spent Sun
day with J. A. Vaught and wife
near Stella.
S. F. Butler left Monday for
Lincoln, and from thence to the
home of his grandson at Alliance.
day and Harry Slagle spent the
week end at the home of their
uncle, Chas. Single near Shubert.
Rev. Williams, presiding elder
for this conference district, of
the Evangelical church, will con
duct a week of meetings at this
place, commencing duly 10 and
will hold quarterly conference on
duly 15 and lt>.
Barada and community took
in circus day at Falls City last
d. W. Warren made a business
trip to Denver, Colo., this week.
Mrs. W. F. Butler is on the
sik list this week.
1). E. Spiekler, Buy Lichty,
Herman Beaehy and families
spent Sunday at the Missouri
lakes. While there they rented a
bungalow and will spend a week
in July at that place.
Fred Hall is working on .Mar
grave's ranch. Fred says ’tis
hardly so easy as clerking in the
store, especially until you get ac
customed to the work.
Mrs. Effie (Vainer and Miss
.Maggie Pierce were Falls City
visitors Wednesday.
"in. Harding went to Salem
Wednesday to spend a short time
with his son Will's family.
Henry Caverzagie and mother
were Falls City visitors Wednes
day of last week.
Alta Gilbert was quite sick
several days last week.
Eddie Kermode returned last
Thursday from llebron. Neb.,
where lie has been with a paint
gang all summer.
Mrs. ,T. L. MeCleary of Falls
City was a Kulo business visitor
last Thursday.
Clarence and Olive Me Wain
visited relatives in this city, the
last of the week.
Mrs. Joshua Murray le.t Thurs
day for a prolonged visit with
her daughter, Mrs. James W'iltze,
at Wetmore, Kas. She was ae
companied by her granddaughter,
Miss Clara Kassel of Missouri.
Mrs. Roily Harrison of St. Jo
scph is visiting with her mother,
Mrs. Aikmann.
Mrs. Etta Gilbert and daughter
Alice were Falls City visitors
Monday afternoon.
Henry Smith of Wymore was a
business visitor in Rule the first
of the week.
I’ete Frederick and gang with
their outfit car left for Doniphan
to repair a bridge, the first of
the week.
Grandma True came down from
t nion Monday for a protracted
visit with her son Will and fam
The steel gang of Italians left
Tuesday for Forteseue. They
were a quiet and peaceable set of
Theodora Anderson, wif* an
daughter returned from Kansas
City Tuesday night. Mr. Ander
son was not much benefitted by
the trip, and after a few days
rest expects to return for fur
tlier treatment.
13. C. Walbridge of Fulls City
was n Hulo visitor Monday fore
noon .
Floyd Long left for Kansas re
cently where bo is working on a
F, K. Kulp of Wymore was
transacting business here Mon
dames Haler was a Falls City
visitor, one day last week.
The Catholic people are prepar
ing to give a fourth of July pic
uie in the park. An invitation is
extended to all.
Hope Ward returned from Tar
kin Friday, where she has attend
ed school the past year.
Mrs. John McFry and little
son of Quitman, Mo., visited with
relatives in Hulo last week.
Little Emma Ward celebrated
her fifth birthday Thursday af
ternoon, with a number of little
companions, (lames were played
in the shade on the lawn. A
dainty lunch was served, and
going home time found a com
pany of tired but happy little
many more such happy birthdays,
people, who wish their hostess
Mrs. Frank Brown returned
the last of the week from a visit
with relatives near Falls City.
News came to Hulo last week
uf the marriage of Miss Bessie
Burk, formerly of Hulo, now a
resident of La darn, Colo., to
Raymond J. Engle of that place.
Many friends in this community
wish her happiness in her new
Charlie Scott, wife and children
of Kansas spent Saturday with
relatives in Kulo.
Mrs. Claud Yocum of Falls
City spent a few days with rela
tives here, the first of the week.
Will Dorste and daughter Al
ma of Fort Hazel were at the
Hand concert Saturday night.
Alta Gilbert was on the sick
list several days last week.
Eddie Kermode came home
from Hebron Thursday, where he
has Keen working with a paint
ing gang.
Mrs. Frank Drown returned
from a visit to Falls City Thurs
day of last week.
John C. Hinkle of Forteseue
visited with his son and family
in Kulo last Saturday.
Andy Anderson left last week
for a visit with relatives at Ches
ter, Nebr.
Henry Majcrus, wife and little
son spent Sunday with John Kan
aly’s family.
Win. Chestnut mid family came
over from Kansas Saturday, re
turning the same day.
Mrs. J. L. McCleary of Falls
City was a business visitor here
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. l’liil lloran are
the liappy parents of a little son,
who arrived Saturday morning.
Si Bunker of Missouri was a
Rulo business visitor last Satur
Steve and Joe Miles Jr., of
Falls City were Rulo visitors last
A1 Moore of Council Bluffs, la.,
came Friday for a visit with rel
atives and friends in this vicinity.
Leuorc Gilbert spent a couple
of days last week with relatives
west of town.
Mrs. Hawley of Falls City is
spending the week with her bro
ther, Phil, lloran and family.
Worth Anderson and family of
near Hiawatha spent Sunday witi!
relatives in Rulo.
Milton Easter, wife and little
daughter of Fortecue sspent Sun
day with relatives in Rulo.
Mr. Ford and family returned
Sunday from the western part of
Nebraska, where they moved in
the spring. They say everything
burned up and they moved hack
as work was very scarce at this
The Rulo baseball team went
to Verdon to play ball Sunday.
The score was 4 to 6 in favor of
our boys.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Tagnay
of b alls < ity were in Rulo Tues
day to attend the wedding of the
latter *8 sister.
Rev, Bernard Sproll left Tu««
day night for a serpral day's stay
in Lincoln.
Dr. Shepherd made a profes
sional trip to Missouri, Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Less Leedes, and
Mrs. Todge MeKeiver attended
the < Vonin-McCTealen wedding at
this place Tuesday.
Hoy Williams was a business
visitor to Missouri the first of
the week.
Tony Asher of Reserve was in
town last Saturday.
Henderson Alexander of Mis
souri was a Hulo visitor Monday
Miss Ida Niemoeller of New
York City is visiting relatives at
this place.
Jesse Dunn left Tuesday for
Adams, Nebr., where lie is start
ing a studio. -
N. A. Arnold and family were
in Falls City on business last
Rimer Butler of Hebron, Nebr.
came down to visit bis friends
last week.
Rd. Duerfeldt of Omaha is
visiting his brother, G. W. Duer
feldt of this place.
I. A. Dunn was a Falls City
visitor last week.
Mrs. Anna Reinke was a Falls
City visitor last week.
Henry Duerfeldt of Montana
is visiting with relatives here.
Mrs. T. A. Dunn went to Adams
Nebr., and from there will go to
Miss Katie was on the sick list
last week.
Miss Ethel Dunn spent Sunday
in Barada.
Mrs. George Fogle visited Mrs.
Hubert Goolsby Saturday.
Grandpa Snell is suffering from
heart trouble at present.
Frank Dietrich and daughter
spent Thursday in the country,
the guests of Alvin Dietrich and
Messrs. Herbert Cullens and
Will Sloan made a pleasure trip
to Humboldt in the latter’s auto,
Saturday afternoon.
Lloyd, the little son of Mr.
and .Mrs, Alvin Dietrich, has been
quite sick, but is better at this
Mr. and Mrs. ,1. H. Nussbaum
left the latter part of the week
for an extended visit with rel
atives at various parts in Iowa.
Miss Lola Goolsby is the guest
of Mrs. Adams in Falls City at
the present time.
Mrs. F. A, Harden is home
from a recent visit with Mrs. J.
II. Himes of Falls City.
Misses Mable Nussbaum and
Alice Nombalais came down from
Lincoln last week for a visit with
the former’s parents.
Miss dosie Birdslcy, who has
been visiting relatives here the
past week, has returned to her
home at Falls City.
Little Neal Sloan .who had the
misfortune of getting his limb
broken a short time ago. is at
present getting along nicely.
George Lum and son Harry re
turned home Monday afternoon
from a trip to Fairbury.
The Verdon baseball team
played the Humboldt team Sat
urday. The score was 17 to 14
in favor of Verdon.
"Will Otto was at the market
in Kansas City last week with a
car of cattle and two cars of
Miss Kathrine Meliza arrived
Monday from Lincoln for a visit
with her parents.
Will Crouch enjoyed a visit
from his daughter, Mrs. Mable
Hays of Oklahoma City, recent
Misses Olive Shafer and Blanch
Houtz returned to their school
duties at Peru Monday morning.
Clarence Nussbaujn of Omaha,
who is here visiting, accompanied
Messrs. C. M. and A. >1. Heinzel
mann to the counts seat one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber left
Tuesday for St. Joe where they
will visit friends a few days be
fore returning to their home at
Bloomington. 111.
Mrs. Earl Salloway of Naravi
sa, New Mexico, visited her sis
ter, Mrs. Alvin Kroli last week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Tyson and
little daughter left Monday af
ternoon for their home at El in
wood, Nehr,, after a brief visit
here with Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Mrs. Dr. Baker and daughter
from San Francisco, California,
arrived here last week for a visit
with their daughter and sister
Mrs. Conrad Race and family.
Mrs. Baker was formerly a rcsi
dent of this place and lias many
friends here who are more than
glad to see her.
>1. Colglazier came down from
Peru last week and spent a few
days with his son and family.
Frank Mullen was a business
visitor at Borwnsville, Wednes
The Children day program at
the M. E. church Sunday even
ing was a good success; the chil
dren all did fine, and a large
crowd was present.
Ruth Reasoner of Unadilla is
here visiting with her grandma,
Mrs. Leslie.
Mrs. Roy Edwards is now en
tertaining a friend from Unadil
Gerald Chester arrived from
Oklahoma last week. He will
visit relatives here for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. .J. 1*. King at
tended the funeral of a relative
at Humboldt last week.
G. S. Hutchings and family
were county seat visitors Friday.
The Degree team of the Re
becca lodge went to Salem Fri
day evening and helped to ini
tiate ten members for the lodge
at that place, A .jolly good time
was enjoyed by all.
Miss Nellie Harper entertain
ed a relative from Auburn last
Win. Grown was employed in
the country last week, painting.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Shulenberg
visited relatives at Falls City
one day last week.
dake Girdsiey, Chas. Shulen
berg and Frank Watton with
their respective families of Falls
City, were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shulen
berg of Barada Sunday.
J. F. Shubert was a Falls City
visitor last, week.
Richard Goolsby and family
spent Saturday evening here with
Mrs. Karle Lilly was called to
Stella Sunday night by the death
of her mother, Mrs. Hill.
Elsie Davis spent a part of
the week with her sister, Mrs.
Ilay Hicks, in Pawnee City.
Will Reynolds of Beaver City,
visited Humboldt relatives during
the week, and while here dispos
ed of his interests in the sale
pavilion to .1. Miles of Dawson.
Arthur Freeman has returned
from Oklahoma City, where he
has had employment for several
John Lanipe and Henry Kuper,
two prominent stockmen of this
locality, this week received a con
signment of thoroughbred Short
horn cattle, bred by Bellows
Bros., of Maryville, Mo.
Word was received here last
week of the death of Christopher
Harding at his home in Belvidere.
III. Air. Harding is well known
to Humboldt residents, having
visited here frequently in the
past. Col. M. NY. Harding, the
well known auctioneer of this
county, is a son of the deceased,
and was at the bedside of his
father when death occurred.
O. Al. Linn and wife returned
the last of the week from Lin
coln. where they had been in at
tendance at the marriage of the
former* neice, Miss Florence
Perrin to Air. Leroy Mathew* of
Albarta. Canada.
Soon* twenty-five auto loads
left Tuesday morning to boost for
Humboldt's Fourth of July cele
Airs, C. Bucrstctta of Tecum
to .« — - to^-<' iwrjMai.nb
sell. Arrived Friday for a visit j
with her son, A. J. Buerstetta and
family. She was accompanied by
her little nephew, Frank More
Mrs. Helen Power lias return
ed to her home in Omaha, after
a pleasant visit with her parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Joel Reid, also
other relatives and friends.
Mrs. Ray Gist is entertaining
her mother Mrs. E. A. Tucker of
Los Angeles, California.
Mrs. E. D. Wood returned from
a visit with Mrs. Emma lluegge
in Falls City, Thursday.
Mills Lauderbaeh has recently
been entertaining his mother,
Mrs. II. A. Lauderbaeh, of Ma
harka, Kas.
Will Clift and family of Have
lock, visited with their Humboldt
relatives, the first of the week.
Chester Power of Kansas City
was called here the latter part
of the week by the illness of his
father, ('has. Power.
Mrs. T. B. Kimball of Defiance,
Iowa, who has been a guest of
Mrs. das. Scott, went to Salem
Thursday to visit friends.
Mrs. M. R. Wilson was called
to Benedict Thursday by the
serious illness of a relative.
Landlord Richards was in Lib
erty on business Thursday.
Mrs. Thus. Beasley returned
Wednesday to her home in Table
Rock after a visit with her
friend, Mrs. <«. Van Winkle.
Zoe Nims is in Kansas City
visiting her sister, Mrs. Della
Funeral services were held
Thursday over the remains of
Julius K. Wanrow. Mr. Wanrow
had been in failing health for
many months and the day prior
to his death had returned from
a St. Joseph hospital, where he
had been informed that he was
suffering from cancer of the
stomach. Mr. Wanrow came to
this country from Germany in
1871 and since 1880 has been a
resident of this locality. Deceas
ed was sixty-eight, years of age.
iie is survived by a widow, eight
children and a brother, August
Wanrow, all residents of this
Clms. Crawford has returned
from Canada, where lie has had
employment for several months.
Some sixty odd owners of autos
in Humboldt and vicinity have
signed to participate in the
parade on the Fourth of July.
Mrs. Bert Morehart stopped off
in the city Saturday for a brief
visit with her bold her, Amborse
Buerstetta. Mrs. Morehart was
enorute to her home in Red
Cloud, having been in Chicago
where she recently underwent a
surgical operation. The lady will
he better remembered by our
people as Mabel Buerstetta, a
teacher in our city school for a
number of years.
Mesdaines S. E. Davis, Gardner
McKee and S. M. Bhilpot enter
tained the ladies of the Bresby
terian church at a kensington at
tin* church parlors ou Tuesday af
Kdith Stout of Beatrice, a for
mer Humboldt girl, is visiting
friends in the city.
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
No Alum, No Lime Phosphate
1610 Stone St.,
Falls City, Nebraska.
Bonded by American Surety Co.
i New York in the lum of
Money To Loan on
3 ■ ****** sp»^<x H*
lill|>A WWU 2. CAJL lAld
A large per cent of our wealthy citizens
can trace their financial success to borrowed
capital. Many a man \ ■ kept from enjoying
this valuable to business life because of
the embarrassment in fit ranging for a lonn
of this kind among home folks, where one’s
business is everybody's business nmt the
knowledge of sm*h a trotisnction is liable to
Injure ope * credit. To avoid such unpleas
antness. I shall be pleased to place my funds
at your disposal at a reasonable rate of in
terest. The same will apply if you wish to
renew a io.t n. We cm do the business quick
ly and s.'fely through the mails if inconven
ient to call t my office. Address
662 C!o''J Bids.. Kansas City. Mo.
Your House Is On Fire.
Have you a poilcy of insurance
!i) a good old line company?
If not, you should have.
I write Fire, Lightuing and
't ornado in the best of old line
companies end at a rate that
you cannot afford to be wdthout
See me at once about your im
Insurance agent.
Office over Bachstein Hardware
Co Somewhere
This Summer
Take advantage of the low excursion rates available this sum
mer to eastern cities. There are 30-day tourist rates to New
York, Atlantic City, Boston, Montreal, Portland. Buffalo and
other places slightly higher 60-di.y tourist rates to many of these
cities; there are diverse tours vi,, Old Point Comfort, thence
ocean voyage to. New York and Boston; this tour recently intro
duced l>y the railroads, lias become one of the most, popular
tours of American travel.
Daily excursion faers to COLORADO. YELLOWSTONE PARK,
COAST, als circuit toms that will include all of these attractive
localities in one tour.
Call r write for leaflets .describing any tour you expect to
KVHflMBNj D. CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agen
1004 Farram Street. Omaha. Nebraska