The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, May 19, 1911, Image 6

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    Neglected wounds produce old sores and
those In time develop ulcers which eat away
the vitality.
Snow Liniment
Is a Healing Remedy for AH Ailments of
the Flesh of Man and Beast.
The speed with which this splendid liniment heals up a had
wound or sore has surprised and pleased those who were accus
tomed to tho slower and uncertain eft■■■ t of loss powerful reme
dies. It mends the lacerated flesh so quickly that there Is but
little time lost from work. In relieving rheumatic pains, neural
gia. sciatica, it has done and Is doing a wonderful work. Many
chronic victims of theso diseases have found to their great satis
faction that it cures an attack la u fraction of the time required
by the ordinary treatment.
It Is equally effective In the flesh ailments of animals. Owners
of blooded slock value It highly for two reasons: It heals sores
and w'ounda quickly, and leavi s no disfiguring sears.
This remedy Is needed In every home. If |is great power and
efficacy was generally known, no family would be without It.
Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle.
Stephen* F.yp Salve l« m mate ami apfctly remedy for Sure Eypfl.
A. C. WANNER, Falls City, Nebr.
Spring and Summer Rates
Special Excursion Rates to California: general basis $00
on certain dates in April and May and daily from June to Sep
tember; still lower general basis of #50 on certain dates in
June and July. General excursion basis to Portland, Seattle,
§60 on certain dates in May and daily from June to September;
still lower general basis of $50 on certain dates in June and
July; §15 higher to include Shasta Route. Usual diverse
routes and stopover privileges. The tour of the (toast is the
world’s greatest railroad journey.
Yellowstone Park: Plan now a summer tour of this wonder
land. All kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yel
lowstone gateways, also personally conducted camping tours
through Cody.
Big Horn Mountains: The resorts ol this delightful region
near Sheridan and Thermopolis are attracting a large volume
of tourist patronage. Send for special publication.
Colorado and Rocky Mountains: Usual popular summer
rates to Colorado and Utah cities and resorts. Send for Kstes
Park booklet.
Get in touch with me and let me send you any of our publica
tions, “Colorado Hand Hook,’’ “Hig Horn Resorts,” “Yellow
stone Park,” “Pacific Coast Tours.”
E. G. Whitford, Ticket Agent
L. W WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
Omaha. Nebraska
W E. DOKKINUTON, I’rt'H. W. A. (i KEEN W A hi), Cm-liior
T. J. U18T, Vico-l’riw. UUV I’ (UtEKNWALl), AwTt digliier
Falls City State Bank
Capital ami Hnrplns. $7(U)U>.oa
This Bank Wants Your Patronage
| Qrt it is a strong conservative and ac.
IvWVMM□w comoduting institution operated
• under the Hanking Haws of the State of Nebraska.
I |C£> ^ a knowing, modern and up to
date bank* appreciates your busi
ness and looks after it's pattens interests.
I 1 C£> ** welcomes the accounts and busi
UvvQUdv ness of the small as well as the
large depositor and borrower.
I | cp It welcomes tile accounts of Wo
UbbaUdb m6n and Children as well as
Men and pays interest on Saving Accounts of the Child
^ ren and Interest on Time Deposits of “Big Folks.” ^
Subscribe for the Daily
Tribune, $2.50 per year
Battling Nelson was refused a
room in a Chicago hotel, but it
cost the proprietor $75 to get
the battler to drop a damage
suit. Bat's face is hard to hurt,
but he has delicate feelings.
Spring Styles
Our Window
Ji. JH. Jenne Shoe Store
Fire Destroyed Beatrice Bain
and Contents.
Beatrice, Neb., Slay 15.-—l-’ire
shortly after 9 a. m. today des
troyed the barn owned by Jack
llillyer on South Sixth street and
burned to death six horses be
longing to llillyer. The flames
had spread through the barn and
were bursting from the doors and
windows before they were dis
covered and there was no possi
ble chance to save the horses,
llillyer bought, sold and traded
horses, and the animals burned
represented his stock on hand.
The contents of the barn was
owned by General L. AY. Colby
and is probably a total loss. The
origin of the fire is unknown.
The entire lire department was
called out to prevent the spread
of the flames to the business'
part of the city.
Plain Indication that Western
States will Demand a Candi
date of the Type of the
Great Wisconsin—Poll
to Show Nebraska’s
Four years ago Nebraska poli
ticians laughed at the idea of
La Folette for president. They
were hunting band wagons. They
didn’t care what a candidate re
presented. What they wanted
was to he with the winner.
There has since been a change
in tune. The “winner” has
turned out to he a good deal of
a loser so far as Nebraska is
concerned, while La Follette has
grown in favor until the demand
for him from the common peo
ple has become irresistible. The
only Taft men left in Nebraska
are a part of the postmasters,
and a few others who think their
incomparable talents were special
ly recognized by the president af
ter a careful personal investiga
I ion.
Tin; Lincoln corespondent of
the Sioux City Tribune, after
looking over the situation in Ne
braska esnds the following tele
gram to his paper:
“In the meantime Nebraska
republicans are considering that
whatever happens to Prcsidcn
Taft from the primaries in New
Jersey and in Oregon, Nebraska
is practically certain to send out
a cold wave on the 12 of April.
“Republicans, even the conser
vatives, are conceding that Presi
dent Taft has no following in Ne
braska. 11 is move for reciprocity
with Canada, partly consented to
by Nebraskans at the first, hsa
simmered down to decision and
indifference, with more hopeful
expectations of what the demo
crats and progressive republicans
m congress will do than respect
for what Taft has already done.
It. is now generally predicted that
the republican voters of Nebras
ka at the May primary will an
nounce themselves overwhelming
ly for La Follette.”
Of special significance in this
connection is the result of the
poll taken in Kansas by the Val
ley Farmer of Topeka. This has
been made public, and shows that
while there is a continuation of
the demand for Roosevelt, that
exists in every state, La Follette
looms away up above Taft sn
the first, second and third choice
of Kansas republicans. Here is
the poll of the Kansas paper:
First Choice
La Follette .
Bristow .
Taft .
Champ Clark .
Beveridge .
Second Choice
La Follette .3,734
Bristow. 2977
Roosevelt .1,567
Beveridge .1,247
Taft . 636
Wilson. 603
Clark .445
Third Choice
La Follette . 1,703
Bristow .1,354
Clark .477
Taft .437
It will be noted that of the
nearly 14.000 votes lor first
lioict, Taft got only 769, or a
little over five per cent. “When'
the vote is analyzed it will be
seen that Roosevelt has over
fifty per cent of the vote, with
La Follctte and Bristow coming
next in order. The local demand
for Bristow is strong, because of
his good record and radical stand
in the senate. It must be ac
knowledged, however, that in the
poll the radicals who stand for
Roosevelt and Bristow’ and Cum
mins and Beveridge would al
most to a man be for La Follctte
as against Taft. This is shown
in the fact that La Follctte leads
in the second and third choice
columns, and that Taft falls flat
in both of them, there being but
1,942 out of the 14,000 who give
him any consideration whatever.
It would be interesting to get
a similar poll in Nebraska. The
Capital suggests that the coun
try papers take up the matter,
ask their subscribers to vote,
and send a w’eekly report to this
paper, or to Editor E. E. Correll
of Hebron, who is president, of
the Progressive Republican Lea
gue, in order that the real sen
timent of the people of Nebraska
may be ascertained. —Nebraska
State Capital.
Seward Bank Cashier Shoots
Himself Through Forehead.
Seward, Neb., May 1G.— The
j lifeless body of Charles W. Bark
ley, cashier of the State bank
for many years, was found at
10:30 a. m. in one of the corn
cribs of the Updike Crain com
pany, near the Northwestern rail
road tracks in West Seward
Mr. Barkley had arisen about G
o’clock, built a fire in the kit
chen range and then left the
house. 11 is prolonged failure to
return caused his wife to become
Harmed and a search was insti
tuted to find the missing man.
The sheriff and city marshal or
ganized a large number of
townspeople for the hunt and
after three hours and a half the
body was found. The forehead
was pierced by a bullet.
Coroner Doty w as called from
Cordova and after viewing the
scene of the tragedy, decided
that it was a plain case of suicide
and no inquest was held. Mr.
Barkley had returned Friday
from a two week’s trip in Colo
rado and Montana to see his
sons and seemed to be in a state
of nervous collapse, lfis physi
cal condition many believe was
the cause of his taking his own
life. Since the act this morning
it has developed that he made
an attempt on his life Sunday af
ternoon by taking chloroform.
He was discovered before the
dose caused fatal results. Dr. J.
T. Potter administered the re
storatives at that time.
Mr. Barkley went to the State
bank this morning and took the
levolver from the vault.- He was
seen by people living in the
neighborhood of the place where
the suicide was committed and
he appeared to be acting in a
mysterious manner. A little later
the shot was heard but nothing
much was thought about it as so
many hunters frequent the edge
of the town.
Mr. Barkley lias been a resi
dent of Seward since 1873 and
has been connected with the
State bank for almost that length
of time. He was a highly re
spected and honored man of the
community and one of the leaders
of the Methodist church and Sun
day school. He is survived by his
wife and two sons, Henry of Den
ver and Will who lives in Mon
Perhaps the funniest thing in
politics just now is the way the
Democrats agree with President
Taft and the Republicans don’t.
Postmaster General Hitchcock
is convinced that one-cent letter
postage is soon to become a real
ity. Which is unfortunate for
the man already hard-pressed
for an excuse to neglect his cor
Fortupnately, it isn't easy to
convince a sick man that lie isu’t
going to recover if he isn’t.
A money-maker can make it
any where.
Try to live in such a manner
that you won’t bo a dead one
till you die.
When a man begins to look in
to the future lie sees so much
that isn’t there.
Know it all, if you can, but
don’t try to tell it all.
One good turn doesn’t always
get another just because it hap
pens to deserve it.
Wc are in favor of the short
ballot if it will result in getting
the returns any earlier.
Weather needn’t be very threat
tiling to make a man take his
rain coat if lie has a new one.
Tf order is heaven’s,
a number of the very worthy
people won’t enjoy it much.
A garden spot won’t do much
to reduce your living expenses
unless you cultivate it a good
Tt may be said for the preach
ers that they don’t figure on
* 3V
pulling you through on a teolh
Revenge may be sweet, but it
-is another of those sweets that
impair the digestion a good deal.
It might he well to bear in
mind that a sick person appreci
ates flowers more than a dead
one does.
Parties are important to poli
ticians and sociey girls, but
other people shouldn’t take them
Love isn’t so blind that it
hasn’t been known to shift its
course when a better looking
woman beckoned.
Our notion of extreme laziness
is carried out by any reasonably
healthy person who eats break
fast in heel.
Not putting hands around ci
gars is another conservative stunt
that deserves more attention
than it gets.
Mighty few men are built to
wear a sweater coat and make
it seem a thing of beauty and
a joy forever.
A country band man usually
wears his uniform as if he want
ed everyone to realize what an
uncomfortable rig it is.
Before tolling your troubles to
your friend, remember that he
probably lias enough of his own
to keep him busy.
It s human nature to waul
the things we can’t get.
It’s easier to put up a bluff
than it is to put up the stuff.
Many a political boss isu t
any kind of a boss at home.
Unless a girl is bard to please
she’s not worth the effort.
Give a designing widow. ropj
'.’ough and she’ll rope some man
A yijng man never makes a
strenoys effort t. entertain a
girl who is engaged.
Everything comes to him win
waits—including the woman vvh
said sko’d be ready in a minul .
Some people are selfish enough
to want to keep Huh troubles to
themselves o\en when their neigh
hors want to borrow them.
A man would rather ten every
body all his doctor warned him
lie must do than the best story
that ever was thought of.
When a man’s wife is a good
housekeeper she earns more than
all the rest of the family put
together and gets less than any
of them.
A girl knows her hair can curl
naturally by her saying it does.
The only man who ever seems
to get bored with his job is the
A man who swears off drink
ing seems to think the purpose
of it is to see if he can't swear
on oftener than he did off.
Just the same, the clinging
kind of a woman seems to be the
very one that picks a man up and
carries him when befalls down.
A man can be much worse off
than he is by changing his job,
so he generally does.
The theory of supply and ed
mand doesn’t, unfortunately, al !
ways govern the market value of
Many a man who is a strong
Srtfs ii\li&iji i $ &£&
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powrfaz*
made from Royal Gra/io
Cream of Tartar
NQ ume phosphate
drinker isn’t strong enough to
raise the price of a drink.
The fellow who first discover
ed that honesty is the host poli
cy had evidently tried the mall.
Men can’t all understand wom
en, but there continue to be a
fair number of bachelors who are
never caught.
Although the Panama canal
has progressed favorably under
the supervision of an army offi
cer, it should be remembered that
lie didn’t try to have the work
done by soldiers.
Every man who has had a fe
lon on his finger tells some pret
ty large stories of lying awake
with the pain it caused him.
Friends may be divided into
two classes, but those who stay
with you until you bigin to need
them form the larger class.
No man will put up the same
kind of service in his dining
room that he accepts gratefully
at a picnic or a free lunch coun
Do you sometimes doubt the
possibility of getting an honest
opinion? Then listen to one ex
pressed of an other behind bis
If you don’t know anything
about it, satisfactory results can
sometimes be obtained by keep
ing still and looking as wise as
"While we like to fish occasion
ally, we hope our enthusiasm
will never reach a point where
we might enjoy casting a fly
at a target.
You may have noticed the dis
position of the cheap actor to
iind fault with the country hotel
that is about as good as be can
afford it.
The longer a youth attends
college, the more he is likely to
find out that lie doesn’t know
more than the faculty and the
board of regents.
A Pennsylvania preacher is
blaming the summer resorts for
the divorce evil. But if he
wants something to cover the
whole business, he will have to
around for a wider rule than
What To Do
Sickly Children
Letters from Mothers
“ I wish I could induce every
mother, who has a clc-ieatc, sickly
child,to try your delicious Cod Liver
and Iron Tonic VINOL. It re
stored our little daughter to health
and strength after everything else
had failed.”—Mrs. C. W. Stump,
Canton, Ohio.
Mrs. F. P. Skonnard, of Minne
apolis, Minn., writes, “I want to
recommend VIN( )L to every moth
er who has a weak or sickly child.
My little boy was sickly, pale, and
had no appetite for two years. I
tried different medicines and doc
tors without benefit, but thanks to
"V l\OL, he is a well and healthy
boy to-day.”
C. Allen, of New Bedford, Mass.,
writes,“My two punychildrengained
rapidly in lleshand strength in a very
short time after taking VMOL.”
We positively know VINOL will
build up little ones and make them
healthy, strong and robust. Try
one bottle, and if you are not satis
fied, we will return your money.
A. G. WANNER, Druggist