' PICK BIRD GUARDS. BRAVE BAND OF WARDENS WILL WATCH POACHERS Water Birds And Heron Need Help—Breeding Grounds Beset. New York, May 15.—To guard the lives and homes of millions of water birds about the whole continent, a force of men of some sixty wardens is to-day being organized at tlio headquarters of Ihe National Association of Au dubon Societies in this city. Over the wild areas of many of the fifty-two Naitonal bird reserva tions that stretch along the Pa cific and Atlantic coasts, the Gulf of Mexico and the big in land lakes these men are soon to take up their lonely patrol to protect and earc- for their fea thered charges. Recent, reports from these reserves, and other bird colonies that the Audubon workers have secured to ward off the threatened extinction of various species of water birds, show that this year special vigil ance will he required to defend the flocks that nest there from wholesale destruction at the hands of professional poachers. Far into the cypress swamps of Florida, Louisiana and the Caro linas, where a few colonies of white heron still survive tlie slaughter for the millinery mar ket that has already driven them from the upper regions of this country, it is planned this year to send an auxiliary force <>f wardens. Although state laws forbid the killing of these most beautiful birds, word lias just been received at Audubon head quarters that organized gangs are seeking them out at their breeding grounds and butchering hundreds of mother birds for their aigrette plumes while the young are left to starve. Special funds are to-day being raised to provide additional wardens to stand guard over these remaining heron colonies. While the Audubon wardens may be called upon to cover one new National reservation at Clear Lake in northern California, spe cial arrangements are being made lor guarding .Bird Island on Orange Lak^, Florida, which has just been purchased as a bird sanctuary by the Mary Dutcher Memorial Fund. A great colony of ibis and herons is known to be nesting on this island refuge, where it is reported that hun dreds of white herons have here tofore been butchered by poach ers to secure the “aigrettes” for the millinery market. Though two wardens in Florida have al ready been shot to death, a vol unteer has just offered his ser vices for this post of danger. Personal bravery and a knowledge of the habits of the birds are the requisites in our selection of our wardens,” said T. Gilbert Pearson, Secretary of the National Association of Au dubon Societies at its headquar ters. 1974 Broadway, to-day. ‘‘This year there will fall upon the shoulders of these men the greatest burden that has ever been imposed on account of the high prices prevailing in the feather market. We hope to he able to protect the mother heron as well as other Avater birds, though Ave are obliged to raise special funds for this purpose.” FAIRBURY JOINS WET COLUMN Votes Saloons in Again by 169 Majority. Fairbury, Neb., May 16.— At a special election held today to decide the proposition of saloon license or no license, the Avets were victorious by a majority of 169 votes. Nearly every vote was polled but both sides Avere very quiet all day. A total of 1,077) A’otes was cast. This city Avas. dry last year for the first time in fourteen years, but it was generally conceded that the sentiment of the toAvn aa as high license and the large majority re ceived by the Avets at the polls today Avas no surprise, AFFAIRS AT WASHINGTON SPECIAL TO THE DAILY TRIBUNE Current News And Events of Im portance In Which Ne braska Figures Considerable surprise lias been shown in the Republican vote given in favoi of the Democratic free list bill upon its final pas sage in the House. The follow ing Republican Members voted with the Democrats: Represen tatives Anderson, Davis, Lind bergh, Miller. Steenerson and Volstead, of Minnesota; Kopp, Lenroot, Morse, and Nelson, of Wisconsin; Anthony, Jackson, Madison, and Murdock, of Kan sas; Hubbard, of Iowa; Kent, o California; La Follette and War burton of Washington; Ilelge son, of North Dakota; Ilanna, of North Dakota, and Lafferty of Oregon; Norris of Nebraska; Ro berts of Nevada; Morgan of Ok lahoma. A number of these Re publicans, notably Messrs Len root and Norris made vigorous efforts to amend the bill so that free admission of merchandise could apply only to imports from countries that in turn admit American products free. This attempt was followed by efforts to incorporate the provisions of the bill to force foreign nations to cease their discriminations against American infeats, live cat tle, and flour, and to include provisions aimed at countries that impose restrictions on the export of potash and pulp wood. The explanation given by Repub lican Members for llieir votes were varied. Some of the gentle men asserted that they stood b y their convictions, while others realizing that the free list bill would never become a law, simp ly voted for the measure in the belief that their position would lessen the credit of the Democrats in the eyes o' the peopel of the country. Every few days sensational re ports go out from Washington to the iffect that the United States is preparing to take a hand in the affairs of Mexico, but these repoits have little foundation as the Administration and Congress have absolutely no edsirc to be come involved in the offairs of our sister republic, and the ne cessity wil lneed to be exceeding ly pressing if our troops arc ever moved across the border. President Taft lias emphasized his position in this respect in such a manner that people at the C.’pitol entertain no doubt as ot the policy he is endeavoring to carry out. During 1 lie discussion of the free list bill in the House, the debate continued from 11 o’clock each morning until late each af ternoon. A noticeable feature of the consideration of this measure was the lack of attendance upon the part of Members at the ses sions, and while speeches were constantly going on. most of the Members did not feel it neces sary to remain in their seats and listen to the dry discussion of the proposed changes in the tariff. While the records show that the House worked hard, as a matter of fact, the period taken up by the measure happened to fall during delightful spring weather which afforded an op portunity to Members for short vacations. The baseball games, aeroplane show and horse show enjoyed representative patronage. A Jersey cow is a docile-look ing creature, but she frequently has a mean disposition. Nor is the human desperado always equiped with size and fierce whi i kers. As long as a man is well, he is reasonably confident that he can whip a microbe; you can’t scare him away from kisses or Swiss cheese with the germ the ory. GOING TO HELP BOOST GOOD ROADS MOVEMENT Omaha, May 16.- As an advo cate of good roads, the Commer cial club of Omaha is right there, at least it will be this week when it takes part in the good roads convention to be hold in llold regc today. Three delegates have been named, who have agreed to attend as the club’s representa tives, Those are F. L. Haller, >T. Sunderland and S. A. Searle. Mr. Searle left Saturday and took with him a plentiful supply of Commercial club literature as it pertains to the boosting of Ne braska. BOY KILLED BY FALL FROM A TREE Hooper, Net., May 15. -Marvin Pape, son of II. A. Pape of the firm of Harris & Pape, was killed yesterday, lie went out with A. II. Harms ami family for an out ing and while Mr. Harms was fishing Marvin and Gus Harms went into the timber to gather bird's eggs which they intended to mount as a collection for an exhibit. While up in a tree about twenty feet high a limb broke and Pape fell to the ground. Before lie could .be placed in the buggy lie died. Pape’s injuries that proved fa tal were internal. He had just celebrated bis sixteenth birthday anniversary the day before his death. He was a very ambitious and studious boy in all bis school woak and was held in high es teem by all bis schoolmates teacher and the public. FARMER ACCIDENTLY SHOT John Weers of Auburn Drops Gun and Both Charges Strike Him in the Back. Auburn, Neb., May 15.—- John Weers, a young German farmer residing twelve miles southwest of here, accidently shot and kill ed himself Saturday afternoon. The sprinkle of rain caused rats in the corn crib to flock out lo get water. Mr. Weers got bis shotgun and started to the crib with a view of shooting rats. The gate between the house yard and the barn yard bad a common contrivance, consisting-of a wire cable extending from the gate to a post set for that purpose, and on the cable was bung an iron weight which caused the gate to close and bold it closed. It is supposed that the gate swung to and struck the gun and knocked it out of bis hands. As the gun fell it struck in such a way as to discharge both barrels, Hie loads of shot struck him in Hie small of the back, killing him in stantly. Mr. Weers was about 38 years old and leaves a widow and several children. lie was born and reared within a mile of where lie was killed and was highly respected, lie was pros perous and well to do. OBSERVE MOTHERS’ DAY. Stella, Neb., May 15. Mothers day was observed at the Baptist church yesterday morning. The exercises were in charge of the Sunday school, consisting of songs, duets and special music b.v some of the older members, fol lowing by an address by the pas tor. Tn the evening Rev. M. Tyler of Peru delivered the bac calaureate sermon in the Baptist church, his text, was “Christiani ty and Life.’’ Music was fur nished by a special chorus from the different churches. Every available seat in the house was occupied and many were unable to gain admission. THREE BOYS ARE DROWNED Onawa, la., May 14.—A triple drowning took place in Blue lake here this afternoon when a boat in which six boys were riding was struck by a huge white cap, sinking it. The dead: Tommy Bristow, of Turine. Lloyd Huff, of Whiting. Mack Boyle, of Whiting, The drowning occurred on the West side of the lake within twen ty-five feet of the shore in wa ter of a depth of only seven feet. Not being able to swim the boys were unable to keep above water and drowned in sight of shore. The other three boys were saved by companions in another boat. All of the boys were about fif teen years of age. LIGHTNING CAUSES FIRE. Geneva, Neb., May 15. During a thunder shower Saturday even ing lightning struck a barn on Lee Huston's farm west of town. One horse and a colt with feed and harness were burned with the building. FREMONT MAN IS KILLED BY TRAIN IN DES MOINES Des Moines, la., May 15 1. W. Fields, 70 years of age, of Froc inont, Neb., was struck by a St. Paul and Des Moines passenger train at the East Walker street crossing at noon today, lie died of bis injuries shortly after. Ifis back and leg was broken. Fields was a fruit tree agent. He roomed at 1429 East Grand avenue. lie was identified by a card bearing the address of T. II. Blood good of this city. Trainmen say Fields paid no attention to the whistle. He is thought, to have been deaf. He was placed in a baggage ear and brought to the city. FAILED TO KILL HIMSELF. Edward Fish Slashed Throat With Razor. Loup City, Neb., May 14. — Edward Fish of Ross, Nob., at tempted to commit suicide here about noon today. He went into the city restaurant and slashed the right side of his neck with a razor. After bleeding freely he got up and walked to the front of Hu1 restaurant where he was Hkmd and taken to a doctor’s of fice. The wound was dressed and he will recover. He is con sidered mentally unbalanced and is now held in jail. He had been working near here for farmers and claims to have a brother at Campbell, Neb. VALUE OF WEALTH ON NATION’S FARMS | Department of Agriculture Gives Out Estimate of Production in Last Year. Washington, May 1-4.—The val ue of wealth produced on farms of the United States was $8,926, 000,000 in 1910, as estimated by the Department of Agriculture in a statement just issued. This is an increase of $104,000,000 over 1909. Texas, with its 10,000,000 acres of cotton, wrested from Illinois the honor of being the first state in the union in value of principal farm crops, which was $304,110,00 0. WYMORE AGAIN WET TOWN Judge Pemberton Upholds De cision of City Council in Sa loon Cases. Beatrice, Neb., May 15.—After a trial lasting three days District Judge Pemberton upheld the de cision of the city council of Wymore in granting saloon licen ses to Jatne Walsh, Dan O’Don nell and Lavalle & Caulder. He refused a license to James Pisar on the ground that he had kept his saloon open after 8 o’clock and that at one particular ti me beer was drunk therein by a dif ferent person than the proprietor. The eases may be appealed to the supreme court. Some of the saloon men opened their places of business yesterday after being closed for a few weeks, and Wymore is again a wet town. Boys are not as much afraid of teachers ns they were in days gone by, and there is a suspicion that men are not as easily seared by preachers. C—WB—I1 !■! I . u, I Local Happenings From Wednesday's Dally. .lot* O’Grady of Dawson is in town this morning on business. Ernest Gonyer is out of quar entiue for small pox. Father McDonald of Hastings and Father Carer of David City were the guests of Father Huff man for a few days this week. Mrs. J. Findley of Stella was shopping here yesterday. George Duck called on the mer chants here yesterday. Mr. C. It. Chandler of lliawa tha was in the city on business Tuesday. Samuel Liehty is appointed ad ministrator of the Samuel Edgar estate. Mrs. S. L'.chty and daughter will leave for Lincoln tomorrow to visit relatives. Aron Louck’s little daughter Ha has a light case of scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W'lier ler of Barada were shop|)ing in this city yesterday. Dr. Bureliard and (1. 11. Fall stead drove to Stella this morn ing. John Constantine and son came in yesterday from Barada with two loads of hogs. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmer man of Fargo were shopping here yesterday. Mrs. l’at Burke and daughter Grace are down from Dawson shopping this morning. Mrs. Withec and little son who have heen the guests of Mrs. Mul ligan for the past few days have returned to their home in Stella. Mrs. Will Cunningham, Mrs. Steve Cunningham, Mrs. Dr. Hen derson and Miss Alice Cunning ham were F alls City visitors yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stuart of Reserve were here shopping yes terday. John Doc who caused the dis turbance at Cal’s cafe yesterday, was unable to pay bis fine, and was a given a week’s free board at McFarland’s hotel. C. T* Lippold has purchased the, T. I. La Forge store on 9th and Morton streets. Mr. Lippold is now running a blacksmith shop on 14th and Stone streets, which he intends to sell and give his time to the mercantile business. Dr. O. C. Reynolds of Lincoln, father of Nat hen Reynolds of this city, died very suddenly yesterday noon. Nathen Rey nolds was called immediately and is in Lincoln now. The arrange ments for the funeral have not all been made yet. The country around Falls City is surely looking prosperous this spring. No matter which way you go from town if you drive through the country you are bound to be impressed with the fact that the prospects for a good crop both of fruit and grain are unusually fine. I nurscJay tlie Mink ljeague will begin business, and with the many semi-professional teams be ing organized, this ought to be a great year for the national game in Nebraska. Anyhow, there can be nothing but good come from an increased enthusi asm over such a sport as the game of baseball furnishes. HUMBOLDT The Junior reception for the Seniors was held at the home ol C. M. Linn and wife Thursday. The decorations were in class colors nicely arranged. A good programme was rendered after which the company departed to the parlors of the M. E. church where they partook of a banquet. Mesdames V. II. and Arthur Cooper of Beaver City visited the Cooper families in this city the latter part of the week. Mildred Jones of Table Rock was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Veits this week. Rose Ilnizda in company with friends from Table Rock visited at Virginia, Neb. Sunday. E. A. Litchfield and wife and J. B. Davis and wife returned to this city Friday after spending a few days in Lincoln, attending the grand lodge of the Knights of Pythias. At this meeting Dr. Litchfield was chosen vice-grand chancellor. John Klossner visited friends in Ord the last of the week. Mrs. J. C. Segrist left Tuesday for Illinois where she will nt tend the golden wedding of her friends. Her daughters, Mes dames Irvin Shirley, Ambrose Beurstetta and 10. last of the week. ! II. P. Marble left this week for Arizona where he has a government appointment. Humboldt, lias decided to cele brate the Fourth of July. Frank Ketone, was a business visitor to Omaha the last of the week. Sheriff Fenton was up from Falls City Wednesday.' J. Kavanda and wife of Table Rock were tin' guests of James Ilnizda the first of (lie week. David Tortellott of Lincoln was a visitor at the home of Frank Butterfield Sunday. The Linger Longer club met with Mrs. C. K. Cooper Wednes day. II. L. Iluekett left Tuesdpy for St. Joe where lie will continue medical treatment in that city. A former surgical operation haven proven unsuccessful. Harold Davis came up from Falls City to remain over Sun day. Ira Roberts and wife are now located in Tecumseh. Mr. Rob erts having accepted a position in a bakery in that city. Workmen are this week tear ing down the Christian church building, preparatory to the erec tion of a mor modern structure. is a Pure,Hygienic Cleanser for Cutlery Food Utensils Because the Cleanser is entirely iree from Acid, Caustic and Alkali. It is mechanical in its action — avoid dangerous chemical cleansers. Many other uses end Full Directions on Large Sifter-can lO P