The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 28, 1911, Image 4

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    Local Happenings
From Friday’s Daily.
Frank Snethen of Humboldt is
a Falls City visitor today.
Ernest Lee is quite sick at
this writing.
H. Kelsey of Hiawatha was in
the city yesterday.
W. S. Jones of Teeumseh was
a Falls City visitor yesterday.
The painters are at work on
the ceiling of the Wahl store.
Want ads in the Daily Tribune
bring results.
Arch Hughey of Nebraska
City is in the city today calling
on our business men.
Miss Gladys McDonald has
been made assistant chief opera
tor at the telephone office.
Mrs. A. 15. McKee, is demonst
rating for the Standard Oil Co.,
today at Baehstein’s Hardware
The sidewalks make a fine
grandstand for some people and
the men working on the street
make fine actors, while the street
itself furnishes the arena.
C. L. Mickey of Omaha is a
Falls City visitor today.
L. 1'. Earl of St. «Ioe is a
visitor in our city today.
Mrs. Chandler of Shuhert ac
companied her daughter, Georgia,
to tin* city today. The latter
taking the teachers examination.
.T. E. Wasson of Hiawatha was
in the city yesterday on business
F. Ball came up from Horton
yesterday to look after business.
Miss Column and Miss Gilliland
returned to their home at An
burn today after attending the
C. E. Convention.
The McGerr Furniture Com
pany have just finished decorat
ing a very pretty display win
The Cal & Harry Cafe is now
entirely owned by Cal, as he has
purchased all of Harry’s interest
in the Cafe.
J. S. Foster of Horton made
this city a business call today.
Clark L. Dort returned to his
home at Auburn this morning af
ter attending the sessions of
the C. 1C. Convention.
W. E. Woodring left this morn
ing for his home at Beatrice
after attending the C. E. Conven
tion in this city.
W. II. Wyler left this morning
for Sioux City, Iowa, to attend
the sessions of The Reformed
Church, to be held there this
and tho coming week.
Clarence Stitzer of Salem was
in the city today looking after
business affairs. Mr. Stitzer ex
pects to move to Salem and es
tablish a fine up-to-date garage
in that town in the near future.
Mr. Evans, special agent for
the Continental Insurance Com
pany was in the city today call
ing on his agent, Geo. Fallstead.
From Saturdty’s Daily.
Mr. llaley of Forest City is
visiting friends in this eity.
C. 1. Stocking was up from Hia
watha yesterday.
Mrs. Becker of Verdon was in
the eity yesteray.
Mrs. Snyder of Preston was
trading here yesterday.
Mrs. Ryan Shelly of Preston
was shopping here yesterday.
Frank Snethen of Humboldt
was in the city yesterday look
ing after business.
Wilbur Martin came over from
Beatrice yesterday.
C. D. Nixon and wife were in
this city from Auburn yesterday
and spent the day with friends
«nd looking after business.
Mrs. Josh Bloom of Verdon
was shopping in town yesterday.
She was also the guest of Mrs.
Jake Bloom.
M. J. Parker of Lincoln was a
business visitor here yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Firebaugh left tony
for Omaha to visit her grandson
for a few weeks.
J. R. Griffith of Verdon was
in the city yesterday looking af
ter business.
Charels Chandler of Hiawatha
was in the eity yesterday aisit
ing friends.
Mrs. Chandelr and daughter of
Shubert Avere in the city yester
day doing some shopping.
Miss Letha Crook and Miss
Ethel Jones of Salem were in
the city yesterday attending to
business and visiting friends.
The finance board of the Pres
byterian church met last night
and held a very encouraging ses
E. V. Kauffman of Syracuse
Springs was in the city yestcr
lay looking after business.
L. \V. Shubert came down from
Shubert to visit with friends and
looking after business.
Thursday evening some one
broke into tool chests beolnging
to the carpenters who an* work
ing on the Maust cottages on
South Chase street near the M.
P. depot, and stole a large num
ber of valuable tools. There
were four chests opened. As we
go to press there is no clue to
the thieves.
The Knights of Columbus gave
a dance at Dawson last night. It
was well attended and several
auto loads from here and other
places enjoyed the evening with
th(> Dawson Knights. The music
was furnished by the Dawson and
Humboldt orchestras. Those
present from here were: John
Diekman, Paul Murphy, James J.
Coupe, Tom Kanaly, Nellie Coupe
Clara Gagnon, Mary McMahon,
Miss Mower, Mr. and Mrs. L. 1*.
Wirth, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fen
ton and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Puth
man. The party came home in
the wee small hours of morning,
and all report a delightful time.
Mr. and Mrs. Praekhahn mov
ed from rooms in this building
to the Harlow house on South
I jane Street.
C. E. Drake of Hoyt, Kansas
vas a business visitor here yes
S. II. Dillie eaine up from Atel
son yesterday to look after the
vork at the yards.
('. Cruse of Shubert was in the
•ity yesterday.
E. 1’. Leonard of Lincoln spent
yesterday in this city.
.1. E. Wasson of Hiawatha was
in the city calling on our mer
Supt. S. II. Woods returned to
lay from Peru where he went to
act as judge in the debate be
tween the Peru and Kearney Nor
mal. The question for debate wa
that of the “Closed Shop.” Pe
ru supported the negative, that
shops should not be open to both
union and non-union labor and
Kearney had the affirmative side.
I’he decision of the judges were
in favor of Peru.
Fred M. Hunter, superintend
ent of the Norfolk pubile schools,
has been elected principal of
the state university school of
agriculture. The election was
made by the board of regents at
a meeting recently.
An unusually large amount oi
building is being done in and
near Falls City. Carpenters have
been busy all winter. New resi
dences and barns .are being
built, both in town and the coun
try. There has been a demand
for men to work on the street at
paving and work of all kinds at
the M. P. round house. All who
want work and are able have lit
tle difficulty in finding cmpoly
From Monday's Daily.
A1 Scofield returned to his
home in Lincoln this week.
Mrs. Fred Zentner of near
Fargo was in town Saturday.
Spicklcr Bros., of Barada wore
in town Saturday.
Chester McDowell is working
in 11. M. Jenne’s shoe store this
Miss Katherine O’Donnell of
this city spent Sunday at her
nome in Dawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Nixon of Barada
were in town shopping Satur
Miss Carrie Gyeenwald is en
joying a visit with her mother,
Mrs. Judith Greemvald.
Mrs. Will Zoeller and daughter
of Preston were in town this
Mrs. A1 Restorer and daughter,
Miss Helen will leave Satur lay
for their new home in Dakota.
Mr. ami Mrs. Mustham have
returned to their home in Lincoln
Musteham has been working in
the M. P. yards for some time.
John llossack returned home
Saturday after a two weeks busi
ness trip through Kansas.
lten Martin came down from
Wymore and spent Sunay with
friends in this city.
Miss Beauchamp returned Sun
day from a visit to Miss Cora
Brown and other Stella friends.
1 lathway, the new forman at
the round house is here from At
Miss Kittie Hawley came down
from Barnston Sunay afternoon
to spen some time with Paw Raw
ley an other relatives in this
Mr. Fankle, A1 Wixon, William
Marts and Ephraim Withee of
Stella were in town Saturday ev
ening. They were on their way
homo from Hiawatha, where they
had been looking at automobiles
with a view of purchasing one.
Mrs. 11. 1). Lindsay writes that
C'hancelor Avery’s address tobe
given a week from tomorrw at
the Christian church will be a
Comparison of the German Amer
can schools.
Dr. Emma Loose Tucker return
ed from Chicago, where she has
been taking further work in a
medical college. She is visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr.
find Mrs. Win, Loose.
Yesterday seems to have been
i gala day for autos. There wer
i great many up from Hiawatha
ml a party of seven came down
from Verdon, besides the many
hers who enjoyed rides.
Hie piano which was won in
be Tribune contest by the Zion
lurch, was delivered to them
riday and they were delighted
itli it so the piano man says.
W. II. Wylie of Nebraska City
» in the city today looking af
r business for the Cudahy paek
ig house and visiting with rela
Rev. F. E. Day an family niov
d today in the property they re
•ently bought of Mr. Pomeroy in
be west part of town.
F. W. Ileineman, who is in
terested in the paving at this
place went to his home near
Verdon to spend Sunday.
Miss Violet King, stenographer
in the dispatcher’s office at
the M. 1’. yards, went to Atchi
son Sunday to visit home folks.
Misses Margaret and Louise
Peterson and Lee Smith and Ver
non Daniels drove to Salem yes
terday where the spent the day.
Neal Thornton returned from
hi* trip to Oklahoma, where lie
spent the greater part of last
week looking after business.
Mrs. Everett Peckcnpaugh of
Laniard, Kansas is visiting her
not her, Mrs. Katherine Wylie an
her sister. Mrs. Will Ulilig.
K. C. Zook of the 0’Donahue
Fruit House of St. Joe called on
our merchants Saturday.
Rob Wyatt of Reserve came to
'alls City in his car Saturday
Miss Meta lleineman of Ver
lon was in town shopping Satur
Miss Edna Shaffer spent Sun
day with her parents in the
Miss Elsie Bailey has accept
ed a position in the new Goddard
music store.
Airs. Nellie King is recovering
from her recent sick spell.
AJ’ss Essie Alarsh spent Sun
day with her parents in Rulo.
A. W. Rutherford of Atchison
called on our grocers Saturday.
Ralph Hummer was down from
Humboldt Saturday.
W. R. Taylor of Plattsmouth
spent Saturday in this city.
Jesse Dunn spent Sunday at
his home in Barada.
Air. and Airs. Pat Rawley en
tertained at dinner yesterday
a number of relatives and friends
Among those present were Air.
and Airs. AYm. Higgins, Air. and
Airs. Jake Derr and family, John I
and James Iliggins, Airs. Reardon
and Alis\ Katherine Alulligau.
Hakes Home Baking Easy
Absolutely Pur©
The only baking powder
maria from Royal &rayo
Qiream of
Mr. and Mr. Jake Weist of
Fargo were in town shopping on
Young Winkler and Will Per
kins had a preliminary hearing
tefore Judge Spragitis this morn
ing for breaking into and rob
bing the M. P. depot a few days
ago. They were hound over to
the district court, and being un
able to get bail were taken hack
to the jail to await the next term
of the district court.
Miss Minnie McDonald, kinder
garten teacher at Central, return
ed from Omaha Saturday night
greatly improved in health and
has taken up her school work
again and the children are de
lighted to see her back.
George Shields went to Kan
-as City Saturday evening to
purchase fixtures for his cafe,
vhicli was recently damaged by
ire. Mr. Shields will fix the
nterior of his cafe in up-to-date
style, and expects to be ready
'or business between the 5th
-ltd 10th of May. His many Fall
City friends and patrons will he
glad to know that Mr. Shields
will have his popular cafe open
to the public once more.
A team from the Mettz livery
barn ran away Sunday evening.
They were going east on 15th St.
and when near Tom Whitaker’s
store the tongue came down,
frightened the team and they
ran away, the driver jumping out
and letting them go. They ran
into a buggy in front of the
store, but no serious damage was
done to cither rig. The horses
were caught a few blocks from
Mrs. Stockman spent Saturday
in Falls City.
Ewing Herbert of Hiawatha
was in town over Sunday.
Mrs. Mike Mahoney went to
Rulo this afternoon to attend
a wedding tomorrow morning at
the Catholic church.
Mrs. Zula Curtis came up from
St. Joe this afternoon to visit
with her sister, Mrs. Robert Rulo
and family.
There will be a district con
vention of the various Sunday
Schools held at Slmbert Sunday.
Speakers will be there from Ver
don, Falls City and Nemaha.
Mr. Goddard of Ilumboldt is
in town looking after the interest
of the music store he purchased
last week. He has a number of
new pianos which have just ar
rived and he expects to get
hem in the display room in a
few days.
Mrs. Dr. Fordyce will enter
tain the Methodist social circle
at her home on 24th and Stone
St, on Wednesday afternoon.
From Tuesday’s Daily.
C. Horn and family of near
Verdon were in town yesterday.
Mrs. Carson of Verdon was |
shopping here yesterday.
The assessor is abroad in the j
land. Hike your valuables.
On and after May 1st, all bar
rier shops close at 7 >30 during
the week, and 11:00 p. m. Sat
urday night.
The third block of paving is
ready for the brick.
Fred Cleveland and Max Wer
ner came down from'Nebraska
City this morning in the auto.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander of
Salem were shopping here Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Giannini
are the parents of a little daugh
ter, born Monday, April 24th. All
concerned doing nicely.
Stephen Pomeroy and daughter
will leave today for their new
home in Illinois. Rev. Day and
family will occupy the house va
cated by them.
Mrs. Sturms and daughter,Miss
Lola were in from Straussville
Monday. Miss Lola remained in
the city to attend the chorus
practice at the home of Mrs. C.
Prank Gossett left for Horton,
Kansas yesterday after spending
Sunday and Monday in Palls City
with his parents, Win. Gossett
and family. He also visited at
the home of Lawrence Snyder.
Miss Marie McCarthy of this
city and Miss Rozclla Ahern of
Shubert will give a farewell par
ty for Miss Helen Resterer on
Thursday evening. Miss Resterer
will leave soon for South Dakota
where she will make her -future
George Shields returned from
Kansas City where he purchased
new fixtures for his cafe. The
carpenters are at work on the
building and when completed and
re-opened the Shields cafe will
be one of the finest in South
eastern Nebraska. The insurance
men were in the city the latter
part of the week and settled for
t>e damage done hy the recent
If you are feeling down heart
ed, tell your sad story to a fat
man, and get him to crying
about it. If the tears rolling
Town his vast expanse of cheek
ail to make you laugh,you know
vliere the river is.
Miss Ruth Nicholson is enter
taining some little friends this
ifternoon in honor of her fifth
birthday. Ice cream and cake
helped to make the afternoon a
\ <>ry enjoyabel one.
Mr. and Mrs Will Stringfield < C
Red Cloud, Neb., are visiting rel
atives and old friends in this city
They will visit their son in Vcr
don before returning home.
The Grand Theater will put on
Vaudeville for the balance of the
week. Aileen & Gillan is the
name of the company. They start
with this evening.
Harry D. Miller is fixing up
the old store building that is
near the Mettz livery barn for
a carpenter shop.
Mrs. B. F. Veach, formerly of
this city, but now of Verdon is
reported some better today. She
is seriously ill at a hospital in
Mrs. A. M. Beamish of the
Airdome Co., is in town helping
Air. Lawrence look after the
loea linterests of the company.
Aliss Cusiek returned to her
home in Auburn yesterday after
isiting her brother and Aliss
Pierce in thsi city.
L. C. Roberts of St. Joe was
iokinsr after interests in this
city today.
Mr. Conner of the Holly Music
Co., called at the Goddard music
house yesterday.
Miss lvittie Cashman of Barns
*T>n is visiting at the home of
Pat Rawley and wife.
Mrs. Kingsley and Miss Gladys
"user of Dawson are in town
M. N. Beck came down from
Omaha last night to look after
Mr. sTom Harris is very ill at
tier home on North Stone street.
W. '1'. Pierce of St. Joe is a
business visitor here today.
E. S. Line of Omaha was a
business visitor here today.
J. F. Oilman came up from At
< bison mi business today.
Mrs. Stockman was in from
the country yesterday.
Samuel Harris of Shubert is
in town today.
I McEven came down from On
alia last night.
Jim Haler was a Preston visitor
Fay Huston of Salem spent this
afternoon in Falls City.
Legal Notice
In the Richardson County District
Court, State of Nebraska.
In Re Ruth Z. Oppenheimer.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that Ruth
Z. Oppenheimer, an unmarried fe
male of full lawful age, did on the
23th day of March 1911, file her peti
tion in the district court of Richard
son County, State of Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which is to
obtain an order and decree of said
court, changing her name from Ruth
Z. Oppenheimer, to that of Ruth
Reavis, for the following reasons:
1. Because the name she now
bears is one confered upon her by
adoption, and is not her baptismal
2. Because said name is Jewish,
or is so understood, and that she
lias no blood of that race in her
\eins, and does not want to be known
by it.
3. Because she desires to be
known by the name of her guardians,
who have been such for the last ten
Dated March 28, 1911.
Attorney for Petitioner
First pub. March 31-5 times.
Notice To Referee’s Sale
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order of sale, issued
out of the District Court in and for
Richardson County. Nebraska, on the
Cth day of April A. D. 1911, in a suit
tor partition wherein Selena Kitt and
Joseph Kitt are plaintiffs, and Ros
alie Plant (widow), Rosa C. IPant,
an unmarried woman. Chas. J. Plant
and Henrietta Compton Plant, his
wife, Louis Plant and Cecilia Plant,
his wife, and Susie Cunningham and
S. W. Cunningham, her husband are
defendants, directed to me as sole
referee in said suit for partition, I
will as such referee, on Monday af
ternoon, May 15, 1911, at one o’clock
p. m. at the west front door of the
court house in Richardson County,
Nebraska, sell for cash to the high
est bidder, the following described
real estate, towit: The southeast
quarter (S. E. *4), and the East
half of the southwest quarter, (E.
of S. \V. %) of Section No. thir
teen (13) township No. One (1),
North of Range 17, East of the 6th.
P. M., subject to an easement in
favor of the Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy Railroad Company consisting
of a right of way 100 feet wide across
said land in an casternly and western
lv direction; I will also sell Lots No.
Eight (8), Thirteen (13), and Four
teen (14), in Block No. Six (6); and
Lot No. Five (5), in Block No. Four
<4); and Lot No. Thirteen (13), in
Block No. Forty-dix (46), and Lot No.
Sixteen (16) in Block No Fortyeight
(48). in the village of Rulo, in said
county of Richardson, State of Ne
braska; and also Lots No. Four, Five
Six, and Seven (4, 5, 6, 7), in Block
No. Three (3); and lots No. Nine
and Ten (9 and 10) in Block . No.
Twenty-seven (27), in Rouleau and
Bedard’s Acdi ion to said village of
Rulr>, in said count' and state.
Dated at Falls City, Nebraska, on
this 11th day of April A. D. 1911.
Sole Referee.
First publication April 14. 5 times.
Notice of Referees Sale
Notice is hereby given, that by
; virtuo of an order of sale, issued out
of the district court in and for
Richardson County, Nebraska, on the
20th day of January A. D. 1911, in a
suit for partition pending therein,
wherein Iva Cline is plaintiff and
John H. Cline and Melta Grace
| Cline, minors under the age of 14
years,and heirs at law of Harry Cline
I deceased are defendants, and direct
I ed to us as said referees in said
suit for partition, to sell the real
estate hereinafter described, we will
as such referees, on the 16th day of
May A. D. 1911, at the hour of one
o’clock p. m. at the west front door
of the Court House in Falls City,
Richardson County, Nebraska, sell
lor cash the following described
premises towit: The northest quar
ter of the northwest quarter and
the west halff of the northeast quar
ter. of section nineteen, Township
(iiarada) three, Range seventeen,
<N. E. y4 of N. w. y4 and W. V, N.
C E. % S. 19. T. 3, It. 17) East'6th
R. M. in Richardson County, Nebras
ka, and containing 120 acres of
land more or less according to the
Oo\ ernment survey. There are two
mortgages on said land aggregating
$o,000.00, due two years from Aug
ust 1911, and said land will be sold
subject to asid mortgages.
Terms of sale cash. bated at
Falls City, Nebraska, this 11th day
of April A. D. 1911.
' ’-st nniQiofltion Anr|1 14 5 timeg
iiiifiiu Bacon of Nemaha prec
ind was in the city today.
t harels Gunzenhauser of Daw
son is looking after business in
terests here this afternoon.
Grossenbacher Bros., of Speis
r precinct were in Falls City
tins afternoon.
-bi-rill Fenton and his deputy
ore keeping a colse watch on the
n.droad yards to see that the
bums and travcelrs of question
able character do not make that
i ousting place. They chased
'‘'-'Jit or nine out of there this
nooning and were down in the
\;:i ds again this afternoon to see
not some who came iu during
the day did not camp.