1!^ Quality Place Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware and Notions. The famous Kirkendall shoe our specialty. Highest market prices for produce. Millinery. An exceptionally fine stock, all new goods. Swell spring hats just arriving. Miss Lei ta Butler in charge of this department. Al so special attention given to dress-making and ladies’ tailoring. W. B. Butler Barada :: :: :: Nebraska W. E. DOKKINGTON, Pres. W. A. GKEENWALl), Cashier T. J. GIST, Vice-Pres. GUY P. GKEENWALl), Ass’i Cashier Palis City State Bank Capital and Hurplns, $70,000.00 This Bank Wants Your Patronage C S Xt is :i str°n£ conservative and ac. UwvuUdv comodating institution operated under the Banking Laws of the State of Nebraska. i I C£> 11 is a ffrowinS. modern and up-to iii.aj* I* date bank - appreciates your busi ness and looks after it’s patrons interests. Oi ***** iai | c A It welcomes the accounts and busi DvwdUwW ness of the small as well as the large depositor and borrower. U flt> I1 welcomes the accounts of Wo men and Children as well as Men and pays interest on Saving Accounts of the Child ren and Interest on Time Deposits of “Big Folks." Go Somewhere This Summer To the East: In due season attractive tourist rates will be announced to the Lake and St. Lawrence regions, Atlantic Coast cities and resorts. Can we help you plan an Eastern tour? Or if you prefer the West, think about the mountain climate and scenery of Colorado, the Big Horn region, ora tour through Yellowstone Park; there are circuit tours embracing Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake, Yellowstone Park and the Big Horn Moun tains—all in one journey. Perhaps you can take this summer that long wished for journey to the Pacific Coast, embracing by diverse routes the entire West ahd Northwest regions. A sum mer tour, whether through the East or through the West, has become to many a necessity, while railroad and hotel facilities make it a diverting and enjoyable experience. There are no tours in tile world that offer the traveler so much for his money. Get in touch with us. Let us help you plan your journey and provide you with free descriptive publications as soon as re ceived from the printer. tford, Ticket Agent lY, General Passenger Agent )maha, Nebraska SPECIAL SALE ! -OF 3 Star Tumblers, 3 Star Pitchers and Hand Painted B. and B. Plates. I! Star Tumblers, light bottoms, lac values for 10c each 3 Star Tumblers, heavy bottoms, 20c values for 15c each 3 Star Pitchers, $1.2." values for 75c each Genuine Hand Painted Bread and Butter Plates, SI.00 values for 75c each Buy all you want at these prices. See them in the south window at Chas. M. Wilson s Subscribe for the Daily Tribune, $2.50 per year SPEISEE NOTES Adu, the little daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. (). Y. Harlow, died at her home Thursday morning al ter being siek several months. The funera Iserviees were, held at the home at 10’cloek Satur day morning and the remains taken to DuBois for burial. Ed Uliri, C. K. Cooper and Joy Nims returned from Omaha on Tuesday in Mr. Uliri's new forty horse power touring car . The car is a Mitchell and of the lat est pattern and the writers are anxiously waiting to have the first ride in the new car. Miss Anna Ilunkcger of Dry Branch has been quite sick the last week. A doctor from Paw nee City was called. A number of families in this vicinity attended the illustrated lecture given by W. F. Isler, at the German M. E. church at Humboldt Tuesday night. The views were fine and gave a very vivid description of the customs and habits of Switzerland . Mrs. Jennie Leech returned to her home at Pleasant View, Fri day . She had spent the past two weeks at the home of O. Y. Har low, nursing little Ada. John Uliri, Jr. attended a part in Humboldt Thursday evening. When lie went to get. his horse to go home be found that it bad grown tired of waiting for him so lie wended bis way homeward and Master Johnnie had to walk home. The horse was found next morning in a neighbor’s corn field, patiently waiting for bis driver . RULO J. C. Wallraff was in Rulo last week. Jim Robison was in Falls City Wednesday. Oss Daniels was in White Clou Wednesday. Tom Bowker Avas a Falls City visitor Wednesday. A. J. Hart was a Falls City •isitor Wednesday. Vernal Wright, of Fargo Avas a Rulo visitor recently. Little Harold Haler spent last week Avitli relatives in Preston. Ruth and Agnes Kanaly Avere .'hopping in Falls City Friday. Dr. Henderson made a pro fessional visit to Missouri Tues day. Will McCumber of Preston vis ited Avitli Rulo relatives Wednes day. Guy and Russell Inks of Salem spent Sunday with relatives in Rulo. Mrs. J. L. LeBlane spent last week with relatives in Kansas City. Roy Williams and family spent Sunday with bis mother at Fortes cue, Mo. Jim Maddox and Jack Ncitzel of Preston ivere Rulo visitors on Sunday. Henry Brinegar, wife and little (laughter were Falls City vsiitors Wednesday. fleorge White of Auburn visit ed with friends in Kulo the first of the week. Harry Miller of Mound City is working for the Telephone Co. at this writing. Air. and Mrs. Larabee went to Preston Saturday for a visit to their son’s family. Earl Dicks, wife and children of White Cloud visited with his parents Sunday. Mrs. IT. M. Edgecomb left for St. Joseph last week to receive medical treatment. Agnes Schrader of Preston made the home folks a short visit the last of the week. Janies Ford, wife and baby of Mrownville spent Sunday with •1. M. Pope and family. Mrs. E. (i. Harford spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Os car White, in Falls City. Mr. and Mrs. Fox of Baltimor Md., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 1). Van Vaulkinburg. Bessie Anderson and Hattie Hart visited Clara Aikman at lii‘r school Friday afternoon. O. A hick and family left on Wednesday for Colinsville, Okla. I to make til* ir future home. Misses TiUeile and Tracy Santo of St. Joseph visited the first of the week with Rulo relatvics. Wm. Frederick and family of Fargo visited with relatives in this city the first of the week. John Kanaly and daughter,Mis Florence and son, John, spent Sunday with relatives in Kansas. Mrs. Joe Frederick left last week for South Dakota, where sh expects to make her future home. Heck Boylen, Wayne Richard son and Ray McVey attended a dance in Falls City Monday ev ening. Mrs. Ella Gilbert returned on Wednesday from a three week’s stay with her daughter at Ver million, S. D. J. A. Osborn has purchased a low seven passenger automobile nd accompanied by his family ml Henry Brinegar and family mule a trip to Falls City Sun day. Henry Brinegar's smoke house caught fire Saturday and burned to the ground with all its con tents. lie also lost several stand of bees and a valuable pear tree they was killed by the heat, but after all was lucky to save his hvelling house, which was close '■y On Wednesday afternoon of ast week Mrs. John Pope cn ■rtained a number of little oiks in honor of her daughter Florence’s birthday. The after noon was spent playing games. Refreshments which delighted the little ones were served. Florence received a number of presents. BARADA C. IE. and J. A. Martin were L mines* visitor in Falls City on Monday. Littcl Albert Mangold is on (he sick list. A. A. Cattctt’s infant son was quite ill last week. Joe Spickler was over from Shubert one day last week. Mrs. Mary Bollman returned from St. Joseph last week. John Kelly of Bancroft is visit ing his sister, Mrs. W. A. Cox. Wm. and Gust Ruch with their mother spent Sunday in the coun try. Mrs. J. F. Sailor suffered a se vere attack of tonsilitus (he past week. Leon Yasser and family were guests of R. X. 'Williamson and family Sunday. A. J. Kelly and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Langdon. Otis Spickler was down from 1 Council Bluffs a couple of days a 1st week. Conrad Gerdes r * d wife were guests at .'••0 home of IT. Seimer ing, Jr., Sunday. Chas. Gaston of Shubert was busy plumbing in Barada the ; first of the week. Herman Ludwig and family of this place were guests of the Leitzke family Sunday. Dr. S. A. Van Osdel left. this week for an extended visit with his parents in South Dakota. lie made the trip in his auto. Hardy Hays of Shubert spent I In' greater part of the past two weeks in this vicinity engaged in papering and painting. August Ruchholz Sr., and wife came up from Falls City Sun day to visit the family of their son, Anthony. A very pleasant party was tendered F. R. Rockwell at his hoarding place Thursday even ing. All present report a good time. Frank Lunsford, who has been critically ill with typhoid fever for some time, is able to sit up a littel while at a time. Mrs. Hannah Stephenson re turned Sunday from an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Smith near Rulo. Miss Amanda Duerfeldt has been spending her vacation from I her duties in a hospital in Omaha with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Duerfeldt. Miss Hansen began chorus practice for the Commencement exercises last week. A large number are taking part ami a good program is sure to result. Mr. Niekols of Wymore was in town a few days last week, lie was accompanied homo by bis daughter, Mrs. C. V. Cox and children for a visit with rela tives and friends. There will bo no services at tin* Evangelical church next Sun day so that all may have an op portunity to attend the Sunday School convention at Shubert. The Sunday school will attend in a body. Friday witnessed the closing exercises at. the Ankrom school northwest of Ilarada, taught by F. . Rockwell. A large crowd wa in attendance and a general good time reported. Mr. Rockwell pre sented each pupil with a photo of the school. HUMBOLDT Mrs. T. II. Hardy is on the sick list this week. Walter Lcgg attended to husi ness in St. doe Monday. Miss Fannie Klosner visited in Table Rock Tuesday. Miss Minnie Murphy is clerk ing in the Famous this week. Hay Gist and family spent Sunday with relatives in Salem. Prof. Henj. Mickey spent. Sun day with relatives in Lincoln. Mrs. Frank Mullen was a pass enger to Falls City Wednesday. Mrs. George Segrist of Dallas S. 1)., is a guest of friends here*. d. Hock Williamson was a pass enger to Falls City on Wednesda Hoy Hist was detained from school this week on account of sickness. Miss Eleanor Williamson play ed for a dance held at Dawson Friday. Miss Mae Bradwell of Lincoln spent Sunday with friends in this city. Miss Mittie Gridley visited with relatives in Diller, Neb., the first of the week. Miss Minnie Murphy and Mor gan "Walsh attended the dance at Dawson Friday. James llnizda and Ralph Hum- i inel went to Grand Island Tues day in the latter’s ear. James K. Liggett came over from Pawnee and spent Sunday with his wife in this city. W. B. Albright and wife vis- ' ited with relatives in Falls City < the alst of the week. Harry Gravatte of Hiawatha, Kansas visited over Sunday with his brother, Ben and family. Mrs. Blanch Jones returned to Table Rock Wednesday after a visit with Will Veits and wife. Miss Florence Hummel spent this week at the home of her parents, Chris Hummel and wife Miss Lillith Waggoner has been elected to the position of assistant principal of the Doug las schools. Miss Ethel Hummel returned to her home in Lincoln Ihc first of the week after a visit with relatives in this city. A kensington was held in tin parlors of the Presbyterian cliureh Tuesday afternoon. The hostesses were Mrs. K. J. Curdy Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. (J. L Cooper. Mrs. .1. A. Wiiggner went to Omaha this week to be present at the commencement exercises of the Omaha Medical school in which,her son, Todd is a grad uate. A masquerade party was giv en by II. P. Marble and wife at their home Thursday evening. <>n Saturday afternoon Mrs. Marble entertained about thirty ladies and on Tuesday of this week the members of the W. O. T. l\ were entertained at the Marble home. SPEISER NOTES Kd LThri shipped a ear load of , hogs Monday. Miss Oleta Youngman from i Uumholdt visited aft the home of Sophia I’hri over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and JNIrs, Chris Rentier are' the proud parents of a ten pound baby boy, which was born. April 24th. John Schuler of Falls City was visiting Sunday with his brothers Gus and Fred Schuler, llosedale school is planning to have a picnic dinner at the school house Friday. The din ner will be followed by a progran prepared for the occasion. George Gutznian, Arnold ScJi uetz and Chris Sutorius were pas sengers to Falls City Saturday.' Will Be In This City, May 3 One of the strongest fentres with tlie Blondin Show is Culm. Clutehl'ield, the champion roper who does tricks with a lariat that never before been atempted. That this man has been raised with a rope in bis band goes without say ing. See his free exhibition on the street at noon and be con vinced that you have seen at least one real roper. Will be in Falls City, Wednesday, May 3. Cemetery Auxiliary Meets Tile Cemetery Auxiliary met with Mrs. .1. W. Holt Tuesday afternoon. The following offi cers Mere elected for the coili ng .'ay something toward buying the plants and for the care of them. Money can be paid to any of the officers and you will got credit for the saint'. Be sure and attend the next meet ing with Mrs. \\r. \V. Jenne on .Monday, May 1. Secretary. Here, is a minister who appre ciates tlic editor. At a recent editorial convention he offered the following toastTo save the editor from starvation, take his paper liberally. To save him from despair send him every it (‘in of news of which you can get hold. To save him of pro fanity, write your correspondence on one side of the sheet and send it in as early as possible. To save him from mistakes bury him. Dead people arc the only ones who never make mistakes.”—Ex. rust Scrubbing Floors with Old Dutch Cleanser Saves Time #Labor Pecause the line, porus particles ol the Cleanser get right down into every crack and crevice, take up all dirt and leave the lloor clean and spotless. Many other uses and Full Directions on large Si f ter-can IQ f