Tribune Readers Weather forecast of Nebraska Patronize the advertiser who Showers Wednesday. Thursday, uses space in The Daily Tribune. *il'r n,u^ warmer, Vol. VIII FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 2b, 1911 Number 20 LOCAL NEWS TOLD IN BRIEF ' HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME What Your Friends And Their Friends Have Been Doing Recently Dr. Wilson, Wahl Building, tf Jesse Dunn was over from Bar ada yesterday. Mrs. Wyatt was up from Re serve shopping yesterday. See the Osteopath for all acute end Chronic Diseases tf John Saxon of Union, Neb., was among the visitors here yesterday Suits cleaned and pressed at the suitatorium located over the Richardson County bank. tf Louie Rodewald of Fargo was a shopper in Falls City yesterday. Pure home made*ice cream, \ anil! a, chocolate and crushed strawberry at the Candy Kitchen, 15c per pint, 25c per quart, tf Ur. Houston and family went to Yerdon last night. 10 per cent discount on all room size rugs at Lyford’s until Saturday night. Mrs. Will Heaston spent yes terday with relatives in this city. She also did some shopping. Cleaning, pressing and repair ing— Young’s Panitorium. Op posite Wahl’s Store. tf Mrs. A1 Pyle of Preston was shopping here Wednesday. Pine Apple and Raspberry lee at the Candy Kitchen. 15c per pint. 25c per quart. 2t Jim Kelley of Dawson was in the eity looking after business. 18 this season’s ladies’ suits left, going at half price. Lyford’s New Linen coats at Lyford’s. Harry Shaffer is visiting rel atives in Hamlin this week. Smith Saxony 9 by 12 feet, good patters, $1G. Sold usually at 20.—Lyford. Elias and Henry Peck were business visitors in town today. Munsing Underwear, new with us this season, popular prices— Union Suits from 50c to $1.50— you know this make.—Lyford. Misses Marie McCarthy and ozelle Ahern Avill entertain for Miss Helen Restcrcr tonight. All Wool Skirts at ten per cent off until Saturday night.— Lyford. Ed Kinimel and family spent yesterday with relatives in this city. Hear Dr. Iliff, an orator of note. He tells what he saw as an Ohio cow boy. Mabel Poteet left today for Syracuse, Neb., to spend a coup le of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Earl Corruthers. “Sunv Side of Soldier Life” on Saturday evening at court house. Don’t miss it. Most complete showing of wash goods ever shown in Richardson county. Every fabric shown this season in variety—Lyford. Fred Finch and wife drove ever from Barada yesterday to (to some shopping. Prof. If. A. Reynolds, Sugges tive Therapeutist and Magnetic Healer. Office at Powell Bldg, tf . S. Roach, one of Omaha’s pop ular cigar merchants was in the city yesterday. All wool dress goods at 10 per cent discount the rest of this week.—Lyford. II. J. Heinz of the Heinz Pick le Co., was looking after business here Wednesday. Saturday is the last, day of our Anniversary sale—Lyford. A. S. Tweed of Arena Brown, Fruit company came up from St. Joe last night. Entire stock of lace curtains at ten per cent discount—this week cnly—Lyford. Elmer Else and wife of near Shubert made a business trip to this city Wednesday. A large assortment of kiraona sleeve shirt waists $1.25 to $3.— Lyford. Mr. Poor and son were in from Humboldt on business yesterday. Curt Query came down from Stella and spent last evening with friends in this city. FOR SALE—Team of ponies, buggy and harness. Call at this office. Mrs. Mesmore and daughter of Reserve spent yesterday in this city with friends and did some trading with our busy merchants. Embroidery trimmed skirts, worth $1.25, sale price 75c—Ly ford. Oliver Graf arrived yetserday afternoon from Herman, Mo., and lias accepted a position in this office. Tie is a linotype operator and an all-round printer. Smith Extra Axminister rugs, 0 by 12 feet, worth $25, only $17. —Lyford. Miss Ruth Lewis returned from Lincoln, where she went to .at tend the wedding of her brother, Tlieron. She remained in tlie city several days the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Wycoff are up from Atchison today. L. B. Cornell of Yerdon was a business visitor here today. Tickets at Jaquets or Lyford’s for Ilif'f’s lecture, 25c. Julius Kleber of Reserve was a business visitor here today. Mr. Rockwell, who just closed a successful term of school in Dist. No. 3, was a visitor in this city yesterday. Good assortment of Foulard silks !n our bargain lot at 45c.— Lyford. HOUSE MOVING—W. T. Ban scum, who recently bought the Jones House moving outfit, has established his permanent resi-1 dence one block north of the old stand pipe. Phone 237 b. See| him and get prices before placing your work. tf AFFAIRS AT WASHINGTON SPECIAL TO THE DAILY TRIBUNE Current News And Events of Im portance In Which Ne braska Figures The general land office re ports 1,879,486 acres of surveyed unappropriated and unreserved government land in Nebraska, of which 535,510 acres are in Alli ance county; 615,660 acres are in Brokenbow county; 629,110 are in Valentine county, the balance be ing distributed throughout other portions of the state. In u recent bulletin of the Bureau of Census arc included a list of farm values in Nebraska in which it appears that the total value of farm lands and build ings was given in 1910 as $1,811, 557,000, as against $577,000,000 in 1900, and increase of $1,233,897,0 or 214 per cent. The total acre age reported in 1910 was 38,553,0 acres, as compared with 29,912,00 in 1900, an increase of 8,641,000 acres, or 29 per cent. The im proved acreage was returned in 1910 as amounting to 24,356,000 acres as against 18,433,000 in ’10 un increase of 5,923,000 acres or 32 per cent. The improved acres per farm reported in 1910 was 2'. £ as against 246 in 1800, an in crease of 52 acres, or 31 per cent. The improved acreage ormed 63 per cent of the total acreage in 1910 and 62 per cent in 1900. The average value per acre of farm land and buildings is 1910 is stated as $46.99 as against $19,31 in 1900, a rise of $27.68 or 143 per cent. The average value per acre of farm land along in 1910 was reported as $41.34, and while in 1900 it was $16.27, the amount of gain being 157 per cent. Out Joy Riding Ralph Jenue took a company of young people to Hiawatha last night in his auto to attend the open air band concert. Hiawatha is there with the goods when it comes to band music, and this oc casion was no exception, for the young people report good music and a jolly time. GRACE MORITZ DEAD Body Will Be Shipped To Stella For Burial Special from Stella. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moritz re ceived news Sunday of t he ser ious illness of their daughter, Miss Grace, who was working in a wholesale millinery store in Iowa. Mrs. Moritz left for her hedside immediately and on Tues day Mr. Moritz was called but she passed away before her fath er reached her bedside. The body will be brought to Stella for burial. M. B. A. Meeting The M. B. A. met last night for initiation. About forty mem bers were out, which was an ex cellent showing, for the lodge was oidy organized a short time ago.. Mrs F. P. Greene and Mrs. Emma Jones were the candidates in waiting, who were prepared and duly initiated into the mys teries of the order. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch of ice cream and cake was serv ed. . ‘ With Sherman to The Sea.’’ LINCOLN TEAM A HUMMER Will Play Three Games in Tope ka—Then Go To Denver Denver won the second game of the opening series in a rat tling ten inning contest, the score being 1 to 0. This lone score was made on a steal home by a Denver player, which ordin arily never would have succeed ed, but the bare faced burglary was made against such heavy odd of winning that it came ns a sur prise and thus was a success. The giii ie itt Hie Beach Sunday between the Denver and Lincoln clubs was a joy to the fans who attended. The Antelopes again demonstrated their ability with the pole stick and when the thing dosed it was found that nine luscious caster eggs were chalk ed up against the Denver boys while the Lincoln club bad four credit marks. Jake Wolverton winged a good game and held the heavy hitting Grizzlies to one lone hit, while the Lincoln bunch knocked out an even doz en from the hand of Peter Kh man. However, the fact is ap parent from what we have seen tf the Denver club that they have certainly a strong aggrega tion, and will lie found up cIorp to the top. Lincoln left Sunday night for three games in Topeka and three in Denver, and will return Sun day for a game that afternoon at the Beach with the Wichita Tz zios, another strong bunch. Denver came to Lincoln in a special and was met. at the train by a band, which beaded a parade up the street. It was a surprise for the Grizzlies, and was appreciated very much. They carried with them throe hustling newspaper men from the Denver papers and in consequence their trip was well taken care of. A Fine Modern Cottage The Oleson house on 15th and Harlan St., has begun to look like some one meant business. The work of lathing has begun and will be only a short time iinti1 Mr. Oleson will have bis neat little modern cottage completed. It will add materially to the ap pearance of the block. Will Remodel His House In a few weeks W. S. Korner will remodel and make into an up-to-date modern dwelling the house now occupied by Ed Jones and family, just north of Mr. Korner\s new bungalow on 14th and Harlan St reet. Ed Jones wil move into the property just north of the Catholic church recently purchased by Ed Durfec from the church. J. A. REARDEN SELLS OUT Louis M. Ulmann Sole Owner and Manager of ‘ U” System The firm known as the “U” System of Tailoring, owner and controlled by J. A. ltearden and Louis M. Fllmann, disolved part nership yesterday. These young men have contemplated this change for some time past. Mr. ltearden expects to take life easy in Falls City for awhile enjoying the sights of the city. The business will go on just the same doing the same high class tailoring and also the doctoring of clothes. Pure home made ice cream, vanilla, chocolate and crushed strawberry at the Candy Kitchen, 15c per pint, 25c per quart tf DISTRICT FEDERATION THE PROGRAM WILL BE PRINTED IN A FEW DAYS Will Hold Their Convention In This City May 2 And 3 Christian Church The Womens clubs of the First Nebraska District are electing delegates to send to this city on Monday and Tuesday, May 2 and 3. The meeting will be held at the new Christian church and every effort, is being put forth to make the gathering a success in every way. The presiding of ficer, Mrs. 11. ('. Lindsay of Lin coln has prepared a fine pro gram, which will be printed in a few days. Chancellor Avery who lectures on “A Comparison of the tier man and American Schools,” is one of the attractions. Mrs. Helms of the University school of mu sic will give a Shakespearian ev ening. Other, musicians from over the district will appear up on the program. Our own local talent will also contribute a num ber or two. All of the sessions arc open to the public and it is hoped there w ill lie a good attend ance of the citizens of our town. Those who have agreed to en tertain delegates will confer a favor upon the committee if they have, any particular ones in mind whom they want to have with them by telephoning any of the following: Mrs. Frank Re av is, Mrs. Charles Hargraves, Mrs. A. E. Ilill or Mrs. John l’owell. Methodist Social Circle Airs. Dr. Fordyce was hostess to the Methodist Social Circle yesterday afternoon. About fifty ladies were present in spite of the threatening weather. The house was beautifully decorated in Easter lilies, apple blossoms and cut flowers. Aliss Edna Car ico favored the company with a vocal solo; Aliss Sara Alorsman, an instrumental solo; Nellie Craig a vocal solo. Aliss Alaude Gra ham and Airs. T. L. Davies de lighted all with a special musi cal selection, ‘‘Bethoven’s Sym phony.” The hostess in her usual charming manner made the afternoon one of real pleasure to her guests. A unique two-course luncheon was served, Airs. W. A. Greenvvald, .1. W. Schaible and Aliss Etta Thompson assisting the hostess. Base Ball Notes The Colts have all reported, and a finer looking bunch of players were never seen in this city. John Forrester, manager, is an old hand at the business, hav ing played in the Western legues at Leavenworth and Topeka. Jack, as he is better known t<» the base ball fans, is a man of wide experience and certainly knows a base ball player when he secs one. This is what he says about the league-. ‘‘I have a bunch of promising young players 1 won't say what the end will be. but keep your good eye on ns.” And of course we expect him to repeat what we did last year, coine home at the close of the season with ‘‘the coveted rug.” A Show for the people, old and I young, all come away with the same verdist. “Best show we ever saw.” Falls City, May, 3. The Young Men’s quartet met at the home of Miss Jennie Keitn last night with Miss Lena Nort dorf as accompanist. OPENING GAME MAY 18 Boys Have Arrived And Are Out Practicing The ball boys are out l'or practice these days, and are fast getting in shape for the opneing game. Falls City will undoubted ly be the best town in the league in point of attendance,and it is earnestly hoped that she can duplicate her feat of last year and bring home anothe pennant. If it were possible to call the games at 0:00 o’clock, the attend ance would nearly double, as the shop men and many others who are unable to get off in thq mid dle of the afternoon could and would miss their supper in order to attend. Now that we are to have no Sunday base ball, it scents worth trying to arrange at least a game a week for such a time that the laboring man can gte a chance to see the great nat ional game without losing time and wages. Horse Ran Away While on his way from Hum boldt yesterday, Mr. Goddard, of the music store of this city was driving with his auto, when he met Mr. Robahr, who was driving a horse to a cart. The horse be came frightened at the machine, threw the driver out and broke things up in general. The horse was caught a short distance away and with considerable patching and repairing of the cart and har ness Mr. Robahr continued on his way. More Small Pox In Town Frank Barrett ftud Carl Alex under, living in the block just west of Smith’s Furniture store, and Pat Thompson, living near the M. P. depot are the last cases reported. .John Vogel, living in the extreme east part of town lias every symptom and it is be lieved he has the dread disease. Mrs. Ralph Simpson has sev eral places broken out. on her face, and her mother, Mrs. Cade has been very ill for a few days, hut not broken out. Ernest Gagnon, who was tak en sick with smallpox the first of the week is reported to be getting along nicely. It is thought by the physicians that a colored man coming from somewhere in the south brought the disease to this city. Mayor Keeling says that all told, there are about twenty-five cases in town. The officers are using ev ery precaution to keep the dis ease from spreading, and a strict, quarantine is placed on each home, where the disease is locat ed. — Bound Over To District Court John Vanlloozen who was re turned to this county hy Sheriff Fenton on the charge of steal ing Fred Marmot's team, had his preliminary hearing before Judge Spragins. lie was bound over to the district court, llis bond was fixed at $1,000. Don’t miss the noon day con cert by Prof. Spellman’s band. See free roping exhibition by Cuba Crutchfield, May 3. Charles Sehutte of Dawson is in town today. floseph Runyan of Salem is a business visitor at this place to day. Mrs. .John K. Baker of Salem was in the city today visiting rel atives ami shopping.