The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 21, 1911, Image 2

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Consolidations—Falls City Tribune,
Humboldt Enterprise, Kulo Record, I
Crocker’s Educational Journal and
Dawson Outlook.
Entered as second-class matter at
Falls City, Nebraska, post oflice, Janu
ary 12, 1904, under the Act of Congress
on March 3 1879.
Published every Friday at Falls City
Nebraska, by
The Tribune Publishing Company
One year__ $1.50
Six months___ .75
Three months. 40
Head the ads, Tho Tribune ad
vertising columns carry a number
of bargains in various lines ev
ery day, and the careful house
wife can pick up real money
savers, and apply the amount
saved elsewhere, if she only
notes carefully each day what
our enterprising merchants are
Thomas A. Edison ought lo
bring his portable house molds
to Falls City and erect a hun
dred or so concrete homes over
night. The question of suitable
homes becomes more pressing ev
ery day, and people are offering
to pay exorbitant rent for do
cent homes that are located any
where near the shops. The bus
iness men of Falls City who have
money to invest should form a
building association and see that
the demand for homes is met at
once. There are any number of
families that would buy homes on
the installment plan and the in
vestmnet would net the builders
handsome returns on their money.
Now is the time when the
Falls City Commercial club, by
pushing things a bit, can get
returns for tho time and money
spent in former years. A Com
mercial club can boost all the
time, and do good work, but
sooner or later, tho chance to
get something big for the town
will present itself, and tho club
will bo the organization best
suited to go after new business
and new establishments. Kear
ney is the best organization, num
bering among its members prac
tically every live business man of
the city, and carrying on at all
times a campaign of progressive
boosting. Falls City has better
chances for boosting than Kcar
ncy, and in time will be a better
city; and the Commercial Club
is in a position to hasten the
day. Let's have a grand revival
of the club, and let the people
know what a good city we have,
end how much better it will be
There will he a change in date
for Masonic lodge of instruction.
Grand Custodian French of
Kearney, Neb., will hold the
lodge of instruction on Friday,
April 21st, instead of Monday
April 24th. All Master Masons
will -govern themselves accord
ingly.—E. G. Whitford, Master.
As indicated in this correspon
dence the democratic majority
of the House of Rcpresenatives
propose to give immediate con
sideration of the Canadian reci
procity matter, and certain pha
ses of the tariff which have
been previously outlined. The
democrats propose that a great
many articles now protected by
the Payne-Aldrich tariff law, is
placed upon the free list, includ
ing meats of all kinds, flour,tim
ber, sewing machines, salt, plows
and agricultural implements, al
so leather, boots and shoes and
barb wire fences. Wool will be
considered when the reciprocity
agreement and free list meas
ures are out of the way. It is
expected that this proposed legis
lation will arouse a big fight.
There is a general expression
of approval of the administration
of Honorable Champ Clark as
the Speaker of the House of Rep
resentatives. The Committee on
Ways and Means having taken
the responsibility for 1he appoint
ment of committees out of Mr.
Clark’s hands, the usual dissat;
isfaction expressed by members
who have met with disappoint
ment in their assignments, has
been carefully concealed, and no
one has thought to charge their
ill successes to the presiding of
ficers of the House. While Mr.
Clark is a partisan in every
sense of the word, he has always
been admired because of his ab
solute fairness to political oppo
nents, and things are running ex
ceedingly smooth. The endorse
ment of William Randolph Hears
is a big feather in the cap of
Mr. Clark and has added some
what to the strength of the move
ment to make the new speaker a
presidential candidate. Mr. Hears
designates Mr. Clark as the
“Party Pilot” and says that the
democratic party “must avoid
unsound radicalism or dishonest
conservatism.” He adds that if
the progressives of the two par
ties fail in their objects, that a
new party composed of demo
crats and republicans will be
formed. His advice to self-ap
pointed advisers to democracy is
to go home and leave the work
of Champ Clark.
Spanish War Soldiers Reunion
The Spanish War soldiers ol'
Lincoln and Lancaster county
are making big preparations to
entertain their comrades on April
26 and 27, 1911, at the Fourth
Annual reunion to be held in
Lincoln. The reunion is for all
Nebraska soldiers everywhere anil
all Spanish War soldiers in Ne
braska, no matter from what
state or whether a member ot
any organization. Headquarters
will be at the Lindell hotel and
all soldiers should report for
registration, immediately upon
Many enquiries as to where
this or that comrade is have
reached headquarters. Some of
them could not be located, but
A love story in the tenement
quarter in the east side of New
York hy the Edison Co.
The plot is typical of the west
and the film contains glimpses of
western scenes of great beauty.
It is an Essanary Photo and a
good one.
Fred Walton takes the. leading
part—and for good clean comedy
this picture can’t ho beat, it is
hy the Sclig Co.
the secretary lias written be
tween 150 and 200 personal let
ters arranging for comrades to
meet at this reunion.
Every company, troop and baic
will have its reunion and there
will be a big camp fire where all
will attend.
Theater tickets for one even
ing will be furnished all comrade
outside of Lancaster county and
the other evening will be devot
ed to a banquet to which all are
The committee is unable to
get the addresses of many Ne
braska soldiers and so have been
unable to send them notice. It
is hoped that every soldier who
reads tins article and who has
not received a letter from the
committee will at once write to
Frank I Ringer, Lincoln, Neb.,
mittec, giving his Company, Reg
iment, and present address.
Methodists At Stella
Stella, Neb., April 19-At the
seventh annual session of the
Nebraska City district confer sur e
of the Methodist church here 00
ministers and delegates from the
district arc' in attendance. The
capacity of the church listened
to an address by Chancellor C.
A. Fulmer of the Wesleyan Uni
versity. During the session the
chancellor received a telegram
from the students saying they ha
raised $1,200 as a student’s sub
scription to help toward a much
needed addition to the gymnasi
um. The announcement was
greeted with much applause.
The meeting yesterday began
with a sunrise prayer meeting at
six o’clock. An address was giv
en by 0. M. Keve on “The
Church and Some Problems of
the Day.”
scum, who recently bought the
Jones House moving outfit, has
established his permanent resi
dence one block north of the
old stand pipe. Phone 237 b. Sec
him and get prices before placing
your work. tf
Another big car of Furniture.
All new, up-to-date goods. Our Undertaking stock is also complete.
We have a beautiful new funeral car. We are here for business.
Our prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our motto is “A Small
Profit and a Big Business.”
CM IT 1-4 DDAC Furniture and
OlYII I FI 0t\U5., Undertaking
Supreme Court Refuses to Grant
Rehearing— Execution of
Sentence is May 19
Thomas Johnson the Omaha
negro who is to be hanged for
t he murder of a stockman named
Henry It. Krankland, now has no
hope except from an appeal to
Governor Aldrich. He is to be
hanged for murder May 19 un
less the governor interferes with
the carrying out of the law. John
son was convicted by the Dis
trict court of Dougins county
and the judgment was affirmed
by a majority of the supreme
court. He then applied to the
supreme court for a rehearing
and this motion was overruled
yesterday. The death of the con
victed man will take place with
in the stockade of the state peni
tentiary unless Gov. Aldrich in
terferes to stay the judgment of
the courts. The governor is now
out of town and wull not return
for more than a week, so that ap
plications for clemency must re
main on file for awhile.
Johnson was formerly a U. S.
soldier. He had an honorable
discharge. He was convicted of
the murder of a cattleman in Om
aha and the watch of the mur
dered man was found in his pos
session. Blood was on the cloth
ing of Johnson when he was ar
rested after he had spent the
night in a dive with a negro wo
man. He asked for a re hearing
( n the ground of prejudice on
the part of white men on the
jury and because of the alleged
prejudicial action of policemen
and the sheriff at the trial before
the jury. Ilis motion for a re
hearing having been overruled by
the supreme court, only a re
prieve or a pardon from the gov
ernor can save Johnson’s life.
x\ very pretty wedding to »k
place ot the home of bride’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Har
ris, Wednesday evening when
their daughter, Miss Etta was
united in marriage to Fred A.
At eight o’clock to the strains
of Lohengrens wedding march
played by Mrs. Laura Leyson,
sister-in-law of the bride, the
bridal couple took their place
beneath a decorated arch from
which wedding bells were sus
pended. where they were united
in the holy bonds of matrimony.
The bride looked charming in
a dress of cream messaline, car
rying a boquet of carnations. The
After the ceremony the guests
were ushered to the dining room
where a three course wedding
supper was served. The tables
were beautifully decorated with
ferns and while carnations.
Only the near relatives of the
bride and groom were present,
and many beautiful and costly
presents were received. The bride
is the only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Harris, living south
of Dawson and is highly esteem
ed and loved by all who know
her. The groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bruhn, living west of
Salem. He is a upright and in
dustrious young man and a pros
perous farmer.
The happy couple will be at
home to their friends at the
Martin Harris home after May
first. Their many friends join
us in extending congratulations
and wishing them a long and
happy wedded life. X X
Fanners, Attention
We can deliver you oil and gas
oline to your homes if you will
take 50 gallons at a time and let
ls know a week in advance. We
also have gasoline and oil tanks
tor sale. Fhone 396—Heck and
Wamsley. tf
'• . >:
See the beautiful colonial style Crown
Piano on exhibition in the window of:
Smith Bros. Furniture Store.
A Typewriter Test That Hearts
Blindfold yourself. Have ten typewriters of different make placed
in a row—a Monarch somewhere among them.
Try each keyboard in turn. The machine with the lightest touch
will be the
and you can locate it every time no matter how its position be
_» tXr'-s2fc.;'VN..I3W —,
C i) Monarch
•>-. .v_
Jp*Monarch ViSihfiLJLf/
Just as the proper tools produce the best work, so does a respon
sive key aciion increase the effeiency of a stenographer. It saves
her strength. Therefore, she has a better grip on her work, is
more accurate, more rapid, gets a greater quantity of work done.
There is no "three-o’clock fatigue’’ where the Monarch is used,
and a few days’ trial will convince you of this fact.
Light Touch Honarchs are Sold on the
Monthly Payment Plan
A post card will bring full information.
The /Monarch Typewriter
411 South loth Street, Omaha, Neb.
and you will notice that they are
a surprising combination of
The wearer never has any fear of
breaking or inconvenience in wearing
We make the teeth and plates to
fit the mouth perfectly. They take
the place of natural teeth in every
thing except aching.
Dr Yutzy, Dr. Q. B. Heffner. Falls City, Nebraska