The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1911, Image 6

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\itcrt Ernst was in town shopping
John Fritz was a business visitor
in this city yesterday.
Mrs. T. J. (list returned from SI
Joseph last night.
J. C. Price of Lincoln was a busi
ness visitor here yesterday.
Chas. Hush came up from Atchison
to visit with friends in tills city last
Mrs. Sam Prater lias been serious
ly 111 the past few days and at
present, is much worse,
Mr. Statlcr, traveling salesman for
the Hammon Packing Co. of St. Joe
returned to that place this morning.
Dr. Wagner and daughter of Hum
boldt were in the city visiting rela
tives and friends yesterday.
The work of putting in the con
crete foundation for the first block
of paving is progressing rapidly.
Several low places in tho streets
end uneven front yards have been
filled in and leveled up recently to
the advantage of the traveling public
und the improvement of the city.
Herman Fritz was a Falls City
visitor yesterday on matters of
Miss Helen Martin and Mrs. W.
T. Fenton expect to go to Kansas
City tonight to take part in the
Carl Huscli Cantata. “Tho Amercan
Miss Ethel Parehen will go to
Kansas City tonight to take part in
Carl Huseh cantata.
James Jaquet will go to Kansas
City tonight to take part in tlie Carl
Huseh Cantata given in Convention
hall Saturday ntght.
Miss Agnes Me Klever was forced
to stay away from the store this
morning on account of a severo cold,
that has settled in her eyes.
Gus Ituegge ami his mother are
both very ill at their home in the
northeast part of town.
The lumber dealers are kept bust
ling these days supplying tho gang
of carpenters into tlie necessary raa
terlal for their work.
Mr. Crawford has been seriously
111 for the past couple of days. lie
is a sufferer of heart trouble and
tlia past few days lie has had two
very bad attacks.
Harry .1. Pittoek goes to Kansas
City tonight to take part in tlio Can
tata of Carl Huseh given in conven
tion hall in that city Saturday night.
While there lie will he the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. East. On his
icturn he will slop over itl. SI. Joe
and visit witli old college friends
over Sunday.
Rapt Wood is doing everything In
ills power to make this number of
tlie School entertainment course a
success, in both a financial and
entertaining way. lie in never
tiring in his work for school and the
cause of education. Let every one
turn out. and attend this entertain
ment. Totten is a hummer. See him
at tlie Gehling Saturday night.
Simanton and Pence's fresh new
lettuce looks appetizing. A sample
will convince any one that it is good
If Falls City does not get a good
Job of paving it will not in* tlie
fault of those who have charge of
the contract.
Mr. Hargrave has done some tree
planting that is worth taking time
to look at. Not a great amount of
work and not verp expensive, but
it adds greatly to tlie appearance of
his corner.
Mrs. Clarence Peabody of St. Joe
and Mrs. G. V. Stumbo and daugh
ter, Jennie l’earl, of Lincoln are
staying with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Prater, during the serious ill
i'ors of their mother.
It each property owner would tak
a little time and pains at this time
to plant a few trees and giado up
Ms front yard, etc., it would add
much to the appearance of the new
l ulls City. Let everyone do his
stunt and we will have no occasion
to lament our action.
A birthday party for little Neal
Giannini in honor of his fifth birthday
will be given this faternoon at the
home of his grandmother, Mrs. M.
Giannini. Many little friends are
invited for four o'clock.
Miss Daisy Nerrleback of Peru is
in the city today. Sheris to act
as one of the judges in the county dr.
ilamatory contest tonight at the
court house.
Mr. Walter Keichel, Supt. of tho
city schools at Tecumseh, is here to
night as a judge of the declamatory
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neihmen and
little daughter of Dawson were in
the city yesterday doing some trad
It- P. Noble of St. Joe was in
the city yesterday looking after mat
ters of business.
Gus Duerfeldt of Darada was in
the city yesterday looking after
J. A. Gould and wife of Cannon
City, Colo , ar- in ,he cjty visiting
with friends
C. . Mason of St. Joe was in the
r jty yesterday < tihing on file business
II I). Hi'lchen of Hustings Is in!
tlic city on matters of business.
I,, it, Cornell of Verdon is in the
city again today looking after busi
ness matters,
A. L. Klein of St. .loo was in the
city yesterday looking after business
Fred Cleveland came down from
Nebraska City today.
F. W. Heineman of Verdon was in
town yesterday visiting his brother,
Charles Heineman.
Miss Ida M. Fowler of Verdon was
shopping here yesterday.
Itertha Huerfeldt of iiarada is in
the city today looking after matters
of shopping.
.Miss Marie Itiggs of Shubert is in
town today.
From Saturday’s Daily.
I). II. Weber of Slmbert was in
I own last night.
.Mrs. Robinson of litilo was in
I he eity last night.
\\\ W. Whitfield of Auburn
mis a Kails City visitor last night
Ragsh ('nett of Slmbert was a
Kalis City visitor from Slmbert.
R. Dennis of Verdon attended
the Declamatory contest Iasi
Frank Snetlicn of Humboldt
was iii town yesterday on busi
•I. Harrington and wife of Lin
coln are business visitors in our
d. <Higgins of Shubert and
FIiiut i I uni attended the Declam
atory contest at the court house
last night.
Miss’ Maude Fierce and Miss
Nelle Harper of Slmhert attend
ed the Declamatory contest last
Walter Voarli and u ife of Ver
don attended the show at the (deli
ling tlumten* last night.
F, W. Rockwell of Verdon was
down last night drawn here by
the different attractions.
.Messrs, Miller and McDougul
of Salem were Falls (*ity visitors
last night.
C. 1. Stocking came up from Hi
nwallia last night to attend the
show at 1 hc> Holding.
S. M. Rohcdoux came up from
Rub. Ias| night In attend the
Frank Bacon and Lee Draper
came down from Dawson last
night to attend some of the at
t raot ions.
d. L. Mendenhall of Beatrice
was in the city yesterday doing
business and \isiting tlie* I. O. O.
F. Lodge last night.
The Flics met in regular-session
last night and officers were* in
stalled for the ensuing year.
Mr. and Mps. John Ayors of
' erdon came down in their mo
tor car last night, to attend the
show, “Barriers Burned Away”
Frank Draper, Clinton Chism.
Bee Bacon, John Draper and D.
'tamel of Dawson attended the
nlav at the Gelding last night.
Bertlui and Grace Bacon, An
na Klima, Gladys Baser, Art Dra
per, Miss Lively, Prof. Hendricks
Walter Boring, Homer Auxier,
Fanny Bacon and Elm a Barlow
came do\yu from awson yesterday
to attend the contest at the
court house.
Among the Dawson people in
town last, night to attend the T.
O.O. F. lodge meeting were:
Andrew Sippley, Geo. Smith,
August I'ttermohlen, Chas. Coop
er. Dr. Fonts, Ed Stinninger. L.
Kinsey, 'Perry Kemist, Max W.
George, J. Pellein, Chas. Schnu
ttee, Joe and James Banning, J.
Ballard, Ellis Baffler, E. J.
Derrier, Don O’Grady, Ambrose
From present indications, pay
' I
ing will be put in as far south
as flu; Christian church, and pos
sibly further. The energetic man
ner in which the work is being
done and the constant extending
of the paving district is a mut
ter for hearty congratulation. Jt
•s not an idle dream that within
the next few years, Falls City
will have pressing need of a
street ear system. The rapid
growth of the city will surprise
many, or we are greatly mistak
In an article in Thursday’s
Tribune a remark was made
from which it might be inferred
that JYof. 15. K. Hurst, was chief
ly instrumental for the success of
the High School Entertainment
course, instead of Supt. Wood,
who organized the work and
carried it through. I’rof. Burst
wishes to explain that, he takes
no particular credit, to himself fo
I ho success of this undertaking
and that the article was wrong in
not giving the credit to Supt.
Wood instead of himself.
The clothing department of
the ('leveland-IIughes store is
being rapidly put in shape for
their stock of up-to-date gar
ments for ladies and gentlemen.
When the work is completed,
they will have an attractive and
roomy store building.
Ora Wittwer from Ihc south
west end of the county brought
Miss Bessie Owinn and Mrs. If.
10. Wittwer to town last night to
see the piny “Barriers Burned
Away. ’ ’
An auto loud of young people
wore down from Stella last night
to attend the Declamatory cont
est, among them were, It. A. Mon-'
ette, B. Steadman, Miss Opal
Monette and Mrs. Montgomery,
Lee Martin, T. V. Truman and
: C. S. Kink, A. D. Dort, O. 1*.
Lowry arjd Ed D. Smitt of Paw
nee City attended the Falls City
1. O. O. F. Lodge last night.
F. Ileineman of Verdon was a
visitor in our city yesterday.
Herman Zoellcrs, one of our
substantial farmers, residing on
Route 5, was in town yesterday
on business and made this office
a pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wilson will
leave today for the Pacific coast
on account of Mr. Wilson’s poor
The Misses Cecil Youngman.
Tillie ltist and Hattie Holland of
Humboldt will lie the house guest
of Miss May mo Palmer over Sun
Rudy Beer and wife of Sal err
was in the oily last night to see
the Odd Fellows pull off their
Christ Beer and family came
lown from Rock Creek last night
<o attend the Odd Fellow’s meet
E. E. Ewing brought down an
auto load from Verdon to attend
the declamatory contest last
Floyd Chambers from south of
Salem was in town to attend the
lodge meeting.
John Baum of Arago was a bus
inoss visitor at the court house
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Hal AV. Sowles and baby
eamo up from St. Joe yesterday
afternoon to visit with T). W.
Sowles and wife. Afr. Sowles will
arrive this afternoon for a visit
to his parents.
Frank Alosier spent Sunday in
Omaha with his wife.
Rudy J. Alarmet and family of
Sabetha spent Sunday in town
with friends.
Air. AVebster, cashier of a hank
a Alonroe, Neb., visited at th<'
Presbyterian church Sunday.
Frank Long of ATerdon was in
the city yesterday visiting with
Hhving Herbert of Hiawatha wa!
a Sunday caller here yesterday.
AI Scoffield was called to Lin
coln Saturday night to quiet a
new baby boy. Papa Scof
field will have to treat the boys
on his return.
Mrs. and Miss Stewart of lie
sere were shopping here Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tubach
were in town Saturday doing
their weekly trading.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers
were in the eity Saturday after
noon trading.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bickel of
near Morrill were Falls City shop
pers Saturday afternoon.
Fred Kreuger was in from
Straussville Saturday looking af
ter b j si ness matters.
Mrs. Sturdeant went to Kansas
City this morning to purchase
<o*ne Faster millinery.
W. T. Branscum just finished
: moving Ben Poteets house from
across Muddy three miles north,
to town.
i Miss Minnie (laede came up
i i oin Hulo last night, where she
spent Sunday.
Mrs. Jesse Watson spent Sun
day with l<r parents near Re
Mrs. Lcssel returns to her home
in Omaha today after a short visif
here with her husband. The Les
f-els expect to locate as soon as
tliey can get a house.
Mrs. George Prater and daugh
ter, Miss Chloe, spent Sunday in
Kulo with Mrs. Prater’s mother.
lloscoe Ray who has been work
ing for some time at Burlington,
Iowa returned to Falls City last
night where lie will probably stay
for some time.
: Mrs. Fenton, Mrs. Fergus and
Misses Una Snidow, Helen Mar
tin and Ethel Parchen returned
from Kansas City Sunday after
noon where they took part in the
i Carl Busch cantata Saturday ev
Mr*. Will Cook and grand
daughter, Helen Riley of Nebras
ka City, went to Stella today af
ter m visit with friends and rela
tives for a few days.
Harry Pittoek returned from St
Joe Sunday night where he spent
the day on his return from Kan
sas City with college friends.
Janies Jacpiet and Roy Woods
returned from Kansas City Sun
day night, where they went to
take part in the Carl Busch can
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Banks
and daughter, Miss Lillian came
u|> from Kansas City last night
where they went Friday to take
part in the eanata “The America
Flag,” by Carl Busch Saturday
Mrs. Nortdorf leaves today for
Oskaloosa to make her future
home. Her daughter, Miss Lena,
wid remain a while longer.
Ruth Sehock spent Sunday at
W. W. Whitfield of Auburn
was in town visiting with friends
over Sunday.
F. S. Dilly of Omaha was a Sun
day visitor in Falls City.
J. C. Brown came up from
Hiawatha to spend Sunday.
F. S. Cleveland and wife and
F. W. Cleveland and wife and
Miss Nettie Cleveland drove their
new ear down from Omaha yes
terday to Falls City, returning
to Nebraska City last niglit.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Sowles and
baby returned to St. Joe last
night after a short visit, lu re with
Mr. and Mrs. 1>. W. Sowles.
Mrs. A. Goolsby of Venlon was
in town yesterday.
The order of tbe Eastern Star
meets in regular session this even
Mrs. Mary Pickett left for
Boise, Idaho yesterday afternoon!
where she will make her future
borne. »
Stephen Miles and Lesley L.
Leeds went 1o St. doe yesterday
to look after business affairs.
Mrs. Sturdevant returned last
night from Kansas City where
she ■went to buy Easter millinery.
Miss Nellie .Met'ray returned
to her home in Baker City yes
terday. where she is keeping
house for her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Lynch of
Salem were in town yesterday do-,
ing some trading.
-I. E. Long, representing Cur
rent Literature, is in town for a
lew days, soliciting orders for
that magazine in connection with
several volumes of choice fiction, j
Miss Ethel Hershcy returned,
last night from Kansas City:
where she has been visiting her!
aunt for a short time.
A. N. Scott of Grand Island is
in the city on business.
I A new steel ceiling is being
put up in the Wahl store.
Hayden Prater and wife of
Beatrice are in the city visiting
I their mother, Mrs. Sam Prater,
|who is very ill. They arriveed th
L. C. Roberts was a St. Joe
visitor here yesterday.
J. AT. Dye of St. Joe came to
this city on business yesterday.
D. («. R. Taylor of Hebron ar
rived hit nigsht to attend the
II. E. Williams of Shubert was
in the city yesterday looking af
ter business affairs.
Y. L. Gade of Plattsmouth ar
rived today to attend the Presby
tery meeting.
B. E. Seavcr is going to make
another call on Palis City busi
ness men tomorrow.
R. E. Jones came down from
Lincoln last night to attend to
business in this city.
L. II. Dillie is up from Atchi
son looking after business for
the M. P.
Charlie Marion, Supt. Oliver
and Hank Shaw went visiting tlii
afternoon after a big carp.
Herman Fritz was in town yes
terday doing some trading.
Sheriff Fenton drove to the
country on business this morn
Mrs. Hunker of Barada was in
the city doing some shopping.
Fred Eberhardt of Ohio pre
cinct was in town yesterday to
look after business.
Mr. and Mrs. T. O’Hern are
guests of Mrs. () Hern’s sister.
Mrs. James Sinclair near Rulo.
Judge Gagnon will hear claims
in the estate of L. T. Miller to
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Daeschne
of Preston were in the city yes-i
terday doing some shopping and
visiting friends.
Mrs. Bert Parish of Salem was
the guest of friends in town on
Tuesday. She also did some trad
Ward Knight took a picture of
the men who are attending the
Presbytery. The pictures are
good and everyone is well pleas
C. R. Chandler of Hiawatha was
in the city yesterday looking af
ter business affairs and calling
on old friends.
! he W. R. C. held a very en
joyable kensington at the G. A.
R. hall yesterday afternoon. A
large crowd was in attendance,
and at five o'clock a nice sup
per was served.
Mrs. Bert MeCool and daughter;
of Salem were in the city shop
ping Tuesday. They were also
guests of R. R. Rule and family.
Last evening, Mr. Baker,whose
home is in Washington state, and
who represents the Home Mis
sionary Board of the Christian
church, gave an address in the
Christian church here. A fairly
good audience was present to en
joy his address and they report
it a very inspiring and helpful
Some of the members of the
Young Men's Quartette were out
serenading last night in the
north part of town. This time
their music was appreciated and
they received several encores.
Will Tveim arrived in Falls City
Monday night and is enjoying a
visit with his family, brother and
W. B. Alexander of Lawson
was in the city this morning and
paid a visit to the office of the
county treasurer, where he paid
his taxes.
Miss Xenia Gladwell, who is
attending High School, was taken
to her home south of this city
.yesterday. She has a genuine
case of the measles.
L. M. Weddle of Shubert was
in town yesterday looking after
business and shaking hands with
old friends.
Dr. Kearns and Dr. Long who
have been attending Presbytery
returned to their home at Lin
coln last night.
A1 Restorer shipped his goods
joday to Faith, South Dakota.
Airs. Restorer and Helen will fol
low in about two weeks.
Dr. Leon 1). Young returned to
Beatrice last night after attend
ing the session of Presbytery in
this city.
Dr. Sexton returned to Lin
coln last night. He has been at
tending Presbytery here.
G. AY Hughes came down from
Omaha last night to attend to
business in this city.
AY. F. Kerdoff of Kansas City
is in town to^lay looking after
business interests.
Judge Kelly of Dawson is in
the city today looking after busi
ness affairs.
Rev. Gadc left for Plattsmouth
last night after a short stay in
this city.
P. II. Pausteau and wife of At
chison are Falls City visitors to
Mrs. D. C. Snnmone of Salem
was in town yesterday shopping.
Miss Anna Ilaunks of Rulo
was shoping in Falls City today.
Rev. Cardy returneed to his
home in Humboldt this afternoon.
A. O. Burkett of Beatrice is a
business visitor here today.
R. E. Frey of Omaha is looking
after business here today.
S. S. Hayman of Grand Island
was a Falls City today.
Mrs. Robert Kanaly was up
from Rulo today.
C. C. Brant came down from
Omaha today.
There were two fire alarms
.turned in from R. A. Dittmar’s
residence Tuesday afternoon. The
first time the firemen wnet out
they found smoke issuing trot
the walls of the house but were
unable to find any other traces
of fire. An hour later, the fire
alarm was turned in again and
the fire company appeared on
the scene. 1'his time a thorough
investigation was made. It was
thought that perhaps some pine
boards and other trash which had
been put in the kitchen stove to
he burned had made a smudge
and the chimney not working
well, the smoke had blown back
down and out through the fire
place and wells as will sometimes
happen if the walls are cold. A
large crowd was present and the
excitement ran high for some
Legal Notice
In the Richardson County District
Court, State of Nebraska.
In Re Ruth Z. Oppenheimar,
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that Ruth
Z. Qppenhcimer, an unmarried fe
male of full lawful age, did on the
2Sth day of March If* 11, file her peti
tion in the district court of Richard
son County, State of Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which is to
obtain an order and decree of said
court, changing her name from Ruth
Z. Oppcnheimer, to that of Ruth
Reavis, for the following reasons:
1. Because the name she now
bears is one eonfered upon her Uy
adoption, and is not her baptismal
2. Because said name is Jewish,
or is so understood, and that she
has no blood of that race in her
veins, and does not want to be known
by it.
3. Because she desires to be
known by the name of her guardians,
who have been such for I he last ten
Dated March 2S, l!Ut.
Attorney for Petitioner
First pub March 31-5 times.