The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 14, 1911, Image 5

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    Xi2£ Quality Place
W. F. Butler/
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware
and Notions. The famous Kirkendall shoe fS
our specialty. Highest market prices
for produce.
An exceptionally fine stock, all new goods.
Sweli spring hats just arriving. Miss Lei
ta Butler in charge of this department. Al
so special attention given to dress-making
and ladies’ tailoring.
W. B. Butler
Baraiia :: :: :: Nebraska
\V K. DOHKINUTON, Pnw. . W. A. U HEKN W AI. I >, Cashier
I'. .1 GIST. Vice-l’res, (il'Y I’ (, Ass’t Cashier
Palis City State Bank
(’ tpial and Surplus, $70,000.00
This Bank V/ants Your Patronage
t c O- *s a sU'ony conser\rati ve ami ac.
Vaiw 'Ci comodatiny institution operated
under the Bankiny Laws of the State of Nebraska.
PI 1 S €T|> 11 s a yrowiny, modern and up-to
DvVuUJv date bank appreciates your busi
ness and looks after it's p.itions interests.
It welcomes the accounts and busi
ness of the small as well as the
la rye depositor and borrower.
PI 4’’* 3 I Cf ^ vvelcomi's tin' accounts of Wo
IDwwOiJwvJ men and Children as well as
Men and pays interest on Saviny Accounts of the Child
ren and Interest on Time Deposits of “Biy Folks."
Go Somewhere This Summer
To the East: In due season attractive tourist rates will be
announced to tli ■ Lake and St. Lawrence regions, Atlantic Coast
cities and resorts. Can we help you plan an Eastern tour?
Or if you prefer the West, think about the mountain climate
and scent rvof Colorado, the Uig Horn region, ora tour through
Yellowstone Park; there are circuit tours embracing Scenic
Colorado, Salt Lake, Yellowstone Park and the Big Horn Moun
tains all in one journey. Perhaps you can take this summer
that long wished for journey to the Pacific Coast, embracing by
diverse routes the entire West alicl Northwest regions. A sum
mer tour, whether through the East or through the West, has
become to many a necessity, while railroad and hotel facilities
make it a diverting and enjoyable experience. There are no
tours in the world that ofi'i r the traveler so much for his money.
Get in touch with us. Let us help you plan your journey and
provide you with free descriptive publications as soon as re
ceived from the printer.
E. G- Whitford, Ticket Ag;ent
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
Omaha, Nebraska
3 Star Tumblers, 3 Star Pitchers and Hand
Painted B. and B. Plates.
Star Tumblers, liylrt bottoms, lac values for IQc each
Star Tumblers, heavy bottoms, 20c values for 15c each
;; star Pitchers, si.2a values for - 75c'each
Genuine Hand Painted Bread and Butter
Plates. Si.00 values for - - 75ceach
lluv v 11 you want at these prices. See them
in the south window at
Chas. M. Wilson’s
Subscribe for the Daily
Tribune, $2.50 per year
.), F. Sailors moved last night
to his new home one mile west of
Mr. and Mrs. ,1. A. Martin of
Barada were guests at the home
of \V. 10. Slagle on Sunday.
Otto Lietzke sawed wood for
I >unn and Son the first of the
Mrs. Otis Spiekler, Mrs. J. ( .
Wilemun and daughters were
shopping in the city Saturday.
W. F. Butler and wife, E. E.
Bole jack and J. F. Sailors were
in town Thursday attending the
ilraham trial.
Dr. Teeter of St. Joseph was in
tow n a few days last week visit
ing his old time school friend,
i»■. Van Osdel.
l’ete Frederick of Falls City
wps in town Monday.
Harold Bolcjaek lias been
quite ill with pneumonia.
lv. ,J. Dunn and Son marketed
several loads of hogs last week.
J, E. Leyda of Falls City was
ni town Monday.
The Evangelical Sunday School
are preparing for their annual
program on Easter.
.Mrs. Hannah Stephenson is
\ isiting near Fortescue, with her
daughter, Mrs. Paul Smith.
.1.A.Martin was in Shubert Fri
day and Saturday of last week
taking pictures.
Last week a series of W. 0. '1'.
F. .Medal contests were held un
der the direction of Mrs. J. A.
Martin. The contestants con
sisted of two classes ol young
ladies. In the first contest held
Monday evening "Willetta Hood
was winner. Ou Wednesday ev
ening Panara Prosser was the
successful contestant. On Thurs
day evening the remamining con
testants of both classes went to
Maple Grove where a third eon
contest was held. Icy C<ushard
won first place.
TIh* Social Hour ••lull \s as en
tertained by Airs. J. A. Osborne,
last, Thursday afternoon.
Airs. Adeline Scott of Hiawa
tha is visiting with her sister,
Airs. Faiuna AlcA'ey.
Ellen Ziegler of Bloomton came
last week for a month’s vaca
Airs, l’ete Frederick and Airs.
AVilt Story were Preston visitors
Airs. Alaggie Henry of Seneca,
visited with her parents last
Rev. Shaffer of Barada held
services in the Holiness church
Saturday and Sunday.
Airs. J. 0. Robison spent last
week with relatives at Auburn,
H. J. Kissel of Fortescue was
a business visitor in Rulo Thurs
Airs. Alary Simmons and daugh
ter Alary, visited with relatives in
Auburn last. week.
-Tames Tagney was a Falls City
visitor Friday.
Henry Alajcrus and family of
Kansas spent Friday with Rulo
John Young and daughters. Ad
die and Kate drove to Falls City
Charles Oeoinuih of Verdon
spent last week with his parents
and other Rulo relatives.
Pete Hodge of Fortescue visite
with his parents in Rulo Sunday.
Holly Rector was a business
visitor in Rulo Tuesday.
School closed Friday noon to
give the teachers time to attend
the Teachers Association in Falls
Mrs. Anderson and little granc
daughter returned Friday from
a three days visit with relatives it
11 iawatlui.
Mrs. Joe Williams returned on
Tuesday night from a four weeks
stay with her son’s family at
Vermillion, S. 1).
J. S. Hopkins has purehased tit
property of the late Joe Freder
■ek and will move his family ther.
Albert. Williams of Forteseue is
iii Kulo visiting relatives.
Floy True visited with friends
near Salem Saturday and Sun
John MeClelan lias resigned hi.s
position with the telephone ooin
pany and will go to Salt Luke
City, Utah.
J. A. Hinkle visited with hi.s
father at Forteseue Sunday.
Mrs. llosford and son Newton
left Monday for Los Angeles, Cal.
Sam Goolsby of Missouri was
a Kulo visitor Sunday.
Bessie and Pearl Anderson of
this place were in Falls City Sat
Frank Martinosky of Reserve
spent a part of the week with Ids
grandmother in this city.
Hope Ward left Monday for
her school work in Tarkio, Mo.
Kdwnrd Schaffer of Burehard
arriver Thursday for a visit with
liis grandmother and other rela
Mrs. Lttn Gilbert left tho last
>f tin- week for Vermillion, S. 1).
in response to a message that her
son-in-law, Lee Meyers was dead.
Mr. Meyers lived near Kulo sev
eral years ago, hut was compell
ed to seek another cilmatc, which
for a time seemed to help him.
Charlie Scott of near Hiawatha
was transacting business in Kulo
the first of the week.
F. . Kuly of Wymore was a
business visitor in Kulo last week.
VV. A. True of Salem was a
visitor here Sunday.
W. S. Leyda was in Kulo the
first of the week.
Prof. Voegelein spent Firday
afternoon and Saturday in Falls
Albert Luniford of Missouri vis*
ited with his mother in Rulo on
Clarence Me Wain of Falls City
visited with Kulo relatives the
last of the week.
Miss Sarah Bacon has boon
on *l>c sick list this week.
Frank Tackley and wil'o came
• ’ or from l’awne'i »'ity Sunday
Mrs. .1. K. Liprgctt spent the
ast of the week with l:er husbans
vho has employment in a bank
in Pawneg City.
Mrs. Tom Draper was mini here*
with the sick this week.
Mrs. E. 0. Colhapp visited with
I). B. Colhapp and wife in Te
umseli the last of the week.
IMiss Helen Smith returned Fri
day from a few days visit with
friends in Lincoln.
Edwin Richard left Monday fo
Canada where he Avill take up a
Mrs. Charles Elliott left Wed
nesday for Seward where her hus
1 and is now located.
Mrs. John Powers Jr., came
down from Omaha Wednesday to
visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Reid.
Rev. Bilyen is holding evangel!
tic meetings in the city hall this
The Missionary "society of the
Herman M. E. church met at the
home of Mrs. J. 11. Sanford on
('hump Wright and wife spent
part of the week with friends in
Mrs. Will Bald visited with rel
atives and friends in Tate, Neb.,
this week.
The ladies of the Christian
thureh held an exchange in the
post office Saturday.
Miss NHtie Wozah left Sunday
for Grand Island where she will
attend business college.
Miss Gladys Boyd who repre
sented Humboldt in the county
declamatory contest in Falls City
won first honors.
Prof. I\. L. Hoff attended the
teachers meeting in Falls City
1he last of the week.
Miss Mittie Gridley was a pas
senger to Falls City Saturday.
L. F. Marburger and sons now
teside ■with his mother, Mrs. Sar
ah Marburger in her home on
Grand Avenue.
Ben Gravattc was in off the
road and spent Sunday at home.
A son was born to James II.
Bradley and wife last week.
James Trimble and family left
the latter part of the week for
Sun Diego, Cal., where they ex
pert to spend the summer.
Vernie 1 ticks of Falls City is
spending this week at the home
of his parents, Frank Hicks and
w ife.
A. D. Snow and family moved
to Pawnee City this week, where
he will have charge of the bus
Miss Opal Alonetto went to
Palls City Friday as one of I In'
contestants in the county de
clamatory contest.
Mrs. A. \Y. Montgomery v i^it
ul Miss Alice Cleaver at Falls
City Saturday.
.Miss Helen Baldwin visited her
sister. Mrs. S. II. Bailey in Kails
City Friday and Saturday.
Airs, .losluie Curtis returned
last Friday from a month’s visit
with relatives in Kansas.
Air. and All's. K. \Y, Lawson of
Kansas City visited old Stella
friends the first of the week.
They were guests of Air. and Mrs.
AT. L. Hays.
All's, .laeoh Hinkle is quite sick
this week.
\V. II. Wheeler was called to
Table ltock the first of the week
by the death of his brother, Ceo,
Airs. <). L. Slocum has been
quite sick the past two weeks,
her daughter, Airs. K. Wheeler,hi f
been with her most, of the time.
A daughter weighing nine and
one-half pounds was born to Air.
and Airs. He Tourville, Friday.
Alias Alary Harman, who has
been very ill for the past two
weeks is improving.
A. J. Baldwin ..ived the, sad
news of the death of his uncle,
Rev. Henry C. Baldwin at Par
sons, Kansas.
Aliss Blanch Monctte is home
from Midland College, Atchison,
Kansas to spend her Faster va
•T. M. (loodloe sold 11is Ford
runabout last week and treated
himself to a new Overland tonr
ing car.
Mrs. Ed Fuller of Vesta, who
was railed here to attend the fu
neral of her aunt, Mrs. A. M.
Farmer, went to Verdon last
week to visit her husband's par
Mrs. A. Tynan left last week
for Ritzville, Washington where
she will spend several weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Fay Hewitt.
J. M. Goodloe and family visit
ed in Falls City at the home of
Mart Goolsby.
Miss Hester Jameson, who has
been visiting for several weeks at
Hiawatha visited with Miss Stel
la Fankell several days the first
of the week, before starting for
her home at Chotcau, Mont.
Miss Esther Smith of Lincoln
visited last week with Miss Flor
ence Wheeler.
Prof, and Mrs. Truman went
to Falls City Friday evening to
attend the contest.
Willie Pugh has been quite ill
with inflamation of the bowels,
for a couple of weeks, and at
this writing his condition has
not improved.
Father Of The Girl Attempts to
Take Brigeman s Life
With Shot Gun
From Tuesday's Daily.
Con Brigman, a carpenter at
the M. P. yards, was arrested yes ,
terday afternoon by Sheriff Fen j
ton and lies in jail, facing the
serious charge of rape, alleged to
have been committed about a
week ago on the person of Miss
Elsie Bobbett, who is barely 111
years of age. Her father did not
learn of the occurrence until yes
terday, and in his anger, he se
cured a shotgun and made a trip
to the yards, and upon meeting
Brigeman. knocked him down
with the gun and evidently in
tended to slioot him when Sher
iff Fenton, who hud feared troub
le and followed him to the
yards, placed Brigman under ar
i est and got him into the auto
and out of reach of the furious
father. Sheriff Fenton’s prompt
and courageous action undoubted
Iv saved Brigman’s life, but even
as it was, be was compelled to
lake bis prisoner to the county
paiI by a circuitous route, as Mr.
Bobbed seemed bent on getting
a shot at him.
ltridgman is not very well
known hero, having come from
St. Joe about five weeks ago.
While the minor details of the
unfortunate occurrence will not
he known until the time for
trial, it is likely to go hard with
Itrigeman if the charge is proved.
It is to he greatly deplored
that anything of this serious mi
lure should occur at this time,
or any other, as far as that goes,
l ut it is also true that the law
should be allowed its course in
any event, and Sheriff Kenton
deserves great credit for the man
ner in which he prevented blood
The affair caused quite a sen
sation al the yards, and the shop
men packed so close about Mr.
Mobbott and Itrigeman that Mr.
Kenton had difficulty in reaching
tlicmm in time to prevent Itob
bet t from earring out his evident
intention of taking Itrigeman’
Supreme Court Affirms Judg
ment For Insurance
Mrs. Lena. M. Lillie, once con
victed of 1 lie murder of her hus
band, Harvey Lillie, and later
pardoned out of tins penitentiary
has won a suit, in the supreme
court against the Woodmen of
America on a $3,000 policy of in
surance oil the life of her hus
band. The district, court of Lan
caster county decided that she
did not bill her husband and was
entitled to the insurance money.
The supreme court now affirms
that decision. In Ihc lower court,
an investigation of the murder
ease was made by the jury, the
insurance company illeging that
I lie policy was void if: the hus
band came to his death by his
own hand or by the nets of t,he
beneficiary named in the policy
/v the BE ST ill iny that
Because the Cleanser quickly re
inoves the discolorations' which
appear on porcelain bath-tubs, ami
which it is impossible Ij remove
I y any other means.
Many other uses
and Full Directions on
Large Si tier-can lO $