FOR SALE-THE WHITE RANCH 3 MILES From A GOOD TOWN 36 MILES FROM DENVER I offer the 800 acres of improved land from this fa mous stock ranch at a sacrifice because of the rapid settling of file surrounding country. There is plenty of water, bottom hay lands and timber. Practically modern house, immense stables and sheds, all other outbuildings, living water piped to house, barns and corrals. An ideal cattle or hog ranch, close to ship ping point and stock m vrket. Must Sell at once. $30.00 AN ACRE ON EASY PAYMENTS McCAGUE B • LD G. W. F. SHELTON OMAHA. NEBRASKA P. D. Gushard 8c Co. Dealers in New and Second-hand Goods of All Kinds. All kinds of Furniture Repairiug done. Some bargains in Sewing Machines. Mr. Gush ard has had 40 years experience in Brick, Stone, Ce ment and Carpenter Work and will furnish estimate* for either of these lines. LOCATION—3 doors west of of Whitaker Bros.’s office. Give me a call. 18th Street between Stone and Chase Sts. SPECIAL PRING ALE! .of..... Dinnerware •i' W e will show on our display tables TWENTY - ONE patterns of Dinnerware, in Decorated and White and Gold; the largest and best line ever shown in the coun ty. Samples will be shown in ou<- south window $11,00 to $40.00 per set Plenty of Whiteware of the best and a full stock of Groc CHAS. M. WILSON S Spring and Summer Rates Special Excursion Rates to California: general basis $0< on certain dates in April and May and daily from June to Se]> tember; still' lower general basis of $."0 on certain dates ii .June and July. General excursion basis to Portland, Seattle $00 on certain dates in May and daily from June to September, still lower general basis of $50 on certain dates in June am July; $15 higher to include Shasta Route. Usual diverse routes and stopover privileges. The tour of the Coast is the world’s greatest railroad journey. Yellowstone Park: Plan now a summer tour of this wonder land. Ail kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yel lowstone gateways, also personally conducted camping tours through Cody. Big Horn Mountains: The resorts of this delightful regioi near Sheridan and Thertnopolis are attracting a large volume of tourist patronage. Send for special publication. Colorado and Rocky Mountains: Usual popular suinmei rates to Colorado and Utah cities and resorts. Send for Estes Park booklet. Get in touch with me and let me send you any of our publica tions, “Colorado Hand Book. ' “Big Horn Resorts, ’ “Yellow stone Park,” “Pacific Coast Tours.” E, G. Whitford, Ticket Agent L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebraska Quality Place W. F. Butler < Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensvvare and Notions, The famous Kirkendall shoe our specialty. Highest market prices for produce. Millinery. An exceptionally fine stock, all new goods. Swell spring hats just arriving. Miss Lei ta Butler in charge of this department. Al so special attention given to dress-making anfa ladies’ tailoring. w. B. Butler Barada :: :: :: Nebraska CORRESPONDENCE BARADA Mrs. Joseph Surman has been quite ill with lagrippe. Robert Reddick returned last week from Kansas City where ho has been In the hospital for several weeks. Miss Lela Butler now has on dis play a fine line of pattern hats at her millinery store on the second floor of the Butler building. Miss Butler lias been kept so busy during the opening that she lias had to call to her assistance Miss Audry NVileman, who is aiding her in dress making and tailoring. Dr. Andrews was called to Verdon last week in consultation with' Dr. H. R. Miner. Rev. 0"Neil of Prudum, Neb., who preached at the Christian church last week departed for his home Satur day. Charles Wenz and wife were In town Sunday. A Sunday School has been organ ized at the Cotcher school house with W. P. Snodgrass as superintend ent. C. H. Martin was in Falls City last week. Nellie Butler is nursing a broken finger, the result of an accident in playing basket ball. Next Saturday and Sunday the first quarterly conference for this charge of the Evangelical church will be held at Maple Grove. Miss Bessie Surman was on the sick list this week. W. E. Whittington of Pacific Junc tion, Iowa came down Friday to join liis wife and little daughter, who are visiting here. R. N. Williams and family spent Sunday in the country. J. L. Clark and family departed the first of the week for their new home at Harrisburg, Neb. They carry with them a host of good wishes for success in their new home. Dan Wamsley’s little son was on the sick list Inst week. Fred Koesch had a severe attack of heart trouble Sunday, Jesse Cox came down from Peru for a short vacation. Rev. Samuel Witty delivered two masterful temperance addresses to rowded houses on Thursday and Fri day evenings of last week. Special music had 'been prepared nad was well rendered. Rev. Wlfty re mained over Sunday, preaching at * ho Christian chinch. Miss Ilattic Lilly of Peru, who spent, her vacation at her home near Shubert visited the schools here an Friday and remained for the lec ture in the evening. R. H. and Edward Slagle were the ■nests at tile home of J. A. Martin Sunday. Rudolph Falh r is suffering from n evero abscess on his jaw. STELLA Jas. Farmer came in from Kim ble county last. Friday morning to assist in caring for his mother. Mrs. Ollie Ailor and daughter,Miss 'Ia?el, of Haddam, Kansas, came to Stella last week to attend the func il of little L'a.vton Teare. They re nained for a short visit with rela tives. Miss Ella Fanner came down from )maha Saturday night, on account of he serious Illness of her grandnioth t. She returned Sunday afternoon is her work at the bank, would not. permit of her staying longer. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swihart, who have spent the winter visiting with their children, in Colorado and Kan as,. returned home last week. Mrs. Swihart is in very poor health, hav ing had the grip for about six weeks. J. R. Cain, Jr. wet it. to Lincoln on Monday. Miss Helen Baldwin of Falls City ■pent several days in Stella last week, soliciting subscribers for tlie Falls City Tribune. Mrs. Will McDonough returned on Saturday from Oklahoma, where site was called by the serious sickness o' a sister. Mrs. Pearl Ilall and two children who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Culp, the past week, returned to her homo at Bancroft, Monday. Miss Ninon Gentry is visiting with friends in Lincoln this week. J. M. Goodloe and A. Moritz went to Lincoln Friday and drove home a new Overland touring car for Mr Moritz. He will use it in the livery business, Mrs. J. R. Cain went to Tecuin soh Tuesday morning to attend the district convention of the Christian church. Mrs. Kelley of Bethany, state or ganizer of the C. W. Ii. M. held a leception at tile home of Mrs. J. R. Cain. Monday afternoon and succeed ed in organizing a C. \V. B. M. She also preached at the Christian church in the evening. The declamatory contest, given Monday evening by the pupils of the high school, at the M. E. church was greatly enjoyed by our citizens. Nine contestants took part and each de livered their part so well, that the work of tin* j i* iiu .1 , I'iie gold medal whs awarded to Ml Opal Monette, and tho siver medal to Harry Pitman. Mrs, Pricllla Farmer died Sun i evening, April 2, 1911, at her ho in Stella, at the age of almost tu enty-one years She had been poo I. for about six weeks, with grip, hie not until the last two weeks was sin bedfast, ami even then friends bail great hopes of a speedy recovery Hut owing to a complication of dis eases, she grow worse rapidly froi Thursday morning, when the family were summoned. She leaves he side her aged husband, two sons Mack Farmer of Stella ami Janie; Farmer of Kimble County, who wen with her when the end came, Mr end Mrs. Farmer have lived on a farm near Stella for many years and for the past eighteen months have lived in Stella, having left the farm on account of her failing health. Shi bad many friends and was much loved by her neighbors, who with the family will miss her kindness The funeral was held from tho Chris tian church, conducted by Eldei Sapp of Nemaha, and the remains laid to rest in the Stella cemetery We can only say, “God knows best and doetli all things well.” RULO Lee McVey returned Saturday from Havelock, where he has been work ing in the H. and M. shops for th< past two months. Mrs. Samuel Hall and little dau ghter spent a couple of days witl relatives in Salem the first of the week. Andy Anderson, Alva Clark, Jim Ratekln, Newton Hosford, Dan Rate kin and A. J. Hart attended I. O. O. F. lodge in Falls City lust Friday. Art Spore of Table Hock was a Rulo visitor Friday night. Bessie Anderson visited with rel atives and friends at the Y Sat inlay and Sunday. Mesdames Thomas Heys and Fred Steinhauer returned Sunday evening from a visit with relatives at For tescue, Mrs. J. L. Hopkins .spent a couple of days last week with friends in Atchison. Thomas Winterbottom moved his family from White Cloud to this city the past week. Verne True spent Sunday with friends at Salem. Grace Cronin was a Falls City > i dt„i the last of th, week. Mr. and Mrs. Olney Graham re turned last week from Glen wood Iowa, where they were visiting a sick -iister. • Fred Stewart and Andy Anderson returned Sunday from a visit to Table Rock and Wytnoro. The Atchison freight had a wreck Thursday night about eight miles south of town. Two cars were de railed. No one was hurt. A house one mile south of town, owned by Mrs. Hosford and occupied by Evan Dunn was destroyed by fire Wednesday, its contents were also destroyed. Vos Bunker of Missouri was a Rulo visitor Saturday. August Johnson spent Sunday with I is family at Nebraska Citty. Ed Gilbert and sister, Alta were Falls City visitors Tuesday. It. A. Terry of Lincoln was a Rulo visitor the first of the week. F. E. Kulp of Wymore was in Rulo the first of the week. Prof. A. li. Voegelein returned on Sunday evening from the teachers meeting at Nebraska City. Mrs. Williams of Reserve visited vith Rulo friends Thursday. Rev. .f. L. Pickett returned Thurs day front it trip through New Mex ico. Enin Mathers of Napier was a Lcio visitor Friday. iVv. Bernard Sproll spent a few (hys last week in St. Joe. Roy Williams, wife and baby spent c. today with relatives at Forteseue. Henry Majerus and family of Kansas spent Sunday with relatives in this city. WILLIAMSVLLLE Rev. Gcick of this place left Sun day for Canada, where he will remain three months to live on his claim. Mrs. I. A. Dunn and Miss Carrie Dunn spent Saturday afternoon in Barada. B. C. Duerfeldt and family spent Sunday at the home of Philip Cam eron. Carrie Dunn spent Sunday with Miss Verdie Wileman. Jesse Dunn was a Shubert visitor Saturday. Jacob Arnold and wife spent Sun day at Philip Camerons. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Llppold of this place spent Sunday with G. W. Duerfeldt. Wendell Gerwick spent Sunday wit August Neimoller. Bertha Duerfeldt was the guest of her parents over Sunday. On April 14, a field meet will take place at District 23’s school house, between Dist. 23 and the school taught by Fred Rockwell. All are Rom Baking Powder Absolutely Pure The Only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. Safeguards the food against alum* Chemists* tests have shown that a part ol the alnm Irom biscuit made with an alum baking powder passes Into tbe stomach, and that digestion Is retarded thereby. Road tho label and make auro that your baking powder la not mado front aluntm invited to attend. G. W. Duerfeldt was a Falla City visitor Thursday. Christ Madowso Is some better at this writing. Eugene Dunn was a pleasant call er at the home of Win. Ooetz Mon day. Funeral At Stella Stella, March 111—Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Toare reached here yester lay afternoon, bringing the body of their only child, two years old, for burial. They moved to Alberta, Can ada. three years ago, and the child lied last Sunday, after a short ill ness with mealscs. Funeral ser vices were held at the Christian •lnirch here this afternoon. Stella Wedding Stella, March 111—Miss Blanche Hill laughter of W. D. Hill of this place, and Earl Hilly were married at Au burn Wednesday. Harrison Curtis and Meta Arga UiigliL vuiv manic d at the home of the bride's aunt in Auburn. The young couple will reside on a farm iw'o miles north ol town. Sunny Slope Kensington The Sunny Slope kenslngton met with Mrs. Ross Will Wednesday af ternoon, March 29th. There was a good attendance and the afternoon was devoted to needlework and music. Officers for the next six months were elected, after which the hostess served dainty "refreshments. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. II. E. Will. April | 12th. Main Street A Scene cf Activity The streets of Falls City look 1 ik<■ the catacombs, the causes being numerous, excavations for the pur pose of making connection with water mains, etc., before1 the paving is laid. This is a wise move on the part of those who need water, as the incon venience of raising the paving and then getting it down properly is easy to see. With great piles of paving brick in sight, all the time, the main streets look more or less disreputable—but we wait patiently for the time when our automobile can glide slowly along over smooth level pavements, the enjoyment of all. Presbyterian Church Notes After a most thorough ventilation of the system and a canvas of sen timent the one budget system of fin ance- has been adopted by our peo ple with enthusiasm. The finance board has examined and approved the whole budget for the church year beginning April 1, and