The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1911, Image 6

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Elmer Arnold and daughter of near
Rulo are In the city today shop
ping mul itti tiding business.
Miss Mildred McFarland of Omaha
I; expected today to visit with her
cousin. Miss Thelma Roberts.
S. Atwood o* tills city was
called to Lawrence, Neb., today, by
the serious illness of his mother,
Mrs. K. Atwood.
C. R. Wild of Peru is in the city
today looking after business.
Mrs. Alf Ramsey of Dawson is in
tin' city visiting with Miss Louise
Plege. she will return home tills
Mrs. Fred Ileim man of Verdon was
in the city yesterday visiting with
relatives and doing some trading.
Mrs W. C. Rican and Mr. and
Mrs. Sherman llyerly of Verdon were
visitors in town yesterday afternoon.
The fishing season opens today.
The Herllng family, who have
quarantined for small pox, are now
from under quarantine.
Mr Hinkle is xpcctln# twti large
mounted buffalo heads which will be
on display.
Miss Walter, file music supervisor
i< turned from Nebraska City last
night, where she lias been attending
the teachers iatiuti.
Miss Anita Wilson returned from
the Teachers Assoc i a lion at Nebras
ka City last night.
Mrs. A. E, .1 [.ipiet returned from
St. -foe last nigh* where she Inis
been visiting with friends and rela
Miss Mu bio tJiei livvald, vviio-teaelie
; t Verdon returned home Friday to
spend Sunday with her mother,Mrtf.
.iiulith Grecnwald
Mrs. Mesinore and daughter of
Reserve are in town today.
Rev. M. C. Brooks left today for
take charge of the work at the
Methodist church Ills wife and
family Will follow him its soon as
tlu> little girl is able to be moved
from Exeter, where Mrs. Brooks and
t hlldren now are
The new Methodist minister. Rev.
Rove of Peabody, Kansas arrived in
Falls City last night to take up the
work in this parish. His wife and
family will arrive later ns they arc
visiting relatives In Ohio.
Sheriff Fenton went tto St. .loo
to<ln> to bring hat k the man who
shot through the windows in E. But
his store at B-ircda.
O. E. Huston came up from To
peka hist night.
The regular meeting of the City
Federation will b" held Monday af
t> moon. All members are request
ed to be present.
.1 () Staid t and Frank Albla tif
Bock Creek are in town today.
Norman Weaver of Vordon was a
visitor here yesterday.
Curtis L. A-li tame up from St.
.Tod last night to spend the day in
Falls City.
Mrs, T. ,1 Hist is expected homo
from Lincoln this afternoon.
W. A. Schuler came down from
Lint oln last night on business.
Furnished Rooms For Rent Ap
ply Mrs. Maddox, l!U!> Morton St
Alice Casey of Oaks, North Dako
ta is in 1lit> city visiting with Miss
Clara VanDusen.
Miss Anna Snyder of Vordon was
in the city today looking after bus
iness affairs and doing some trad
Mr. and Mrs. .1 C. Wileman and
da-- ‘ ter, Olga of Bara da were in
'lie , \y shopping today.
R. A Breoks of Topeka was in
I lls City last night.
V. Creek and Ola (! Crook
< f S.iI til were in the city yesterday
visiting friends and looking after
business affairs.
c Klei hauer of Lincoln is in the
city looking after business Interests.
.1 C Brown is over from Hiawatha
Dan O' Grady cf Dawson is in tlie
city on business.
Fred Eberhardt of Ohio precinct
was in town Saturday.
Ewing Herbert was over from Hia
watha Sunday visiting friends.
Frank Long of Vcrdon spent the
week with Clifford Wahl of this
Henry Weinert was a Falls City
visitor Saturday.
Guy Lichty and family wi re shop
ping in the city Saturday.
S A. Little was called to Scott*
Bluff Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Karston were
in the city visiting her parents over
Mrs. Little of Cheyenne, Wyoming,
T.ho is visiting her sister at Re
seive, spent Sunday in Falls City
\isiting friends
Mrs. II. A. Reynolds returned on
Saturday from a short visit with
her parents in Hiawatha.
Onwty Watson came up from Re
serve to spend Sunday in this city.
R. B. and Arthur Wyatt of Re
serve spent Saturday evening in
Falls City.
May me Palmer spent Sunday In
Humboldt visiting friends.
George Charnoloveck went to
Humboldt Saturday to stay over
Miss Agnes McKiever and .Miss
K Izabetb Pflaun spent tlie week end
svlth friends and relatives in Nebras
ka City.
Hob Wright went to Itulo today on
Prof. Atwater, principal of the To
eiimseh schools, was in the city
ever Sunday.
Hoy Dykes of Stella was in the
t ity Saturday night calling on his
fi .ends.
Miss Field returned from Lincoln
lust night to take up her duties in
tiie school here. She spent Sunday
ni liotne with her mother.
Miss Walter and Miss Ileacock re
turned from Omaha where they spent
a few days with friends.
Miss Drown returned from Kansas
City last night where she had been
i(siting her parents.
.1. Qulmby Ilossaek returned to
his duties in Omaha Saturday after
noon after a short visit to his par
ents in tliis city.
Dallas Yoder and wife attended the
wedding of Miss lithel Cook and Mr.
Frank Pocht at Verdon yesterday.
Arch Cook and family attended (lie
( onk Peek wedding at Verdon yes
Mrs. W. C, Sloan and children re
turned to their homo in Verdon
Sunday after a visit to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ilossaek.
W. 11. Clark of Wymore was in Hie
city over Sunday.
’I . II. Dillle of Atchison is in the
i 1v today on business.
H P. Wright of Nebraska City is
in (lie city today looking after basi
n' ss.
G. W. Swartz of Cincinnati was in
Hie eity over Sunday visiting willi
fi lends and looking after business.
W. It. Polk of Kansas City, repre
senting the Loose Wiles Co., called
on Cleveland and Hughes tills morn
W. E. Me Bride, the night clerk
for the National, left, this morning
lor Kansas City, where he expects
lo sign up with the Kansas City hall
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Bryant of An
then, Iowa is visiting in the city
\>!th John A. Shields,
Claude Roe spent Sunday with St.
Joe friends.
Remember the date “Barriers Burn
ed Away."
Dave W. Tyler was up from St.
Joe Tuesday.
E. W. tlri'cn went to Kansas City
today on business.
.1 ('. Price was a Lincoln visitor
ii. this city Monday.
C, F. Hall was a Falls City visitor
from Council ltlnffs Monday.
C E. Steele of Outaha is a busi
ness visitor from Omaha today.
R. Caruthers of Lincoln Is again
in our city looking differ business mat
John McDougal of Humboldt, is in
the city looking after business.
Pon t fall to see “Barriers Burned
Away” at the Gehling on Friday the
Till of April.
Charles Goodland and son drove
down from Humboldt yesterday in th |
former's car. i
S. II Atwood of Lincoln was in
•the city Monday, casing on friends j
and looking aft< r business,
P. K. Walsh of Humboldt is in the
city visiting friends and also at lend
ing to matters of business.
D. P. Weeks came down from Lin
coln last night to look after matters
ef importance in this city.
C. W. Mason, a rtavellng salesman
with headquarters in St. Joe was
In ttiis city looking after business on
N. T. Harmon of Lincoln called on numerous Falls City friends on
Monday of this week.
One of E. P. Roe's stories “Bar
riers Burned Away” will be the at
traction at the Gehling Friday night.
Mrs. Birdsley, who lias been suffer
ing' from an acute attack of rheuma
tism for some time is now improv
ing under the care of Dr. Reynolds.
J. E Watson was over from Hia
watha last night to visit, withf riends
and to look after business in this
Tile dink season closes tomorrow.
Some people will be at a loss for
something to do? However they can
go fishing now.
Leonard Mant and Will Bohrtnan
lift this morning for their home in
Illinois. They expect to take a
lay off, visiting and fishing.
A Burry of Sabotha was in the city
yesterday and remained over until
today looking after business inter
Col. O'Grady of Dawson is in the
city looking after business. Ho says
he is looking after dry goods and not
real estate this time.
Mrs. E. F. Graham of Shubert is
a Falls City visitor today.
O. E. Hause came up from St. Joe
yesterday to look after business.
Frank Martin is down from Coun
cil Bluffs today.
Mrs. Mason goes to Hiawatha today
t< a< h a class in art.
B. Cornell of Verdon was a
mess visitor in this city the
ast few days.
r.vaiis of Lincoln was In the
. id ay looking after busi
I o, Hawes of Fremont was in
, city yesterday looking after bus
in .-s affairs.
I B. Itapor is expected to arrive
from Pawnee this afternoon to open
ou rt.
.rnest Cliff came down from Hum
eoldt tills morning to attend the
Modern Woodman convention held
hero today.
Dr. and Mrs. Fast of St. Joseph
were tlie house guests of Mr. and Mr
W. A. Greenwald, Tuesday.
Miss Etta Feisht of Salem was in
[lie city yesterday on matters of bus
LOST—Black mule, two years old,
■ weight about 800 pounds. Return to
f A. Bobbitt. G3-6t
papers for 5c including the Sunday
edition. Lewis Wise.
it. P. Wright of Nebraska City is
in the city on business.
A. T. Parsons of Verdon was a bus
iness visitor from Verdon today,
Vick Bloom of Verdon was in thp
i ity today.
L. H. Crow ford of Kansas City re
turned to liis home today after a
hurt visit In 'Falls City.
E. C. Burbank of Boston is in our
• ity calling on ail tiic jewelers.
(I. J. Crook, expostmnster has re
ceived a letter from the post office
department at Washington, com
pletely exonerating him from any
dishonest condui t and bases his re
moval on the unbusiness like man
ner and careless way of keeping his
A mule and a horse may work well
together But they can’t lie made to
look well together.
You may have observed what a
noise you make when trying to do
something quietly.
As a matter of fact you probably
are taking life a whole lot easier
right now than is good for you.
A man's conscience doesn’t seem
to bother him a great deal so long
as lie can be left alone with it.
You're a long time dead, and also
a long time man'led.
A man out ot a job is a poor ad
vertisement for himself.
It is hard to understand why even
dogs admire some people.
Does any man like a new bat as^
w II as he did his old one.
Hal pie and no* the Lord’s ven
geance. has killed many men.
_ I
”1 have catarrh in my head, but
' am thankful there is something
there.” said an Atchison man.
When a young girl is full of life
there are always people who remark
tiiat she needs watching.
One of the surest things in the
world is that an election is never as
Important as tt seems to a candidate.
It would he great for tlie* fish if
men went fishing only when fishing
is good.
Lots of men have a reputation of
being smart simply because they act
queer. , *
Who ever heard of a pretty girl,
tiom 16 to 20, complaining of having
As a general thing, the man who
insists on using his napkin for a bib
is apt lo need one.
Unfortunately, however, a good
many cranks have no disposition to
had a hermit's life.
You also have too much hope if yo
expect tto make a ready made suit
look as well as the ad illustrator
if a man could cash in all the
schemes he thinks of when out of a
job he would never take another job.
Outside of the comic newspapers
and magazines, did you ever know a
colored man by the name of Rastus?
A horse trader's idea of a punk
sport is one of his profession who wil
admit it when he gets the worst of a
In view of the fact that they taste
just alike, the man who drinks ale
instead of beer, acts too superior
about it.
No matter how large a family a
uian may have, nor how small wages
he makes, there are always some
ready to say he must be a poor
So many people think they could
make money writing for the maga
zines if they had a little spare time,
that it is probably just as well they
One horse hitched to a two-seated
rig always looks over-worked, even
j iJ it is the family pet which only
gets on the Job Sunday afternoon.
A boy is not necessarily in deep
thought because lie scratches his
Interest rates always seem excess
ive to the man who pays them.
Odds of five to one don’t make a
bet a good one if you lose it.
Half tile complaints made are
merely baits for compliments.
Liquor men never think temper
ance men give the town much sup
About all you can say for some
children is that they keep on growing
And a real booster will welcome his
new neighbor, and make them feel
at home.
A boy’s Idea of the most futile
waste of time is to delay breakfast
for family prayer.
Old fashioned women worry too
much because their men folk's don’t
eat enough; most of them cat too
If a man really needs an excuse
to go fishing, he ought to be able
to find something more up to date
than Isaac Walton.
A woman is the only creature with
nerve enough to issue an ultimatum
to someone she doesn' believe she
can whip.
1 Md any of those fortunes which
were to lie made raising mushrooms
in the cellar, ever materialize?
Possibly there are a few occa
sions where the refreshments re
fresh, but they are rare.
It takes a good deal of warm wea
ther in the spring to break some
men of the habit of wearing an over
c oat. •
You can't form an opinion of a
man merely because he lifts his hat
when a funeral procession passes
Early strawberries are not as
good as early onions.
It seems easy enough for the
other fellow to say “no.”
There is a compensation for every
thing; the harder a man's collar is
to button the better it sets.
We live in hopes of always being
able to find some more satisfactory
v. ay of disposing of our leisure time
than playing horse shoes.
No matter if a man isti t any more
forceful than a glass of ice water,
he likes to have a woman refer to
him as a big, strong man.
It is possible that your competitor
isn't its touchy as you claim he is.
I)o you know of anyone who doesn I
grandstand now and then?
Son Crazed By Drink
Auburn, March 31—George Davis, a
farmer from near Howe, assisted by j
a neighbor, brought to town his
£3 year old eon and turned him over
to the sheriff. The young man has
been crazy from drink for some
time and the family began to fear
that lie would do violence to him
self or to some one else.
Wayne Goes After Depot
Wayne, March 30—State Railway
t oramissioners were here today in a
case between F. A. Berry, repre
senting the Wayne Commercial dub,
and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minnea
polis and Omaha railway, in which
flic complainant asked for a new de
pot in Wayne.
The railway company was represent
ed by Manager Nieols. Several bus
iness men of Wayne were called as
witnesses and the evidence attained
by the examination clearly demon
strated that the present depot
quarters of defendant corporation
are entirely inadequate for the large
passenger and freight business here,
which amounted to over $1 17,000 the
last year.
Sheriff's Sale
In tile Itichadson County District
| Court, State of Nebraska.
Peter Christen, Plaintiff,
The Improved Order of Red Men, Lo
gan Tribe No. 63, Defendant.
Notice is hereby given, that by
virtue of an execution issued out of
, ihe District Court of Richardson
County, State of Nebraska, in the
I above entitled cause dated the 27th
day of February, 1911, I will as
sheriff of the County of Richardson
and state of Nebraska, offer at public
I sale, in front of the west door of
; Ihe court house in Falls City in said
'County and State on the 8th day
'of April 1911, between the
hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. of said
day, the following described real es
tate situated in the town formerly i
known as Arago, but now named j
Fargo, in said Richardson County,
^ State of Nebraska, towit: The El£
: of Lot 7 in Block 8 in said town or
village, according to the original plat
and survey of the old town or vil
lage of Arago. Said property was
taken in execution by me under the
writ aforesaid and upon which is
situated a certain frame building
as a part thereof, as the property of
the defendant, "The Improved order
of Red Men, Logan Tribe No. 63.”
Seized and will be sold to satisfy a
judgment entered in the said district
court in favor of the plaintiff, and
against the defendant, together with
costs and accruing costs.
Terms of sale, cash.
W. T. FENTON, Sheriff.
Reavis & Reavis, A ttys for I 'It C.
Firrst pub, March 10, five times
Notice To Creditors
In the County Court of Richardson
County, Nebraska:
In the matter of the estate of
James R. Reynolds, deceased. It is
ordered by the court that the time
limited for creditors to file claims
against said estate is six months fro»
the 14th day of February, 1911, and
all claims not filed in this court, duly
verified, on or before the 14th day
of August, 1911, will be forever bar
red. Ordered further that all claims
filed against said estate will be ex
amined and adjusted by the court, in
the county court room, in the court
house in Falls City, in said coun
ty, April 14, June !4 and August
15th, 1911, at the hours of nine
o’clock a. m.
By order of the court dated Feb
ruary 14th, 1911.
JOHN GAGNON, County Judge.
First publication March 10-4t.
Sheriff’s Sale
In the District court of Richardson
County, State of Nebraska.
A. D. Annis, Plaintiff,
C. D. McColm, In. E. McColm and
William J. Nelson, Defendants.
Nolice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order of sale issued out
ef the District Court of Richadson
County, State of Nebraska and un
der the seal thereof and to me dir
ected, I will, as sheriff of Richard
son County, on the 1st day of April.
Util offer at public sale in front of
the west door of the court house in
Falls C'lty, Nebraska, between the
hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. of.
sard cay the following tracts of real
estate situated in Richardson County,
State of Nebraska, and particularly
described as follows, towit: the north
half of the northeast quarter, the
northwest quarter and southwest
quarter except ten acres in a square
out of the southwest corner of said
southwest quarter all in Section 9,
and northeast quarter of north
east quarter except three
and one-naif acres out of northwest
corner thereof, and the south half of
the northeast quarter, and the north
cast quarter of the southeast quar
ter and the southeast quarter of
southeast quarter except three acres
thereof owned by Robert Bodle, all
in Sec. S and the East 21 and sixty
two hundreds acres of northeast quar
ter of northwest quarter of Sec. 16
all in Township 3, Range 17, E 6th,
i>. M., Iii. hardson County, Nebraska.
Said property is siezed and will be
sold to satisfy a decree of said dis
trict court entered in favor of the
above named plaintiff, A. D. Annis,
and against the above named defend
ants, the said C. B. McColm, N. E.
McColm, and William J. Nelson.
Terms of sale, cash.
W. T. FENTON, Sheriff
Reavis & Reavis, Atty for Pltff.
First publication March 3, 5 times.
Legal Notice
In the Richardson County District
Court, State of Nebraska.
In Re Ruth Z. Oppenheimer.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that Ruth
Z. Oppenheimer, an unmarried fe
male of full lawful age, did on the]
28th day of March 1911, file her peti
tion iu the district court of Richard
son County, State of Nebraska, the
object and prayer of which is to
obtain an order and decree of said
court, changing her name from Ruth
7, Oppenheimer, to that of Ruth
Reavis, for the following reasons:
1/ Because the name she now
bears is one confered upon her by
adoption, and is not her baptismal
2. Because said name is Jewish,
or is so understood, and that she
has no blood of that race in her
\eins, and does not want to be know'*
by it.
3. Because she desires to be
known by the name of her guardians,
who have been such for the last tea
Dated March 28, 1911.
Attorney for Petitioner
First pub. March 31-5 times.
Legal Notice
In the Richardson County District
Court, State of Nebraska.
Suit In Equity to Quiet Title To
Real Estate
Elmer Hoselton, Plaintiff
Edward S. Pyle, Sarah L. Baker,
Henry Jteiger and Wirt Ven
sonhaler, Defendants.
To Edward S. Pyle, non--rerident
Vou are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, Elmer lloelton, did on the
6th day of February, 1911, file his
petition in the district court of Rich
ardson County, State of Nebraska,
against you and the other named
defendants herein, the object and
prayer of which is to quiet the title
in him, to the following described
real estate situated in Richardson
1 County, State of Nebraska, towit:
Commencing at the Northeast cor
ner of the Northeast quarter (Vi)
of the Southeast quarter (Vi) of Sec
tion Twenty (20), in Township ono
(l)Range seventeen(17) east, thence
west forty-two (42) rods; thence
south eighty (80) rods; thence east
twenty-one and a half rods (21%)
rods; thence north forty-six (46)
rods; thence east twenty-two and
ten-twenty-thirds rods to section
line; thence north to the place of
beginning, containing twelve acres;
and to estop you from claiming or
asserting titles to said land,and from
taking advantage of any irregularity
<jn the obtaining of a decree in the
district court of Richardson county.
Neb., in favor of Jennie R. Pyle
your former wife, appropriating said
land to the support of her and your
two infant children, pronounced in a
certain cause pending in said court
in which the said Jennie R. Pyle
was plaintiff and you Edward S. Ply
was defendant, which said decree was
rendered on January 28th, 1909, and
by a sale had there under this plain
tiff became the purchaser.
And you are further notified that
unless you plead, answer or demur to
said petition on or before the 24th
day of April, 1911, the same will be
taken pro confesso, and a decree
arguable to the prayer thereof will
be entered accordingly.
This publication is made by order
of said district court.
Attys for Plaintiff
First publication Mar'll 10-5t.
The Following Is A List Of New
Books Reported By Our
Kreible—Piano forte and Its Mu
Baldwin—Composition, oral and
Priestman—Handicrafts In The
Wood—Quotations For Occasions.
Lanciana—Ruins and Excavations
of Ancient Rome.
Walsh—Master Singers of Japa.
Allen—As a Man Thinketh.
Bower—Chip Of The Flying U.”
Bosher—Mary Cary.
London—Burning Daylight,
Rinehart—Window at the Whita
Daviess—Road to Providence.
Craddock—Prophet, of the Great
Smoky Mountains.
Barrie—Peter Pan.
Bass—Plant Life.
Miller—First Book of Birds.
Stickney—Bird Book.
Bingham—Stories of the Mother i
Goose village.
Pratt—American History for Amer
ica's Children.
Bond—Scientific American Boy.
Wilson—Nature Stories For Ele
mentary Schools—hooks 1 and 2.
Norton—Heart of Oak Books—1
and 2.
Tomlinson—Soldiers of the Wilder
Bake"—Action .•■rimer.