The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, April 07, 1911, Image 3
OUR WEEKLY COMMENT Postmaster Loucks takes the honor of liis new office with becoming modi esty. He will make a worthy suc cessor to Mr. Crook, and will do hon or to the greater Falls City. • • • Tlie contest is now getting down to where it is becoming a test of en durance. in each district the race is close enough to make it possi ble for either contestant to win a lead at any time. This is 'what makes a contest interesting. Merit will win. * • • "’he Sunday tiase ball issue is prov mg tno of the wnest, fought oet by the present legislature. It is difficult to pacify two factions so directly oppoesd to one anpther. The only fair and practical basis for a satisfactory settlement is by com promise. Both extremes must yield in part. The day will come when we will have a Saturday tifter i oon half-holiday and baseball will he the popular diversion. ¥ * * There was a time in the recent history of the Falls City Tribune, when The Tribune < laimed as large a subscription list, as any of its competitors in the county. This was before the present management took charge. Wo believe tlml the pres ent circulation is equal to if not larger than at any time before in its history. Of ibis much we arp cer tain that the papers sent out at present, not a single copy, to bur knowledge goes to any but legitimate subscribers. To clean up the list has cost a large number of names, but we have more than made them up with new and strictly paid in advance subscribers. Parties interested, or inclined to doubt our statements can have access to our books. Adver tisers will not overlook the signif ance of this. • • • Parties who are not getting their Daily Tribune promptly and regular ly will confer a favor by calling up the office each time. It is the de sire of the publishers to give their patrons the very best service pos sible and they will not let up until tliis is accomplished. lly prompt ly reporting any irregularities^ you will greatly assist us in giving good service. As the contest grows in dimensions ;iurl zeal the strain on the office be comes heavier. As a consequence tome things are being neglected and others not attended to as promptly as they should be. However, we kow that our friends and subscribers will not only bear with us, but will re joice to know that the Daily Tribune is being subscribed for by the best people in Richardson county, and at a rate that promises big things for the future o£ the paper. Dr. Mathers’ hens appear to be developing a type of modernism. The other day one of them concluded to no longer give up her eggs in com petition with cheap breakfast foods and planned henceforth to put her product into cold storage. RuL nature would not tolerate any such violent breech of the old traditions as they related to the laying of t-ggs, and compelled the entterpris ing hen to deliver the goods fresh and do it promptly. The poor hen was in a quandary. How to lay two eggs at one time was a problem to stagger hen ingenuity. But the doctor’s hen was equal to the occar sion anil neatly chucked one egg inside of the other. A perfect egg inside another. Will wonders never cease. If tile good Lord com pelled men who are inclined to over reach, to deliver the goods as prom ptly as this poor hen was compelled to, there would be fair dealing only. In the moving away of Rev. M. C. Brooks aand family, Falls City loses cne of her strongest and most ag gressive citizens. Rev. Brooks’ stay in our city has been comparatively short, yet long enougli to make his presence felt, and his influence ad mitted. He will he missed, not only in his own church circles, and among his more intimate friends and acquaintances, but in the city at large. A man of Mr. Brooks’ type and calibre may pass on but bis work will remain. We can illy afford to part with his kind at this juncture. May he find his new pastures re freshing and opportune. Evidently winter still has some claim on us. The dirt removed while grading Stone street is being used to good advantage in filling up a number o* low places in other parts of town. THE BOTTOM HAY LAND Until the ditching problem now under construction is finished and is proven a success, there will be thousands of acres of hayland in the Nentaha bottom whose chief vaK tii will be in the wild hay this .land produces. The wise man has said and several thousand wears ago, “that everything under heaven has its time." There is a very simple thing in the use of the hayland on which so much depends. We refer to the time of burning the meadows. Co burn of Kansas lias again and again advised tho farmers that if tho al falfa does not do well, mow it. and what the mower is to alfalfa, fire i to wild grass. It is however of importance that the fire is used in the right time. To burn your mead ( w in tho fall means very poor grass and many weeds. No meadow should be burned before tlie month of May. Give the weeds a good start, select a dry day and the warmest part of the day to burn your meadaw. You will kill your weeds, hut fire in the spring of tlie year means health to the grass. Grass should ho cut early enough in the fall to permit it to get a good growth before winter and that will be enough to burn in the spring. There is considerable complaint that, bottom grass grows so rank and loonies so coarse; ibis can he en tirely overcome by late burning of the hayland. If the owners of Hi so bottoms will let some of the land lay till about .Tune and then select a dry day to burn, they will lie surprised how fine and also how free from weeds their hay will be. There is one danger to guard against and that is that it is lia ble to get too green and weedy and will not burn. In any case wait as long as you can, give the weeds a start and kill tthem and you can very much improve your hay crop. The infection which causes spring fever is not altogether different from the celebrated hcok worm. It is peculiarly difficult for the victim to get up early spring mornings. The rushing up of houses in the south side, in particular, goes mer rily on. No man who can handle i saw or hit a nab on the head need bog for a job thesedays. There will be a big installment of concrete work to be built as soon as the warm weather makes it saef as the warm weather makes it safe Cement workers from other places are here making contracts. When discussing the school build ing question, it. should not be for gotten that we are building for the future. Not so much what we need now but what we will need, soon to meet the growth of the city and tlie more advanced methods that are certain to be adopted from time to time by educators. Falls City cannot afford to be a back number in this respect. It. may«cost a little more, but we want the best that experience and our growing needs require. With the work of improving our city streets well under way. Some effort should be made to organize a good roads league and begin a sys tematic effort to improve the main roads leading into town. This would be a splendid thing for the newly organized retailers association io take up and father. Nothing will work more largely to the advantage of our merchants, than the building o good substantial highways lead ing into town. The money comes from the country and it comes over the public roads. When these roads are “bum" there is nothing doing. There is some justice in tin* plea, from the south end, for a school building. It must be admitted that for years tlie south side lias been discriminated against. The churches have been largely ignoring the peo ple on the south side" and building in the north end. Improvements of every kind have had a tendency to locate “up north” because the pull was there. Money talks and it has a right to. But the south side has its claims upon you, which cannot fairly be ignored. The south side needs the presence of the uplifting of schools and churches. Men of means in Falls City have here an open door for the doing of real service to the children, especially, of the south side, by seeing that they are provided with the requisites for mental and soul growth. No employer wants such people around him. He knows they are not business getters or friend makers and on the contrary, they frequent ly drive away customers and make trouble among the other employees. In business, if people are .not treat ed civilly they do not take into con sideration tHat the clerks and those who wait upon them may be ill or tired. They expect courtesy and obliging, kind treatment. I Everybody wants to get away from the cranky fault-finding, over-critical person. We do not like people who ; re out of tune with the world they live in. THE HANDICAP OF THE GROUCH The man who goes through the world with a grouch, who is always I watching for an opportunity to "get j square” with somebody whom he I thinks lias done him an injury, is I at a great disadvantage says Oris i i n Swett Marden in ‘‘Success Maga zine." The desire for revenge acts in the system like a leaven of poison, crippling the brain power and inducing unhappiness. No one can do liis best when he lias an un kind feeling or resentment in his heart toward his fallow men. We are always prejudiced against those who have the reputation of being grouchy, or who are of a sus picious disposition. Those people make very few friends and are not good "mixers.” They often live lonely and sometimes totally isolat ed lives—especially as they advance in years. ELECTION NOTES In Most Places The Election Was Unusually Quiet—Some Towns However Had Hard Fights Beatrice voted dry, yesterday by 176 majority. Several small towns changed from dry to wet. f In the main the. situation over the state on the liquor question re mains practically unchanged. Carter 11. Harrison was elected mayor of Chicago by a good majority. Stella elected the dry ticket by a majority of 14 yesterday. In Salem the election passed off quietly. There was no particular issue. The new members of the city board are Wm. Corn, Maynard Stitzer and Fred Boyd. OUT AND ABOUT Falls City never presented such a busy aspect as at present. It is like a hive of bees in "the early spring when the trees are In full bloom. Fverybody is at work. And the pecu liar feature just now is that almost all the work being done is for the enlargement and improvement of Falls City. Theije is scarcely a block in the south part of town but upon which one or more houses is going up. In other places the houses are being remodeled, enlarged and made to he more nearly in keep ing with the larger idea of the new and greater Falls City. The street improvement now under .way are assuming greater proportions raeli day. Mr. Ileineman is going after the paving of Stone street with his old time dash and energy which not only promises Falls City a good job of paving but, the least possible delay in getting the work complete and the street cleared of all dirt. A number of the old plank cross ings are being torn out and con crete is going in as rapidly as the force of workmen available makes it possible to do the work. A lot of new sidewalks are also going in in different parts of the city. It is rather early to undertake any large contracts in this line on account of the possibility of frosts. Work about the M. P. yards is being pushed with vigor. It. is hoped to get the shops in running order at an early date. The com pany is anxious to get everything in shape to take advantage of the large traffic of the spring season. ALL HONOR TO THE HORSE When Bill and Mary, the William Allen White youngsters, began to gFow up it was decided that the family needed a horse. “No Nancy Hanks that can do a mile in 2:04 is wanted,” Mr., White's advertise ment read. “All that is necessary is that the animal have a leg on each of its four corners, and that it be so gentle the children can • play teeter-tooter over it when it is not. pulling the buggy.” “Old Tom” qua' ified and since the Whites have own ed him, “the'original fireless cook er horse,” as Mr. White calls him, lias become one of the landmarks of the town. The assessor came around and among the items of personal proper t Mr. White declared was “1 horse 'auled at $100.' The assessor looked astonished. “You don’t mean to tell lie said, that you are putting in the old nag you drive around town at $100. Let's make it $15, even 1 hen 1 11 feel tlie county is skinning you." “What," Mr. White returned em phatically “assess that veratile liorse at $15? I'd bo ashamed to look him in the face.”—Success Mag azine. In cases of rheumatism, relief from pain makes sleep and rest possible. This may be obtaihed by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment. For sale by all dealers. DILLER GOOD ROADS Probably ouo of tho best plans for building roads in the state of Ne braska lias been instituted by the business men's association of Oilier. The commercial club and business men of Oilier considered it as much to their advantage and Interest to have good roads in and around Oil ier ns it was to the farmers of the (oiunmnity. la accordance with this idea they joined hands with each other and with the farmers and originated a plan that should be of interest to every man in Nebraska. They invited the farmers of the neighboring townships in to one of their meetings and organized a good loads association, not only to spend money derived by taxes, but to sub scribe real cash to do (lie work witli knowing that tho sooner permanent roads wore constructed the sooner those same taxes would end. To further this scheme they sel ected a committee consisting of bu inesss men and farmers to inspect the roads and decide what work should be done. In Mu* meeting they decided that it would he much better to build a little at a time, and insist that it be done well. Carrying out this idea (hoy insisted that the grades and tills be high and broad, and that the culverts and drains be made of ma terial that would last. Last year they planned to build four miles of road. They divided their workmen into four groups, giv ing eneji group a mile of road to construct. Offering to the group who made (he best mile of road a casli prize. Before starting the work the com mittee went over those four miles o” road, decided just what should be done located places for culverts, their size's, and kind of material to be used, using mostly vitrified glazed culvert pipe. They specified from these culverts drains, and did not let the water remain on the side of the road. At Mie end of the season they had a banquet and awarded ttlie prize to the best road workers. These ban quets and prizes stirred up a pride and interest in every person in the community and today every person in this district is an enthusiast on the subject of good roads. At a joint smoker held last month they decided to build seven miles of road tliis year, it Is needless to say however, that It is not. neces sary to offer prizes this year. The intense interest will take- care of that, and from now on every indi cation shows that Killer will he a center of good roads. ft seems that Killer has arrived at a definite solution of the good roads question, for it is true that enough money lias been spent on the roads of Nebraska to have good roads, hut taking it as a whole, there are real iy very few well constructed and per manently built roads in the state*. BURLINGTON ROUNDHOUSE It would appear, from more or b*ss ^definite rumors circulating about lie railroad yards, that the Jlurling on lias not entirely given up the dea of making Falls City a division oint, between Lincoln and St. .loo. -lo doubt, their decision in the mat er will depend largely upon devel praents in Falls City, and the city’s ttitude to railroading generally. It is unfortunate at this juncture, i hen such important matters bear ing upon the future of one town, that the town itself is so indifferent to the propositions apparently being of fered to us. Falls City should be out after these things in a most de termined way. If we do not land them now, we are not likely to do so for any time to come. If we arc to become a railrosd center why not be a big one. A union depot, a roundhouse and yards for the 13. and M. belong to the bigger scheme for the greater Falls City. There seems to be nothing to hinder our getting these advantages, except our indif ference- and neglec t to go after them. The Commercial Club and the new Business Men’s league* will find here and telling work in the interests of our city and the community. ANTI-BUM RUM Tramp Tourist Association Con demns and Deplores Action of The Union Pacific “If you don’t like anything why just pass resolutions against it.’’ This is the rule adopted by tem perance societies, anarchists, sewing societies, reading circles and mass meetings. Now the amalgamated hoboes are at it. The following notice lias been serv ed on the Union Pacific, following a conference of tramps under the viaduct at Union station. “Whereas, The U. P. has issued an edict barring us from riding free upon their trains, and that it has further demanded from all caught (■n trains that they pay fare or work its equivalent. Be it resolvevi that this is an Infringment upon our natural rights and contrary to the principles of the Allied Federation of i Hobo Tourists, and —He it further resolved that this is a gross intor ference with the personal liberty of man in his pursuit of happiness, and —He it further resolved that wo hereby denounce the U. 1’. In its rep lehensihle action and go on record as unalterably opposed to this Im perialistic policy HITRLY JIM, Chairman. RESTLESS PETE, See. ‘‘All Members.” —Ex. The Country Boy's Advantage There Is a peculiar quality of su periority which t nines from dealing with realities that we do not find in the superficia’ city conditions. The life giving oxygen, breathed in great inspirations through con slant muscular effort, develops in tlio country boy much greater lung power than is developed in the city >outh, and his outdoor work tends to build up a robust constitution. Plow ing, hoeing, mowing, everything he does on Hie farm gives vigor and strength. Ills muscles are harder, I:is flesh firmer, and his brain-fiber partakes of (he same superior qual ity. lie is constantly bottling up forces, storing up energy in his brain and muscles which later may lie powerful factors in shaping (ho nation’s destiny or which may fur nish backbone to keep the ship of slal(> from floundering on the locks. This marvelous reserve power which lie stores up in tlie country will come out in I tie successful banker, statesman, lawyer, merchant, or bus iness man. .~~-v I Constipation brings many ailments in its train and is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowels regular madam, and you will escap many of the ailments to which women are subject. Constipation is a very simple thing, but like many simple things, it tuny load a serious conse quence. Nature often needs a little assistance and when Chamberlain’s Tablets are given at the first indi cation, much distress and suffering may be avoided. Sold by all dealers. PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY MOTHER AND WIFE LEAVES LOV. ED ONES Mrs. Williaam Fisher Died At Her Home In Verdon On T uesday Mrs. William Fisher died very suddenly at her home in Verdon on April 4th. She has been in poor health since last August, but had grown much stronger and able to he about the house. Her death was a. great shock to her family as well as her many friends. Elizabeth Walter was horn In Summerset Co., I’eiin., December 2.">, IS45. At the age of nineteen she was married to Win. Fisher and to hem ten children were born, six ons and four daughters, one dangli n' and one son have gone to the hemal world and the living child ■n are Rudolph, H. VV. and 13. F. of /erdon, Daniel of Grand Island and liineas of Falls City, Mrs. Bruce ■Jedrow and Mrs. William Nedrow of erdon and’ Mrs. Anna Dunkin of Dunbar. She was the grandmother of >7 children,, 24 living and three dead, he great grandmother of 3 children, wo living and one dead. In early life she put her faith •ml trust in her Creator and lived faithful to the end. She was a nember of the United Evangelical church at Verdon. She lived in her native state un til, Oetobi r 1 S7!», when she with her family came to Richardson County :>nd located on a farm in Ohio pre cinct for seven years and then mov ed near Verdon in Liberty township. The past eight years have bee;i spent in the village of Verdon. Mrs. Fisher was the oldest of a. family of eleven children, nine of ( whom are still li\ing. She was j very much devoted to her children | and home, and was tireless in her, work for the Lord here upon the, onrtli. Tlie funeral will probably be , held Friday from the Evangelic! | church and interment in the Verdon cemetery. Lame shoulder is nearly always duo to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free application ( of Chamberlain’s Liniment. For sale by all dealers. in gratitude to humanity, it may be said that the verbal brickbate thrown about are not always more sincere than the boquet. When a medicine must be given to young children it should be pleas ant to Like. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is made from loaf sugar,and the roots used in its preparation give it a flavor similar to maple syrup, making it pleasant to take. It has no superior- for < olds, croup and I whooping cough. For sale by all dealers*. 1 OFFICIALS VISIT CITY ON INSPECTING TOUR IN THEIR PRIVATE CARS | — - ■■ „ Many Missouri Pacific Officials At The Yards Yesterday In specting Things There j Yesterday was a big day at the I Missouri Pacific yards, In the morning a special train consisting of three private ears, baggage car and locomotive steamed into the yards. It contained a company of high (fficials who were looking over the M. !’. road in the United States get ting ready to make a report, to Geo. Gould. Among them was Mr. Miller who is looking over the road with a view to accepting the presidency of the company If he is satisfied with the condition of the road. Others of the company were Mr. Mendelshon assistant of Vice President Clark, Mr. McKee, general superintendent, Mr. Ueydii and A. Ue Iternardi, sup erintendents of lids division and George \V. Smith, superintendent, of machinery. They made a tour of inspection of the yards and simps, making a number of photographs. All the officials at the yards were dressed with all the Insignia of their office. ‘‘Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. B. K< mil'll k, Knsnra. Oa. "It Is U10 best rough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup. For salo by all dealers. If You Are C URABLE We Can Cure YOU m Fill and mail this blank for free advice. All Statements Strictly Confidential !. Heart.Circulation. :\ Lungs.. .. Consumption. Any rough.Spitting. Stomach Appetite. Pain.. .Gas. ■1. Kidneys: Backache. How long. r. Liver: Bilious.Gall stones.... Pain in right side. (i. Bowels: Regular..... Loose. Costive.. ..Move how often. 7. Bladder: Pain.Burning.. .. v Skin: Eruption.Itching. Blood: Syphilis.Gleet. I. 0 Nerves: General Debility. II. Prin: Color.. .. Any Sediment.. 12. Rheumatism: Where*. I:!. Cancer: Location. 14. Goiter: Size. 15. Rupture: Location. HI. Vuriccoelo: Location. 17. Piles: Bleeding.. ..Itching. 81. Catarrh: Nasal.Throat. 10. Sexual Weakness... .Duration.... 20. EOR WOMEN: How many chtldre 21 Menses: Scant or Profuse.. Regular.Painful. 22. Ovaries: Pains. 2.’!. Leuehorrea: Thick.. ..Thin.. .. 24. Womb: Any displacement. 25. Female Weakness: How many yrs 2<i. Ever had Urine Tested..'. 27. Ever Had X-Ray Examination.. .. 28. Ever use Electricity. 20. Can you visit us of Necessary.... Answer above questions briefly. To give more details use seuarato paper and refer to number of ques tion. Name. Address. HOME OFFICE German Doctors MAIN AND BROADWAY Council Bluffs, Iowa Occasionally u congressman shows good judgment, and sends the free garden seeds to some one he knows Won't plant them. Kvery man is urged to become thrifty, and just about the time he becomes thrifty people begin to refer to him as a tight wad. You may have observed that, while some people waR a good many ar rive by the painful process o£ drag ging tfioir feet aiound. It ‘i a greet joke on the family winch is anxious to have daughter marry, when she does and brings the young man home with her. You can’t do much with a man who will never admit he is wrong. Funny how the women who fuss about boys robbing birds’ nests are very likely to appear with aigrettes on their hats. Our notion of poor judgment is that displayed by a thief who can’t think of anything mom profitable than kid i aping a dog. It is difficult for a man to wear new clothes without feeling uncom fortable because he thinks everyone ' ise is looking at them. A man who litis attempted to make a bush league go is not convinced |that people are as crazy about base