Boy Killed By Auto Grand Island. March III— Bailey Brayton. 6 year old son of a farmoi residing near the Hall county line was almost instantly killed af nooi by being run oxer by an automobih driven by Henry .1 Becker, a dealei Jn musical instruments of this city The. hoy xvns playing In the street when Hie auto passed on the road near the school house. Mrs. L. H. Marburger, Dead Friends in this city received word yesterday of the death of Mrs. L. II. Marburger, at her home in Humboldt on Wednesday evening. She Is a niece of Mrs. George Sehmelzel of this city. Spring Styles Watch Our Window I II. M.Jenne Shoe Store MARTHA URBACK With Barriers Burned Away Gehling Opera House FRIDAY, APRIL 7TH « is a Pure,Hygienic Cleanser for Cutlery &aii Food Utensils Because the Cleanser is entirely free lrom Acid, Caustic and Alkali. It is mechanical in its action — avoid dangerous chemical cleansers. Many other uses and Full Directions on large Sifter-can lO t MISSOURI RANCHMAN FORMER EDITOR NOW STOCK RAISER E. F. Sharts Meeting With Success In His New Vocation— He’s a Hustler « That our old friend nnd fellow townsman, 13. F. Sharis, is in the fancy live stock business for fair down on his Missouri ranch was made evident this week when he 1 lacked down one hundred samleons in payment for one of L. 11. llowe's top notch animals to head his herd c* Polled Angus tattle. It would seem » long jump from the Interior of a print shop to the managership of a stock farm, but it seems that E, F. was able to clear the abyss without even so much as sweating a hair. We propose to exact from him a promise that our Thanksgiving table next fall bo supplied from liis pen of small plea turkeys; that a couple dozen double leaded eggs layed by bis great primmer floe k of 2 line pica bens with gothic shaped ear lobes and wattbs and fine 6-polnt conibs be forwarded to us forth with. And as i sweetener we would bo forced to r-.ept a few slabs <..l side meat item hip pica slugged pen of antique eared porkers. Here’s success to you, Sharts.—W. C. Nor ton in Humboldt Standard. SUNDAY WEDDINGS CONTRACTING PARTIES POPULAI YOUNG PEOPLE Maude Nations and Alvin Davis of This City and Frank Peck And Ethel Cook Wed Yesterday afternoon at three u clock, Miss Maude Nations and Mr. Alvin Davis, both of this city, were united in the holy bonds of matri mony at thi' home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Margaret Nations. No ere but the immediate relatives of ’he young couple wore present. The bride was beautifully gowned in white. Mrs. Davis is one of Falls City’s most estimable and popular young ladies. For the past two VUIS she has held til, position US stenographer in the office of the e’erk of the district, court. ' Tht' groom is a well known and well liked young man In Falls City. The young couple will probably make their future home in Falls City. The Tribune joins with the many friends ei tin' young couple in extending t.eir congratulations. Sunday at high noon a very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cook of Ver don, when their daughter,’ Miss i’thel, was united in marriage to trank Peck of Falls City. The cor ct-mony was performed by Itev. itlough of Yerdon. The bride was arrayed in a beautiful white llngro Iress, while the groom wore the con ventional black. The couple took i ieir places under a beautiful arch way of, white wedding bells and evor veen. After the ceremony a sum ptuous and delightful wedding din ,n-r of three courses was served. There were about twenty guests present, among them several from rut of town. The bride is a popular Yerdon girl and is well liked by i er hosts of friends. The groom is •i well known young farmer living about six miles north of Falls City, v. here they will make their future home. The Tribune joins their many friends in wishing them an abund ance of joy and happiness. NEBRASKA CITY PRESBYTERY WILL MEET IN FALLS CITY THIS MONTH Dr. Bailey, Pastor of The Presby terian Church Is Stated Clerk Of This District Tho pastor and delegate elders of the Nebraska City Presbytery of the Presbyterian church will meet in convention in Falls City, April 10-12. As the Presbytery is quite large the number of delegates expected will be over 50. Dr. Bailey and his people hope to be able to entertain all without asking the assistance of any of the other churches. The matter of entertainment is always a difficult problem. The citizens of Falls City will be glad to assist their Presbyterian brethren in case they find themselves pressed for more accomodations. Food For Repentance — A well known Federal official was ; strolling down Philadelphia Ave, one afternoon when be encountered a very small boy crying bitterly. “What’s the matter with that child” demanded the official somewhat per emphorily, of the woman who had him in charge ‘‘Is he ill?” "lie ain’t exactly ill," responded the unmoved woman, "but between you and me, sir, no stomach ain’t going to stand nine doughnuts.’ APRIL FOOL PARTY A Large Crowd Was Present And a Fine Time Is Reported By All _ Tlie Christian Endeavor of tlie Presbyterian church gave an April fool party in I lie basement of the church last night. There were about thirty present, and a very pleasant evening was spent. Several odd and unique games were used among them one called postoffice. Each person went to the postoffice where they either received a, call for a package, letters or card entitling the holder to a seat In the Bailey Richardson Circus. Those receiv ing packages received some very queer and amusing gifts. The show proved to lie a menagerie, where ev ery animal asked for was shown the questioner by the aid of a mirror. Great fun and much laughter was the result. Late in the evening, deli cate refreshments were served. School Entertainment Course Arrangements have been made for an extra number of the School Entertainment course. Totten, the Magician, will be here April 5th. Totten is a master of the art of Magic and Illusion. While his wiz ard feats are mystifying in the ex treme. his entertainment is clean and elevating. “Totten is a big all round man and a big all-round magi cian and entertainer. He has not only won bis spurs, but he lias test ed tlieir quality before hundreds of rhautauquas and lyceum audiences, tile most critical in America. Tot ton’s art is on big lines; it is fin ished. His art. is disciplined, fine ly chiseled, not broad nor course, but wholesome and uplifting. If you want an entertainment! course next year, patronize this last | number, and help to make this year's course pay out. Season ticket hold-1 ers will be given a special conces sion on (his extra number. Admis j sion 35c and 25c*. Season tickets' holders, 25c for adults. Tickets for] this number in tin* cities are usually1 -i 1.00. Saturday evening, April Mil. Sprained Her Ankle Airs. Vaml. one of Falls City's new residents fell on (lie side walk,; .'.atunlay evening and sprained her ankle. She was walking down the the slipped on a small stone on street near the city Hotel, when the side walk, fell and sprained her ankle quite lmdly. Some gentle man helped her up and she was taken to her home on south Stone street. The sprain is a serious one but Mrs. Vamf is feeling some better today. Safe Blown at Northport Bridgeport, April 1—Burglars en tered tin' branch store of the Bridge port Mercantile company, across the liver at Northport last, night, blew open the safe am' secured $75 in money. The postoffice is in the arno building but neither stamps nor any of the merchandise was in terfered with. A number of sus picious characters have been observe ;n this city within the last f. w days and the sheriff Is at work on the case. Tlie safe was blown to frag ments, indicating tho robbers were novic es. Fire Fighter Overcome Lyons, March 31—Emil Marquardt. ■" former living east of here, while fighting prairie fire In a strong wind was overcome by heat and ex haustion. and was taken to the house where he remained unconsci ous for pver three hours. it is thought he will recover. Building At Ansley Ansley, March 31—At the present there is under construction a $30,000 si hool building for which the Tren ton Building Co., of Lincoln has the contract. Bonds for $14,000 have been voted for a municipal electric light plant. Plans are also under way for a $25,000 hotel. St. Thomas Church — ■ Services tomorrow at 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.. In the morning Bishop Williams will have charge ot the service and will preach the sermon. The offering will be for the Bishop's purse All invited. Choir rehersal. Sunday afternoon at the church to prepare for Easter music. 2:30 Is the hour and all who desire to sing please be on hand. —George L. Neide, Pastor. NEWS FROM R. k. YARDS ITEMS OF INTEREST TO TRIB UNE READERS As They Were Told To Our Regu lar Correcpondent At Division Grounds Fireman W. E. Erwin is on the sick list. Fireman G. C. Reed is on tlie sick list having been off duty 'since Thursday. T. L. Chandler went to St. Joe on Friday to accept a position as host ler in the yards there. W. T. Terry went to St. Joe Fri day to bring out 105. Chief Engineer Mitchell came in in Jiis private car Friday to pay a visit to the Falls City yards. The huge smoke stack which is 150 feet high is now nearing com pletion. All the white washing is finished and part of the ladder was hung yesterday. The forms on which the cement was made were removed yesterday and the electri cians started on the job of wiring The lightning rods have been placed already. C. E. Holland, chief clerk in the en gino dispatcher’s office went to At liison Tuesday on business and pleas., ure combined. Gus Phillips, fireman, who went to Auburn some time ago to claim his blushing bride, returned Tuesday. E. C. Crawford, hostler, came up from Atchison Tuesday. R. Titus, fireman, arrived from At ( bison Tuesday ready for work. A. F. Holenburg, engineer, of Atch ison, reported for red ball run 154 to Kansas City. E. C. Crawford is now on the sick list. lie was forced to lose a run Tuesday evening on account of sick ness. Frank Bennington, copper smith, returned from Atchison Tuesday af ter visiting his brother there for a few days. John Godenin, blacksmith, has moved ids family here from Atchison He has been on leave of absence for tile last few days while they have been moving and straightening things up. He reported to work on Tues day morning for which John Casey said he was very glad. J, M. Kelly, dispatcher, is in Omah It. II. Jones returned from Atchison Tuesday where he spent the week end with his family. Mrs. Mosier returned to Omaha Tuesday after a short visit with her husband in this city. The men expect to see the smoke coming out of the stack Friday. John Blckett returned to liis home at Horton, after visiting with friends in this city. Mike Morgeson took his wife, who s ill, to llorton, Kansas to visit her parents. John O'Neil a boiler maker on the Hock Island at Horton, Kansas, is visiting the shops here. The old stationary boiler was sent to Sedalia for repairs. R. B. Baker Engineer and R. B. llobertson, fireman were dead head; *‘d to take out the Atchison local. They are finishing the smoke ■tack and expect to be able to put up the ladder in a day or two. The white washing is going on at pres ent. NEWS FROM COURT HOUSE GATHERED DAILY FROM THE RECORDS News From The Court House That Will Interest People Through out The County The following cases have been filed in the district court: T. L. Hall vs. L. B. Cornell, a tion in replevin. W. \V. Watkins vs. A. F. Hender son etal, to set aside a deed. The man, Graham, who Sheriff Fel ton got at St. Joe Saturday for the alleged shooting of the windows of HOUSE MOVING I have purchased The House Moving Outfit form erly owned and operated by Martin Jones, of Hiawa tha. I intend to make halls City my permanent home. I am prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE - MOVING promptly and carefully. Also the moving of Heavy Machinery. Parties expecting to have work of this kind done, will kindly get my prices before placing work elsewhere. W. T. BRANSCUM W. E. DO It KINGTON, I’ren. W. A. GKEENWALD. Cfu.hi«r T. J. GIST, Vice-Pr«s. GCY P. GKEENW ALD, AhhU ('adder Falls City State Bank Capital an