The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 31, 1911, Image 3

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Remember the High School en
tertainment at the Christian church
The proceeds go to the Athletic as
Elmer E. Mlchaelis of Barada is
in town taking the eighth grade ex
Miss Nellie Morris and Miss Kate
Kaiser of l’rcston are in town tak
ing the eighth grade examination at
the county superintendent's office
Roy Stabler is down from Salem
taking exams.
Mrs. Cyrus Voils and Mrs. Win.
Crouch of Verdon were in the city
shopping today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Griffith of
Verdon were in the city trading to
Mrs. Fernanda Keim and two chil
dren will return tomorrow from a
visit to friends in Humboldt.
Rev. Day and Judge Wilhite re
turned last evening from Dawson,
where the former had charge of
the funeral services of Mr. Libboc.
Misses Agnes Sinclair and Bertha
Lippold went to Preston this even
ing to visit at the home of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Maze were in
town yesterday tile guest of Mrs.
Maze’s mother, Mrs. Itatekin.
Mrs. A. H. Reynolds left today to
visit her mother in Hiawatha.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cook of Salem
were in town shopping yesterday.
Mrs. G. H. Neal of Rulo is in town
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd
Ij<59 Parriott came down from
Peru yesterday to visit with P. W.
Peterson and family.
Mrs. P. W. Peterson went to
Nemaha this morning to visit her
daughter, Mrs. G. C. Parriott and
also her new granddaughter.
Mrs. A. Somer of Atchison is here
visiting a few days with her hus
Engineer Mugler will buy a ma
chine this spring.
W. O. Hanson will bring bis ma
chine up from Atchison next week.
Engineer W. S. Bound has moved
his family on Stone Street.
Mrs. C. L. Mowbray of Atchison is
visiting Mrs. R. B. Baker.
Nelson Saylor returned today to
his home in Oklahoma. Mrs. Saylor
will remain in the city l'or some time
and care for her mother, Mrs.
There is considerable building
going on in Grandview at present.
Frank Stauck was up from Atchi
son looking for a location to go into
some kind of business, not being
able to secure an empty building,
he returned home.
L. E. Thomas came up from St.
Joe on business yesterday.
S. J. McNaughton came over
from St. Joo yesterday to look after
business interests in this city.
H. O. Whitaker of Atchison is in
the city today.
Miss Fezmer, who has been visit
ing Mrs. Ted Wright, returned to
her home in Kansas City today.
John Weinert of Rulo was in the
city yesterday.
.1. W. Fisher of Atchison spent
yesterday in this city.
W. B. Dietrich of SI. Joe was a
business visitor here yesterday.
J. T. Doman lias gone to St.
I^ouis on business.
Robert T. Miller of Table Rock was
in town yesterday.
J. A. Walsh came down from Lin
coln yesterday to look after business.
L. II. Dillie came up from Atchison
yesterday to look after business at
the yards.
Will Cline of Barada was in town
yesterday doing some trading.
Mrs. Varver went to Omaha today
today to help care for a relative
who is quite ill.
C. C. Cook of Beatrice was in
town yesterday looking after busi
ness affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bach of Rulo were in
town trading yesterday.
George Pflum of Dunbar came to
town today to spend Sunday with his
sisters, Mrs. Fred Schock and Miss
Mlizabeth Pflum.
Remember “The Third Degree” wil
he presented at the Geliling on Tues
day evening, March 28.
Rev. Essley of Maple Grove is in
town today hustling for the contest.
Chris Beer and Emery Crook of
Salem are in town this afternoon.
One of the best attractions of the
season at the Gehling on Tuesday
evening, “The Third Degree.”
F. F. Christian, wife and son and
J. L. Christian of Roekport, Mo., are
in town today looking after business
and visiting friends.
Don’t miss “The Third Degree.”
Elmer Arnold and daughter of near
Rulo are in town today.
Charles Wileman and daughters of
Barada are shopping here today.
F. E. French was down from Hum
boldt yesterday.
N. F. Parker of Lincoln is in town
Fred Cleveland is down from Ne
braska City looking after his business
interests l ore.
Mr and Mrs. C. I. Stocking of Hia
watha vero in v - vu jtsterday.
Thomas O. Blakaey of Auburn is
ill the city louaj.
Robert Marmot (■r Humboldt war i.i
town yesterday be 1 ween trains.
Mr. and Mrs. Sharp on Route 4
were in town Saturday and subesriti
ed for tlie Tribune.
I). W. Corn o£ Verdon was shop
ping in Falls City Saturday.
Miss Nellie. Zoeller of Preston was
in town shopping Saturday
Rev. Bert Dodds of Peru was in
town Saturday.
Mrs. E. Shaw is quite ill with ton
silitis this week.
Miss Alice Banks of Preston was
in town shopping Saturday afternoon.
Henry Corn was down from Ver
don Saturday looking after business
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Choathem of Re-,
serve spent Sunday with relatives in
this city.
Misses Bertha Lippold and Agnes
Sinclair returned Sunday from a vis
it to Janies Sinclair and family near
A. \V, Rutherford came up from St.
Joe yesterday to viist with friends.
W. C. Sloan and family came down
from Verdon Sunday in tin ir new
automobile and wore guests of Mrs.
Sloan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Sam Prater, who has been ill
for many weeks is now suffering
frrom bronchitis.
John Me Cool of Salem was the
guest of friends in this city Sunday.
C. M. Heinzelman of Verdon was
down from Verdon Saturday. He wa
a pleasant caller at this office.
C. C. Saylor was a business visitor
from Verdon Saturday.
Rev. Mrs. Kelly of Emporia, Kas.,
gave a very able address at the
Christian church last evening. A
very attentive audience enjoyed
the services.
Prof. Atwater, principal of the
Tecumseh high school was in Falls
City jesterday and visited at the
Fresh) teriaa church.
Ewing Herbert of Hiawatha was
in town yesterday calling on friends.
Hansen Knisely was in town Sat
urday doing some trading.
II. Lancaster of the Royal Arcan
um wont to Omaha Saturday.
Cass Mead has accepted a posi
tion in Wahl’s store.
It is winter once again.
R. C. Zook of St. Joe spent Sun
day in Falls City with friends.
F. Allison of Verdon spoilt Sunday
in Fails City.
A. J. Shaner came up from St.
•Toe yesterday.
Dr. llayc sof Humboldt is in Falls
City today visiting with his mother,
Mrs, Gantt.
Rev. A. J. Vogelein of Chicago, 111.,
Supt. of the Evangelical Deaconess
Home will speak in the Evangelical
(hurch tonight at 8 o'clock. Every
body is cordially invited.
Hugh O’Grady Sr., of Dawson is
in the city today looking for desir
able property here as lie is thinking
of locating in this place. Another
new resident for Falls City.
Miss Maybelle Greenwald who is
teaching at Verdon spent Sunday at
homo with her mother, Mrs. Judith
Miss Gertrude Lyford who is teach
ing school at Tecumseh spent Sun
day at homo with her parents.
Francis Knisely who is teaching
at Shubert spent Sunday in the city
visiting with his parents.
Henry Snndrock is quite ill with
Are You
Like This?
Tired all the time, not much
good for anything, hardly able to
drag around, just all run down.
If you are, we guarantee our VI
NOL will help you. It has helped
many people around here who were
in this condition.
Now look here, just try one bot
tle of VINOL, and if you are not
satisfied that it did you good, come
back and get your money. It will
be returned without question. That
is a fair proposition and shows our
faith in VINOL, and that we do
not want your money unless you re
ceive benefit.
We know what we are talking
about because we have sold VI
NOL for years, and have seen how
much good it has done among our i
VINOL is not a patent, secret
nostrum, but an honest, tried and
true body builder and strength crea
tor of fame, delicious
and easy to take. Come in today
and start your cure at once. You
take no risk.
A. C. Wanner, Druggist
Falls City. Nebraska
P. W. Peterson goes to Shubert to
day to attend the funeral of His lit
tle granddaughter, who died Sun
day night. Tim baby was seven
months old, but has never been very
Misses Malde Hermes and Margaro
Peterson are going to Omaha to
attend Ben Mur and visit friends in
that city for a couple of days.
Mr. and Mrs. .J. S. Fuller of near
Verdon were in town this morning.
Jack (.Hines returned home yes
terday to visit with home folks.
Robert Johnson spent Sunday with j
I,is parents at Pawnee Cltty return
ing to Falls City tliis monring.
F. Sigler came up from Nebraska
City last night.
W. F. Butler and wife were down
l-om Barada yesterday and spent the)
night in Falls City.
,1. A. Martin and wife of Barada
spent yesterday in this city,
I,. C. Roberts of St. Joe is a
Falls City business visitor here to-1
It' you have trouble getting rid fo
your cold you may know that you arc
treating it properly. There is no
reason why a cold should hang on
for weeks and it will r.ot if ouy
take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.
For sale by all druggists.
B. 10. Beaver of Kansas City is a
visitor here today.
Miss Lola Butler of Bar.: la was a
in the city yesterday.
It might be possible for a bride
groom to attract a little attention
if ho would also wear a veil and som
orange blossoms in his hair.
You ought not to like to hear the
tilings said behind your friends'
Lacks any more than you enjoy what
ii. said about yourself behind your
Mr. and Mrs. John Nitsche and
daughter of Rulo were in town yes
terday shopping.
Mrs. John Tiehen was down from
Salem yesterday.
Mrs. Henry Meinheit was in town
yesterday on business.
Dr. Ed Hayes brought Gus lluegge
down from Omaha yesterday where
Mr. Ruogge recently underwent an
operation. At this writing he is
greatly improved but very weak.
Mrs. Lore and son went to Sa
lem yesterday.
Miss Lydia Jleclit and her mother
were in town yesterday.
Miss Nioma Fallstead went to
Rulo yesterday to he the guest
of Mr and Mrs. C. W. Maze.
Ttie Masonic lodge met last, night
in regular session. A very good
time is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. George Coon were
down from Salem today doing son.e
John W. Sickelsmith, Greensboro,
Fa., lias three children, and like most
children they frequently take cold.
“We have tried several kinds of
cough medicines,” he says, but have
never found any yet that did them
as much good as Chamberlain’s Coug
Remedy. For sale by all druggists.
From Wednesday's Daily
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. 1 (urines were
down from Humboldt yesterday doing
some trading between trains,
John Harston was in town yester
day on business.
Dr. H. R, Miner made a profession
al trip to Humboldt this morning.
Mrs. Lydia Hodges, a trained nurse
of St. Joe arrived yesterday to take
care of Mrs. Fred Eberhardt.
The order of the Eastern Star met
last night in regular, session. Mrs.
Briggs was present as a visitor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cain and son,
Julian, went to Hiawatha on Sunday
and where guests of Mrs. I) L Mc
Coy and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jenne rreturn
i d from Forest City Tuesday night.
They made the trip in the auto.
Alta and Ed Gilbert came up from
l.ulo yesterday to look after business
the court house.
VV. C. Clark was over from Ver
don last night to attend the lodge
meeting of the M. W. A.
T. M. Young the contractor wlio
built the Christian church is in
the city today looking after business.
Miss Henry of Hiawatha attended
the show at the Gehling last night.
Lola Eturns of Straussville and a
lady friend of Lincoln attended the1
show at. the Gehling last night. Miss
Sturns expects to spend a few days
in the city with Miss Mamie Palmer.
C. C. Saylor came down from Vor-:
don last night to attend M. W. A
Miss Meta lleineman came down
from Verdon to see the “Third De
gree’’ at the Gehling last night.
Tom Carlysle and Miss Nola Me
Cool of Salem attended the play at
the Gehling last night.
Tony James of Humboldt attended
lho “Third Degree'” last night at the
J. C. Cook, C. H. Wear, C. Chees
man, W. W Arnold, L. Dietrich and
\V. J. Hcinzelman were among those
from Verdon who attended the M. W.
A smoker.
Rev. Day returned from a business
trip to Kansas City last night.
Ward Knight returned from St Joe
last night where ho wont to attend
a meeting of a school of photogra
Do you know that of all the mini
ailments colds are the the most
dangerous? It is not the cold itself
that we need to fear, hut Die serious
diseases that it often leads to. Most
of them are known as germ diseases.
Pneumonia and consumption are am
ong them. Why not take Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy and cure your
eold while you can? For sale by all
druggists. tf
Mr. Finn of Shenandoah, Iowa re
turned to Ills home lust night after
a few days visit with friends in this
Miss Velma Roseoe of Hiawatha at
tended the play at the Gelding last
Virgil Grlnstead and Brownie Win
die attended the play at the Gehiing
last night.
Mrs. R, F. Graham and daughter of
Sliubert were In the city shopping
Miss Gertrude Thrope of Hiawatha
was the guest of friends in town
\ esterday.
John BrannlgAn of Peru is in the
cily visiting with friends and rela
Sheriff’s Sale
In Lie Richadson County District
Court, State of Nebraska.
Peter Christen, Plaintiff,
The Improved Order of lied Men, Lo
gan Tribe No. 03, Defendant.
Notice is hereby given, that by
virtue of an execution issued out of
the District Court of Richardson
County, State of Nebraska, in the
above entitled cause dated the 27th
day or February, Hill, [ will as
sheriff of the County of Richardson
and state of N braska, offer at public
sale, in front of the west door of
the court house in Falls City In said
County and State on the Stli day
of April 1911, between the
hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. of said
day, the following described rial es
tate situated in the town formerly
known as Arago, but now named
Fargo, in said Hi hardson County,
; State of Nebraska, tow it: The Eta
| of Lot 7 in Block 8 in said town or
village, ac: ording to the original plat
and survey of the old town or vil
lage of Arago. Said property was
taken in execution by mo under the
writ aforesaid and upon which is
situated a certain frame building
as a part thereof, as the property of
the defendant, ‘‘The Improved order
of Red Men, Logan Tribe No. 63.”
Seized and will be sold to satisfy a
judgment entered in the said district
court in favor of the plaintiff, and
against the defendant, together with
costs and accruing costs.
Terms of sale, cash.
W. T. FENTON, Sheriff.
Reavis & Reavis, Attys for Pltf.
Firrst pub, March 10, five times
Notice To Creditors
In the County Court of Richardson
County, Nebraska:
In the matter of the estate of
James R. Reynolds, deceased. It is
ordered by the court that the time
limited for creditors to file claims
against said estate is six months fro*
the 14th day of February, 1911, and
all claims not filed in this court, duly
verified, on or before tile 14th day
of August, 1911, will be forever bar
red. Ordered further that all claims
filed against said estate will be ex
amined and adjusted by the court, in
the county court room, in tho court
house in Falls City, in said coun
ty, April 14, June 14 and August
lath, 1911, at the hours of nine
o'clock a. m.
L5y order of the court dated Feb
ruary 141 li, 1911.
JOHN GAGNON, County Judge. I
First publication March 10-41.
Sheriff’s Sale
In the District court of Richardson j
County, State of Nebraska.
A. D. Annis, Plaintiff,
C. B. McColm, N. E. McColm and
William J. Nelson, Defendants.
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order of sale issued out •
cl' the District Court of Rlchadson
County, State of Nebraska and un ;
der the seal thereof and to me dir 1
cei ed, I will, as sheriff of Richard
son County, on the 1st day of April.
191 i offer at public sale in front of
tho west door of the court house in !
Falls City, Nebraska, between the1
hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. in. of
said cay the following tracts of real
estate situated in Richardson County,
State of Nebraska, and particularly
described as follows, towit: the north
half of the northeast quarter, tin
northwest quarter and southwest
i uarter except ten acres In a squart
out of tlu southwest corner of said
southwest quarter all In Section :•
and northeast quarter of north-:
east quarter except three
and one i alf acres out of northwest
corner thereof, and the south half ol
Lite northeast quarter, and the north
a:,t charter of the southeast quar
ter and the southeast quarter of
southeast quarter except throe acres
then of owned by Robert Docile, all
in See. S and the East 21 and slxtj
two hundreds acres of northeast quar
ter of northwest quarter of Sec. 16
all in Township 3, Range 17, 12 6th,
i'. M., Its hnrdBon County, Nebraska
Said property is slozed and will bt
su'd to satisfy it decree of said tils
trlct court entered In favor of the
above named plaintiff, A. 1). Annls
and against the above named defend
ants, the said C. 1J. McColm, N. 12
McColm, and William ,1. Nelson.
Terms of sale, cash.
W. T. PEN TON, Sheriff
Reavis AL- Rcavis, Atty for Pltff.
First publication March 3, 5 times
Legal Notice
In the Richardson County district
Court, State of Nebraska.
Suit in Equity to Quiet Title To
Real Estate
Elmer Iloselton. Plaintiff
Edward S. Pyle, Sarah E linker,
Henry Reiger and Wirt Ven
sonhaler, Defendants.
To Edward S. Pyle, non r*-rident
You are hereby notifh d that the
plaintiff, Elmer Iloselton, did on the
Ctii day of February, 1911, file his
petition in tln> district court of Rich
ardson County, State or Nebraska,
against you and the other named
defendants herein, the object and
prayer of which is to quiet the title
in him, to the following described
real estate situated in Richardson
County, State of Nebraska, towit:
Commencing at the Northeast coi
ner of the Northeast quarter (*4)
of the Southeast quarter (Vi) of Sec
tion Twenty (20), in Township one
(1) Range seventeen (IT) east, thence
west forty-two (42) rods; thence
south eighty (80) rods; thence east
twenty-one and a half rods (21 Mi)
rods; thence north forty-six (46)
rods: thence east twenty-two and
ten-twenty-thirds rods to section
line; thence north to the place of
beginning, containing twelve a r c.
and to estop you from claiming or
asserting titles to said land,and from
taking advantage of any irregularity
pi the obtaining of a decree in the
district court of Richardson county,
Neb., in favor of Jennie R. Pyle
your former wife, appropriating said
land io the support of her and your
two infant children, pronounced in a
certain cause pending in said court
in which the said Jennie R. Pyle
was plaintiff and you Edward S. Ply
was defendant, which said decree was
rendered on January 28th, 1909, and
by a sale had thore-under this plain
tiff became the purchaser.
And you are further notified that
unless you plead, answer or demur to
said petition on or before the 24th
day of April, 1911, the same will be
taken pro eonfesso, and a decree
arguable to the prayer thereof will
be entered accordingly.
Tliis publication is made by order
of said district court.
Attys for Plaintiff
First publication March 10-5t.
Notice of School Bond Election
Notice is hereby given to the legal
ly qualified electors of the school
district of Falls City, No. 56, in
Richardson County, State of Nebras
ka, that an election will be held in
said school district in Falls City, Ne
braska on Tuesday the 4th day of
April, A. D., lit 11, for the purpose of
submitting to the qualified electors
of said district, for their adoption or
rejection, the following proposition,
Shall the school board of Falls
City, Nebraska, be authorized to is
sue bonds of said school district to
the amount of forty thousand dol
lars, ($4.,000.00) or as much thereof
as may he necessary for the pur
pose of purchasing a site for a new
school building, and for the erec
tion thereon of a school house, and
for the furnishing of the necessary
apparatus and furniture for the equip
ment of the same; said bonds to be
come due at the expiration of the
period of twenty years from the
date of their issue, hut to be payable
at any time after the expiration of
ten years after the date, at the
option of said school district, and
such bonds are to bear five and one
lmlf, (6J/4) interest per annum, in
terest payable annually; and to levy
an annual tax on the taxable prop
erty in said school district, not to
exceed five mills for the payment of
the interest on said bonds and to
create a sinking fund to be used in
paying off such bonds when the
utnu shall become due.
Said election shall In• by ballot up
on which shall he printed or written
the following proposition:
For the Issuance of forty thousand
iollars ($40,000.00) In bonds to ho
used iu purchasing a site for a
„ bool house, erection of a school
house thereon,and for the furnish
ing the same, and for the levy
of annual tax.
Against the Issuatu e of forty thou*
and dollars ($40,000.00) in hotels to
no used in purchasing a site for a
ehool house, erection of u school
house thereon, and for the furnishing
of file same and for the levy of
aual tax.
The proposition submitted shall b«
followed by an appropriate square wtt
iu which tlie voter may indicate hsl
wish to vote.
The votlg places shall be at the
nine places and same hours at which
ilie regular city election shall ho
held on said day, which are as fol
lows :
The First Ward polling Ida shall
be iu the Fire room of the Library
I'lie Second Ward at tin office of
the County Clerk in the court house.
'Hio Third Ward at the National
I if tel in said city.
The polls will open at 9 o’clock a
in. and close at 7 o’clot k p. m, on
the above date. A separate ballot
r.tul ballot box shall be furnished
for said election, the clerks and
Judges of the regular city election
shall act as Judges and clerks of tit*
school bond election.
By order of (lie hoard of educa
tion this 14th day of Mnrili A. I>
Fill JOHN L1C11TY, President
FREl) TltlECHT, Secretary.
First publication March 17-Ht
Legal Notice
In the Richardson County District
Court, State of Nebraska
in Re Ruth Z. Oppenhelmer.
To whom It may concern:
Notice is hereby given that Ruth
Z. Oppenhelmer, an unmarried Rv
malt* of full lawful age, did on the*
2Kth day of March mil, file tier peti
tion in tin* district court of Richard
on County, State of Nebraska, Unv
object anti prayer of which is !<»
i btnin an order and decree of saiit
court, changing her name from Ruth
Z. Oppenhelmer, to that i f Ruth
Renvia, for the following reasons:
1. Hot aust* the name she now*
Learn is one eonfoml upon her hr
,'doptioii, and is not her baptismal
2. Hecause said name, is Jewish,
or is so understood, and that she
lms no blood of that race in tier
veins, and does not want to In* know*
by it.
3. Hecause she desires to hi*
known hy the name of her guardians,
who have been such for the last tea
Dated March 28. 1911.
Attorney for Petitioner
First pub. March 31*5 times.
Spring Styles
Our Window
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store
- - - --
Some men are too busy to work.
A boy's idea of easy money is to
walk a hundri d miles, wait a month,
and finally trap some animal, and
sell its skin,
Poker, however, is not the only
game you can play in which the
chances are against von, and the
rake off large.
Tln-re ought to be some arrange
ment by which a farmer could retire?
while lie is a boy, and really want*
to move to town.
Paradise is the place where peo
pie are not constantly demanding t®
know why ttiis and that city ordt
nance is not enforced.
A girl's brothers can accomplish
more than any other force, except
time, to take the princess notions out
of a girl's hesd.
Revised edition: “The roads were
so wid*' and her skirts were so
narrow, he had to bring liis bride
home in a motor car.”
Personally, we have never been
able to reconcile Solomon’s great
Traveling educates lots of people
to become bores.
Post card philosophy: Because you
feel cheap don’t give youself away.