The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 31, 1911, Image 1

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    The Falls City Tribune
•*-» Needs Of The High School Is
Ably Presented By Supt.
S. H. Wood
T1u; needs of the grades have
been piesented, and what seems the
best solution of the building question
from the standpoint of the grades
has been offered. The needs of the
high school are quite ks imperative
as are those of the grades. 1* ew
people not in dose toudi with the
schools realize this. But little lias
been publicly said on the question.
We have been doing the best we
< euhl, and the high school has been
accomplishing good work, but now
that the question of building has
arisen, it is proper that the long
telt needs should be stated. This
statement is made in no spirit of
complaint. It is intended as a
frank presentation of conditions as
they are.
The present high school building
contains eight rooms of the ordinary
size. Three of these rooms are
used for the grades, and five for the
high school proper. One of these
five rooms is used for a study room
and for general assembly purposes,
and the other four are used for
recitation rooms. This is the equip
ment provided twenty years ago. Hut
great changes have taken place in
school courses since tha time. New
subjects, have been added, new
methods of teaching have been in
troduced. For instance, Physics,
chemestry, botany, agriculture. all
the sciences, In fact, must now be
taught by the laboratory method. This
method requires apparatus and room
to use it. The room which we now
use for a Physics and Chemistry lab
oratory must, also be used for a rec
itation room. As a consequence, it
is «o full of seats and tables for
"Physics and lockers and desks for
Chemistry, that pupils have little
room for work. The other sciences
also should have more room for
laboratory purposes than is now pro
vided. One of the needs of the
high school, then, is more and better
arranged room for laboratory pur
There are other classes not prop
erly provided for. At several per
iods five recitations must meet with
but four recitation rooms, and at one
period six recitations are in session
at the same time. This necessita
tes 'the use of the library for a
tecitation room during several per
iods each .week, and for the period
when six recitations are in session,
the superintendent’s office must be
used for a small class. The heat
ing of the library is very uncertain
in winter, as it is provided only with
an overflow flue from the furnace.
The fitness of the superintendent’s
office for a recitation room may b*
judged from its dimensions, since it
in an old hallway 25 feet long and
seven feet nine inches wide, with a
window in one end.
As suggested above, one of the
five rooms occupied by the high
school is used for study and assem
bly purposes. This room is practi
cally the same size as the ordinary
grade room, intended to seat forty
to forty-five pupils. One hundred fif
teen to one hundred forty high school
students must be crowded into this
room for roll call twice each day,
for general exercises once each day,
at the close of sessions twice each
•lay, and the majority of these stu
dents must come into the room at
the close of each recitation to get
books, etc. Of course such a room
cannot be seated with desks for each
individual, so tables are arranged that
part of the students may use them
for study; the rest must sit around
the wall. Books are kept in open
tills on the wall. That such an ar
rangement is a great handicap to the
accomplishment of 'best results is an
inevitable conclusion. For
Rirst—The study period is not what
it should be, since tl»e pupil has no
regular place o sit, and lie is often
crowded so much that he cannot
give his attention to his work. And
more carelessness in written work
must be tolerated because the pupil
has no fit place to keep ink and no |
place to use it.
Second — Much needless confus-[
ion results fiom congestion in so
small a room, and from the neces
sity of all passing to the same tills,
located in a narrow space, to get
books. The general order which is
obtained in spite of these obstacles is
due to the co-operation of pupils and
the skillful management of teachers.
Another of the crying needs of the
high school then, is an assembly
room largo enough to give each pupil
a seat for general exercises, and a
place to study and to keep decently
his books and supplies. This is
said to be the only high school in
tho state without an assembly room.
“New occasions teach new duties.”
No movement in education in modern
times has been more persistent than
tho tendency toward industrial edu
cation. By this is meant manual
training in all its forms including
woodwork for boys and cooking and
sewing and housekeeping for girls.
It is common for those unacquainted
with the purpose and tho results of
anything new, especially in education,
to call it a fad. Of course, there
have been fads in educaation, but
industrial training lias been thorough
ly tested, in Europe first, and for
many years in the United States,
and instead of declining, as does a
fad, it lias steadily increased in
favor. It has long passed the fad
stage. The community which re
fuses to keep stop with (lie most
important improvements will sooner
or later wake up to find itself out
classed in the provisions for the
completer training of its youth.
The board of education, seeing
the great advantages to be gained
' ■< m industrial training, have in
stalled it on a small scale both for
boys and girls. Again was an of
fice in the Central building made use
of for domestic science, nad a base
ment room in the high school for
manual training. These rooms are
nadeequate for the development of
ihi.: work, and, besides, the rooms
are needed to ■ - liter purposes. Fur
thermore this sin cial wrork should be
located in the hig>- school building,
and. r’nce pup>Is from the seventh
and eighth grades usually take this
wot!:, it would he much more con
vet act if the lay school building
were centrally located. About 40
girls lrora fb liigli s. I ool building
• sc .1 now go to u • Central building
tn tak< dull.'.-flic -i.'iuiifc while the
'cys from the t| cr grades of the
Men• <;i 1 building must go to the high
school for their manual training.
Physical training is universally roc
>gnized as an important element of
he trinity in education, spirit, mind
nd body. A high school building
should have a gymnasium where
some systematic physical education
an be given, and where games can
be played under much better super
vision. Heretofore, the athletic as
sociations have been compelled to
raise- funds as best they could to
pay rent for a room not well suited
either in construction of location for
their games.
In order that our High School
may economically and affectively do
the work which it lias been trying
to do, and that it may perform the
functions which a high school of to
day should perform, we should have
First—More laboratory and recita
tion room.
Second—Provision for manual train
ing aand domestic science.
Third—A gymnasium.
Fourth—A study and assembly root
Fifth—A centrally located building
for these purposes.
The present high school, though a
good and substantial building, and
suitable without any ebange for a
grade building, could not without a
great deal of change, be adapted for
the various purposes of a modern
high school, and if such were at
tempted, the grades which are now
using a part of this building would
have to be boused elsewhere. For
this reason, as well as for reasons
previously stated from the standpoint
of the grades, the school authorities
have thought, that, rather than con
struct two small buildings for the
grades, the wiser course for the
present is lo construct a building cen
trally located for high school pur
poses, and to use the present build
ings, with possibly a couple of ad
ditional rooms in the south district
for the grades. . S. II. WOOD,
Met For Practice
The young men’s quartet met last
night at the home of Miss Elsie
Dailey for practice and a social ev-,
ening. After the practice a two
course luncheon w'as served in the
dining room. Date in the evening
the guests departed with the closing
serenade ’’Good Night Ladies,”
The Membership Now Includes
Practically All Of The Mer
chants In Falls City
The merchants of Falls City per
fected their local organization last
night, under the jurisdiction of the
Federation of Nebraska Retail and
National association of Retail Mer
chants of the United States, and
have applied for their charter under
those organizations. The meeting
was held in the office of John W.
Powell, and Field Secretary Cum
nock acted as chairman, and over
twenty of Falls City's business men
were in attendance and all were very
enthusiastic over the organization af
ter a general discussion the follow
ing officers were elected:
(’. M. Wilson—president.
A. Morsman—vice-president.
Roscoe Anderson—secretary.
V. G By ford legislative commit
C. G. Hargrave, Fred H. Schock,
]j. M. Jenne, Jake Bloom, A. Mors
man—board of directors.
The membership now includes prac
tically all of the merchants of Falls
City, and those who are not mem
bers will be called on In the next
(lay or two. A great deal of good
• an be accomplished by this organi
zation and it is to the interest of
every merchant to get in the band
wagon and help the good work
along. Don't fail to give the com
mittee attention when called upon.
To Enforce Eight-Hour Law.
Topeka, Mar. 30.—Tlie state labor
commissioner, \V. 1,. A. Johnson, noti
fied the otlicers of Kansas towns
which have municipal water or light
ing plants that they must enforce the
n hour law in the conduct of their
plants. The supreme court has re
cently decided that the 8-hour law ap
plies to municipalities.
Quits Service for Steel Trust.
Washington, Mar. 30.—George K.
I.eet, one of the most prominent olh
cials in the treasury department
tendered his resignation and within
ten days will go to New York to
become private secretary to Judge
Cary of the United States Steel cor
Mann Will be Minority Leader.
Washington. Mar. 30.—Representa
tive Mann of Illinois will be minority
leader in the house. It was given out
on the highest authority in house Re
publican circles that the decision to
make Mann the leader has been final
ly made.
Wheat Down W/g Cents.
Chicago, Mar. 30.—Wheat for the
May delivery has declined in price <*n
the Chicago Hoard of Trade 16
cents a bushel since the first week in
January. Fortunes have beep made
and fortunes have been lost in the
speculation in May wheat.
Faulkner Gets Census Job.
Washington, Mar. 30.—Dr. Roland 1
Faulkner of Pennsylvania was ap
pointed as the director of the census
in place of Assistant Dr. Willoughby
who has been given a place on the
president’s economy board.
Much Pressure Being Brought to Bea
Upon Him By Friends And
Enemies of The Bill
Lincoln, Mch. 30—The Sunday base
ball bill passed the house yesterday
after a bitter fight and atttempts to
amend it to exclude small towns
Tom Its benefits.
The amendments which came from
friends of the bill were designed to
meet the objections of Governor Aid
rich, who is supposed to have de
lated himself its quite opposed to
Sunday base ball on general princi
ples and willing to sign the bill only
with a clause which would prevent
Sabbath day games in towns smaller
than 2,000.
The members from small towns
however, wore entirely unwilling to
exclude themselves from the bill and
voted down the amendment to ox
hide towns of less than 0,000 and to
exclude villages less than 2,000.
He Knew $100,000 Was Paid for Elec
tion of Lorimer But Would Not
Give Details.
Springfield, 111., Mar. 30.—H. H.
Kohlsaat, publisher of the Chicago
Record-Herald, told the state senate
Investigating committee that ho knew
$100,000 had been used to procure
the election of William Igjrimer to
the United States senate. He then
refused to give the committee the
source of his Information, notwith
standing that the committee has the
power to imprison him because ol
his refusal.
At this puncture the committee
took a recess. Mr. Kohlsaat was ex
cused first being informed by tho
committee that its members had
agreed that he must answer the
questions regarding the money.
Of 335 Bills Passed only 35 concerned
Something Not in the Old
Topeka, Mar. 30.—Charles Sessions,
secretary of state, in making up the
index for the new statute book, found
that 335 laws were passed by the 1911
legislature and signed by the gover
nor. Of this number 200 were amend
ments or repeals of old statutes and
100 were appropriation bills, leaving
35 of the 335 bills which are really
new legislation and concern some
thing not in the present statutes. It
has always been said that about all
any legislature ever did was to pass
a lot of laws for the next legislature
to repeal or amend and the facts
about the present session confirm
To Pay Trackmen Premiums.
Chicago, Mar. 30.—The Chicago,
Rock Island & Pacific lines, for the
purpose of promoting individual effort
and efficiency in the maintaining of
their tracks and roadbed in the best
condition, have established a system
of premiums to be paid to the road
masters and section foremen showing
the greatest Improvement in this
respect for a year.
I -
This Has Been a Very Sussessful
Year From Both Educational
And Financial Standpoint
Business college Closes
Friday will be the dose of a very
successful term of school at the
business college. II lias been a
success from both an ediuatlonal and
financial standpoint, and during this
school year lias been managed by
Principal Keclhorn. There are two
rnduates, who will receive tludi
diplomas tomorrow, Frank BuchhoL
and Walter Spaeth. The formet
lias already secured a position in s
bank in Kansas City, Mr. Ileelhon
leaves Friday night for ids home ii
North Manchester, Indiana.
Uusinsse College closes
Many From Here Attend Southeast
ern Nebraska Teachers Meet
ing At Nebraska City
The Southeastern Nebraska Teach
ers' Association meets in Nebraska
City today ami tomorrow. Several
of the teachers from here are in
attendance, among them are Misses
Lookablll, Field. Walter, Thayer,
Lang, and Miss Anita Wilson who
has charge of the music In lit*1
Humboldt schools.
Miss Bessie Wilsou also went to
that city to represent Falls City In
the Declamatory contest to be held
New Federal Building
North Platte, March 30 -The Inns
ury department has just, published
requests for bids for the construct
ion of the new postoffice and federal
court house to be erected in this
i city. Bids will be received until 3
p. m. May 2. The building is plan
ned for the postoffice on the first
floor, court room and offices on
the second floor and the U. S.
land office and rooms on the third
floor. It is expected that work will
begin upon the building during the
con it house
News From The Court House That
Will Interest People Through
out The County
Claims in the Rev. Henry Hex es
tate will be heard by Judge (lagnon
Tomorrow the will of Michael Ky
no will be probated.
The final Settlement of the Mois
I 'onnecker estate will be made.
Yesterday Judge Gagnon heard pe
titions in the Herman Tielien es
lty order of the district judge,
court adjourned until tomorrow.
Miss Ruth Oppenheiiner lias filed a
petition asking that her name be
. hanged from Oppenheiiner to Reavis
Sheriff Fenton is investigating the
.hooting that occurred at Uarada on
Monday night. Someone in need of
•i target for practice shooting, nad in
no condition for 'practice, chose the
large plate glass window in the front
-,f Mr. Hutler’s new store. About
f 150 worth of damage was done. Mr.
’Sutler was out of town at the time
uid did not discover his loss ini
\dopted By The Ministerial Union
Of Falls City, Nebr.,
March 27, 1911
Whereas, It lias come to our at
r ntion that the Rev. M. Brooks,
aastor of the Methodist Episcopal
’hurch of this city, has resigned his
barge, and will loeate in another
tate, and
Whereas, This action will remove
the Rev. Mr. lirooks from our coun
. i! ad our fellowshow, therefore be U
First—That in the removal of Kev.
M. C. Brooks we are conscious of
i the loss we shall sustain in that ha
was an earnest and fearless Chris
tian minister, a brotherly companion,
p.nd u wise counsellor in our united
body. We very heartily commend
Ills work in our city, at all times
showing his sense of honesty and
candor towards his brethren by a
consistnnt devotion to his own church
and the work of the Lord in general.
Bts'ond We bespeak for him in ills
new field the earnest cooperation of
tlic church to which he is going as
pastor, and the support of the com
munity in general, assuring thorn
hat at all times wo have found him
i brother "beloved in the Lord."
Third -That a copy of these resolu
ioiih he spread upon our recrods, a
opy he given Brother Brooks, and
i copy furnished (o the local press.
Respectfully submitted,
It. C. HAILEY, Com.
Killed By Kick of Horse
Bloomington, March 2!* Willis If.
'ackard, a farmer living south of
his place, was killed by h kick of
i horse laHt night. The animal
| -truck him in the breast and he died
five minutes later. lie was twenty
five yearH old and is survived by a
| widow.
Holdrege Wants School
lioldrege, Mart h 30— An agricultur
al school rally was held at the opera
house to discuss the benefits to be
derived from the new school should
II be located at this place. The com
mercial club is working hard to get
the school located at Holdrege.
Farmers from all parts of the coun
ly were present and heard address
es by l’rof. H It. Smith of the state
agricultural school at Lincoln. This
is the second of a series of meet
ings which well be held at Holdrege
for the purpose of securing flits
Putters Defeated The Eighth Grade
Central Wednesday By A
Score Of 16 to 14
The Putters played the Eighth
grade Central a game of base ball oa
Wednesday afternoon.
The losers did enough boosting to
beat the Falls City Mink League tea*
lut. were turned over and fried on
the other side, when they bumped up
against the Putters. The seore waa
16 to 14.
Card Of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs.. Frank M. Shaffer and
family wish to express their sincere
and hearty thanks to all those wlte
assisted during their recent bereave
ment in the sickness and death of
their beloved daughter and sister,
Miss Wilma.
Havana Dispatches Say Diaz and
Corral Will Go Abroad for
Their Health.
Havana, Mar. 30.—Gen. Keyes tlie
exiled Mexican statesman, will suc
ceed Diaz, as president of Mexico.
This information, emanating from an
ofliclt*! source In Mexico <’i'y, re
ceived here in private cable dis
patches. According to the peace pro
gram of the Diaz. regime the Mexi
can committees will grant a leave of
absence to Diaz, and Vice-President
Corral on the grounds of "ill health.'’
Both will go abroad and Gen. Keyes,
who will be appointed to take up the
duties of the vice president, will ulti
mately assume the executive func
tions of the government in their en
tirety, thus becoming the president
In fact until a now election is held.
Smuggling Valuable Rurs.
Washington, Mar. 30.—Secret cus
toms agents are trying to trace hun
dreds of packages of immensely valu
able furs smuggled into this country
within the past few weeks. Accord
ing to Chief Wilkie, the packages fig
ure in a gigantic plot framed by a
prominent merchant in Montral and
which has probably been in prepara
tion for more than two years.
To Investigate Mine Deaths.
Pittsburg, Kan., Mar. 30.—An inves
tigation of the disaster at Mineral,
Kail., more than a week ugo, when
five men met d tli in a series of gas
explosion in the Missouri, Kansas At
Texas Railroad company’s mine, is
to be » !).' Frank (Jitday, state
mine inspector More than 20 wit
nesses have been subpoenaed.