The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 24, 1911, Image 7

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Lillith Waggener and Wana Zim
merman were visiters in Fails City
Prof Hoff accompanied by the Higl'
School debating team returned from
V yinore Saturday.
L. F. Marburger was detained from
the store the last of the week by
an attack of the grip.
Florence, the little six year old
daughter, and only child of Ray E.
Linn and wife, died at the home of
her parents in Cheyenne, Wyoming,
Her death was due to a complica
tion of measles and pneumonia. Mr.
Linn and wife are former residents
of this city. The body of their little
one was brought here Sunday and
funeral services held at the residence
of C. M. Linn, conducted by Rev.
Bert Wilson of Lincoln, a friend and
former pastor of the bereaved p nr
ents. The little body was laid to
rest in the city cemetery.
Harry Hollinsworth and wife of Lit
coin arrived Sunday to attend the fu
neral of Florence Linn.
Nina Snow came up from Dawson
Saturday and remained over Sunday.
George Chinaloveck of Falls City
spent Sunday with Humboldt friends.
Gene llovvol and family moved this
week to Pawnee County where they
have rented a farm belonging to 1.
E. Smith.
Christ Rist consigned cattle-to St.
Joseph markets Monday.
Miss Laura Waller came up from
Dawson Wednesday for a visit with
Mrs. A. G. Warner and sister, Miss
Helen Wilson arrived here Wednes
day from Benedict.
The Linger Longer club met with
Mrs. S. M. Philpot Wednesday after
Oleta Youugman won first place
in the declamatory contest and will
represent the school at the Nebras
ka City contest.
Mesdames James Atwood, H. E.
Boyd, W. Bahl and Horace Bement
entertained the Presbyterian ken
sington at the church parlors Tues
Earl Butterfield and wife left
Friday for Garden City, Kansas and
will make that place their future
, Win. Fellers of Table Rock was a
guest of relatives in this city on
Lewis Edwards of Falls City was a
business visitor in this city the last
of the week.
Clyde Butler and wife left Friday
for Kansas where they will make
their home.
H. P. Marble and wife returned to
this city Friday after an absence of
several mouths at the Santee Indian
J. K. Liggett came over from Paw
nee City Saturday. He was accom
panied on his return Sunday by Mrs.
Herb Borland was on the sick list
Mrs. E. A. Litchfield is under
Mrs. E. A. Litchfield as under
the doctor’s care this week.
Rev. J. K. Cardy and Horace Be
ment attended services at the Pres
byterian church in ■ Pawnee City on
Sunday evening.
Mrs. N. C. Campbell leftThursday
for Denver to visit her brother,Court
land Fellers, who died before she
reached his bedside.
Tom Mann, who is employed by tli
B. and M. at Table Rook spent Sun
day in this city.
H. E. Boyd was numbered with the
sick several days last week.
Frances Willard Memorial ser
vices were held at the M. E.
church Sunday evening.
The Methodist Circle met with
Mrs. It. E. Watzko Thursday after
Bert Marshall and wife arrived at
this place from McCook for a visit
with the former’s father, Frank
Marshall and family.
Frank Porak, Sr., and wife and
son, R. P. O. Porak and wife visited
with friends in DuBois Wednesday.
J. W. Warre arrived from Far
ragut, Iowa on Tuesday evening any
is now established in liis barber
shop in the Martin building.
The C. E. Society held the second
of the series of College socials at
the home of the president, Mrs. J. A.
Martin on Friday evening. While the
entrance examinations were rather
difficult none failed entirely and
even the Freshmen were not dis
heartened when they found Miss Han
sen among their number.
Richard Slagle returned from Hub
bell on Saturday.
Mrs. Emery M. Howe came in from
Brownville Friday evening to join
her husband and visit relatives here.
Mr. ltoascli hurt one of his limbs
last Sunday which resulted in a se
vere laceration of the ligaments of
the ankle joint. 'After a careful ex
amination it was discovered that one
of the bones near the ankle had
been cracked.
I)r. Reneker, wife and baby were
guests at the home of Jacob Peters
Mrs. II. II. Woodring and daughter
Priscilla were guests of Barada rel
atives and friends Sunday.
Chris Bleiholder was in Barada Fri
day to have his hand treated for
blood poisoning, the result of a
wire scratch.
Jesse Cox was down from Peru and
spent a few days at home.
Misses Ella and Louise Kuhlman,
Lulu Laukemper and Emma Duer
feldt took the teachers examination
in Falls City last week.
LIzie Buchholz is nursing a brok
en finger, the result of Basket
hall. Her friends are sorry for
they miss her music as she is the
S. S. Orr of Sidney, Iowa was in
town over Sunday. Ho preached at
Bethel church Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Lola Bridgeman fell Monday
spraining both ankles severely and
was unable to he on her feet for
several days.
Dr. S. A. VanOsdel was in Kansas
City several days last week attending
a physicians convention.
Harry Hendricks is visiting rela
tives at Gilliam. Mo.
The five year old son of Otto Hers
berger, who was threatened with
typhoid fever is improving nicely.
.1. F. Sailors was a visitor in Falls
City Monday.
P. D. Gushard was up from Falls
City Monday.
Mrs. R. M. Williamson was in Falls
City for a few days the first of the
week, being called there by the death
of her cousin, Samuel Edgar.
L. H. Moreliead and wife wrere in
Falls City on Saturday.
The baby daughter of Charles Halt
is quite ill.
Preaching at Evangelical church on
Sunday morning.
Don’t fail to hear the well known
temperance lecture on March 30 at
the Christian church and on March
31 at the Evangelical church. Spec
ial music, etc., in connection with
the lecture.
Surprising how many people stand
ready to help you when you don’t
need help.
A lot of persons aro convicted on
circumstantial evidence without go
ing into court.
Persons seeking some light form
of exercise are advised to run ou
the prohibition ticket.
People always welcome the breakin
up of a hard winter and the basket
hall season.
It .is about as safe to roast a
'.voman’s church in Iter presence as
to slam her favorite poet.
An election isn’t exciting unless
there is abuse.
New blood doesn’t do as much for
a town as new money.
Those who have competition don’t
consider it the life of trade.
People are such hypocrites that
any motion to make it unanimous
will carry.
It can bo said of women that
she doesn't use a can.: unless she
is lame.
Pitching base ball isn't the only
field of endeavor where good control
is needed.
it is every man’s private belief thal
his wife wouldn’t clean house so of
ten if she thought lie enjoyed it.
The man who smokes without
smoking too much doesn’t get much
satisfaction out of the habit.
If a negro had the making of the
immigration laws lie probably would
begin by shutting out the Greeks.
The only time a boy’s personal ap
pearance attracts attention is the
first time ho appears in long pants.
When a man likes cove opsters*
bettor than fresh opstors, he is apt
to have poor taste in other matters.
Don't try to judge a man’s batting
average by the dope he gives out be
fore the spring election begins.
Some women’s idea of an unpar
donable offense is for their husbands
to sit in a chair tilted back against
the wall.
mulgate the Spencerian system,
. A lone bandid is usually described
as a small man, probably b«\aus»
his victims compare him with th<
apparent size of tile gun lie flour
There are few men as important as
a traveling man seems to the small
town hoy who gazes in awe at the
knights of the grip gathered in front,
of the Commercial hotel.
You can learn to like garlic, just
as you can learn to like beer, but
neither course of instruction is in
tended to add greatly to your stand
ing in tlie estimation of tho neigh
Is there any such thing as an un
prejudiced opinion? And we agree
with you pretty well on that, too.
What has become of the old-fash
ioned hoy who used his father’s old
sack coat for an overcoat?
Some men are a long time getting
anywhere, no matter where.
Actors arc like other people in this
ro. pectt Most of them bolievo they
could have made more money in s om
other line.
Once in a while you will find a wo
man who gets in sly digs at the
husband by praising the good qualit
ies of her son-in-law.
Examination day in school is a
bad time to attempt to convince a
boy that he is apt to have worse
troubles in liis after life.
It is with some difficulty that a
busy man refrains from screaming
when he hears of a college boy com
ing home lo “rest up."
Very few women succeed in lifting
the mortgage from the Old Iiom
by learning to produce a superior ar
ticle in hand painted china.
When some women begin gett nc
ready to bake a cake they make as
much clatter as a junk dealer dump
ing out a lot of old iron.
We claim to be different from oihe
men in this respect: Fashions in
women’s clothes don’t worry us
any, if the women are satisfied.
What lias become of the old-fash
ioned copybook which was supposed
to mould character as well ns pro
Somehow, it isn’t possible for a
covered wagon to look very prosper
There are too many Hmi Davises
and not enough Jonathans in this
About the only way some men > an
make a living is by arousing sym
Tlie only tiling a sober man enjoy:
about a drunk is seeing him sent
to Jail.
When people are struggling to
keep up appearances everyone known
about it.
You can always rely on a jealous
woman finding something to work
iiy is il tiiut a ninn with a red
ard is most likely to let it glow.
"1 confess,** said a frank Atchlsoi
.'Oman today, "that 1 like the rich."
Count McGowan went into a gro
eery store today and asked for con
I cent rated cream.
Joe McGee keeps a shot gun. a
revolver, a loaded club and a flash
light within liis reach every night.
Duck hunters are the kind 01 men
who would do something equally as
foolish if they didn’t hunt ducks.
It is easy enough to hurry yo rsolf;
:t is trying to make some ono else
lurry which wrecks the nervous sys
An Atchison man is entertaining a
uspklon that he got the butcher'
it the last time he ordered spring
A hosi< ry display In a Commercial
droet window comes very near < on
t: tilting a disturbance of the peace.
The Glebe isn't going to count lot
much on spring until the old reliable
uns out his peanut wagon.
Between the show 1 and the
'awn mower, the good citizen doesn’t
have a great deal of chance to suffer
from ennui.
Breaks Thumb
HlnUsmouth, March 18—Jacob 11.
Meisiger bail bis thumb broken while
helping grub stumps on the farm of
bis son near Cedar yesterday. Al
though he Ih a man of advanced age.
le went out yesterday to his son's
farm where he went to work helping
to grub stumps. When he released
the lever, which Is used on the
sweep which is used on the capstan,
he vo< clved a blow from the recoil
that broke bis thumb.
Found Dead In His Room
I Vat rice, March IS—I*. I>. Bacon,
who for many years conducted a har
ness! shop at Wymc.rc was found
dead late yesterday afternoon in
liis rooms above the harness shop
Mrs. Bnvo’i hml been Bpending the •
day with friends at Darner,ton. Up
on r I 'ruing home in the evening she
round lii" door locked from the in
side. Fn'ling to secure an answer
to her knocking for admittance, she
called assistance, and the door was
broken in. Mr. Bacon as found ly
ing behind a ■ midi in the living room
I erti" ’ At The Court House
The court house was well filled!
lari night to hear the lecture l>'(
Father Carey on “St. Patrick.” I’co
from different parts of tin
ounty were present to hear!
V> good father glv ■ Ills address. The
Po- inc, musical numbers were also
given: A vocal solo by Mrs. W. T. >
Fenton, a vocal duct by Mrs. Wirtli i
••nd Miss Maurer a vocal solo by
.a., Gag..o,. . .. a p.tu.o solo l,
Mrs. 15. Guy Simpson.
Father Kerful also gave a lecture,
which was well received as It was of
a humorous nature' and seemeed to
please all present, lie will be re
in inhered by many Falls City people
as lie bad charge of the services at
the Catholic church last spring when
Father Hex went south for his health
Will Build New House
Mr. and Mrs. John Olson are build
lug a new house just north of where
they now live, to help accomodate
our new citizens. It Is to he a five
room cottage and strictly modern lti
every respect. Mr. Olson expects to
build the house.
W. R. C. Supper
The W. It. C. gave a supper at the
J. A. It. hall last night A large
rowd was present to enjoy the good
tilings the ladles laid provided. A
little over $20 wan realized.
Resigns Her Position
Miss Margaret MeKlever has re
signed her position us piauoiat at
the Grand Theater. She is a musi
cian of high dnss, and tile theater
tiers, who have greatly enjoyed her
music will miss her.
Next Attraction At The Gehling—
The Manager Speaks Very
Highly Of It
“The Third Degree" is the name
of the next show to appear at the
(•eh ling Theater h< rt', and Mr. Cob
ling speaks very highly of It. Ho is
In receipt of letters from manager*
of the different houses where It has
appeared, who endorse, it very strong
ly. Some of them are even asking
for a return date this season, wlilcfc
is the strongest endorsement they
could give it.
The Little Son of Conrad Buchholr
Who Broke Hi6 Arm Is Get
ting Along Nicely
Special from Harada.
Tiie eight year old son of Conrad
Huehholz, while playing at school
( n Monday, fell and broko his arm
at the elbow and dislocated one
lione. He was taken to Harada where
he was given medical attention and
is getting along nicely now.
Wedding at Christian Church
Ha*ry Braekhnhn and Miss Ruby
Mart f Ucscrve were united In mar
I'iaLve .iy Rev, F 10. Day in the pas
ser's ' ,idy ai the Christian church,
i'll-*r*' wi re prosi m witnesses a
brotlu i' ami sister*'f (be groom, Rob
ert ami Miss Iconise .Brackhabn. The
young couple will make their future
home in Falls City, where they have
a host of friends.
Piirclpal at Auburn Hurt
\ubuiu. ’!;■ r«■ li lb Professor Pole*,
bi iiii i| .'U i tie high school of this
city, was badly hurt last evening by
being thrown from an auto driven at
a high rate of speed. II" was still
unconscious at Iasi reports, (hough
it Is apparent Hint Itis head was
not fractured.
Cold, damp windier la hud f"r there subject
to Rheumatism. It .chills tho blood and
brings on an attack. I'so
i Snow Liniment
it is a Powerful Preventive, as
Well as a Spsedy Cure
r>,«b It )n on the parts affected wlc ne r IP conditions seem to
Indicate a ppiil ■ f thl.i painful nilmml; it wi’.i warm the Joints
rnd v. rd oh the trouble. It tho dl order Into already commenced,
tho treatment i.i tii > Fame, tbo rubbing helps tl ■ Raiment to pene
trate to the : i.t rr pain. The r-tl.-f Is prompt rnd very satisfy
ing; the aching Jo! its . re relieved, the tniiscl s relaxed so that the
sufferer feels at? hi the strength and supplenc a of youth.
r r flesh wound , . f all kinds, it ts a wonderful remi ly. Try it
for eutr, but.'. . bruises, sort a. galls, chafed r; hr. barbed wire
cU"ta, sprain.(, t veilings, froot bit i. Tt cur-.a quickly and com
Prit? f;3c, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle.
.war* r, ssiwffl rao?wcTcn sr. tcvit, m.
y„ et v f marlin* Kn halls. Pore Rye-i or WenU ‘IgUt. use
^ Bteplivns Eye 9cm u.
IMf'/V/ 1 _
v-1 _
Miss ^akaii Paddln
Mr. Ralph Ramsiy