THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Consolidations—Falls City Tribune, Humboldt Enterprise, Rulo Record, Crocker's Educational Journal and Dawson Outlook. Entered as second-class matter at Falls City, Nebraska, post office, Janu . ary 12, 1**04, under the Act of Congress •n March i 1879. Published every Friday at Falls City Nebraska, by The Tribune Publishing Company One year . Sis months . Three months *w TELEPHONE 226. The early bird is out those days ttirring in the garden, if purr banco it may hook an early worm. All the available loams art* busy carting away the winter’s accumula tion of garbage and waste. Tin* city is being cleaned up as rapidly as th« force on the job can do it W. J. Hryun seems to have taken on another lease of political life, since his last birthday. A really great and able man dies hard. All the help that can be gotten is Icing drafter Into tho yard work, mid tho Job is being pushed as rap idly as possible. Evidently tho < ontractors are anxious to get it done, and no avoidable delay will be permitted to Interfere with its com pletion. School house talk is waxing warm and a bit enthusiastic in certain quar ters. It's a big subject and can well stand some debating. As there Is nothing in the spring election to give spice and snap to the occa sion, it can not harm to make the school huldig question the one around which to rally political enthusiasm. The democrats are not altogether happy over their newly acquired hon ors. There are several serious dut ies attached. And to meet these satisfactorily is causing them to think sober thoughts more than they have been guilty of for some years. Reciprocity, tariff reform, the postal deficit, railroad rates, etc, all take on a different aspect now that they are in power and as a party will he held responsible to the country for 'results. Twice within the last five years ha Nebraska occupied the proud position of being the third state in the union ns a corn-producing state. The other three years Missouri was third. Illin ois and Iowa hold first and second honoiii respectively. On winter wheat production Nebraska has alternated between second and third place,Kan sas leading nnd Indiana being gen erally second. Nebraska alternates between fourth and fifth place in the oats column. These are the fig figures given out by the agricul tural department. Corn production by year* is as follows: 19011, 219, 782,200 bushels; 1807, 179,328,000; 1908, 205,767,000; ISOS, 194,060,000; 1910, 206,400,000 Win at produe bushels; 1907, 45,811,000; 1907, 44,295,000; 1909, 49,650,000; 1910, 39,515,000. The man who can comprehend the significance of these figures, which show the tremendous wealth yearly taken from our soil, tan understand just how little influence the question of a city or town's excise policy can cut in 0 business way. EATING AN APPLE "Do you know what you art* eat ing?" said the doctor to the girl. "An apple of course." "You are eating," said (lie doc tor, albumen, sugar, gum, malic acid, gallic acid, fiber, water and phosphorus,” "I hope these tilings are good, al though they sound alarmin ■ "Nothing could bo better. You ate, I observed, rather too much ' meat at dinner. The malic acid of apples neutralizes the . %>■• ~ cf chalky matt, r caused by too* much meat, and thereby hopes to keep you young. Apples are good for your complexion. Their acids drivo out the noxious matter which causes skin eruptions. They arc good for the brain, which those i some noxious matters, if retained.; render sluggish. Moreover the | acids of the apple diminish the acid Ity of the stomach that comes with some forms of indigestion. The phos phorus, of which apples contain a larger percentage than any other fruit or vegetable, renews the es sential nervous matter of the brain and spinal column. O, the an cients cvere not wrong when they esteemed the apple the food of the gods—the magic renewer of youth to which tho gods resorted when they felt themselves growing old and feeble. I think I’ll have an apple,” concluded the doctor.—New York Tribune. Here is a Chance to get this $55.00 Bridge, Beach 8c Co. Superior : Cast : Range AT YOUR OWN COST Fire backs guaranteed to last 5 years for coal 15 years for wood and they last longer. Has the Patented TRIPLEX grate which clears the fire box of cinders and ashes in two seconds, with out dust or noise. Call at our store any time before March 25' h, 1911, and you will be supplied with a card upon which to write your name ar.d address and the amount of your bid and place it in a sealed box which will be opened at 3 o'clock p. m. Saturday, March 25th, 1911 and the card bearing the highest bid gets the RANGE. We consider this RANGE the best value on the market for the price---$55.00---and it is likely someone Will get it for considerably less WHY NOT YOU? This Range is the result of seventy five years of progressive effort of one of the largest Stove makers in the world A firm Who have always catered to the best trade and never attempted to build a cheap article They make Stoves and Ranges especially adapted to Wood or coal, whish out lasts all others. CALL AND SEE THE RANGE AND PLACE YOUR BID EARLY. Bloom 8c Long Hardware Co., Falls City, Nebraska s_ I Cold, dump weather Is hail for those subject B to Rheumatism. It chills the blood and SB brings on an attach. T'so BR Ballard’s R Snow Liniment | m Stiss Powerful Preventive, jy Well rc a Speedy Cufw ” p| "V Hub It In on tho parts aft ' whom r th- conditions seem to Kg ■H Indicate a spell of this painful nlln n* will v.-.: r. tho j. ittts BB H and ward off the trout.;.•. Tf th • ->,.1. I •• rr.t > or. d. H ■ tho treatment Is th ■ same, tho rubbing help-, tho liniment to pent- M H irate to tho seat of pain. Tho nl. . p ui,. t . .. 1 very satisfy VS Infir; tho aching joints nro r lb veil. >’ muscled relaxed so that tho H H sufferer feels again tho . tr. -th : a I .nip. »• n. < of youth. SU bj_4 For flesh wounds of all l.lnds, It Is a wonderful remedy. Try It yb for cuts, burns, bruises, sores, gulls, chafed spots, \iiru i ‘d cuts, Bpralns, swelllngB, frest bites. It run a quickly and corn* ;^R plctely. gg Price 25c, 50c 2nd $1.00 per Bottle. If JAMES F. BALLARD FR0?R!C7 £R «T. LC5T3, MO. _____________ . __ ______________ To cure* Siuortluic KjrehfllN, Sore I!yo«i or Weiik Mght. u*e Stru!it*u.i Hyc halve. 3olpAmD E* C C.O Mfiyvjfttn bvy A. G. Wanner, Druggist I The Daily Tribune, Sc per week TO BE CONVENTION IN MEXICO It is Rumored That Limantour Is to Call One to Discuss Needed Reforms. El Paso, Tex., Mar. 22.—A national convention in which all Mexico will be represented for the discussion of needed reforms in the government of tlio republic will be called within a few days by .lose Limantour, the Mexi can minister of linance, according to statements made in Juarez official circles. This is believed to be tin chief reason for the hurried return ot Limantour to Mexico. A Brother of Madero is III. 121 Paso, Tex., Mar. 22.—Evaristo Madero, brother of Francisco I. Ma dero, leader of tlie Mexican revolution, is seriously ill with pneumonia at Montrey and two doctors have been called to his bedside from San Antonio, Tex., in consultation. The news is being kept from his brother, Francisco. Indicted 1,775 for Vote Selling. West Union. O., Mar. 22.—The Adams county election probe, which began December 13, ended for this term of court with the general report of the special grand jury. The report disclosed that 2.I4S indictments have been returned against 1,773 persons for vote selling. S',or.:: tram U,e ‘"Third Degree" Cabinet Meeting Called Off. Washington, Mar. 22—Because there were not enough members in Wash ington the regular cabinet meeting which was to have been held to con sider the Mexican situation and the president's forthcoming message to the extra session of congress was caJled off. D. D. REAVIS Funeral Director and Embalmer 24 Years Experience in Falls City Tel. 34 Day or Night ■1-4+4-M-M HilllHIIIIH H-M :: D. S. ricCarthy ;; DRAY AND :: transfer: * i i Prompt attentn,. niven ' ' | to the removal of house- \ ! ' hold goods. , i » ( PHONE NO. 211 i i i I I I III I I I I 1 I.. THE NEW NATIONAL HOTEL Sidney P. Spenoe, Prop. Only Modern Hotel in the City. Rate $2.00 Per Day. DR. C. N. ALLISON DENTIST Phone 248 Over Richardson Count) Bank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA HARRY MILLER Contractor and Builder Plans and Estimates .Furnished. Falls City, Nebraska DR. H.S. AN DREWS General Practloneer Calls Answered Day Or Nigtu la Town or Country. TELEPHONE No. 3 BARADA. - NEBRASKA JOHN L. CLEAVER INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE When in Falls City put your team in THE FARMERS’ FEED AND SALE STABLE. 2 blocks west of State Bank J. P. Musselman A Son. o o o THE DAILY TRIBUNE o o Delivered anywhere o IN FALLS CITY o o Per week.6 cents o o Per month .. ..25 cents o oooooooooooo R R. ROBERTS IDElN'FfS'F Over Harlan's Pharmacy. Office phone 260. Res. phone 2T1 EDGAR R. MATHERS DENTIST Phones: Nos. 177, 217 STATE BANK BUILDING. GREGERSEN &. KNIGHT General Contractors Don't Build Before Investigating Address—R. E. Knight, 1524 Ave B. Council Bluffs. Subscribe for the Daily Tribune A Typewriter Test That Hearts Something Blindfold yourself. Have ten typewriters of different make placed in a row—a Monarch somewhere among them. Try each keyboard in turn. The machine with the lightest touch will be the LIGHT TOUCH and you can locate it every time no matter how its position be changed. Q Monarchy] Just as the proper tools produce the best work, so does a respon sive key action increase the effciency of a stenographer. It saves her strength. Therefore, she lias a better grip on her work. Is more accurate, more rapid, gets a greater quantity of work done. There Is no "three-o’clock fatigue” where the Monarch Is used, and a few days’ trial will convince you of this fact. < SEND FOR MONARCH LITERATURE Light Touch Honarchs are Sold on the Monthly Payment Plan A post card will bring full information. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER ON SUPPLIES. The /Monarch Typewriter Company 411 South 15tli Street, Omaha, Neb. . A