The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 24, 1911, Image 3

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As a Reward For His Conduct He
Will Remain In County Jail
For Twenty Days
f -
Last night another fight occurred
on Stone Street. A negro by the name
of Joe Thompson thought he ought
to have work from Mr. Heineman,
and as, he had all the men he need
ed told the colored man so. Thomp
son had been drinking and insisted
that he must have work right away
and went after Mr. Heinemaan and
struck him a blow when he turned
and landed the colored man In the
face, came on down the street and
caused his arrest.
Thompson was tried this morning
found guilty and fined $30.00. Being
unable to pay his fine he was sent
to the McFarland Hotel for twenty
The Man Made His Get Away And
Was Found By Police Marts
Under Union House Barn
About six o'cloclk Monday evening
a man broke into the residence of
Clarence Smith while Mr. Smith was
in the country and Mrs. Smith had
gone down town shopping. She did
net bolt the back door, but only,
latched the screen and left the door
open as it was so warm. When she
returned she noticed that the screen
was cut, hut thinking maybe some
of the young men rooming there had
lost their key and cut the screen to
get in, she was not alarmed.
When she entered the dining room 1
she noticed that the room was all
upset and that one of the curtains j
was all mussed up and twisted, still
she thought perhaps Mr. Smith had ;
come in so she went to the stair i
door to call and see if he was there. >
When she opened the door she saw a
man standing in the stairway with hi !
hand over his face, Mrs. Smith spoke j
to him and thought it was a young j
man who rooms there, but as soon '
as he spoke she saw it was a strang
er. She asked him what he was
doing there, and he replied: “Lady 1
am hungry and broke." She told
him that upstairs was a queer place
for a man to go when ho was hun
gry. He then told her lie was drunk.
She told him lie was not too drunk
to come down the stairs with her, he
thinking there were other people in J
the house came down without any
- trouble, but when he reached the
dining room and saw there was no
one there, he made a dash for the
back door. Mrs. Smith caught him
by the coat and hung on with all her
might. She tried to get him out the
front door where she thought she
could get help from passers by, hut
he perferred the hack door for his
exit. He finally got away leaving
part of his coat sleeve in her hand.
Chief of Police Marts as called and
located the supposed thief under tne
platform north of the Union House
barn. He was taken to jail for the
night. Mr. Smith’s revolver, a small
gilt bedroom clock and a hat brush
were found on the man. Another
h'ush ?s missing ar.d it is thought
that possibly the man lost <t under
the shed. Mrs. Smith was not
frightened until it was all over. She
noticed that the buffet drawers were
open about four or five inches, where
she k< eps her rings, and that the
rings were in plain sight. She now
thinks that tin* man was in the act
o' helping himself when he heard som
noise at the front and was attempt
ing to get out of the window when
he heard her coming and thinking lie
could not get out there he hid in the
Must Sell Live Stock Off And Pre
pare For Seeding And Lood
ing After Crops
"During the next month,” remarked
Jacob Majerus, a prosperous farmer
of Rulo, "farmers will make an ef
fort to unload their fed cattle and
marketable hogs. This is being don
in order to make way for the busy
spring when we have no spare time
to devolo to cattle feeding and hand
ling hogs. We have a good supply
of stock hogs on hand, and I think
it would be safe (o add that we • ill
have a large spring'pig crop. But
tin i" are no more cattlo on food
now than wo had a j ar a o. The
average farc er cannot afford to per
mit anything to interfere with seed
ing and looking after ids crops.
11 'I 1W ' l" ' BL 1
Wo have a first class farming terri
tory there, and high priced land.wher
we must give everything our full at
tention.” Mr. Majerus has been a
resident of Richardson county for 43
years landing here when the county
was thinly settled.
Found Team At Louisville
riattsmouth, Mcli 17—A young man
and woman, neither giving their
names, drove into Louisville last
evening and secured quarters, after
which the young man visited the liv
ery stable of U. F. Riechart, whero
he endeavored to sell the rig. After
considerable haggling around they
came to terms as to price, but the
suspicions of the liveryman were
by this time aroused, and before he
would make the deal he wanted to
know if the property was that of the
possessor. As the young man gave
his address as Fremont, Mr. Riech
art telephoned at that place and
found that the rig bearing the ex
act description of the one in ques
tion had been stolen from Omaha
yesterday. The city marshall was
called and the man was arrested.
Elks Give Dance
Last, night the members of the j
lilk Lodge gave a dance to their;
friends of the fair sex. There were
about fifty couples present and a
very enjoyable time is reported. Mu
sic was furnished by Harnack’s Or
chestra of Hiawatha.
Methodist Ladies Give a Tea
The ladies of the Mehodist church
gave a 15c tea at the home of Mrs.
Lawrence Snyder Thursday evening.
A goodly crowd was present consider
ing the distance to the Snyder home
from the business part of town. A
little over $10 was realized.
Attended Meeting of Medical Society
Or. Greene returned from St. Joe
last night where he attended a meet
ing of the Missouri Valley Medical
society. The meeting was held
at the Koebudoux Hotel and a large
number of physicians were present.
Landlord Spence Growing Old
Today is the birthday of Landlord
Spence of the National Hotel and it
is also St. Patrick’s Day. The two
events will be celebrated in one this
evening by a big dinner at the hotel.
The color scheme will be in green
and as far as possible everything
used will be green. There are many
commercial men in town to help Mr.
Spence in the celebration.
Chorus Meeting
The Falls City chorus met last
night and a good number were in ',
attendance and much was accom- j
plished. Those who came from Ver- •
don were Mr. and Mrs. Ayers, Mrs.
E. E. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Humph
rey, Miss Fna Snidow and Mr. and
Mrs. ltobb.
, He Was Not a Candidate
Mr. Henry C. Smith says he was
was not a candidate for mayor. His 1
name should not have been offered
as many knew that lie wrould not 1
have the office. He told several per-1
sons who asked him about it, and!
for that reason a great many people !
stayed away from the meeting
Escaped Convict Seen Here
Seward, March 18—Evidence came
to light here yesterday that one of
the four escaped convicts from the
state penitentiary passed through
Seward county last Tuesday. He.
was traced from Ruby to Leaehy, and
trace of him was lost near the latter
place, where he had passed going on
north at 7:00 p. m. People who
saw him and who later were askt-d
to Identify him from the pictures
sent out by the warden of the
penitentiary, said the man they had
seen was w'esse Smith, the Omaha
Ail Ready For The “Hop.”
Last night a young man dresses up
i \ his best cloth"!, sbli n v, bis shoes
etc., and ‘was ready for (he dance.
He went to Wahls 1 all and then
read the bill which said rhe dance
was April 17, not March 17, as had
been advertised.
Entertained His Club
Dr. Miner entertained his club“the
Round Table” at seven o'clock din
ner last night. A very enjoyable an
profitable evening is repo 'ed.
Ladies Missionary Society
The Ladies Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian church met at the
home of Mrs. Turner yesterday af
ternoon. A very pleasing and profit
able afternoon was spent. Delegates
were appointed to attend the Ladles
Missionary Presbyti rial at Tecum
seh, to be held April 3rd and 4th. The
delegates are Mrs. Knight and Mrs.
Fairbury Store Burglarized
Fairbury, March 17-Yesterday morn
ing when E. L. Jenkins, who operates
a general store at Powell, arose and
looked out the window he saw smokt
issuing from the chimney of his
store. Ho went down to Investigate
and found that the place had been
burglarized. The robbers had gained
an entrance by breaking out a win
dow light. The robbers made their
escape with a small amount of under
wear, overalls, a few provisions and
about $2.00 worth of pennies which
were left in the post-office money
News From The Court House That
Will Interest People Through
out The County
Andrew Thompson of Fargo visited
Charles Force at the court house this
Elmer Schock came down from Ar
ngo township on business at the court
Miles Jones of Salem called at the
office of the county treasurer this
Mr. and Mrs. Clancy of Dawson
had business at the court house this
John Hutchings, F. C. Edwards and
Sheriff Fenton came down from Lin
coln last night in Will McDougal's
car. They said that the rroads are
lovely and they enjoyed the trip.
They also report the Bryan banquet
a grand success.
The following marriage licenses
were issued Saturday:
Donald Jackson, Rulo.23
Catherine Ross, Rulo.18
Henry Brackhahn, Falls City.. ..23
Ruby Hart, Reserve.22
The first named couple were mar
ried by the judge.
Monday morning license:
Matthew Moore, Humboldt.35
Lulu Allen, Humboldt.25
This is the first colored wedding
at the, court house since last summer.
They were attended by Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Moore, the groom’s brother
and his wife.
Joseph S. Parsons is down from
Verdon today looking after business
at the court house.
The will of Joseph Frederick was
probated yesterday by the county
The final settlement of the Joseph
Forney ( state will take place today.
George Morris, county clerk, John
Hutchings, county treasurer, L. C.
Edwards, register of deeds, T. J. Oli
ver, County superintendent, W. T.
Fenton, sheriff, Warren Ilutchins and
John Lichty went to Lincoln yester
day to attend the birthday banquet
of William Jennings Bryan.
Miss Emma R. II. Levy of Omaha
was in the city yesterday as witness
in the probate of the Frederick will.
Miss Marie L. Crotty of Humboldt
had business at the court house tills
Albert Corn and Clarence Dingle of j
Salem were at the court house yes
terday paying their taxes.
The following marriage license was
issued by Judge Gagnon yesterday:
Orra (i. Scott, Falls City.21
Mattie V. Miller, Morrill, Kas.IS't
A. A. Adams of Stella called at !
Will Build
You Up
and Make
You Strong
Old people, tired, weak,
run down people, delicate
children, frail mothers, and
those recovering from severe
illness, this is a fact.
Thousands of genuine tes- i
timonials from reliable peo
ple prove this claim, and to
further support the fact and
prove our faith in what we j
say, we unhesitatingly de
clare that any one who will
try a bottle of VINOL will
have their money returned
without question if they are
not satisfied that it did them
the office of the county treasurer to
pay his taxes this morning.
Miss Maude Nation, stenographer i
the office of the Clerk of the l)is
trlct court was unable to attend to
her duties yesterday on account of
Sheriff Kenton, Sam Marts and
Night Watch Cainblln ran in about
ten bums from the depot last night.
They were given a nights lodging in
tlie city jail and escorted out of
town ttiis morning where they went
on their way rejoicing.
As They Were Told By Our Regu
lar Correspondent At The
Division Grounds
'‘Dutch" Meyers wont down to the
yards Sunday to see hqw badly he
broke the ladder and hit the ground.
He is working again now.
G. G. SUuutway, chief clerk in the
trainmaster's office is exceedingly in
terested in Falls City property.
The hot air pipes were connected
with the store rooms Tuesday.
Fireman Phillips injured his ankle
and was unable to work Tuesday ev
ening. Another man was sent on
his run. It is thought that he went
to Auburn for treatment.
The firemen have been missing so
many calls lately that they are ramp
ing around the round house.
A crew was»eent to Kansas City to
bring up tile Inspector’s special on
Quinton Lively has been wearing a
coat of many colors and his boss
could not recognize him so he
was forced to discard it.
M. L. LaCount left Tuesday for a
week's visit with his parents at At
Lou McCally wont to Kansas City
Tuesday to help his brother, Frank
break in a new auto.
Mrs. McCally returned lo Kansas
City the first of the week after a
short visit to her husband.
Engineer Geo. Mugler and Fireman
Vaughn went to Kansas City Tues
day on Passenger No. 104 to take
out runs from that place.
Tlie small water tank lias been
town down and the new one is iu
G. C. Reed, fireman, lias reported
to work front Kansas City, where he
lias been running a switch engine, lie
will now take his turn in the chain
gang. ^
Fireman Prouty reported to work
Win. Robinson reported to work on
Tuesday after a week's absence.
.1. M. lludford lias moved into Col.
John R. Smith's residence.
Engineer G. B. Morris is building a
new house at 11 th and Lane Sts.
It is thought that the master of
mechanics office will be moved here
from Atchison about the first of the
Will Schmelzel is one of the hard
est working men at the yards.
There is some talk of organizing a
base ball team at the round house.
Two men in the M. P. office have
been christened again according to
their abilities and resemblances.
Hinton has been named Blind Born
on an ount of is h'-ambiance to
that j;1 Leman.
Stackman Henderson tvas called
away yesterday by an urgent tc'ogtnn
Mr. Clark will take tiis place and
tinish the stack.
Mr. Brown went to Barada Tues
Will Russel, Living Near Broken
Bow Shoots Himself With
A Shotgun
Broken How, March 21—Will Hub-;
soil, a middle aged farmer living 8
miles west of here, shot himself with
suicidal intent, shortly before noon
today. County physicians who were
there say he cannot live. Russell
had rented the Coulter farm and was
working it this year for the first
time. He was heavily in debt and
liis creditors were pushing him. Dos-1
pendency over tills caused him to
act as he did. The deed was com
mitted with a shot gun. Russell has
a wife and four children who were
with him when site falaiity occurred.
Railway Bi idge Burned
Surprise, March21 The passenger
train on th>' Northwestern road start
ed a fire four miles west of here
and a small bridge and 400 ties
were burned. A work train from Fre
mont arrived in tlie evening and pul
in a temporary crossing. Trains
were delayed here two hours.
IbZ Quality Place
W. F. Butler
Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware
and Notions. The famous Kirkendall shoe
our specialty. Highest market prices
for produce.
An exceptionally fine stock, all new goods.
Swell spring hats just arriving. Miss Lei
ta Butler in charge of this department. Al
so special attention given to dress-making
and ladies’ tailoring.
W. B. Butler
Barada :: :: :: Nebraska
1 -
TON, PreR. W, A. (illKKNWALl), Cimlilor
I'. ,1. (IIHT, Vioc-l’ri'H. (1UY P (lltEENWALl), Aiw’t (’imtiler f
Falls City State Bank
('itpitnl ami SurpluH, $70,000.00
This Bank Wants Your Patronage
Q _ ^ _ g ^ It is a strong conservative anti ac.
DvVuUdv comodating institution operated
under the Banking Laws of the State of Nebraska.
| £ a It is a growing, modern and up-to
DvvdUdv date bank appreciates your busi
ness and looks after it's patrons interests.
I I II welcomes the accounts and busi
ness of the small as well as the
large depositor and borrower.
It welcomes the accounts of Wo
men and Children as well as
Men anti pays interest on Saving Accounts of the Child
ren and Interest on Time Deposits of “Big Folks."
Attractive Rates for MARCH
Very Low One Wav Rales to Pacific Coast. A general basis
of $25.00 for one-way colonist tickets to California, Oregon
Washington and the Far West daily from March 10th to
April 10th. Tickets are honored in coaches and through
tourist sleepers.
Through Tourist Sleeper Service. Every day to Los Ange
les, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake Route. Every
day to San Francisco, March 10th to April 10th, via Den
ver, Scenic Colorado, Ogden, personally conducted tourist
sleeper excursions every Thursday and Sunday to 'Frisco,
then Los Angleles, via Coast Line. Every day to Seattle,
Portland and Northwest.
Homeseekers' Excursions. March 7th and 21st, to new terri
tory south, west and northwest, including Big Horn Basin.
Yellowstone Parl^ Think now about touring the Park this
summer; inquire about the new and attractive ways through
this wonderland, an eight day personally conducted camp
ing tour from Cody, via the scenic entrance, every thing pro
vided: different from all other tours. An ideal recreative
and scenic outing for a small party of friends to take. Address
Aaron Holm, Proprietor, Cody, Wyo., or the undersigned.
If you arc expecting to make any kind of a summer tour, I shall be
glad to have you get in touch with me early.
E. G. Wliitford, Ticket Agent
L. W. WAKELEY. General Passenger Agent
Omaha. Nebraska
Subscribe for the Daily Tribune
The wonder of bak
ing powders—Calumet,
Wonderful in its raising wk
powers — its uniformity,
its never failing results, its , I
purity. !■
W onderful in its economy. I
It c ' 4s less th in the high-price B
trust brands, but it is worth as f 'J
much. It costs a trifle more than
the ch^’ap and big can kinds— K
it is worth mere. But proves its
real economy in the baking.
UmCILUA ;T—the Modern JW
baking Powder.
Rh^grt At ail Grocers. /f
WorW‘» Puro .... '
Food . .A«i- '••• - >, .- v ' srVir
Exposition ■; . ' ^
i ■>
I. -«J.- *•""