Hictoifca/ Society _The Falls City Tribune Vol. VIII PALLS CITY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, HARCH 24. mi. NUMBER XV YOUNG GREEK MUR.DERED BOYS FOUND THE BODY WHILE FISHING Remains Brought To Town And To Day Buried In Steele Cemetery The Greek that went hunting al most a week ago and failed to return was found dead by a party that went fishing at Fisher's lake yester day afternoon. The man was found lying dead in the weeds and rushes. He had been shot through the back of the head and had been dead several days from the condition of the body. The ru mor that the body had been badly mutilated is without foundation as all marks on the body were thought to be post mortem marks. As the man was not known there are many possible theories as to the cause of his murder. He is thought to be quite well off, and that pos sibly robbery was the incentive. His insurance policy was left in his pocket however. As tlieGreeks are a race of strong abiding passion it might have been revenge for some real or fancied wrong. The murderer is absolutely unknown. The body was taken to D. D. Roav is’ undertaking rooms last night and this afternoon the remains were laid to rest in Steele cemetery, Rev. R. Cooper Bailey having charge of services at the grave. Following is the verdict of the coroner’s jury. State of Nebraska. Richardson Co unty, 88. At an inquisition holden 3 miles southwest of Falls City, in Richard son County, on the 22nd day of March A. U. 1911,before me. M. L. Wilson, corner of said county, upon the body of young Greek lying dead, by the purors whose names are here to subscribed, the said jurors upon their oath uo say that the dcceascci came to his death from a gunshot ed by some person or persons un wound in the back of his head, eaus known to this jury. H. C. Davis. Win. M< Dougall, C. H. Nolt.e, Henry Fritz, Sr.. W. T. Fenton, E. E. Scott. In witness whereof the said jurors have hereunto set their hands the day and year aforesaid. Attest -M. L. Wilson,Coroner. Animals Are Burned Fort Calhoun, March 23—Fire on Monday destroyed the barn and sev eral outbuildings of Mrs. Carl Schmidt, including seventy chick ens, farm implements and hogs. Abe Milligan lost two horses valu ed at $400, with harness, 200 bush els of corn and other property. Geneva Man Taken To Lincoln Geneva, March 22—Gregory F. Skimple owner and manager of the Geneva electric light plant, was arrested on complaint of the city council, charged with dipsomania. Mr. Skimple secured the help of Judge Kpperson of Clay Center and made a good fight for his liberty, hut yesterday afternoon the sheriff took him to Lincoln. COURT HOUSE NEWS GATHERED DAILY FROM THE! RECORDS • _ News From The Court House That Will Interest People Through out The County Claims will be heard in the Anton Kern estate today. The following marriage license was issued by the county judge: O. DeCason, Mound City, Mo.20 Edna Field, Forest City, Mo.19 The couple were married by the county judge. Methodist Church Rev. M. C. Brooks will preach his farewell sermon at the court house Sunday morning, March 26. This is the last chance we will have to hear Rev. Brooks as lie expects to move during the coming week. ESCAPED CON VICTS AT WORK SOME LIGHT THROWN ON POW ELL ROBBERY Suits of Convict Clothing Discard ed By Bushnell and Pea body Near There Fairbury, March 23—The Powell postoffice robbery, which occurred Tuesday night of last week, was partially cleared up yesterday when G. A. Henkle, who resides at Powell, found a bundle of clothing near the railroad bridge. In this bundle were two suits of clothing, sueh as are worn by convicts in the state penitentiary, several suits of over alls and some papers which had been taken from the postoffice. The warden of the penitentiary was inline diately notified and he identified the prison suits which had tlie num bers on them as the ones worn by Bushnell and Peabody, two of the convicts who escaped from the peni tentiary Sunday morning of last week A similar robbery occurred last Saturday night at Plymouth, a little town in this county, and it Is thought the same two were mixed up in it. “The Third Degree’’ — A prominent attorney said:“If the Third Degree”, Charles Klein’s play, does not compel legislation, with a view of abolishing the illegal per secution of innocent victims by police heads, then we are reverting back to the inquisition period, for a story, touching on so vital a ques tion, be it drama or book, would compel attention and come nearer correcting a vice than all the loud mouthed reformers in the world." This in part is Charles Klein’s lnte> *>on, for when he wrote “The Lion and the Mouse,” it proved to be so successful, he said, “So pow erful an instrument will the drama come to be in matter of politics and good government that politic ians of the future must recon with it in advancing political movements or combating its effects, as the case may be.” This remarkable play on so timely a subject, following to great a num ber of notorious crimes and politi cal mistakes, will be of more than ordinary interest to local play goers. rHie date set for its appearance here is Tuesday. March 2S at the Gehling. NO TRUSKETT ' ' j JURY SELECTED A Venire of 96 Names Exhausted Without Success—No Masons Will be Accepted. Independence, Kan., Mar. 23.—No jury has yet been selected in the case of A. O. Trusketf, (he aged slayer of .1. 1). S. Neeley. The first venire was exhausted, 96 men having been ex atnned without getting the necessary 12. No free Mason is to be permitted to serve on the jury. The defense ob jeotiug to all who belong to that or der. No man who is interested in any way in an oil or gas lease is consider ed acceptable either and it is hard to find a man in this part of Kansas who has not some such interest. The work of securing a jury is made difficulty thereby. No change of venue will be asked by tho defense. WORKING ON A SKY FLEET Hiram Maxim and Claud Grahame White Planning Armored Aeroplane. London, Mar. 23.—With supremacy in aerial warfare as its ultimate aim, the British war office is working on an invention that is expected to be the nucleus of a sky lleet. It was learned that Sir Hiram Maxim, the famous inventer, and Claud Grahame-White, the noted aviator, are working to gether to produce an armorer] war aeroplane. This will be built to carry bombs that can bo exploded only by the machine’s operator and will not be j set off If the aeroplane is smashed. Kansas Teachers to Lawrence. i Lawrence, Kan, Mnr. 23.—The eighth annual conference of teachers of the high school and academies ac credited by the University of Kansas will be held here beginning today and continuing Friday and Saturday About 2.'0 teachers are expected tc 1 attend. SOMETHING DOING 1 M/ondt < thot hvfcbond Ot vons to* OOMf WOMlH1 YOU — WAN’ tOl»^ p When a Legislature Cripples a Woman's Suffrage Bill. NEWS FROM R. R_. YARDS ITEMS OF INTEREST TO TRIB UNE READERS As They Were Told By Our Regu lar Correspondent At The Division Grounds Ward Harrison and John Blaster are giving the M. P. shops a good coat of paint. Claude Itoe and C. E. Holland were among the yard boys who went to Salem Wednesday evening. The firemen on the M. P. say that they get detained at the mov ing picture shows. They wish that one of them would install a tele-1 phone so that they would not miss their calls so often. — C. E. Hgllaud went fishing Wed nesday afternoon. He did not go tiloue. The men say it was almost impossible to get "central" all after noon. Engineer J. Devinney came up from Atchison on 10. E. M. Dixon, ftromun report'd Wed nesday for Lincoln Local. F. H. Baker went to Atchison on Wednesday to meet a party of friends. Fireman DeLanney washed his face yesterday and used a whole bar of soap. This was so far out of the usual that His boss failed to recog nize him. j C. E. Holland lias accepted the , position of Assistant superintendent I of the Omaha Division. Sadness pra I vails in the yards over the loss of i "Red" Holland. 1 -M. I. LaCount and I. W. Hammer 'are visiting with friends in Atchi 1 son. BURGLAR AT CONVENT Did Not Gain Admittance But Gave Gave The Sisters A Scare Last night about ten o'clock a negro attempted to break in the convent, but only succeeded in giv ing the Sisters a bad scare. He i was first seen looking in one of the windows. Then he tried one of the dr.ors and being unable to gain ad mittance, tried other doors. The deputy sheriff was notified by tel , epiiom*. who went out to the con , vent and caught, the man. i Young People Go To Salem A jolly party of young people front this place drove to Salem and spent a pleasant evening at the skating rink. Among them were C. 10. Holland, Gertrude Lippold, Kay Warfield, Grace Finley Claude Koe, Agnes Sinclair, Vernon Daniels and Hertlia Lippold. LORIMER STILL IN LIMELIGHT CONNECTED WITH SENATE VOTE. The Illinois Senator Keeps His Seat by the Votes of Men Repudiated by the People. Lob Angelee, Mar. 23.—Speaking un der auspices of the city club to an audience of 3,000 people which filled the auditorium to the very doors, Col. Thao done Roosevelt commented on "queer features" connected with the vote of the United States senate in the cases of Lorimor, congratulated (he California legislature on the stand taken in this matter and stated his pproval of the judiciary recall law as recently passed by that body "California has come very, near governmental ideal" began the speak er. "I have not come to teach so much as to learn. And let me speak with the heartiest and most unquali fied approval of the action of your leg islature when they passed a law pro viding for popular choice of United States senators, and at the same, time indicating the Kind of senator whom they did not expect it wise for the popular choice to light upon by their condemnation of Mr. Lori me r and of the action of the senate of the United States in keeping Mr. Lorimor in his seat." After congratulating the California legislature "for having shown itself more sensitive to the honor of the United States senate than the United States senate itself?" Mr. Roosevelt continued: "I call your attention to two or three queer features connected with the vote. Mr. Lo rimer's stay in the senate is because of senators who are no longer senators, who when they had but 48 hours to serve said he should be continued after they had left. "The majority of the present col leagues of Mr. Lorimor, who voted for or against hint ttiat day, voted against him. He was kept in his seat by the senators who were about to go into private by the senators whom the people had decided they no longer wished to see in tite senate of the United States. Mr. Roosevelt left for San Fran cisco. j PEOPLE APE ALWAYS RIGHT Senator Owen of Oklahoma Talked for Initiative and Referendum in Illinois. Springfield, 111., Mar. 23.—Despite I threats and predictions he would be ! interfered with by Ix>rimer partisans j in the Illinois legislature, Robert L. Owen, United States senator from Oklahoma, delivered a forceful exposi 1 tion of the initiative and referendum 1 of a public meeting of the hou=e Judi ciary committee. He said the question of the initia tive and referendum is a fight be tween organized greed and the people, producers of the wealth of this coun try. The time has come to put an end to bribery and corruption and to ma chine politics, he said. The grea/. wealth being piled up in this country by individuals under machine politics and corruption is leading thousands of families to ruin and decay of other ambitious ones who would imitate ard follow these unjust i.* wealthy per sons, be continued. "The judgment of the majority of the people is never in error,” Senator Owen said, "and is more sound than the judgment of the Interests that j would exploit the people.” MEETING OF WOMAN’S CLUB MRS. R. B. BAKER HOSTESS TUESDAY AFTERNOON Twenty-four Members Responded To Roll Call—Responses Given In Favorite Recipes The regular meeting of the Wom an’s Club met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. K. 11. linker on Grand view Ave. In connection with the regular program there was a domestic science demonstration whicl made the afternoon a particularly en joyable one The meeting was presided over by the new president, .Mrs. Dittmar. The secretary, Mrs. Tanner being absent, .Mia. Joint 1 ’owe 11 was appointed sec retary protein.. There were twenty-five members responded to roll call, the response were given in favorite recipes, and each one had her pencil and paper ready to take down any receipt that might appeal to her, so in the fu ture the gentlemen cannot lay blame entirely to the city water for their attacks of indigestion or gout. Mrs. Charles Davis was to read a paper on noted Shakespeare Artists, I and she chose for her subject, "El len Terry." Her paper showed care ful study and she gave it in a very pleasing manner. Mrs. Baker read a paper on "What Woman's Clubs Have Ac complished." Mrs. Baker’s paper showed that she had made a care ful investigation of her usbject, and the many things that she showed thn the Woman's Clubs have been instru mental in bringing about in a login latlve way was a surprise to many of the ladies. The paper was except ionally good. Mrs. T. L. Davies favored the club with some instru mental selections. Mrs. S. E. Connely and Mrs. Mob ty o' Atchison, Airs. Wherry, Mrs. Hargrave and Mrs. T. L. Davies were giests of the club. Tee ladies were then invited to tin- kit -in n to domestic science dem onsliaron, and the good things pro .an-d ir.ode a nr substantial and tootlis-m *■ luncheon particularly the moi- ni • made by Airs. Mobry of Atchison The .ccipo for the pit 0" ".is to linve been an heirloom i som- time. DAILY MAR KET REPORT Kansas Clt:. M.n ... Cattle Common suers. $5,104(6.60; heifers, $1,254*6.35; Stockers and feeders. $4.75(u 6.00. Hogc — Hulk of Bales. $6,705(6.85. Sheep—I,arn' s, $5,754( 6.35; good to choice wethers, $1.24 4/4.75; ewes, $4,004( 4.60. Chit ago, Mar. 23 Beef-Steers, $5.1"t# ti75. cows and heifers, $2,604( 5.75; stock .is and feeders, $1,004/5.75. Hogs —Bulk . if sales. $6,756( 6.00. Sheep—$3,004(5 30; lambs, $5,004/6.60. St. Could, Mar. 23.—Beef—Steers, $6.00 4(6 75; stockers and feeders. $1,004(5.75; cows and heifers. $4,604*5.80; Texas steers. $4.354*5.GO. Hogs—Pigs and lights, $0 004( 6.70. Sheep- Natives. $3.754*5.00; lambs. $5,004(6.45. Grain. Kansas City, Mar. 23.—Close Wheat May. 85%c; July, 84%c; Sept., 84-So. Cora —May, 4774c; July, 48c; Sept.. 4S74c. Chicago, Mar. 23 -Close Wheat—May, 90'Ac; July, 8994c; Sept , 89 V-\ Corn May. 4S%c; July. 50Vic; Sept.. 5l%c. Oats —May, 31c; July, 3074c; Sept , 303,0. St 1 wtuls, Mar. 23.—Cash \\ heat—Hull; track No. 2 red, 896 93*4*-; No. 2 hard, XT' '.199 Co n I SI. t« uk No. 2, ■S6>I«( 46V4e; No. 2 white, 4674 6/ 4774 C. | Oats Steady; tra. k No. 2, :’$',»* No. 2 white 32Vjc. Rye—Firm; P3c, Close— i Future- Wheat—Higher; May, 8974c; i July, 87 Ac. Corn- Firm; May, 477*4# I 47|4c; July, 48%Q $9 ■. Oats—ft U May, 30c; July. 30*ic. Produce. Kansas Cty, Mar. 23—Kggs, 14Vxc do*. Poultry Hens. 13.; spring. 15*; tur keys, 14Vic; butter, creamery, extra, 21o; packing stock, 12Vic. Potatoes, Colorado, i U» i* 75c.