LOCAL NEWS Harry l’ittock returned from SI Joe Monday afternoon. He went down to attend "Hen llur" nnd visit with friends. R. P. Wright of Nebraska City was in town the first of the week J. 13. llohrer came up from Atchiso Sunday. G. F. Hinton of Grand Junction, Col orado is visiting with liis brother, John Hinton in tiiis city. G. S. Olston came down from Omaha on business Monday. W. A. Montague of Chicago is vis iting with friends in the city and • Iso attending to business interests. W. W. Marts came up from St. Joe Monday on business. J. R. Carrot hers returned from a weeks visit with his family at Lin coln Monday. Misses Mary and Josephine Dore • nd Mrs. Mary Davis returnd to their home in Omaha yesterday after « short visit with relatives here. W. Tn Branscum, who 1ms just finished moving the house of John Pope near Hobinson Kansas lias tak en a contract to move two houses for August Stephen of White ('loud. Mr Hransoum exp-ts' to n turn to Tails City in a week. Mr, B. F. llackor of Auburn came down to this elty yesterday to visit his son, ‘A/.O. itac-kof and family. Mrs. Jane Sinclair loft today for Tniporki., Kansas to consult a physi cian in refund to blood poisoning In' her hand. She has j-.pent tho past l s three luqnths with her daughter, Mrs. John llossauk. Charlie Coriloll and wife returned to their home in Hiawatha tliis morn ing after a siior tvisit with friends. Harry 'Plttock was called to Salem Sunday afternoon by the illness of his grandmother, Mrs. Elwell, who is staying at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. A. L. Sutler. Rex Oliver and wife are moving in to the house formerly occupied by Joy Beasley. Mr. Hensley is moving out on a farm. Miss Naomi Fallstead lias accepted a position at the M\ 1’. yards in the office of Mr. Richardson for the Wostinghouse people. Neal Tl.cnton and mother wont to Dawson to attend the funeral of Mike Ryan. The firemen have the posters out for their dance April 17th. Mrs. H. M. Jenne entertains Kaffe Klatch this afternoon at her homo on North Stone Street. Mr, aiul Mrs. J. C. Ayers, Misses 1-aura Hoinzelman and Edna Par sons saw "Hello Bill" at the Oeh ling last night. Rev. Natinlnga left today to ai teud the conference of the Evan gelical church held at Kansas City. Frank Neitr.el went to Rulo today. P. M. Burke ran down from Lincoln yesterday cur business. Bred R-hrooder came up from St. Joe ye; terdny to look after busi rn s ; inter* sts in this city. 1 1 i."kiuii was up from Atchison today on business. J. P. Kwing of k.in.-u City wsvi i In u f i aller hero P inlay. boy II it was up trci’n Rt Joe on 'vontlny. • I orge W White and wife of Mtt -■lu ll. S. D are visiting with friends in this city. I. B. Corn- 11 came down from Ver non - t -relay on business. *’ a - n St .nip of Vt-rdon was in * >i’ay. i o ,, the night foreman ' ■ ' '' 1 i. S rmd 1 ft for St. i -. ’io. i - i t. I le was ac eo»ai . i - ’ h ■ v, 111*. Mr. and Mis. .1. C Shulenhcrg and Mr. a itl Mrs. Jalu- Ulr-.lslcy of Shu bert win- down Tuesday in their car. H. B Kelly, train dispatcher on (In- M. I', returned today from a vis ii with liis mother in Omaha. L. il Dllly, tiaiiiiuasiiT on the M. P. was in town yesterday betwen trains. Mrs. J. ( \yrt;i id' Verdon is m (own today, weeks. Mrs, Jane Sinclair, who lias been visiting at the home t f her daughter, -Mrs. John Hossack for some time, will leave Sunday for her home in K d lorvilie, Kansas. Mrs. Sam Prater is still very siok aud does pot seem to improve very much. Evangelistic s- ; \ 1 i: are still in progress at the Christian church. The Christian minister from Humboldt ha been assisting with meetings.* Re member the services tonight. Catherine MeAke hr of Kan as City was in the city Friday. Mr. Johnson < i I awno City wa t in th city Friday. T. S. Collins o£ Auburn was in the city Friday on bm=!n< Mr. and Mrs. James Stevenson and children came down from Salem dur ing the week and visit ’ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. TT J. < . . a. Miss Cl in F:r«.' m h A in Omaha today to attend the ft :.l of a nephew, who died v ry y. Mr. and Mrs. Sheitel were shop | ping tn Falls City yesterday. Mrs. U- M. Jenne and Miss Ethel Hutchings went to Stella yesterday to 1 visit with Mrs. Esburn Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klsher of east of town were in the city yesterday on business. J. L, Mcndall from Beatrice was In ; town yesterday on business. E. B. Tibbets has moved to this city from Pawnee. Four gypsy fortune tellers were here yesterday trying to tell every body's fortune, Mrs. Ixie VanDusen has remodeled her houso nnd added a few rooms and a fine veranda. Miss May VanDusen's house is get ting along fine. They are putting I he roof on at tho present wi lting. Nat Titus, representing the nur sery at Nemaha City is in tho city on business, lie sold n consignment of trees to the city for the Boule vard addition. Mrs. R. R. Raker and Mrs. W. O. Hansen went to Atchison Saturday. Mrs. H A Hitt mar ts still quite eiek Mrs. Hayden Rowers of Verdon wa shopping in this city Saturday. Anna Prtbbeno came up from .Pres ton Saturday to do some shopping. Mi Helen Majerus re turned Sat nrday from an extended visit with friends at Hffflngham, Kas. Rev. Bert liodds of Peru was in town Saturday to attend the High B honl debate given here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maze of Rulo w re shopping and visiting in Falls City Saturday. Solly Lore, Sam Veacb, James Birdsley and Milton McGuire went hunting Sunday. if you have trouble getting rid fo your cold you may know that you are treating it properly. There is no reason why a cold should hang on for weeks ami it will not if ouy take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by all druggists. Misses Mary and Josephine Pore and Mrs. Frank Davis of Omaha ac companied their aunt, Mrs. Ellen1 King, to her home In this city Sun day. They will visit relatives a short time before returning. William Beauchamp and daughter were called to Auburn to attend the funeral of the former’s nephew. Missis Arlie St umbo nad Verna Story returned yesterday from t visit to St Joe. The saw “Ren Ilur” on Saturday night. While there they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Llmlnter. P.H.Jussen and G.W.Holland saw "Ren Ilur" in St. Joe Saturday night. Mr. Northern of Hiawatha was in town over Sunday. Harry Ray, who works at the Sitn uuton & pom ■ grroen house went to St. Joe for a short, visit. Joe Miles returned from Omaha last night with his new car. ltls very nice and Mr. Miles and Ills car in'em to he the center of attraction. The Masonic lodge meets tonight in regular suasion. All members are requested to attend. John W. Siokelsmith, Greensboro, l a . has three children, and like most children they frequently t ike cold. "We have tried several kinds of cough medicim s," ho says, but have never found any yet that did * them us much rood as Chamberlain’s Coug Remedy l or sab by all druggists. Ethel JPurehen went to St. Joe today to visit with relatives and also to at tend Ren Hur there Saturday night. It. IV Hicks of Humboldt is in town today on business. Julius Wandrow came down today from Humboldt. Mrs. Will Nutter was called to Walt Hill, Nebr., yesterday l>y the Illness of her brother. Will Rumsey. Del McCray returned from his farm near Hiawatha last night. He says that he lias to go there every so often lo get something to eat. Kiihrraim Peek canto to town yes terday on business. ( Intis Gerit was a shopper in the 1 city yesterday. ( , rie Gebhardt t ame down front \ < rdon yesterday on business. Mrs. B, I . Redwood and daughter return.-d from a visit In Omaha. E. K. Hurst went to Lincoln yes t ‘ I || ay With tin* I . !;< t ball t) \s. Hud, 1 b Vo; ole from near llarada is in to i it lay shopping. Ja y Morris of Si b’a was in the l.U ' : < up from Topeka F. ] ('hi'- iiill t ic down from Crete > . to a t. d to busl* 1 ■ i' ort i am ov t-r from Shu j Uert yeater. ,iy on busl ess. Pratjels Kelly of Vordqn was I it in this try y. it iday. J. Don of la h is in the city today. Chris. II. Clmmerrs of Hiawatha ! was in town y nterday on business. Frank P/Iautu of Nebraska City is visiting here today. H. B. Nelson is up from Wahoo. Mr. and Mrs. E. Braekhahn of Re serve, Kansas were shopping here today. Mrs. Hayden Bowers came over from Verdon today to do some shopping. Mrs, Ivn Ewing of Verdon is in iho city shopping today. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Speer of Farg are business visitors here today. Mrs. S. E. Fuller of Table Rock is [visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. M. Billings for a few days. Mrs. F. B. Plumb returned from Rulo, where she has been visiting friends and relatives for the past week. The Falls City Chorus met last night. The out of town members present were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ayers, Miss Una Snidow, and Mrs. Emerson Bowers who came down from Verdon in the Ayers ear. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey were also down from Verdon. Mrs. I)r. Henderson and Mrs. Cunningham of Rulo were also present. The Thomas IJrothors were up fron Hiawatha in their car yesterday and took some Falls City maidens out riding last night. Ewing Herbert of Hiawatha was in the city yesterday on business. John Fritz and daughter, Clara, were in town yesterday shopping. ,1. It, Caruthern went to Lincoln to day to spend Sunday with his family . d to recuperate from an attack of Use grip. The common cause of insomnia is disorder of the stomach. Chamber lain’;; Stun a li ar.d Live Tablets cor rect these tlisordi rs and enable you to sleep. For sale by all dealers. Miss Hazel White returns to linns c- C'ic’i Monday, where she has been attending school. She spent the past week with her parents in this city. The lighting plant at. the M. P. yards which broke down over a week ag and for which the carborator re turned from Sedalia, where it w'ns sent for repairs, Wednesday night broke down again Thursday night af ter running for about half an hour. Tile yards are now in darkness ex cept for lanterns, which are not very successful in the twentieth (entury. / . \ Each sip a “ linked pleas ure long drawn out.’’ That’s OLD GOLDEN BOFFEE i has so many votaries. Taste it and it will “get” you. At Crocetra- 300 a pound. Tons Bros., Das Moinss, lows Millers of Ihe famous Tone Bros. Spice* Died At His Home in Oklahoma Friends in this city received word of the death of John Casey at his home in Oklahoma He had been il! for many weeks but had so far recovered as to be able to be up and around and his sudden death was a Kroat shock to his many rela tlves and friends. Mr. Casey was for many years a resident of this county. ' __ __ __ jvst WH v Because the fine, porus particles ol the Cleanser get right down into every crack and crevice, take up all dirt and leave the lloor clean and spotless. Many other uses and full Directions on Zarge Sifter-cun JO $ Mrs. Ellen King returned Sunday from a five months visit to her daughter, Mrs. Charles Bracelen and her son, Richard King, at Minneapo lis. During her absence from this city she was seriously ill and un derwent a surgical operation, but is enjoying good health now. Do you know that of all the mirn ailments colds are the the most dangerous? It is not the cold itself that we need to fear, but the serious diseases that it often leads to. Most of them are known as germ diseases. Pneumonia and consumption are am ong them. Why not take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can? For sale by all druggists. tf Dowty Watson came down from Re st-rveyesterday to visit his sister, Mrs. Jessie Watson. Prof. Vogelin of Rulo was intown Saturday. Ed Spickler of Bnrada was in town Saturday. , ' ^ The supreme court has just passed upon the law taxing corporations. If the law is declared constitutional it will add $26,000,000 annually to the D. S. revenue. Observations By Our Reporter Louis P. Wirth lias that far away look in ho eye tthaat foretokens a vis it to "Mr. Fish" with rods and lines. The spring fever is in evidence, pillows are sticking out of upstairs windows, the housewife has donned her dust cap. and general confusion will prevail until house cleaning is over. If we clean indoors, we ought, al so to clean out doors. Ixiok at the tin cans and rubbish in your back alley. The street politician always lays down the law with certainty. From his decision there is no appeal. And usually it is a question whether he really knows as much as It Is dog. Quit it. Plattsmoutn Club Danquet l'lat; moult, Nfb., March 10—Tho Platt -mouth Cotnnorclal Club held il 1 e« 11 •; night. Cov en v, re laid for ISO t ue st Ju I 11. D. Travis was > ducted toastmaa t r. The motive of Cue meeting was to get a a bt r of the club and the citizens together and secure an expression ns lo what would be tho host for the goner: 1 good of the community. The program consisted of route fifteen numbers. Wedding At Morrill, Kansas A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Elmer Peck of Morrill, Kansas, when his slater, Miss Sadie 1 Peck was united in marriage lo Mr. Elmer Bowman, Rev. Eisenbice of the Brethren church performing the ceremony. Only the near relatives of the bride and groom were present. The bride is a daughter of the late Noah Peck and a niece of Ephraim Peck. She is well known in this city and her many friends extend their heartiest congratulations and best wishes to the young people. Died At Dawson Maude McGuinnis passed away on Wednesday morning. She was oper ated on the previous Sunday for ap pendicitis, but did not entirely re cover from the effects of the chloro form when death claimed her. It was a great shock to her many friends as it was not generally known that her condition was of a serious nature. Burned By Caramel Filling Yesterday little Margaret Coupe was burned with a pan of caramel filling. Her sister had just made a panful of the filling and was taking it out on the porch to cool when the little girl ran into her and pushed her elbow, making her sister drop the pan and spill the contents over the little girl's face and hands. The burns are not of serious nature how ever and tlie little one will soon re cover. Dorcas Society Meets The Dorcas Society of the Presby terian church held a business meet ing at. tlie home of Mrs. It. (’. Bailey, Monday afternoon. A goodly numbe of ladies were present ami much busi ness was transacted. Worked Time Honored Game Table Rock, March 14—Miss Ella Snyder, deputy postmaster, was the victim of a smooth swindler, who af ter he had turned the trick disap peared. A very polite man appeared at the stamp window, Friday evening, when no one else was in and asked for 10c worth of stamps. Receiving them he proffered a bill and asked for the change. Finding it to be a $20 bill, Miss Snyder handed him a $10 and a $5 bill and $4.90 in change. Ixuiking up seeming surprised he said, “Was that a twenty? I thought it a one. Please give me the $10 in return for this” as he handed her the $'., a $1 bill and $4 in silver. She obligingly complied. After handing her the 10 in change and receiving liie ten dollar bill the stranger liando it back and picked up the twenty dollar bill saying “That makes it ail right,” immediately disappearing. A half hour later Miss Ella discovered in making up the cash account for tl c day that, she had been touched for $10. Officers were immediately no tified, but no trace or track has been discovered of the perpretrator. Sheriff’s Sale In the Richadson County District Court, State of Nebraska. Peter Christen, Plaintiff, vs. The Improved Order of Red Men, Lo gan Tribe No. 63, Defendant. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an execution issued out of the District Court of Richardson County, State of Nebraska, in the above entitled cause dated the 27th day of February, 1911, I will as sheriff of the County of Richardson and state of Nebraska, offer at public sale, in front of the west door of the court house in Falls City in said County and State on the 8th day of April 1911, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. of said day, the following described real es tate situated in the town formerly known as Arago, but now named Fargo, in said Richardson County, State of Nebraska, towit: The E% of Lot 7 in Block 8 in said town or village, according to the original plat and survey of the old town or vil lage of Arago. Said property was taken in execution by me under the writ aforesaid and Upon which is situated a certain frame building I as a part thereof, as the property of j the defendant, “The Improved order of Red M n, Logan Tribe No, 03.” I Seized and will be sold to satisfy a ! judgment entered In Llio said district ! court in favor of the plaintiff, and ■ against the defendant, together with . o: t3 and accruing costs. Terms of sale, cash, W. T. FENTON, Sheriff, neavis i< Eoavis, Attys for Pltf. I Firrct pub, March 10. five times Notice To Creditors In the County Court of Richardson County, Nebraska: In the matter of the estate of James R. Reynolds, deceased. It is ordered by the court that the tinas limited for creditors to file claims against said estate is six months Iron* the 14tli day of February, 1911, and all claims not filed in this court, duly verified, on or before the 14th day of August, 1911, will be forever bar red. Ordered further that all claims filed against said estate will be ex amined and adjusted by the court, in the county court room, in the court house in Falls City, in said coun ty, April 14, June 14 and August 15th, 1911, at the hours of nln* o’clock a. m. By order of the court dated Feb ruary 14th, 1911. JOHN GAGNON, County Judge. First publication, Feb. 24 four t. Sheriff's Sale In the District court of Richardson County, State of Nebraska. A. D. Annis, Plaintiff, vs C. 11. McColm, N. E. McColm and William J. Nelson, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued out ef the District Court of Richadson County, State of Nebraska and un der the seal thereof and to me dir ected, 1 will, as sheriff of Richard son County, on the 1st day of April', 191 i offer at public sale in front of the west- door of the court house in Kails City, Nebraska, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. of said i ay the following tracts of real estate situated in Richardson Count., Si at i of Nebraska, and particularly described ns follows, towit: the north half of the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter and southwest c.'.uarter except t< u acres in a square out of the southwest corner of said southwest quarter all in Section 9, and northeast quarter of north east. quaiter except three and one-naif acres out of northwest corner thereof, and the south bakf of the northeast quaiter, and the north east quarter of the southeast quar ter and the southeast quarter of southeast quarter except three acres thereof owned by Robert Bodle, all in Sec. 8 and the East 21 and sixty two hundreds acres of northeast quar ter of northwest quarter of Sec. 1# all in Township 3, Range 17, E 8th, v. M., Iti- hardson County, Nebraska Said property is siezed and will b« su'd to satisfy a decree of Baid dis trict court entered in favor of the above named plaintiff, A. D. Annis, and against the above named defend ants, the said C. B. McColm, N. E. McColm, and William .7. Nelson. Terms of sale, cash. W. T. FENTON, Sheriff Reavis & Reavis, Atty for Pltff. First publication March 3, 5 times. Leqal Notice In the Richardson County District Court, State of Nebraska. Suit In Equity to Quiet Title To Real Estate Elmer Hoaelton, Plaintiff vs Edward S. Pyle, Sarah L. Baker, Henry Reiger and Wirt Ven sonhaler, Defendants. To Edward S. Pyle, non-rerideut defendant. You are hereby notified that the plaintiff, Elmer lioselton, did on the tith day of February, 1911, file his petition in the district court of Rich ardson County, State of Nebraska, against you and the other named defendants herein, the object and prayer of which is to quiet the title in him, to the following described real estate situated in Richardson County, State of Nebraska, towit: Commencing at the Northeast cor ner of the Northeast quarter (14) o> the Southeast quarter (14) of Sec tion Twenty (20), in Township one (l)Range seventeen(17) east, thence west forty-two (42) rods; thence south eighty (80) rods; thence east twenty-one and a half rods (21%) rods; thence north forty-six (46) rods; thence east twenty-two and ten-twenty-thirds rods to section line; thence north to the place of beginning, containing twelve acres; and to estop you from claiming or asserting titles to said land,and from taking advantage of any irregularity !jn the obtaining of a decree in the district court of Richardson county, Neb., in favor of Jennie R. Pyle >our former wife, appropriating said land to the1 support of her and your two infant children, pronounced in a certain cause pending in said court in which the said Jennie R. Pyie was plaintiff and jou Edward S. Ply t, v hich said d t ree was i had tl is plain* • And you are furl 1 that to ail petition on or before tho 2i'h / of Arc 1. 1911. the i • uni be i,1; a p.o cor.i' . . o. ncd a ■; ree to will bo entered aeccrdfncly. This publication i n ado by order of said district court. REAVIS & REAVIS, Attj for Plaintiff First publication War b 10-0t.