The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, March 10, 1911, Image 6

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Mr. Collins oT the Imperial Fire
Insurance Co., was cnlllng on his
agent, George Fallstead, yesterday.
Fred Schock returned from the
annual convention of the Nebraska
Retailers held in Omaha Inst night
Dr. Mathers returns from Ohio
»his afternoon where he was called
by the illness of his parents. His
mother fully recovered and Ills fath
er is Improving.
Itert Mason goes to Lincoln today
to visit his brother and to take in
"Hen Hur."
Mrs. Mason goes to Hiawatha to
day to take charge of her art class.
Harry Records is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Conklin are
the happy parents of a baby girl born
yesterday morning. Kverybody con
cerned doing nicely.
Dr. 11 R. Miner was called south
west of Salem professionally last
night He reports the roads very
bad for automobiles.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wills and fam
ily were shopping here yesterday.
Will Cline of llnradn was in the
«ity yesterday.
Miss Pearl Sheelev returned from
Salem yesterday.
Dave \V. Tyre came tip from St
Joe yesterday on business.
R. Hawkins and wife spent Tues
day in Falls City.
J. II. Douglas of Tecumseli was in
the city yesterday on business for
the Teeumseh Ituihling and Loan
It P Wright of Nebraska City was
visiting in this city yesterday.
A. \V. Gilbert of Atchison was a
business visitor here yesterday.
F. W. linker came clown from Falr
bury yesterday on business.
James Williams of St. Joe was in
town yesterday.
Mrs. F Gilbert of Rulo was vis
iting In the city yesterday.
C. Robison was up from Rulo yes
Newt Wertz is taking the rest
euro tliisi week,
Tlio dredge boat is working again.
The band proposition has fallen
through because of lack of support.
This is too bad because we needed
a band very badly,
Mr. and Mrs. James Ayers, Mr
John Hall and Miss Meta lloineman
came down from Verdon lust night
to attend the show.
Hr. Boose reports n baby girl at
the home of Frank Yoesel, 7 miles
northeast of town. Everybody doing
nicely am! all seem extremely hap
h. M. riman. district manager of
• he IT tailoring company, is in town
today oil business.
Mr. Klody Ware left town last
week and will in the future make
his home in Omaha.
Miss Anna Wilkinson is visiting
with her sister in this city.
Harry Pittoik spent Sunday in Sa
lem the guest of his cousin, Dwight
Kwing Herbcit of Hiawatha was a
Sunday visitor in our city.
i rei k Kong and ltoy ami Clifford
Wi . . drove to Sah in Sunday to
J '.he day,
■. ■>’ (list family drove to Sn
1 m i, their car Sunday to spend
i i i'-.y with relatives.
Dr. a M K, R, Scott drove to
Slit . . in C car auto
\'i a u I a lkampcr was up
f'oai Morrill Saturday shopping.
V Rule spent Sunday in Salem,
'■'> Gunge Jenkins, Jr., and lit
ti. daughter tamo down front Daw
''at: rd.iy to do their trading.
i ty rhttnts meets to
nig’t • .■ '< ...;. la .\ii mem
bers are reque e.l io be present.
Henry Frit.;. Jr., was in town Sat
urday oil business.
Hr. A. .1. Smith of Sal in was a
Falls City visitor Sunday.
L. 1*. Wfrth and Judge Gagnon
‘went to Sabin today do attend the
funeral if Mr. Tiehen.
Frank Greenwald, champion sales
man for Barton Bios., Kansas city,
is in the city visiting his mother,Mrs
Judith Greenwald.
Miss Walters has lost her voice.
The High School pupils are wonder
ing when she will find it.
Don't forget the basket ball gam*
tonight between Falls City and Te
eutnseh. A double header.
Mrs. Glenn will train some of the
pupils for a recital to be given on
March 17. The money will he given
to the High School Athletic asso
Mrs. Will Houston and daughter o
Fargo came to town yesterday for
a short visit with the fomer's sis
ter, Mrs. Mike Cronin.
John W. Sit kelsmith, Greensboro,
Pa., has three children, and like most
children they frequently take cold.
“We have tried several kinds of
cough medicine,” he says, but have
never found any yet that did them
as much good as Chamberlain's Coug
Remedy. For sale by all druggists.
J. S. Snethen of Humboldt was a
Falls City visitor today.
Seven hunters returned from the
Miles ranch yesterday. They caught
128 pigeons.
It. Lum of Verdon attended the I.
O. O. F. lodge In this city last night.
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Nixon of near:
Harnda were shopping here yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. I’at Itawlay moved j
their house hold goods from Haras
ton the first of the week and are ,
now settled in their new home just
south of Wm. Farmers.
Do you know that of all the minor
ailmentB colds are by far the most
dangerous? it is not the cold its
elf that we need to fear, but the
serious disens* s that it often leads,
to. Most of them are known as
germ diseases. Pneumonia and con
sumption are among them. Why not
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and cure your cold while you can?
For sale by all druggists.
Miss Carrie Melvin and two sisters
spent a part of the week in tills
city with relatives. They will re
turn today to their home in Tola,
Frank Porr was down from Hum
boldt yesterday visiting friends in
thin * ity.
Charles Pribbeno, Sr., of near Pres
ton was in the city yesterday.
Mrs. .1. R. Wilhite is on the sick
I to’ n io Mr. and Mrs. Frank Witz,
seven miles northeast of town, a
son, this morning, Mother and babe
doing nicely.
Mrs. Ida Mitchell comes from Okla
homa City, Texns, tomorrow to visit
her brother, Dr. C. N. Allison.
Miss Grace and Otis Kelly from
Salem are in the city shopping to
Miss Florence Sluart came down
from Salem to do some shopping to
Theodore Frllseh of Stella was in
town yesterday on business.
No It on the iturlington Friday
"as 2 hours late as the engine went
dead at W.vmore and they hnd to get
a new one.
Fred Meyers was down from Stella
in liis ear Friday on business. He
reports the roads In splendid condi
tion for motoring.
Fred Kberlinrdt was in town yester
day as a business visitor.
Louis Werner left for I’luienlx, Ari
zona yesterday for his health.
Mrs. Knclielries and daughter. Miss
Kuehelries, left for Lincoln yester
dny. They have been visiting Mrs.
Will Crook of tins city.
Thomas Waters was a Falls City
visitor yesterday.
Miss Gertrude Lyford returned yes
terday for a visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Lyford.
Martin Gehling purchased a fine
new piano for his little daughters
this week.
Miss Field went to Lincoln I to
spend Sunday With her mother.
Miss Grown went to Lincoln last
night to attend a Soroeity enter
tainment tonight.
If you have trouble getting rid of
vour cold you may know that you are
treating it properly. There is no
reason why a told should hang on
for weeks and i( will not if j mi
lake Ciiatiiht'i he- .-. Cough Reined} .
Fo s"!(' by nil e rllgglsts.
Airs. Gill) it is in town today solicit
iny for the Nebraska Children's
Home Association.
Mr. McCann from near Rulo moved
to town tliin wi i k.
rhe bell i ii)s are arriving in town.
Airs. John 1 Ins ark and her mother,
Mr . Jane Sim lair and little grand
son are visiting relatives In Stella
i'i.I Ve,don this week.
Ml. s Helen Urebec k will return to
iliawatha tomorrow, where she will
trim during tin season for Mrs. Tally
Mr. Wandrow came down from
Huiuholdt on business Friday morn
ing. returning on the afternoon train.
it. H. Hicks came down from Hum
boldt yesterday on business.
Charles Goddard who was seriously
injured recently in na auto acci
dent at Humboldt, is able to be out
again, but is compelled to wXlk on
Mr. Ellis was a shopper here
Misses Chloe and Hazel Prater
go to Lincoln today to attend “Ben
Hur" givc'n in that city tonight.
I'r. \V. S. Fast of St. Joe was
up between trains today.
Mrs. Emerson Bowers, Mrs, John
Ayers, Miss Una Snidow and Miss
Ruth Auxier came down from Verdon ;
last night to attend the chorus
meet ing.
Mrs, Allies thought she had found
her dog yesterday until Fred Sc hook
discovered that he had lost his. The
dog was identified as belonging to
Mr. Schock by the collar.
bkoriff and Mrs. Fenton went to
Lincoln today, hue sheriff is tak
ing Willie Roberts to the peniten
A party consisting of Harry Jenne,
Dr. Greene, Clay Davis, Deter Fred
erick and Arthur Johnson went hunt
ing today. They hope to have better
success this time than they had yes
Sheriff Fenton made a business tri
to Dawson yesterday.
Deputy Sheriff McFarland made
business trip to Preston yesterday.
John K. Wright came down from
Lincoln on business yesterday.
Miss Ida Hilgenfeldt is quite sick
at the home of her sister in Kansas,
where she is visiting. The latest
news are that she is somewhat im
Dr. R. Cooper llailey went to Lin
coln last night to attend an im
portant meeting of the Home Mis
sionary committee of this presbytery
G. W. Inskeep of Chicago was re
newing acquaintances witli Ills old
Falls City friends.
Arch Cook is visiting his family in
tills city and looking after some
business matters.
Sheriff Fenton went to Salem to
day to attend ilie funeral of Mr.
Fred Schork leaves tonight for
Omaha, where lie will attend the
annual convention of the Nebraska1
Federation of Retailers.
Harry Jenne and I>r. Greene went j
! tinting this morning and got-— back
Miss Grace Maddox left this nfter
i-con for a short visit in Kansas City
The common cause of insomnia
is disorders of tin' stomach. Chamber
lain’s Stomach anti Live Tablets cor
tect these disorders and enable you
to sleep. For sale' by all deah rs.
I M. Harris of Stella is in town
today on business.
II. M. Jenne and wife and B. K.
Baker and wife spent Sunday in Stel
la, tlu guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Fs
burn Wheeler.
Miss Mable Greenwald went to Vet
dun today, where she will taka
charge of the primary department in
the schools for the rest of the
Mrs. Ed Poteet of Atchison came
up today for a short visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hein
Fred Ileiueman of Verdon is in
the city visiting today.
Miss Carrie Melvin, who lias been
visiting at tin* home of T. C. Hoe,
returned to her home at Tola, Kan
W. G. Hughes of Reserve is in the
city on busines connected witii his
new business. •
Miss Viola IJppold returned from
Beatrice, Monday whore she lias
been visiting her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maze of
near Hulo were shopping in this city
M. 1). Sharp, who was called to
Iowa to attend the funeral of his
sister five weeks ago, and who re
mained at the bedside of another, re
turned home today, after a long and
sad visit.
S \. Rockwell of Humboldt was in
town yesterday on business.
I. W. Brosen of St. Joe came up
on business Monday.
Eugene Smith of Atchison was a
Falls City visitor yesterday.
John Bradley was up from Atchison
on business yesterday.
K. A. Nussen of Nebraska City
spout Monday in Falls City.
Kit e Brothers have the contract to
erect a $3,000 bungalow, between 7th
and Mh on Wilson Street. The house
will be occupied by trainmaster Alex
ander. The house is strictly mod
ern in all respects,
Rico Brothers have just received
the contract to build an eight, room
modern cottage on li'tli and Fnlion
S'reeta. This cottage is to be oc
cupied by W. C. Jenkins, yard fore
man at the Missouri Pacific.
Mis. Laura Reed came down from
Nebraska City the first of tile week
and is the p,n« st ot her daughter.
Mrs. L. C. Edwards.
Mrs. Arthur Harris and daughter,
Ilildred, returned Sunday from a
short visit to relatives in Verdon.
Miss Minnie Bloom spent Sunday
with relatives in Verdon.
Mrs. Will Schmelzcl was a Stella
\ isitor over Sunday.
• When you have rhumatism in your
foot or instep apply Chamberlain’s
Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets cor
liof. It costs but a quarter. Why suf
fer? For sale by all dealers.
Mrs. Hoffman and her daughter Mrs
Wolff returned home to Omaha Sun
Harvey Wahl and T. L. Ilimmelrlch
bagged ton ducks yesterday.
William Hinton of Wymore is in
town on business,
Ed. Wilson of Auburn was in town
over Sunday on business.
When getting ready to get in his
buggy Wednesday afternoon, after ho unhitched. Mr. Virgil Emmert’s
te m at Salem became frightened:
and broke loose from Mr. Emmert
throwing him to the ground and
dragging him some distance, scratch
______ *
The Beatrice basketball team,
composed of the best players from
the Y. M. C. A. and the Beatrice Hig
School teams, was beaten last night
by the championship team from Por
tage. Wise., by the score of 51 to 15.
The locals put up a good game but
were outclassed in every particular
by the visitors, whose perfect team
work was greatly admired by the:
large audience.
Dr. R. Cooper Bailey in His Addiesi^
Said, Clergymen Must Aid City
Through Their Churches
The address Sunday evening at
the Presbyterian Church given by Dr.
Bailey on "The Better Falls City
as seen by a Clergyman Citizen” was
a direct and very forcible address.
This will probably be the last of the
series of addresses on “The Better
Falls City.”
Dr. Bailey spoke of the demands of
I ho public on the modern minister
and his church. He compared the
modern minister with the minister of
fifty years ago. Fifty years ago the
minister was the leading light of
the community; he was the man of
the times. He sat on the bench
with the magistrate and tempered jus
lice with mercy. Ho was consulted
on, and practically controlled all im
portant. decisions. In his church he
was expected to write and read some
lengthy discourse on some deep and
fundamental doctrine of his church
and tiie Bible every Sunday. Until
:he next Sunday his work was practi
cally at an end.
But demands made by the public
on the modern minister are vastly
different. lie must be a captain of
industry, he must lie able to organ
ize his church and its workers to get
the most i fficient work out of
them. lie must be a Captain of
finance. He must be able to look
after the finances of his church. The
clergyman who cannot, run the finan
ces of his church is branded a fail
ure and said to have crossed the
"dead line." He must not only be a
captain of industry and of finances
but must also be a “silver tontsued
orator.” The man who rises in
his pulpit, settles his glasses on his
nose and proceeds to read his ser
mon is no longer tolerated. The
modern clergyman must have his
message hot, and seething in his
heart and must give it with hi*
own heart throb. The modern tnis
ister must lie educated, he may not
foully murder the English language in
every sentence lie utters. And jUHtiy
so. The man who cannot speak
correct English, who cannot present
his message in a correct and intelli
gent manner lias no place in the pul
pit. The mod rn clergyman lias an
other side of his life that he must
neglect, it is his duty to his coun
try, liis state and Ills community, it
is his duty to inspire it with higher
ideals and educate it to loftier mor
als. And the way for him to do it
is through his church. The church
is a bi ll' fit to any community, it is
a strong and mighty police force
then . Lawlessness and crime are
rarely found beneath the church tow
er, or in the shadow of its walls.
Ail attempts at running a ciiy
without a church have been found
failures. Lawlessness and crime
abound. Since the church is a ben
efit to a community, the community
owes it support. It is not a gilded
beggar, it is an institution that seeks
to benefit the community in which it
is situated. A city will have a
cleaner moral bill of health because
of its churches and a clergyman bet
teis his city according to the ideals
lie establishes in his church.
Opening Pdarch 18th.
The Tribune stated yesterday that
the ClevelandTIughes department
store would open March 15th, but
since making that statement we
have learned that it is not to open
until March 18th.
Kansas Farm Land at $257 an Acre
Wamego, Kas., March G.—Seventy
two acres of Kaw valley laud, one
half mile eact of Wamego, was con
veycd by It. II. Helm and M. S. Sny
der to W. F. Sehutte for a considera
tion of $18,553, or a little over $257
per acre. The improvements ar*
worth about $3,500. The land was
bought by Helm and Snyder in
for $60 per acre.
ing his face badly. All attempts to
catch the plunging animals were in
vain and they were not stopped un
til they reached the hitch rack at
Dawson The team began to run at
the Salem school house. Mr. Etn
mert received no serious bruises, but
lost a vaulable lap robe and horse
Rapid City, S. I).—March Hurled
from a rapidly moving hand car into
the ditch, a Hungarian section hand
on the Milwaukee railroad working
cast of here, was so badly hurt that
he will lose a leg. He was brought
here and the surgeons removed some
bone, but declared that the leg will
have to come off. A trivial break in
the machinery of the car caused the
On Friday afternoon Christian
Heiser, living in the southeast part
of town, while hauling wood south
of the Nemaha on the Ed Towle
place, while passing under the
trestle work of the Missouri Pacific
railroad, misjudging the heighth,
of the crossing and struck against th
beams above and was seriously in
jured. It is evident from the na
ture of the accident that Mr. Heiser
had a close call. Hr. Miner was
called to dress t he wound and it is
hoped that ere long he will be out
Dr. Ralph P. Roberts, has had as
guest Mr. VV, Lancaster, representa
tive of the Supreme Council of the
Royal Arcanum, one of the oldest of
the fraternal organizations of this
county. Dr. Roberts lias been a mem
ber of the Royal Arcanum for many
years and is enjoying the news of
many members as brought to him by
Mr. Lancaster The Supreme Re
gent. Mr. Clovis H. Powers of Paw
tucket, R. ]., was visiting In Omaha
on Tuesday of this week and was
particularly pleased with the beau
ties of this part of the state and
through Mr. Lancaster sends his
greetings to all members of the Roy
al Arcanum.
•lack Reardon will open a ailoring
establishment in this city, Tuesday.
March 7th He will do general tail
oring and cleaning in the U system.
Mr. Reardon comes from the head
quarters of the U system at Kansas
City. This system has 34 branches.
Me is an old time railroader and
has many friends among the railroad
boys, and is a live wire. We feel
sure he will make good here.
Saturday evening at about 7:00
o’clock the fire alarm was sounded.
The fire was at the Falls City Auto
Co.. Oarage. A pile of waste and
refuse boxes, papers etc had col
let ted under tie bac k stairs and with
these had be-n thrown a lot of
oily waste aid it is thought that the
oil became heated by friction and
spontaneous combustion was the re
sult. The fire had a good start be
fore it was discovered. The garage
however, possesses a hose of their
own, besides fire extinguishers, and
the fire was put out before the. fire
company reached the garage.
Cleveland Hughes Store
Mr. Harry Hughes of the Cleve
land-! luglies department store is in
town arranging for his big opening.
He says the date of the big opening
will be March 15tli, and that it will
be done in good style. Mr. Hughes
spent three years in this town with
Mr. Cleveland when he ran his other
store here and is well acquainted
with the people here in town. He is
a man with up to date ideas and will
undoubtedly equip his department
store up in such a way that. Fall's
City- may well be proud of it.
Ladies’Suede and
Velvet Slices
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store
Makes Nome Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
riO ALUMLNQ liwg PweS&tATE
Legal Notice
In the Richardson County District
Court, State of Nebraska.
; Suit In Equity to Quiet Title To
Real Estate
Elmer Hoselton, Plaintiff
! Edward S. Pyle, Sarah L. Baker,
Henry Reiger and Wirt Ven
sonhaler, Defendants.
To Edward S. Pyle, non-rerident
You are hereby notified that the
plaintiff, Elmer Hoselton, did on Dio
6th day of February, Hill, file his
petition in the district court of Rich
ardson County, State of Nebraska,
j against you and the other named
; defendants herein, the object and
I prayer of which is to quiet the title
| in him, to the following described
j real estate situated in Richardson
j County, State of Nebraska, towit:
j Commencing at 'the Northeast cor
ner of tlie Northeast quarter (V4)
of the Southeast quarter (V4) of Sec
tion Twenty (20), in Township, one
(1)Range seventeen(17) east, thenco
west forty-two (42) rods; thenca
south eighty (80) rods; thence east
twenty-one and a half rods (21 Vi)
iods; thence north forty-six (46)
rods; thence east twenty-two and
ten-twenty-thirds rods to section
line; thence north to the place of
beginning, containing twelve acres;
and to estop you from claiming or
asserting titles to said land,.and from
taking advantage of any irregularity
ijn the obtaining of a decree in the
district court of Richardson county,
Neb., in favor of Jennie R. Pyle
your former wife, appropriating said
land to the support of her and your
two infant children, pronounced in a
certain cause pending in said court
in which the said Jennie R. Pyle
was plaintiff and you Edward S. Plye
was defendant, which said decree was
rendered on January 28th, 1909, and
by a sale had there under this plain
tiff became the purchaser.
And you are further notified that
unless you plead, answer or demur to
said petition on or before the 20th
day of March, 1911, the same will be
taken pro confesso, and a decree
arguable to the prayer thereof will
I lie entered accordingly.
A ttys for Plaintiff
____ ' *
Sheriff's Sale
In t.if Richadson County District
Court, State of Nebraska.
Peter Christen, Plaintiff,
The Improved Order of Red Men, Lo
gan Tribe No. 6;i, Defendant.
Notice is hereby given, that by
virtue of an execution issued out of
the District Court of Richardson
County, State of Nebraska, in the
above entitled cause dated the 27th
day of February, 1911, I will as
sheriff of the County of Richardson
and state of Nebraska, offer at public
sale, in front of the west door of
the court house in Falls City in said
County and State, between the
hours of 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. of said
day, the following described real es
tate situated in the town formerly
known as Arago, but now named
Fargo, in said Richardson County,
State of Nebraska, towit: The ~EVs
of Lot 7 in Block 8 in said town or
village, according to the original plat
and survey of the old town or vil
lage of Arago. Said property was
taken in execution by me under tho
writ aforesaid and upon which is
situated a certain frame building
as a part thereof, as the property of
i o defendant, ‘ The Improved order
of Red Men, Logan Tribe No. 63.”
Seized and will he sold to satisfy a
judgment entered in the said district
court in favor of the plaintiff, and
against t!ie defendant, together with
costs and accruing costs.
Terms of sale, cash.
W. T. FENTON, Sheriff.
Reavis & Reavis, Attys for Pltf.
Firrst pub, March 10, five times