The County in General The “Doings” of our Country Friends and Neighbors. WILIJAMSVILK The Indies Aid of Barada and sev eral others gathered at tho home of Mrs. I. A. Dunn last Wednesday to sew carpet rage and quilt. Tongues and needles were kept busy chatting and sewing. Refreshments were serv ed by Mrs. Dunn. G. W. Duerfeldt and family sqent Sunday last at the home of Mr. Krod llartman Rev. Essley and wife sqent Wednes day night at 1. A. Dunn’s. Mrs. Ruegge living south of here was stricken seriously ill last Monday Mr. E. E. Butler, having sold his land here will sell his stosk and tools at a sale March the 8 after which he will move with his family to Hebron wherehe lias bought a farm. Mr. 1. A Dunn was n Barada visit or Monday. Mrs. Ed. Ege is on the sick list thl week, Mrs. Tom Branseum left Monday fo Kansas where alio will spend sonic time with relatlvecs and friends. Mr. Wendell Gerweck is on the sic list Mrs. A. Lippold has been ill for the last few days About 60 relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. Elmer Butler last Friday evening for a fare well surprise party in honor of Henry and Ralph Butler, who are going to move out west. The evening was spent in playing games on the lawn and In the house. Refreshments were served at 12 o’clock. The guests departing for their homes wished Mr. Butler nnd Ills family suc cess and happiness In their now home*, which is near Hebron, Nobr. RULO George Miller and wife have opene • restaurant and confectionary in the ward building. The Fargo ferry boat broke loose with the lee last week, and although a crowd spent a greater part of the day watching for It, no one suc ceeded in capturing the treasure, It was cuught about six miles east of Sparks, Kansas. A crowd of young i>oople attended the pie social, at the Fort Hazel school housee last Friday night. All report a fine time. Febrary 27th being ltev. Pickett's birthday, his wife invited small party of friends, whose birthdays were on or near that date, to spend the evening. A sumptuous two court dinner was served. The remainder of the evening was spent with var ious games and social conversation. Ray Beley returned Saturday from a few days visit with relatives at Sparks. Will Story and w ife moved from the country to Rulo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gage returned last Saturday front a visit to Lin coln. Art Speere of Table Rock was a Rulo visitor Monday. Ray Sparks went to Sparks Tues day for a short visit with relatives. A. T. Sherman of Wyniore was a Rulo visitor the first of the week. Mrs. John llopkins was a visitor to St. Joseph Saturday. Frank Gage went to Lincoln Sat urday night to spend a week with relatives. E. Shepherd came up from St. Joe Monday for a visit with his par ents. Mrs. \V. A. True and little son went to Salem Tuesday to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chesnut spent last Wednesday in Kansas with relatives. F. K. Knlp of Wymore was a busi ness visitor in Rulo last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steinhauser re turned Wednesday from a visit with relathees at White Cloud. L. B. Saxon of Lincoln was a business visitor in Rulo Wednesday. Henry Meyers, wife and baby visit ed with relatives in Falls City the first of the Wi«k. Mrs. Theodore Anderson has been quite sick the past week. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brinegar, who lias been seri ously 'll the past w ek is ini proving Haluo Hart relumed from Salem after a week spent with friends. Mrs. Charles Caverzagie was a Falls City visitor one day last week. Pauline Liberty visited with rela tives at Preston the first of the week. Mrs. James Robison returned Wed nesday from a visit with relatives at Clearmont, Mo. She was accom panied home by her niece. Roy Williams and wife have pur chased the Shelhouu property and moved Into the same Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gage will move into the house vacated hy Mr. Williams. Mrs. Mary Ilatekin was quite sick last week at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Wes Coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shepherd left Tuesday of last week for their home in Livingston, Mont., after an extend ed visit with relatives and old friends, Mrs. Charles Boerner was a Pres ton visitor the first of the week. HUMBOLDT 3 T K. Glllan and daughter Kath rlne went to Lincoln, Tuesday to at tend the lien Hur theatrical perfor mance Mrs. Amanda Litchfield re turned to this city after a several months visit in the “Sunny South”, at the home of her son in Alabama. Lillian Butterfield left, Monday for Lincoln, where she will he the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. L. El well. Mrs. E. Whitney departed for her home in Omaha Sunday after spen ding som* time with Will Johnson pnd family. II. Boyd and Eleanor Williamson went to Table Hock, Sunday where they met Zora Marble as she return ed from a visit with friends in Te cumseh. JamesHnlzda was a business visi tor to Pawnee City Thursday. J. T. Leff and family are now res idents of Humboldt., having recently moved here from Stella. Howard Snoke has been joined by his family, who arrived in this city the first of the week, from I>a Harpe, Kansas. They will reside on a farm near town. Prof. Huff went to Tecumseh, Mon day. Ho was accompanied by Bessie Little, Gladys Boyd and Ix>is Gridloy. Tile young folks will represent the Humboldt High school in a debate with the Tecumseh High school. The Presbyterian church was given a china shower Tusday at the church. A program was rendered and refreshments served. A. B. Cornelius returned from Tex as, Sunday. H. 10. Boyd wont to Omaha Monday L. J. Segrist and wife entertained at their beautiful home, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The Alpha Club met Monday after noon. Mrs. Christ Buorstctta from the western part of the state is visiting at the homo of her mother, Mrs.. Zelinkn. Mrs. 1) 10. Goddard of Arcadia aft er a visit with Charles Goddard and family returned to their homos, Thurs day. O. T. Little was on the sick list the last of the week. Herman Gossman died at his home north west of this city Tuesday eve of last week. Funeral services were held Friday at the German M. E. church, conducted by Rev. Fricke The deceased was a prosperous far mer fifty three years of age and is survived by his wife and eight chil dren. Mrs. Ida B. Brown and John Loath erman were married at the Presby ian parsonage Wednesday even ing Rev. J. K. Cardy performing the ceremony. Chester Shroycr, Lloyd Stabler and Joe Morris left, Monday for Harv Montana. Mr. Blumbarg of Kansas City was in town Monday in the Interest of the Knights of Pythias lodge. The W. c. T. U. met with Mrs. How to Cure Chronic Colds and Bronchitis Blucvale, Oni., May 4, 1910. “I was sick for two years with a chronic cold and bronchitis and a consequent run-down condition. I received no benefit from doctors, end had to give up work. V1NOL was recommended and from the sec ond bottle I commenced to improve — T gained in weight and strength, ny cold and bronchial trouble dis appeared, and I am at work again. I want to recommend \TNOL to anyone who is in need of such a medicine."—Thomas llir.or.vs. it is the < ' ;dimed action of the *T aided by the blood making and strength creating properties of Ionic iron contained in \ 1NOL which makes it so successful in curing stubborn colds and bronchitis. \ 1NOL is a constitutional rem edy for chronic coughs, colds, bron chitis and pulmonary-troubles, not a palliative like cough syrups. Try a bottle of VINOL, If you don t think it helped you, we will return your money. . A. G. WANNER, DRUGGIST Ashford Edie, Wednesday. Mrs. J. C. Segrlst entertained the Linger Longer club. Wednesday. Herbeert Borland is suffering with quinsey this week. Mrs. E. C. Colbapp entertained on Thursday in honor of Mrs. Emory Stanley—nee Cooper—who is visiting friends in town before departing for the Philippine Islands, where she will join her husband who preceded hts family to Cavite. Mrs. D. E. Smith recently returned from Clinton, Iowa where she has been at the bedside of a sister who is ill. Mrs. Clara Hassler of Lincoln is th guest of her mother, Mrs. It. K. Ilavi Harry Doyd went to Lincoln, Tues day to see Hen Hur. Mrs. Robert Travers, who has bet'n visiting at the home of her parents, Wm. Cooper and wife, left, Sunday for her home in Lincoln. Mr. Horace Bemont left, Saturday for Winnebago, Nebr., where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Linnie Sne then, who teaches the Primary Dep artment of the school at that place. A case of scarlet fever devel oped in tlie home of Dr. E. A. Litch Marth 1st. John Fellers and wife of Elk Creek were Sunday visitors with Humboldt friends. •I. K. Liggett came over from Paw nee City to spend Sunday with his wife. The musical and literary entertain ment given b” the Christian church Friday night was a decided success. Mrs. Rudolph Hnizda of Table Rock spent a few days the first of the week with her parents. Wm. Viel| and wife. BARADA Mrs. Laura Mitcheil visit d last week with her daughter, Mrs Kel'ie Peters. Miss Lizie Zubriek of Verdon vis ited tiiis week witli her aunt, Mrs. E. E. Butler. Miss Vesta Lively, who is teaching in Dawson, spent the week end at the ! E. E. Buth r Dr. S. IL Andrews went to Kan sas City to meet his wife who return ed from a visit with her parents at Cordell, Okla. They returned to Barada on Wednesday, Mahlon Klue moved to tJnadilla, Nebr. last week. Jesse Kirkendall lias rented the Koavts farm for the coming year. C. L. Barker moved onto the C. F. Kuker farm just east of Barada on Monday, which he has rented for .lie year. Mr. Brackhahn of'Humboldt moved on tiie farm east of Barada which lie i uiv based of Wat. Kuhlman. Dan Wamsley moved liis family from falls City onto the Spiekler farm u> recently purchased. Kail Hitler rnnea to the ’a -»l* Arnold ‘arm. H > mo- ed 350 youag rhickens with a loss of only thro • iissc Ankrom is again able to 1> ■ a’miit after a aiwe illness. Mrs. IL C Coe t nd daughter of Stella visited the frst of the w > >k with Mrs. R. J. Dunn. W. P. Snodgasa of Kails City moved this week Into the Frederick place, east of Iiarada. J. T. Sailors has moved his family into the Morehead house until com pletion of their new home west of town. Mrs. Iva Cline also has a suite of rooms in this cottage. Misses Hazel and Ethel spent the week end on the farm. Rev. Essley and wife left Mon day for conference at Blue Springs. Henry Kuhlman and family moved onto the Ebel farm north of town. Mr. Ebel moved to Falls City. The I^adies Aid Society served lunch at E. E. Butler's sale Wednes day. Lost—Mrs.J.A.Martin lost a ladies gold watch and fob Sunday between A liberal reward will be given for her home and the Evangelical church its return to the owner. W. E. Whittington and family of Pacific Junction, Iowa are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Yager came up from St. Joseph to attend the wedding of Mrs. Yager’s brother, Charles Kuker Jr. STELLA Mrs. E. Wheele visited several days last week at Salem with her aunt, Mrs. Jess Shrimpton. J. M. Goodloe and family visited Sunday at Verdon with Robert Gools by and family. Miss Llssa Colglazier returned Saturday from a visit with her niece. Mrs. Ora Houtz at Adams. Miss Neva Cowell of Howe w’ith a car load of young friends, was auto riding in Stella Sunday. Chas Wood Is here from Elk City, Oklahoma looking after his business interest in Stella. John Hall of Vlrden, brought his sister Miss Camilla Hall and Mesdame Garries and Goolsby to Stella last Fri day evening, to visit Miss Amret Hai who has been seriously ill at the home of M. Bartler for the past three weeks Mrs. I^tsRoy Griffith and little Mari visited last week with relatives at Julian. Mrs. Caroline Haggard visited last week in Seneca Kansas. Roy Marts moved his family from town to the farm of Mrs. Jess Hay south of town where he will farm the coming year. Mre. Etta Mclninch and daughter Beulah returned last week from North Bakota and will occupy the Swan prs perty in the east part of town. Mrs. A. M. Farmer has been quite sick the past week. The High Scool basket ball team went to Verdon last Friday and played with the Verdon High Scool team the score was 18 to 15 in favor of Stella. Joe. Mason and family' moved Sat urday to the farm one mile east of town, this farm they purchased re cently from Geo. Randall. Miss Merle Argabright went to Au burn Saturday to visit her grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walty. Miss Janette Weller returned Mon day from her trip to Mexico, and reports a delightful trip. She thinks Mexico is a delightful country. Mrs. Angeline Raper purchased the Chas. Wood property on Main Street, Monday. Sheriff’s Sale In the District court of Richardson i ounty, State of Nebraska. A. I). Annis, Plaintiff, vs C. Ii. McColm, N. E. McColm and William J. Nelson, Defendants. Nolice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court of Kichadson County, State of Nebraska and un der (lie seal thereof and to me dir t tied, I will, as sheriff of Richard son County, on the 1st day of April, !!tli offer at public sale in front of the west door of the court house in Falls City, Nebraska, between the hours of 10 a, in. and 2 p. m. of said cay the following tracts of real estate situated in Richardson County, Slate of Nebraska, and particularly described as follows, towit: the north , half of the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter and southwest i iiarit r except ten acres In a square out of thi southwest corner of said southwest quarter all in Section 9, | and northeast quarter of north-; cast quarter except three j An cl one i nlf acres out of northwest corner thereof, and the south half of 11 - - - noi'lheast quarter, and the north-i ust quarter cl' the southeast quar ter and the southeast quarter of; southeast quarter except three acres i thereof owned by Robert Bodle, all in Sec. S and the East 21 and sistty-1 twoJm idreds acres of northeast quar ter of northwest quarter of Sec. 1C 1 all in Township 3, Range 17. E 6th, I i’. M., lit- hardt-oii County, Nebraska, j Said properly is and will be syij to satisfy a decree of said dis trict court entered in favor of the above named plaintiff, A, D. Annis, and against the above named defend ants, the said C. B. McColm', N. E McColm, and William J. Nelson. Terms of sale, cash. W. T. FENTON, Sheriff Reavis & Reavis. Atty for Pltff. First publication March 3, 5 times. /—1 W R. DOimiNdTON. Prwi. W. A. OltKKNWAI.O. Caafci»r T. J. UJBT. Vioe-Pnw. OUY P. UBEENWALD, A*«‘t Cs*ii«r Falls City State Bank Capital and Burping, $70,000.60 This Bank Wants Your Patronage 11 It is a strong conservative and ac. coinodating institution operated under the Banking Laws of the State of Nebraska. 1 I ^ *S a frrow*nff* mo