CLEVELAND BUYS STOCK PENCF LITTLE BUSINESS SOLD AND RESOLD F. W, Cleveland of Nebraska City Will Once More Identify Him. self With Our Merchants TIi.' i i.tire sto. k formerly belong ing to the firm of Pence Little Co , invoiei < d at flll.HSU, sold under th* hammer Monday for $7,7-‘0. F. G Harmon of Hole out. Mo., bought the Stork Mr. Harmon, however sold it to Fred Cleveland of Nebraska City and gives possession to Mr. Cleveland in a few days He Informs us lie will install a good line of fresh groceries and make the store an an up-to-date general merchandise. Mr. Cleveland Is well known to most of us as he was for years a merchant in this city and has a wide circle of friends who are glad to hear of his rt turn. There wen many people in at tendance at the sale, lmt the bid ding was not very high. Mr. Har mon himself says the stock sold very cheap. A MEANS OF MAKING HANDY CASH Falls City's Increase In Population Will Increase Consumption And Encourage Production The west has not yet taken large ly to the one thousand and one ways of making money by light farming, as pnieticid in the oust. Ibcause of the excellent markets here for all poultry products, chicken culture ought to become one of our big specialties, especially since Ibis is bound to become it railroad and manufacturing town. Small fruit and truck gardening al so offer excellent opportunities for Industrious persons who have a plot of tliable ground. Herrlos and fresh vegetables are always in de mand. The market is never over stocked. Any person with ordinary pcrserverenco can lay the founda tions fe a competency. Now is the time to begin. Died Mrs;. Flam did ill her homo m ar Itunulii mi Wednesday morning. She liail been sick most of the time since site hail tile measles last spring. Her sickness developed In lo pneumonia and later into tuborcu losis, r.f which she died at the ace of forty-three yarns and eight months She loaves a husband three so, , tin e daughters and an aged I'nth* r and mother. Mr. nad Mrs. H. Itriuinlii of Shubert. Interment was u ieh in Iktiada cemetery Friday. I Mart ied \ vi ;y pretty wedding occurred at tli ! t iin of Carl Mongold near Will in in. viili last Thursday. when their »■ : c r was united in marriage to C u. c. „ WilliZ. Rev . treiek Official - ] The ceremony w as performed | :ir ti ) The• bride was dressed in j. i t: ..jlk and looked charming. Miss I i ha Aide and l.cwis Rhoades act . t brides ntaid and best man. . i crowd of friends and tela . present and immediately ; ;. t cremony they ex .1.1 t a; t ;;t; latlous. A . t! i i w. s ser\ ed and el, li \tiling people on j . i .a * Mrs. F. K. Farrington entertained ; l it:« party of ladies with a kon s ngt- n yesterday afterncon. The 111>11.-1 was decoiated with red and white carnations being used profuse l\ .About forty ladies were present tend passed the afternoon with their needlework and in social tonversa ,' mu fa\ ei < (I ibe ladies with several piano numbers Splendid refreshments were served in two courses at five o’clock. In tile evening Mr and Mrs. Far rington entertained at cards. Twelve tables were placed for whist which was tiie favored game for the even ing and was played with the usual in tense interest. The* honors were very evenly divided, several guests winnin seven of the eight games played. An excellent supper was served a eleven o'clock which was one of the pleasur es of the evening. The events are reported as being exceptionally pleas ant. Mrs. Varner of Beloit, Kansas was present. Hiawatha Woman Killed Instantly While Mrs. J. B. Hinphorrn of ilia watha was sweeping the snow from her hack porch last night, she fell backward off the porch a distance of about twenty feet. She struck her head on the brick sidewald and w as killed Instantly. Mrs. lllnphorn is well known hero, and her many friends will be grieved to Jearn of her sudden death. LOG ROLLING When one legislator says to an other, "You vote for my bill and I'll j vote for yours." you have a situation of log rolling When it becomes rain pant, ns it sometimes does in legls lathe bodies. It is well night Im possible to n il what will come nut of tile string of trades anti barters, ruder sue It conditions merit has, little to do with the enactment of measures into law. and men are fre quently found voting for bills they do not sit heart favor at all Grati fication of sectional selfishness is ■ often swapped for gratification of corporation greed, and the people's j money Is squandered to defeat the very laws the pi ople demand. in the present Nebraska legislature log rolling Is being prrnctind to a dangerous and vicious degree. The hi 11 for capital removal and the one for the establishment of an agricul j turnl school in southwestern Nebras-, ka would have no show at all except ( for ttie support given them by legis lators who hope to gain in return vote., to kill important pending leg Isialion. It is mighty near bribery J when a group of legislators form a I i onib't’ntlon to vote $100,000 of the I people's money to satisfy a sectional j demand solely for the purpose of] geti ng return votes for or against more important bills. Worst of,all it is bribery with the people's mon ey us the bribe. Kvery measure should s tand or fall on its own merits; and every legislator should ubsolutt ly refuse to vote for any bill that ho ho lier* s to I e wrong, or against any hill that ho believes to be right. But legislators are nol always perfect. They ijeod a little bolstering up by it public opinion that is aisle to ex press Itself tangibly. This bolstering may best he supplied through the Initiative and referendum. If the people csf Nebraska today had the ini tlatlve, the legislators would he a great deal more concerned about passing measures Use people want, for they would know that the peo ple had the power to get those meas ures in another way. And if the people had the power 1o get those measures in another way. And if the people had the right of the ref erendum our legislators would be a great deal more concerned about passing bills that the people do isot waist, for the people would hold the power of veto. Verily, the present situation gives an intense longing for these weapons of People's Power. Given A Life Saving Medal Washington February 27 Presi dent Taft has awarded to Miss Nel lie Caskey of Fairinoimt. Ind., a life saving medal on the recommen dation of the interstate commerce commission Accompanying the me the president sends a personal let ter of < ominendation for .Miss Cas key's bravery. The Caskey home is two miles from Fairinoimt. and only a short distance front the crossing of a highway by the Pennsylvania rail road On March lb. IblO, Miss Cas key discovered her niece. Martellc Caskey, three and a half years old. on the railroad tra< k in front of a rapidly approaching train. The engi neer saw .Miss Caskey ritnntng ahead of his train along the track toward the little gil. He attimpted to stop the tain, but in the short dis tance was unable to do so At the moment it seemed inevit able the train would strike the two children, hut the heroic girl siczed th" child, sprang from the track and ,oiled with her down the emliank ment Miss Caskey, who is sixteen years old is (lie second girl who has re vived the life saving medals under tin present law. Harshburger Mrs. Harshburger was brought here yesterday from St Joe ami wss buried in the Cahtolie cemetery, the funeral party going direct from the train. She lias been residing with her son, K. W. Harshburger near Knlo and had gone o St. .loe to visit her sister. She was about seventy years of age. Her husband died sev eral years ago. We have a good list for next Sab bath day. The Bible school will open promptly at f*: 4.*» and pastor and Sup erintendent hope to see till teachers and pupils in place on time. At the evening service Hres. a. K. Turner of Hastings College will Attends Funeral Here Mr. and Mrs. Lehmer and two t hil dren, Eva and Lewis, arrived in Kails City yesterday from Effingham. Kansas. They accompanied the body of Mr Lehmer’s mother, Mrs. Hertzburger, which was buried here yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Lehmer and son returned home today. Miss Lehmer. however, will remain here as the guest of Miss Minnie Wolf. Mr. Harvey is on the water wagon again. He has been having a spring renovating of his wagons and has i brought them out with a new coat of paint and some new patent eon [ veniences for the street sprinkling OTGHr BY OUR REPORTER HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week James Sip then. Cheater Powers, J Wm. flrandow and John Uevelle of, Humboldt are in town today. '1 aid in Full" which will be seen ii the (b illing Theater, on Tuesday, March 7, is an iuterseting play deal ing in a vein of grim veracity with a problem in the existence of an un paid c lerk and tiis wife. Kugene Walter’s drama, “Paid in Full,” will lie given at the Gehling I'lii ater on Tuesday evening Mnrch 7th The piece is carefully staged and perfectly played by an excellent company. ness of her mother. Miss Katie Mulligan has been unite sii k for a few days. Grandpa Hunnlke, who has been ill for some time, does not improve, lie continues very weak. Miss Cinderllla Houston and her mother returned Saturday evening from a weeks visit in Omaha and Nebraska City. Sheriff Kenton look Daniel 11. lllnv aty, who was declared insane by the insanity board, to the asylum at Lincoln Sunday. lie was brought to i ills city Friday from Humboldt. Mi.s Nora Jones was called from Mi. Clark a M. 1*. lire man came up from Kansas City yesterday. I'a yard (ii' ciuvald arriv d home yes terdny for a short visit with his motle i Mrs. InUith tlris nvvald. Mr. mtd Mrs. ('. I,. Lynch of Sa lem wire shopping la . > : a ig-euy. Mr. Schrader, it fireman on the Mi - ■ el i I'neifie, went to Omaha yes terday. Mr. Win. F.orray eame up from K:e. i;.. c’It3 Saturday to make it sho*' visit with his mother. Mrs. Andy Scott. Kvving Herbert of Hiawatha spent Sunday in this city. Rev. Brooks, the Methodist min ister, took his congregation to the Presbyterian church last night to hear Mr. Lyford’s address on “The 1». Her Kails City Krom The Business Man's Standpoint." The lOleetiie Theater will be opfn is usual every niglit during the al t erutloi t Henry l’orter (tune down from St. loe Saturday on business. Mr. Por ter expects to move his family here in the near future. Mr. A. Page of Dawson was a Sat urday visitor in this city. The Westing House people have set all the old gang to work again tills morning. Misr. Florence Boose is on the sit k list as a victim of Jagrippe. Mr. Hoy Dykes of Stella spent Saturday and Sunday in Falls City .isiting with friends. Mrs Clark Waffles and daughter, Mins Lydia, of Humboldt are in Falls City visiting with friends. Dr Creorgt Handy from Humboldt was in Falls City Saturday on busi ness. Mr and Mrs. Carl Sthaer return ed to Superior this morning after a short, visit to the latter's mother, Mrs. Delia Sanford. Bat Hawley spent Sunday with his family at Barnston. Mrs. Jane Sinclair returned to this city Saturday after a two week's vis it to her son, James Sinclair and family near Hulo. Don't fail to attend the (Evangelis tic services at the Christian ehureh. They will continue all week, Rev. F. K Day in charge. Song service will begin promptly at 7:30. Little Floyd Shields had liis tonsils removed yesterday. Drs. Miner and Reneker had charge of the operation. Miss Kate Heacock took up her new work in the High School yes terday morning and gave the pupils a pleasant greeting. Don't fail to hear the “Crown C'om binola" concert at the Bloom Long hardware store. Saturday, February !25, from 2 to 4 p. m. Mrs. C (\ Saylor of Verdon was shopping here yesterday. Miss May Starlzel went to Atchi son this morning to visit relatives. Wayne Whiten, Charles McCool and George Coon were down from Salem yesterday attending court. The I. O. O. F. lodge meets tonight in regular session. Orra Davis and wife were down from Salem shopping yesterday. John Pearson of Salem was in town yesterday. Russel Hiatt was down from Sa lem yesterday to visit liis family. Miss Alice Keeling returned Wed nesday from Aurora, where she has spent ten days with her sister, Miss Lois, and her uncle, Mr. George Keel ing. Miss Smith of the Smith- Buser Co. of Dawson is down today on bus iness and for dental work. Cius Nettlebeck is out again af ter his recent illness. Miss Violet King, stenographer for IJispaehor Jones, went to Kansas City this morning. Arthur Johnson went to Verdon yi f terday afternoon on business. Charles Babb was down from Omaha yesterday and will remain about a week. Louis Wolf returned yesterday from Beloit, Kansas where he has been j superintending the building of a depot for the Missouri Pacific, John Sims was a Burlington pas senger to Pawnee City yesterday. Herman Frit/, and wife from near Fargo were in town yeserday. Mr. Biliips is down from Table Kock on business. Mrs. Margaret Sailor was down from Verdon yesterday in company with Mrs. J. C. Ayers and Mrs. Claud Sailors. John Kanaly was up from Kulo yes terday. Mr. Stroud, who was partially paral y/ed last week is improving. I .mils Davies, who had his ankle ..piaiued so badly last week by fall ing off his pony is able- to return to school. * Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hucher return-1 cd yesterday from their \isit lo rel atives in Elkhart, Ind. C. Williamson was down from Sa- j lem Thursday. J. B. Douglas, secretary of the Te cuimieh Building and Loan Associa tlon, came to brails City today to look after some of the business interests of the company of this city. Mr. Evans of the Continental In surance Co., is iii town today calling on his agent, 0. II. Fallstead. Miss Minnie Wolff is out today for the first time since her severe attack of the grip. Mrs. Frank Mullen of Humboldt made The Tribune office a very pleasant call while in town today. Miss May VauDusen seems to have Hu building bee in her bonnet. She has been seen several times lately in close conversation with one of our conractors. At the latest re ports Mr. Rice lias failed to land Hie contract. Miss Floy McMillan is taking .Miss Nellie Downs’ place in .John Powell’s office, during Miss Downs’ vacation. Win. Wilson is reported to he im proving today. He lias been quite ill for several days. .1. F. Walsh of Humboldt is" in the c ity attending district court. The supper given by the ladies of the Christian church last night was a decided success. They cleared about $60 for their efforts. Quite a large party from this city contemplates going to St. .Joe, Meh. tith, 7th and 8th to see “Ben Hurr.” Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hays of Stel la were among the out of town peo ple at the Elks dance last night. Charles Martin of the K. C. pool hall went to Alma. Neb., yeserday for a week's visit. Tom Hall of Lincoln came down from Verdon this morning with his brother in the auto. Judge Pemberton of Beatrice has been here during the week for court and was a pleasant taller at this office. John K. Baker was down from Sa lem yesterday. Miss Ella Williamson of Humboldt is a guest of her brother and other frit rids. She came for the Elk’s dance last night. Guy Wahl went duck hunting yes terday and got - hack Apprentice girls wanted at the Wittrock Millinery store. tf John Fritz from Fargo was in town yesterday. Miss Cna Stiidow came down from Verdon last night to remain over Sunday at home. John Hall is down from Verdon to day. Dr. W. S. Fast will be here on his regular visit Tuesday, March 7, at Dr. Wilson's office. Hours 9 a. m. till 3 p. m. tf The Falls City chorus met last night with good attendance. Editor Herbert of the Hiawatha World was among the interested spec tators at the Elk’s reception and dance yesterday. Mr. Thomas McDertnond of Keuane Ills., is visiting his niece, Mrs. Jim F’owell. Mrs. Norton of Seneca, Kas., is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Jim F’owell for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Esburn Wheeler of Stella were guests last night of rel atives in this city for the Elks dance. Dr. C. A. and Mrs. Barnes came down from Teeumseh to attend the Elk's dance last night. Mrs. Barnes will remain over Sunday with the family of Mrs. Margaret Maddox. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Robb were down from Verdon last night for the Elk’s dance. Dr. A. E. Turner of Hastings Col lege will be at the Presbyterian chim b tomorrow morning and no in the evening, as by mistake we report ed yeserday. WM. TAFT FORCES SILENCE ON COAST CITY President Helped ’Frisco to Land Exposition, But Insists Hector, ing of Japs Shall Cease Washington, Feb. 24—One explana tion of President Taft’s eager sup-! port of San Francisco as the site for | tiie • xposition celebrating the open ing of tlie Panama canal was found today in the elimination of the immi gration restriction clause and in tiie other concessions made to the Japanese in the new proposed treaty with Japan made public today. Taft believes that lie and congress have put San Francisco and Califor nia "under bond to keep the peace until after 3915, the year of the ex position.” That the anti-Japanese ele ment in California would raise great objection to any concessions to Japan was considered certain until the ex position arises. “California intends to hold a great internaional exposition in 1915 and more than all other states, she must endeavor to keep all of our inter national relations as cordial as pos sible,” explained a prominent diplo mat!. oday. “Especially is it important that Cal ifornia should do nothing to cause a break witli Japan.” That Taft put forth his most pow erful efforts to win the fair for San Francisco is a known fact. He urged liis friends in congress to vote for tlie coast city and used every means within ids power to aid in bringing about the signal victory which Cali fornians won in congress. NEWS THAT WILL INTEREST ALL OUR READERS Current Happenings That Are Gath ered Daily From Our Many Exchanges Veto bill passed by English parli ment by full majority. * * * Senate did not reach a vote on Lorimer’s case, yesterday. • * * The final disposition of the Wa bash railroad, is still in doubt. • • • Sock Yards Bill is sill hte bone of | contention in Nebraska Senate. • • • Saturday, February 25th is to be I the great bargain day in Nebraska City. * * * Senator Lorimer makes plea in his ! own behalf. Pleads innocence of evil Intentions. Hig crowd attend first session of second annual session of Nebraska’s | conservation congress. * * * Nebraska City woke up the other morning to find they had a boy problem. Ten kiddies all up at once. * • • George H. Cox is contempt of court as result of reflections cast upon the grand jury, which indicted him for perjury. * * * it is reported that the U. S. gov ernment is negotiating the purchase of the Cnion Iron Works, near San Francisco, of Charles M. Schwab. * * « Attorney General Wickersham re ports 4,000 bucket shops closed as the result, of the generla campaign now being carried on against them. • • • A medical examination bill that will make it necessary for Christian Sci ence practieioners to have a diplo ma before allowed to prcatice was presented to the Missouri legislature yesterday. .1. J. Hill, tlie railroad magnate of the great northwest, says “the pres ent reciprotiy treaty is the most im portant measure before the Ameri can people since the Civil war.” * * * Don't eat pork unless well cooked under any circumstances, warns the agricultural department at Washing ton. Two per cent of all hogs killed have flesh worms. • * • Special agents of the city of Mil waukee inspected Kansas City's muni cipal farm yesterday. What they saw appealed greatly to their social istic temperaments. * * * Charles Everette, the rural carrier on the first rural route established b congress as an experiment, at Bon ner Springs, Kansas, resigned his job after fifteen years continuous ser vice and went back to farming. Mrs. J. V.'. Holt, who has been (juite shk for a f w (lays, is im proving. Born, to Mr and Mrs. Julius Wist, who live eight miles northwest ef town, twin boys, F< hr- try 24, IPii E. S. Martin came down from St. Joe Friday for the Elk's party and will remain over Sunday. He is the guest of Miss Gertie Gossett. R. A. Brooks of Marian. Iowa and A. A. Brooks of Superior. Nebraska are in the city visiting with their brother. Rev. M. C. Brooks. One of the things the city council might well undertake to remedy, to lie grmt advantage and security of the trawling public, and at little or no cost to the town, is the condition of the lighting about the stations. With the growth ot the town and es pecially with the development as a railroad center, a coarse element will make this their rendezvous. These charm era naturally congregate about the stations. Not loss than eight passenger trains stop at the two sta tions every night. The light at eith er station is anything but what it should be. The safeyt of the tavel ing public demands it, and steps should be. The safety of the travel railroad people to make the needed improvements. It will not only add much to the comfort and security of [those who have occasion to come and go in tlie night, but will greatly en hance the credit of Falls City in the eyes of such strangers as happen to stop off at night time. Sheriff’s Sale In tlic District court of Richardson County, State of Nebraska. A. 1). Annis, Plaintiff, vs C. it. McColm, N. E. McColm a :d William d. Nelson, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an older of sale issued out ef the District Court of Richadson County, State of Nebraska and un der tin seal thereof and to me dir* i cted, 1 will, as sheriff of Richard son County, on the 1st day of April, IP I i offer at public sale in front of the west door of the court house in Falls City, Nebraska, between the hours of 10 a. in. and 2 p. m. of said eay the following tracts of real estate situated in Richardson County, Slate of Nebraska, and particularly described as follows, towit: the north half of the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter and southwest i uarter except ten acres in a square out of tin southwest corner of said southwest quarter all in Section 0, and northeast quarter of north cast quarter except three and one-half acres out of northwest corner thereof, and the south hall' of the northeast quarter, and the north ast quarter of the southeast quar ter' and the southeast quarter of southeast quarter except three acres thereof owned by Robert liodle, all in Sec. x and the East 21 and sixty two hundreds acres of northeast quar ter of northwest quarter of Sec. 16 all in Township 3, Range 17. E Gth, M.. Ithhardson County, Nebraska. Said property is siezed and will bo su'd to satisfy a decree of said dis trict c ourt entered in favor of the above named plaintiff, A. D. Annis, and against the above named defend ants, the said C. B. McColm, N. E. McColm, and William .1. Nelson. Terms of sale, cash. W. T. FENTON, Sheriff Reavis tc Reavis, Atty for Pltff. First publication March 3, 5 times. Horse And Mule Sale I will offer on my farm, 5 miles northwest of Morrrill, Wednesday, March 8th, 1911, commencing at ten o'clock Thirty-eight Horses And Mules consisting of 16 head of horses and mares, all good ones. Among the mares are several excellent drivers and three fine 2-yr old colts and 2 yearlings. This stoc k is all in good shape and will make the buyer mon ey. See hills for further informa tion. It JOHN LICHTY Mayor Love in his recent address in that city, appears to have run on a snag. Apparently Lincoln has her problems, too. And any man, wheth er mayor or not who attemps to offer too free solution, is liable to be called on to make Lis figures tally. Makes Home Baking Easy i Absolutely Fmj6 1/ Tho only >r.-r- "n'vtfop m~!sQ tram P-: &*$%*~emy*iyTti t 000* tv**J NO ALUMjHO LlP^E PHOSPHATE