FIXIi THE DATE OF EXTRA SESSION Conferences at White House May Agree Upon April 4. IT SEEMS INEVITABLE NOW i Plan to Secure Adverse Vote on Reci procity Agreement in Senate Did Not Please Presi dent Taft. Washington, Feb. 2S.—It is conced ed that something even more cata clysmic than the president’s suggest ed earthquake would be necessary to stave off the threatened extra session of congress. The filibuster in the Lorimer ease killed practically the last hope of get ting the reciprocity agreement through at the present session. President Taft summoned into con ference at the White House half-a dozen leaders on the question of agreeing on a date for the commenc ing of the special session. April -1 is the tentative date fixed. Chairman Payne of the ways and means com mittee and Representatives Dalzell, Weeks and Gillette talked the flatter over with the president and were re quested to ascertain the sentiment ol the republican members of the next house on a fit date and report at the White House as soon as possible. The president will confer with a like group of republican leaders of the senate on a date for the assembling of the new congress. The proclama tion is practically ready and will be lFSued immediately after adjournment on Saturday. The president has aban doned hope. Even the senate leaders, who have clung to the hope that the extra session should be averted, have now thrown up their hands. Senator Smoot, coming from a conference with the president, said: "I regard a special session as inev itable now." An effort was made by Smoot, Root and others to avert the extra session and the plan involved the defeat ol the reciprocity agreement. Those sen ators visited the White House and asked the president if it would be satisfactory to him if he would aban done the extra session if a vote was had on reciprocity, even though that vote defeated the agreement. The secret plan was to get enough senators, democrats as well as repub Means, who are averse to reciprocity, to vote against the agreements and thus end the matter. The president informed them curtly that he would not be satisfied if reciprocity was beaten OUR “MEAT TRUST” NOT WANTED Australia Has Served Notice That Drastic Action Will Follow At tempt to Locate There. Melbourne, Australia, Feb 28.—The Commonwealth of Australia served notice on the business world that it would not harbor foreign “trusts.' The following memorandum on the subject was given to the press by Sit R. W. Rest, minister of trade and ctis toms: “For several months it has been an open secret that representatives c. the American meat trust have beer, visiting Australia, ostensibly with the object of extending its operations here. The government is determined to take immediate and drastic action to discourage and, if necessary, to prohibit its operations in Australia, it is not proposed to wait until the combine secures vested interests ir this country. “The action of the government will extend to trust operations in Austra lia. whether conducted directly or In directly, and will not permit the rep etition in Australia of the scandals and merciless methods characterizing monopolies in other parts of the world." A Southern Ex-Governor Dead. Washington, Feb. 28.—John I ee Carroll, governor of Maryland from 1S76 to 1880, died at his home aftei a long illness. He was born at Home wood, near Baltimore, in 1880. John Lee Carroll was a direct descendant of Charles Carroll, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. An Old Soldier Found Dead. Leavenworth, Kas., Feb. 2S.—Julius F. Taylor, a veteran of the Soldiers' Home, was found dead near the "Blackridge" in the south part of the city. The indications were that he died from cold and exposure. Taylor was a member of Company G, Nine teenth Iowa infantry, in the civil war. Michigan Builders at Kalamazoo. Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 28.—The ail final meeting of the Michigan State Association of Builders opened here today with a most satisfactory tit tendance. Business sessions were hole this morning and afternoon in the Elks' temple, and the convention closes tonight. ' A $150,000 Fire in Montreal-. Montreal, Feb. 28—A ? 150,000 fire destroyed the plants of the Modern Bedding company and the Canadian otlice of the furniture company ot Queen street. LEADS FILIBUSTER Makes Demand for Vote On the Tariff Board Bid. A TEST OF ENDURANCE NOW As Soon as the Speech Making Stops a Vote Will Be Taken on the Lorimer Case. Washington, Feb. 28.—The senate by refusing to take a recess indicated Its willingness to enter upon the con test of endurance which became inev itable with the declaration of Senator Cummins that he would not agree to vote on the Lorimer case unless there was also an agreement to vote on the tariff board bill. To that Mr Hailey would not agree. Until that time no senator would admit that a filibuster was in progress against a vote on the Lorimer reso tut ion, but that fiction was dropped when Hailey made his latest demand for a vote and Cummins answered it "1 am perfectly willing,” Mr. Cum mins said, “that there shall be a vote on this resolution, if there shall at the same time be an agreement to vote on the bill creating a permanent tariff board. If 1 cannot get such i u agreement 1 make no concealment o. my intention to do everything in my power, within (he -limits of pail; mentary procedure to prevent a vot< on the Lorimer case.” Mr. Bailey accepted the challenge It is manifest,” he said, "that then must be a conte.-t of endurance and 1 hope the senate will not adjourn" Six hours of almost uninterrupted -peech making followed Senatoi Percy led off with a speech on the election of senators by popular vote He was followed by Senator Simmons on the same subject, and then Sen ator Bourne spoke a couple of hours on the Oregon plan of popular gov eminent. Bourne was relieved by Senator Smith of South Carolina- who ook reciprocity for his text and man aged to pass the lime until 10 o'clock, when the first skirmish took plact At that hour Senator Bailey niadi the first play for position by moving that when the vote on the pending resolution should be taken it should ne by yeas and nays. This was car ried, but not without a protest, an appeal from the chairman and a di vision By the adoption of this mo tion the Larimer forces are in a sira* gic position, all preliminaries being out of the way of a vote which is in order the minute the debate stops Absolutely Pure The* only baking/ pc w oer made front Roys! Grape Cream of Tartar NofUum, fJo Um Phosphate “Paid In Full” Kugene Walter’s four act piuy of modem America life , ‘ Paid In Full” which lias been such a success for ovei t ie non* s in Chicago and two Sea: ms in New York, will be given for tile first time in this city on Tuesday evening, March 7th. A clean production in keeping with tile nr tistic requirements of tho play is promised. SOME BARGAINS IN RESIDENCE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 201— Four room cot'tage, with four lots, east front, good coal and wood house, only $1,250.00, $750 cash, bal ance in one year at 7 per cent Int, 202— A six room house, modern hot and cold water, bath, electric lights, good location, 4 lets, some fine fruit trees, first class cut buflding. This is a bargain at $2,6C0.C0 Half cash, terms on balance. 203— A Six Room House and four choice lets, in good condition, has good well. For a short time only we will offer it for $1,C00, half cash and terms on balance. 204— A seven room house, good condition, 2 lots very desirable lo cation clos ein, one of the best loca tions in town, can give immediate possession. Price for a short time $2,200.00. 208—A fine residence property, in good town in Iowa of 5.000 population renting for $30.00 per month. Will sell out right or will trade for good residence property in Falls City, this is a bargain and will pay to investi gate. We also have some good farm pro positions call and see us. First door east of Heck’s feed store. Yours Respectfully, J. D. SPRAGINS & CO. 5-tf Falls City, Nebraska. f/J • t rook. ■ i .i takes Vf a; ■ i. . i.) i .Ik iioi spices. f Lm./t i. , pp.r, pinker, , i r i utm. ; that has lust i.J strength. Cet /» ft Wig Iona import their fmr O ' .1 : pices anil g. t the real m tiling i > you in ail air-tight f pack a -e. lUc. at Grocers nr:: cm. C:s Monies. !a. Spsedy Relief From Kidney Trouble “I bail au acute aitact of Bright’s Ji scape with inflamuiatiou of the k ini ys ,md bladder, and dizziness,” says Mis. Cyra 'I liorp, Jackson, Jiic. A h.n t of Foley’s Kidney Rem-'ey over< nine .‘he attack, reduced the in flammation, took away the pain and made the bladder action normal. 1 wish everyone could know of tills wonderful remedy.” A. (i. Wanner. Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable remedy for backache, rheumatism and ‘•rinary irregularities. They are ton ic in action, quick in results and afford a prompt relief from all kid ney disorders. A. G. Wanner. Falls Victim To Thieves S. W. Bends, of Coal Cityt, Ala., has a justiable grievance. Two (.thieves stole his health for twelve ears. They were a liver and kid ley trouble. Then Hr. King’s New Life Pills throttled them, lie’s well iow. Unrivaled for constipation, mal aria, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. A. G. Wanner. ' ■ Scene from Paid in Full* -— To the contestant who has the largest number of votes to his credit by 6 p. m., FRIDAY, MARCH 3rd, will be given $10 Ten Dollars $10 IN COLD This will not interfere in any way with the regular offers, as a con testant may win both the special prize and a district prize, or a spe cial prize and the Capital Prize. But no contestant will be awarded more than one Special Prize. Here is a Chance to get this $55.00 Bridge, Beach & Co. Superior : Cast : Range AT YOUR OWN GOST Fire Backs Guaranteed to Last 5 Years for Coal, 15 Years for J Wood, and they last Longer. SUPERIOR \X WITH ’-a1 TRIPLEX GRATE Has the Patented TRIPLEX grate which clears the fire-box of cinders and ashes in two seconds, Without dust cr noise. T Call at our store any time before March 25'h, 1911, and you will be supplied with a card upon which to write your name and address and the amount of your bid and place it in a sealed box which will be opened at 3 o’clock p. m. Saturday, March 25th, 1911 and the card bearing the highest bid gets the RANGE. We consider this RANGE the best value on the market for the price — $55.00—and it is likely someone will get it for considerably less. WHY NOT YGU? This Range is the result of seventy-five years of progressive effort of one of the largest Stove makers in the world. A firm Who have always catered to the best trade and never attempted to build a cheap article. They make Stoves and Ranges especially adapted to Wood or coal, whish out lasts all others. CALL AND SEE THE RANGE AND PLACE YOUR BID EARLY. Bloom & Long Hardware Co., Falls City, Nebraska