I Cloth and Voile Skirts 12T. new skirts have come in. While women are wearing (some of them) very narrow widths, these are of practical width and attractively decorated. Some especially good values are offered at A.'.00 to $H.5() in Tan and (Irav Heavy Weight (Moth mixtures. At higher pri ces we are showing as hand some garments as the country affords. Hlack Voile Skirts oc copy as strong .1 place in popu lar favor as ever. A good Voile unites more stylish possibilities, with greater wearing qualities than and other fabric. Our new Voiles are superior in finish, grade of Voile, and Stylish lea tures. Prices range from sii.oo to fill.Go. Suitings and Silks Dress Fabrics arc unusually susceptible of satisfactory Cos tume and Suit making. Our display is superior to any ever offered by us and comprehends every fabric demanded by pres ent styles. Cloths at from 50c to £2.00 in Fancies and Plains. Attention is especially called to the extremely attractive nov elties in small designs which are so good. Silks are more popular than at any time within a generation. Foulards are most in demand, with dots and small figures pre dominating. Messalines come second with Navy. Copenhagen, Tan. < iray t he best shades. Part Silk Fancies have attracted much attention. We have some | spleddid designs. Silk Dresses Very Popular The demand at this early time in the season has been phenomenal. At $10.00 to $25.00 you will find Plain and Fancy Afessalim s, Fancy Fon- \ lards, Pongees, Taffetas, in the latest models, at a very reasonable cost. Sizes 14, 16. 18 and 32 to 42 Come and look over these dresses. You may get some suggestians to help in plan ning your Spring wear. | Stylish Tailored Suits. Suits are very radically dif ferent from last spring and your old suit will not do at all. In no particular is the vogue like 1910. Jackets are short, quite box like and plain. Skirts are narrow and plain. Fabrics mostly fancies. (dolors Navy, Copenhagen, Tan, Gray, Green and Mixtures. About 50 New Suits are now in our depart ment ranging in price from $10 to $27.50 Spring Coats All Long. Long coats are tne proper thing for outside wear. We are showing them in Tans Grays Blacks Navies Mixtures Taffeta Silks and Black Satins . 1-rices range from $5.00 to $16.00 i ASCAUGHT BY BUR REPORTER HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week Hr. Wilson, Wahl Building. 1 -t 1. Mr. nd Mrs. P. I Voils of Ver don wore in the city Tuesday. do Oswald's Studio over Electric Theater. tin Mr. Morlsninn, who has had charge of the Pence and Little store return ed to St. Jon, Tuesday. F. L. Hartman from near Barada was in town on Tuesday attending to business matters. Miss Edna Parsons and Miss Ethel Sailors were in Kalis Pity visiting Tuesday. Charlie Snre of Mound City arrived in town today Tor a short visit with his sister Mrs. Grant. Sperry of this city. FOR SALE 10 tons of good alfalfa hay. Phone 345, H. L. Uahlf. 24-3t Joe Miles went to Omaha this week to get his new auto, a "Velle”, He will probably drive home in it. Mrs. Frank l'hlig was in town shopping, yesterday. Plan nee Yodder came home to vis it his father. Rev. Yoder who is quite ill. FOR RENT One furnished bed r< o n. Elite blocks north of round hou e. II. WOOD. 23-3t .1 A tto.-s--^ of Rule was in town on bush'd s, Tirsdny. V V,' Mo.dur is attending the au < • h ! hew in Katuns Pity this V i ii went ni the roadi 1 a i Wa 'ey Company, T e s day. E t) Lewis went to Kan as Pity ELECTRIC THEATRE TO-NIGHT “The Indian Raiders” All its name implies. A ! Creat 15ig Indian Picture, full of sensationalism, replete with i dramatic grandeur, by theSelig Co. “Little Angels of Luck” —' Saved from sin with the chil drens help, by the Brograph Co “True to his Trust" An incident of pioneer days. I'll is high class Indian drama de picts the life of a frontier set tier and his family, and shows* the resorcefulness of his young son, when their cabin is attacked by Indians. This is Historically true, by the Kalem Co. Tuesday aftevrnoon. Mr. and Mrs. (’. I'. Bbal are Falls City shoppers today. Mrs. H. K, Fitzgerald is visiting her father, Mr. Heed. Miss Bessie Stump of Verdon is vis iling with Mrs. .lake Heed. Mrs. Marie Iloswell was in the city oil business Tuesday. The party who picked tip the Mink muff near ltltli and Stone St. Sutur day is known and will avoid trouble b returning same to The Tribune of fice for owner. 25-2t Dr. Kerr’s White Pine Expectorant —stops the cough—don’t experiment Harlan’s Pharmacy. 13-tf Clyde Thneker of Preston was in town Tuesday. W. T. Uranscum, who recently pur chased the house moving outfit form erly owned by Martin Jones, is to day moving the house purchased from Henry l!re< lit by Whitaker Bros., Into town. Book Lovers—get your popular^ copyrights for 50c at Harlan's Phar macy. 13-tf Joe Miles returned from Omaha today, where he purchased a fine new automobile. Mr. Skirmish of St. Joe visited Ids cousin. Phil Hermes in this city. Phil Hermes returned Tuesday night Horn Kansas City, where he has been taking a short vacation. Mrs. Al l’yle of Preston was in the city yestcrrday. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Uridgeir.au ot Ilaradn were shopping in Kails City Tuesday. Oswald takes photos on post cards , Over Electric theatre. 1 m Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Vouch of j Vordon were in town Tuesday. Mrs. C. E. Peabody of St. .lot- ar rived in Falls City Tuesday for a j visit with her parents, Mr. and Airs j Samuel rater. Miss Sadie Peck of Morrill is \ is itinu here with relatives. L. .1. Iloyd of Omaha is in town today on business. I.ouis lthodewald of Rulo was visit iug in Falls City Tuesday. Horace C. Morrison was in town on business Tuesday. Sant Rueher is suffering from a f-livht attack of the grip. Our chocolates are fresh an made from pure sugar. Harlan's Phar macy. _ 13-tf Stanley Dixon returned last night from Auburn, where he spent Sun day with his sister, Mrs. George Coddington. Mrs. Carl Scliaer, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Delia Sanford, is very ill. She was taken suddenly > sick on Monday. Have you read Bloom & Long's ad you may be the one to get a free range if you follow the directions. The Carters are coming. Presby terian Church, Marrch 2. Hear the chalk tulle at the Pres byterian. Church, Marc h 2. 3t If you feci the need of a good hearty laugh, hear the chalk talk at the Presbyterian church tomorrow night, March 2. August Hartman of Arago is in town on business today. Edward and William Sehietel of Jefferson are in town on business. See the Osteopath. 25-tC It's well worth your time and ad mission to go to The Grand and so<> the Intest and best pictures shown on an imitation mirror screen. They look iis real as life in our ev ery day walk. 2!i-2t Don't miss the music and cartoons of the Carters at the Presbyterian church. March 2. 3t John Do Fox, graduate American school of Osteopathy. 25-tf It's worth more than gold to be lieve the mind and enjoy the moving pictures. The kind they always show at the Grand. 25-2t Suits cleaned and pressed at the suitatorium located over Richardson County bank. 2-tf Get the habit and follow the crowd to The Grand. It's well worth your time and admission to see the latest and best pictures on an imitation mirror screen. Don't miss our programs. There great. 25-2t Word Of Warning to Piano Buyers The best evidence of a cheap piano is when you see dealers peddling them over the country from house to house. Now stop to think. Do you want to buy a piano that has been shipped from town to town, hauled from house to house over the country before sold. I'll agree to fur nish as good a piano as you'll find peddled around, as above stated, for ♦13:..00. Clarence B. Smith 18-2t Notice I have purchased the livery barn formerly owned by C. K. Kelso, and am rpady to do a general livery and feed business. Horses boardeed by the day, week or month. S. *J. Sconce. 22-8 LaGrippe Coughs Strain and weaken the system and if not chocked may develop into pneu-j inonia. No danger of this when Fo-1 ley's Honey and Tar is taken prompt ly. it is a reliable family medicine for all coughs and colds, and acts quickly and effectively In cases of croup. Refuse substitutes. A. G. Wanner. m GOLDEN i OLD GOLDEN —" tested COFFEE by taste." Nothing tickles the palate like a cup of good Old Golden Coffee. You can't imagine its delightful flavor till you’ve tried it. At Grocers—30c a pound TONE BROS., OES MOINES. IOWA. Millers of the famous Tone Bros. Spices. RESULT OF CHICAGO PRIMARY HARRISON DEMOCATE AND MER RIAM REPUBLICAN WIN. The Contest Was the Most Bitter Ever Waged in the City— Graham Ran Third. Chicago, Mar. 1.—Carter H. Harri son, Democrat and Charles E, Mer riam, Republican, will be the candl dates for mayor of Chicago at the election to be held April 4. Roth Democratic and Republican machines were smashed. The bitterest primary election fight in (he history of Chicago ended with the selection of ihe above standard bearers and simultaneously begins what promises to be Ihe most hotly contested fight for the actual mayor alty in the city's history. The result on I he Democratic side of the fence was contested until the last ditch, Mr. Harrison winning out by a comparatively small plurality over Edward F\ Dunne, while Andrew J. Graham, the banker candidate fathered by Roger Sullivan ran third in the race and was hopelessly beaten almost from the start. On the Republican side Mr. X!er riam had virtually a walk-over, his to tal vote being nearly a majority over all of the other Republican candi dates. C. H. Harison has already been twice mayor of Chicago and his near est opponent, Mr. Dunne, was once the chief executive. Mr. Harrison is a son of the first Carter H. Harrison who was assassinated while mayor o Chicago at the close of the world's fair in 1893. Charles E. Merriatn, college profes sor, reformer and investigator, head ed the famous Merriatn investigating commission, which turned the Re publican administration and organ ization up side down during the past two years. The primary fight developed more bitter animus than lias ever before been seen here, For weeks the cilj has been placarded with cartoons and announcements most of them being levelled at Mr Harrison by the Dem ocratic machine. (■'OR A CROSS-STATE ROAD Bill Introduced in Missouri Legisla ture Would Build From Kansas City to St. Louis. Jefferson City, Mar. l.—Senator Greene of Kansas City introduced a bill in the senate appropriating $500, 000 out of the good roads fund for the construction of a state highway from the western limits of Jackson county to the limits of St. Louis. A bill regulating motor car speed was passed by both houses and was sent to the governor for his signature. It fixes the speed of cars at 25 miles an hour and an annual state license fee. The following bills were taken up by the senate read a third time and passed: Authorizing domestic insurance companies to purchase the stock of retiring or other life insurance com panies. Requiring railroads to report all passenger trains that are as much as 30 minutes late at terminal points to the board of railroad and warehouse ! commissioners. Giving Missouri and Arkansas con current jurisdiction over the St. Francois river where it forms the boundary line between the two states. Requiring real estate agents and brokers to obtain wrtten agreement P. D. Gushard Sc Co. Dealers in New and Secondhand Goods of All Kinds. All kinds of Furniture Repairiug done. Some bargains in Sewing Machines. Mr. Gush ard has had 40 years experience in trick, Stone, Ce ment and Carpenter Work and will furnish estimates for either of these lines. LOCATION—3 doors west of of Whitaker Bros.’s office. Give me a call. 18th Street between Stone and Chase Sts. I have purchased The House Moving Outfit form erly owned and operated by Martin Jones, of Hiawa tha. I intend to make Falls City my permanent home. I am prepared to do all kinds of HOUSF - MOVING promptly and carefully. Also the moving of Heavy Machinery. Parties expecting to have work of this kind done, will kindly get my prices before placing work elsewhere. W. T. BRANSCUM ____l conveying the right to sell property before they can establish a claim tc a commission. Empowering cities of the third class to impose license taxe-s upon telephone and telegraph companies rooming houses, etc. New Federal Jobs Filled. Washington, Mar. 1.—The president has nominated John F. Ensign of Col orado to be chief inspector of locomo tive boilers, the position created by the new law just adopted by congress, lie named Frank McManany of Ore gon and 0. P. Robinson of New York to be assistant inspectors. May Withdraw Hitchcock Rider. Washington, Mar. 3.—A practical agreement to withdr the Hitchcock rider from the postoffice appropria tion bill was reached at a conference of senators. This is the paragraph in which it was proposed to increase from one to four cents per pound the postage on magazines. Ruef May Yet Go to Prison. San Francisco, Mar. 3.—The su preme court denied the appeal of Abe Ruef, convicted and sentenced to 14 years in San Quentin prison on the charge of grafting and the former political boss has been ordered into custody. Monis to be New Premier. Paris, Mar. 1.—There is practically no doubt that Antoine Emmanuel Ernest Monis will be M. Briand’s suc cessor as premier, although he has not given a formal answer to Presi dent Falliere's request that he form a new cabinet. Woman's Bite is Fatal. Lebanon, Pa., Mar. 1.—Miss Lillie Light, 34 years old, a nurse, died in agony from blood poisoning, the re sult of being bitten in the wrist and neck by an insane woman she was nursing. The Tribune 6c a Week By Carrier. TRAIN ROBBED IN ST. LOUIS Within the City Limits a Messenger Was Overpowered and Money Box and Package Taken. St. Louis, Mar. 1.—Two masked and armed robbers held up the express ear on a St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railway train within the city limits, escaping with several pack ages and the money box. The robbers bound and gagged ihe messenger, kl. M. McRobbins. That the train robbers obtained a large amount of money is believed, though no statement of the sum has been obtained. Three large separate furnished rooms l( i rent. Gentlemen preferred Call at J'r bune office. DAILY MARKET REPORT. Kansas City, Mar. 1.—Cattle—Common steers, $5.006 6.85; heifers, $4.25@8.35; storkers and feeders, $4.3566.00. Hogs— Bulk of sales, $6.0067.05. Sheep Lambs, *5.4065.85; good to choice wethers, $3.75 6 4.15; ewes, $2.85115.00. Chicago, Mar. 1.—Ileef—Steers, *6.20© 6.90; cows and heifers, $2.656 5.80; Stock ers anil feeders, $3.85if5.85. Hogs—Bulk of sales, *6.956-7.10. Sheep—Natives, $3,006 1-70; lambs, $5.00@6.10. St. Louis, Mar. 1.—Beef—Steers, $6.00 6 6.50; stockers and feeders, $3.75@5.75; ows and heifers, $4.006 8.50; Texas steers. $4.5066.50. Hogs—Pigs and lights, $6.506 7.40. Sbeep—Natives, $3.7564.65; lambs, $5.506 6.35. Grain. Kansas City, Mar. 1.—Close: Wheat May, 8474c; July, 82%c. Corn—May, 45%c; July, 4 6 74c; Sept., 46%c. Chicago, Mar. 1.—Close: Wheat—May, 89%c; July, 8Sc; Sept., 8 7 74c. Corn May, 4 7 74c; July, 4S%e; Sept., 4974c. Oats —May, 8074c; July. 3074c; Sept., 3074c. St. Louis, Mar. 1.—Cash Grain—Wheat —Firm; Track No. 2 red, 93@94c; No. 2 hard, 8974©97c. Corn—Lower; track No. 3, 44c; No. 2 white, 4474c. Oats—Weak; track No. 2, 30c; No. 2 white, 32c. Rye— Unchanged; 8374c. Close Futures—Wheat —Lower; May, 8 9 74c; July, 85%e. Corn Lower; May, 46e; July, 4 7 74c. Oats—Un changed; May, 3074c; July, 29’4c. Produce. Kansas City, Mar. 1.—Kggs, 16c doa. Foultry—Hens, 13c; springs, lie; tur keys, 1474c; butter, creamery, extra, 2Jb; packing stock, 1274c. Potatoes, Colorado, 20©85c.