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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
H"U : n,c:c 'K— The Falls City Tribune Vol. vm FALLS CITY, NELRASKA, I'RID AY, flARCH 2. 1911. NUMBER XII QUIET HOME I WEDDING JOSEPHINE GILROY AND ELMO McCANN WED Near Relatives and A Few Intimate Friends Witnessed The Ceremony A very pretty wedding occurred last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy on South Stone Street, when their daughter, Miss Josephine, was united in marriage to Mr. Elmo McCann. A huge white wedding bell was arranged in one corner of the par lor. with long white streamers ex tending across the room and to the corners. The bridal party took their plaics to the strains of the Loheng rin Wedding March played by Miss Elsie Bailey. Miss Minnie Gaede acted as brides maid and a brother of the groom, Chester McCann, acted as best man. After the ceremony the bridal party proceeded to the din ing room where a sumptuous wed ding supper of three courses was served. Only the relatives and a tew ■close friends were present. Tile bride was attired in a beauti ful white all-over embroidery dress Dr. Bailey was the officiating cler gyman. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCann have many friends in this city and community who wish them much joy and happiness in this new stage of life’s journey. Mr. and Mrs. McCann will reside on the McCann farm and will be at home to their friends there. A charivari crowd of small boys began to make the usual racket a short time before the ceremony, but ceased when they found they were too early. They came lm< k later, however, but were easily bribed away Kensington Miss Emma Schaible, Mrs. Roberts, and Mrs. Tom Davies entertained the Methodist Ladies Circle Kensington at the Schaible home Wednesday af ternoon. There were about sixty five ladies present and a very enjoy able afternoon was spent. Dainty re freshments were served late in the afternoon. Closed For Renovation The store formerly owned by the Pence-Little Co., but now owned by Fred Cleveland of Nebraska City and Harry Hughs of Reserve is clos ed for remodeling and a complete renovation. The new company ex pect to install a complete line of groceries and fit the store up as a general merchandise department store. It will be opened again about the fifteenth of the month. New People Coming, Old Ones Going. J. P. Musselman of Hiawatha, Kan sas bought the Mrs. .7. It. Pickett property and will move in as soon as possible. Mrs. Pickett expects to move to Idaho. We arc glad to wel come the Musselmans to our city but we are very sorrrow to see an old citizen leave. The many friends of Mrs. Pickett wish her unbounded success in her new home. Marriage License Elmo McCann, Falls City.25 Josephine Gilroy, Falls City.22 “Paid In Full’" “It is truly a great play”. This is the estimate place on Eugene Walters “Paid in Full”the Philadelphia North America, an opinion whose worth is mutiplied by the fa< t that it was expressed in an editorial. Since the founding of the North American,a dai newspaper of vast influence and en ormous circulation, only one play be sides “Paid in Full” has been held of sufficient importance to merit the dis tinction of an editorial. Not alone the wide public interest in "Paid in Full” because of its enormous success, but its notable superiority as a play and the graphic accuracy with which' it despiets the social conditions it deal with, commended it to the North American for speial considerations “Ben Hur” plays in St. Joe, March 0, 10, 11, at the auditorium. Seats should be ordered a week in advance if you want to be certain you ha\e one. Therre will b<> a rush and a very good company presents the play this year. A large crowd from Falls City will attend. OUR NEW OSTEOPATH Dr. DeFox Recently Moved Here And Is Now In His New Office I)r. DeFox the new osteopath is located in the upstair rooms of the Strong building. He lias one of the most comfortable suites of office rooms in the city. The rooms are very tastefully decorated in a color st heme of brown. The furniture is of tlie heavy mission style, done in dark oak. The hangings of the room are also in brown and every thing is seen to have been chosen witli an eye to tin* harmonizing of the colors. lie has combined sim plicity of style with good taste and tlie result is a suite of rooms that harmonize in every particular. Hung among tlie beautiful and choice pic tures that, adorn the walls, are sev eral diplomas. Dr. DeFox is a grad uate of several Osteopathic schools, among them the American School of Osteopathy at Kirksville, Mo. He is a man of charming apd pleasing per sonality, courteous to tlie least de gree, showing the culture and hear ing of a much read ami traveled gen tleman. We extend the doctor a hearty wel come to Falls City and hope that he will have a successful business career in this city. Postoffice Inspector Here Mr. Randall, the post office in spector, arrived in the city today, lie will inspect the office this after noon and send his report to Wash ington, and in a week or ten days the matter of Mr. Crook’s reinstate ment will be decided. HIGH SCHOOL HAPPENINGS SCHOOL ITEMS OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Items Gathered Daily By The Reg ular Tribune Cor respondent Prof. Wood gave the High School a interesting talk on his trip to the South. Don't forget the basket ball game tomorrow night. This is the last game of the season. Let us have a splendid crowd. The next number of the High School lecture course will be given tonight at the Presbyterian church. The high school had a sample of Mr. Carter's good work. The pupils were very much interested in the car toons and also his talk. He is known throughout the United States and Canada and for twelve years lie has been one of the most noted newspaper cartoonists. The vocal solos by Marie Carter give a phas ing variety to the evening program. Wherever the cartoonist and his wife have appeared, she has shared equal ly in the praise given the entertain ment. You will miss the best num ber of the course if you fail to hear the Carters. Admission 35c, 2.r>e. 15c. DAILY MARKET REPORT. Kansas City, Mar. 2.-Cattle Common steers, $6.15 6 6.85; heiers, $4.25©6.35; stockers and feeders, $4.856 6.00. Hogs— Bulk of sales, $6.90@7.05. Sheep—Lambs, $5.5066.00; good to choice wethers, $4.25 64-60; ewes, $2.85@5.90. Chicago, Mar. 2.—Beef—Steers. $5.20® 6 70; cows and iieifers, $2.7065.90; Stock ers and feeders, $4.0065.90 Hogs—Bulk of sales. $7.0067.15. Sheep—Natives, $3.0064.80; lambs, $5.00© 6.25. St. Louis, Mar. 2.—Beef Stems. $6.00 @6.60; stockers and feeders, $3.756 5.75; lows and heifers, $4.00© 6.50: Texas steers. $4.60©6.50. Hogs—Pigs and lights, $6.506 7 40. Sheep Natives, $3.75© 1.65; lambs, $5.50© 6.35. Grain. Kansas City, Mar. 2.—Close: Wheat May, 85'/4c; July, 83c. Corn—May. 46',4c; July, 47c; Sept.. 471• . Chicago, Mar. 2.—Close Wheat—May, 89'/4c; July, 88c; Sept., 87",. Corn—May, 48c; July, 48V : Sept.. 4994c. Oats—May, 30%c; July, 30V- Sept.. 30 94c. St. Louis, Mai 2, ''ash grain: Wheat —steady; track No. 2 red, 92c; No. 2 hard, 90@98c. Corn Weak, track No. 2, 44c; No. 2 white, 4b-. Oats—Lower; track No. 2, 30c; No. 2 white, 32c. Bye—Un changed, 83 V Close futures; Wheat higher; May, S9r'„@ 89 V: July, 86c. Corn lower; May, 46>-_. © (6%c: July, 47",c. Oats —Higher; May. 30',i© 30"sc. Produce. Kansas City, Mar. 2.—Eggs, 16c dos. Poultry—Hens, 13c; springs, 11c; tur keys, 1494c; butter, creamery, extra, 25c; packing stock. 12$£c. Potatoes, Colorado, 90685c. Guy and Clifford Wahl went duck hunting yesterday. They were not very successful and requested that the sex of their catch should not be |published. You could write it in one figure, however. _— MUST PASS CANADIAN BILL THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO AVOID EXTRA SESSION. Such is the Ultimatum Sent to the Senate by President Taft. Washington, Mar. 2—Prelident Taft swung ihe big stick. Again the story came to the White house that a frameup was in progress in the sen ate to avoid an extra session by vot ing upon the reciprocity agreement and defeating it. Those opposed to the McCall bill, so "the president was told, are w illing for reciprocity to come to a vote if assured in advance that it cannot pass. There are senators who declare that enough Democrats can be! pledged to the opposition to carry ( this agreement into effect. But a snag has been struck. The president sent word to the cap ltol that if any evidence of frameup adverse to reciprocity came to him lie would call au extra session anyway. Mr. Taft decreed that the senate must not only vote on the McCall hill, if that body wants to prevent a special session, but it must pass it. It is Designed to Make Railroads Cease Discriminations in Passenger Rates. Jefferson City, Mar. 2.—The home rule” police bill adopted by the Demo cratic caucus passed the house. It was a strict party vote, 75 Democrats voting for the bill and 54 Republicans voting no. The house committee on municipal corporations reported unfavorably the optional commission form of govern ment bills for Joplin and Springfield and also the bills allowing the third class cities to adopt the commission form^if the people vote for it. The house passed Representative Holcomb's bill providing for registra tion of all voters in Jackson county. The senate took up and passed Col. Phelps' house bill prohibiting dis crimination on the part of railroads in the matter of passenger rates. The measure does not fix passenger rates, but prohibits discrimination. It is principally aimed at the Missouri Pa cific, Iron Mountain, Missouri, K.m, sas & Texas, Santa Fe and Cotton Belt. These roads charge three cents a mile between points in this state while all the other main lines make a local rate of two and a half cents. Mexican Insurrectos Are Planning an Attack on Cananea Where Much Money is Invested. Nogales, Ariz., Mar. 2.—That the Mexican insurrecto forces arc plan ning to assault the Mexican town of Cananea, headquarters of the t ast Cole Ryan Interests, was indicated by reports that scattered bodies of rebels were marching toward that place. The rebels cut all the wires leading In and out of the town, but among the last messages received from there was a report that federal soldiers who were stationed there were throwing up fortifications and calling upon Americans to help defend their enter prises. The Cole-Ryan interests are among the largest of the American in vestments in Mexico and consist of mines, lumber tracts, stores and ranches. ONE KANSAS RECALL BILL It Provides for Judicial Action for De linquent Officers—Has Passed the Senate. Topeka, Mar. 2.—The bill known as the “Brewster judicial recall” passed the senate. The act provides that when the attorney general or county attorney shall have cause to believe that a person holding a state, county or township office 1 as been guilty of misconduct in office, or who shall within or without the state huve been intoxicated, or shall have gambled, he shall begin an investigation The senate established a new state hospital for the insane by passing a bill for that purpose. The new hos pltal must be west of the 98th me ridian and not less than five miles from a county seat. The house killed the Kelly resolu tion asking that the president call a special session of congress at once to revise the tariff on the necessities of life. ' The senate passed the bill provid ing for school boards of six members in cities of the first and second class except in Wichita. This consumed practically the entire morning. CONSIDERING RATE DECISION Heads of Eastern Railroads Are Di vided on tha Question of Taking an Appeal. New York, Mar. 2.—A genera! meet ing of the heads of Eastern railroads is being held in New York to-day to consider the rate decision of the In terstate Commerce commission and to decide what course the railroads shall follow. The principal question is whether or not an appeal shall be taken from the commission's decision. There is a strong feeling among some of the railroad men that a test should be made of the constitution ality of the law under which the com mission acted. Other officials are dis posed to take no action and consider able uncertainty exists regarding the outcome of the conference. CHINA NEEDS AID AT ONCE Gen. Wilder, Consul at Shanghai Ask* That $100,000 Be Cabled for Their Relief. Washington, Mar. 2.—Gen. Wilder, American consul at Shanghai, cabled to the secretary of state an urgent ap peal to the people of the United Slates for the contribution of $100. 000 more to be sent to the starving Chinese. Mr. Wilder says that amount should be cabled and will be needed before the army transport Buford, now loading at Seattle, can possibly arrive in China with supplies. Oklahoma Wheat Improved. Oklahoma City, Ok., Mar. 2.—The state board of agriculture reported the condition of wheat in Oklahoma on February 25 to have been 49.1 per cent, as against 81.8 per cent at the same time last year and 35.4 per cent in January. If you want to laugh and learn,see Carter, the cartoonist at the Presby terian church tonight. Fifth number school entertainment course. Joe Miles wont to Omaha this af I ternoou CHORUS MEETING Mrs. Banks Urges The Memberrs to Attend Rehersals A very interesting and sat lsfacory meeting of the Falls City Chorus was held Tuesday night. The chorus ink ing up tIn* work with energy and dc terrminntlon to toaster it, thereby getting pleasure out of otherwise liar d work. The choruse was not in attendance in ith entirety, which Is to be regretted, as the work de mands a full chorus familiar with tilt' scot e, and the dim tor will find it necessary to drop from the list names of members or applicants who hae not yet attended a re in anal or who have been absent from the last two unless they are with us on the next rrehenrsal, which will be next Monday evening We have already exceeded the number limit in applications for membership and have on the list persons who are waiting to take the places of non attendants, and who are anxious to work weinust have workers. We are pit an d to welcome the out of town members who are prov ing themselves a valuable addition. A Tiiangular Moving Yesterrday Alex Mlgenfeldt moved to the Towle place and Otto ltuug ue moved from the School place to the ililgcnfeldt farm, while George Scholl moved out to he Scholl farm in purchased from his brother. WILL ACCEPT RATE DECISION Western Railroads Will Not Appeal From the Finding of the Com merce Commission. Chicago, Mar. 2.—Thirty-five West ern railroads decided to make no ap peal from the recent decision of the Interstate Commerce commission denying the roads the right to in crease freight rates. They will ac cept the decree of the commission as final. The decision was reached at a meeting of representatives of the roads at the Western Trunk bine as sociation headquarters here. The opinion was advanced by many thal the roads would be unable to make any stronger showing before the new commerce court than they had before the commission, and that once the new court had ruled ils decree would l>e binding for two years. It also was argued that if lh* roads comply with the decree without objec tion and withdraw the advanced tariffs before March 10 there will he an opportunity at a later date to sub mit advances on certain rates, some of which may meet with favor. \ LITTLE MORE TIME FOR RUEF The San Francisco Boss Was Given Seven Days Time Before Start ing for Penitentiary. San Francisco, Mar. 2. -Abe Ituef who was to begin a 11 year sentence :a the San Quentin penitentiary for grafting, has been given a stay of execution for seven years. The order was handed down by Judge Lawler of the superior court just as prepara tions had been completed for the re moval of the political boss from the county jail to the state institution. The stav is granted in order to en able Ruef to wind up his personal affairs, in the meantime he will be confined in the county jail, where he was taken at an early hour. in granting the stay Judge Lawler exacted a promise from Ruef's attor neys that no further attempt be made to obstruct the carrying out of sen tence James Holding Held for Trial. Peabody, Kan , Mar. 2—James Hold ing, who shot and hilled Hoy Hand here, February 15, at bis preliminary hearing at .Marion was held without bond for trial in the district court on a charge of lirst degree murder. Photographs From a Biplane. I.aredo, Tex., Mar. 2.—Four bights 1 were made by the aviation corps of the United States army under the di rection of Lieut. R. 1). Foulois, the first of a series of experiments to be conducted along the border. On oT!e ! (light a photographer, taken as a pas j senger, took several photographs ; while the biplane maneuvered about | Fort McIntosh. Boutell Minister to Portugal. Washington, Mar. 2—Another "lame duck" of the November elections drew down a lucrative job from the administration. Henry S. Routell, for 14 years representative from the Ninth Illinois district, was appointed minister to Portugal. SAILOR TAKES LEAD TODAY VERDON CONTESTANT JUMPS TO FIRST PLACE _ i Only One More Day Now Before the Close of The Special Offer Time Is Up—6:00 p. m. Friday Maxwell Automobile.$650.00 Upright Piano. 350.00 Four $50 Gold Watches. . 200.00 Four $37.50 Diamond Rings. . 150.00 Victoria Phonograph. 60.00 The Votes. Weekly. Daily. Old New New 3 mo. 50— 250— 1,000 G mo. 100— 500— 3,000 1 yr. 500— 1.G00— 5,000 2 jth. 1,250— 3,500—12,500 5 yi'B. 2,000— 5,200 20,000 4 yrs. 3,000— 7,000—27,500 5 yr.s. 5,000—10,000—35,000 • * ('. C. Sailor of Vordon, Nebraska takes first place today with 85,500 intis Charlie Wliltnkii drops back to second place and Miss Baldwin still holds third. There is just (INK MORK DAY now before he close of the special offer The ten dollars in gold will he given to Hie contestant who stands highest at 6:00 p. in., Friday, March 3rd. The contest goes on just the same after the special prize lias been awarded, hut the one who wins the special prize cannot com pete for any more special prizes. JIu may still work for he regularr prize though as a contestant may win botli a regular prize and a special prize. The contest does not close until the 15th of April. Sailor C. C Verdon.85,500 Whitaker, Charles, Falls City..73,050 Baldwin. Helen, Falls City.. ..70,650 Bssley, Rev. A., Falls City... .69,500 Wittwer, IF. K., Dawson.65,850 Price, Alice, Dawson.45,100 Holland. C. K„ Falls City_36,950 Linn, Claude M., Jr., Humboldt-26,000 Morris, Marie, Preston.10,500 Tyner, W. M., Salem.9,000 Shroyor, J. O., Humboldt.8,350 Baldwin, Mrs. A. J. Stella_ 3,000 Lewis, Maggie, Shubert.3,0o0 Rohlmeir, Aug F., Dubois.. .. 3,000 Boatman, Fed. Shubert.2,250 ENGLAND WANTS MORE BIG ONES Imperialists are Demanding 40 Dread naughts in Next Six Years to Retain Naval Supremacy. London, Mar. 2.—Alarmed by the naval activity of Germany and other powers and the agitation among other powers for greater marine arma ments, British imperialists are formu lating the most imposing program for battleship construction introduced in parliament In a decade. Despite the grave constitutional cri sis and momentous national matters before parliament the imperialists ar.i fully prepared to push vigorously their measures for the construction of perhaps 40 dre-adnaughts within th« next six- years. The exponents for greater sea power want to give England supre macy even at the expense of $.10,000, 000. Leaders In the ranks of the im perialists ask for the letting of the six contracts within the next year, pointing out that both Austria and Russia are enlarging their navies while in the Far East, Japan is build ing more battleships and China is negotiating contracts. NEW MEXICO HAS CONSTITUTION The President is Authorized to Notify the Governor of the Fact by Proclamation. Washington, Mar. 2.—The New Mexican constitution was ratified in the house by a unanimous vote and amid cheering. The constitution fot Arizona, which is also to be admitted to statehood, has not reached the house committee on territories for action and regret was expressed. Whether the senate tinds time to act on the constitution in the legisla tive committee will make no differ ence to admission of New Mexico. The president is authorized to notify by proclamation the territorial gov ernor of New Mexico that the consti tution has been approved. In Grand Rapids 25,000 Will Strike. Grand Rapids, Mich., Mar. 3—'Twen ty-five thousand furniture workers are expected to strike on April 1 as i the result of the Manufacturers’ as sociatlon's refusal to deal with th< union in unswer to demands for short er hours and increased wages. «