The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 24, 1911, Image 8

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Consolidations- Rails City Tribune,
Humboldt enterprise, Kulo Record,
Crocker's educational Journal and
Dawson Outlook,
Entered .is s e c. -. u. -»u > - matter at
Falls City. Nebraska, p<*M oflivc, Janu
ary 13. 1'Hil, under the Act of CobgrvsS
on Mareli 3. 1*7“
Pnblishc ’ evo Fricay at Falls City
Nebraska, by
The Tiibun" Publishing Company
One year . -fl.od
Six months .
Three months .*0
Some prominent New York citizens
have organized . committee to de
vise means to protect public men
from iittiu ks To minimize the pos
sibility of such a tragedy as the,
killing of Havid Graham Phillips tlies
mien will attempt to secure legislation
making it necessary for the state lo
license all shops selling munb rous
weapons it b iilso proper , d that b°
weapons shall be sold unit:; tin- ap
plicant i an produce a permit from
the poll* i department
• • •
One gr« at and beneficial n form has
■ ow be* n d*'finitely ami finally ac
tompllshed It is illegal for the in
terstate inilromis to accept advertls
ing in return for transportation, Noth
ing ran he accepted b rally in pay
ment for tickets except money This
is the decision of the Rnitod Staten
supreme (ourt, Interpreting the Hep
burn railway law pass* d in llt06. it
is not only good law and good mor
• Is but it is good busln* ss prac tice to
require all passengers to fluid on
sn equality. Free passes nnd pass* s
disguised under advertising contra, ts
• re now ill. gal on the roads eon
trolled by the federal power. All
of tb*' states will naturally make
their statutes conform to the federal
•ct, nnd Ih* r* will be no danger of
s return to the system of favoritism,
with Its positive dlseriminniion and
its potential blackmail
* * m
Several disagreeable inixups have
occurred during the last few days,
front which sundry individuals hove
emerged with battered physiogno
mies. Deplorable as such affairs art*
we do not wonder at their occurrence
we rather wonder that there are in
few personal encounters at present,
considering the mixed classed Juinb
led together in the different lodging
houses in the most reckless and in
«H« rlminatiiig way. The fact that
Kails City is so quiet and orderly Just
now. if largely due to the fact that
everybody is Kept busy on the works
mid get ample opportunity to work
off his risibilities. Furthermore Dig
Chief Mutts is careful to pilot any
w ho si w inclination to balk or shirk
to the . ity gates and give them a
free pass towards the s; tting sun
• * *
It is rep ti .1 on pood authority
that C.i i thud to Is* the next
tun. el Fa 's City it; a young nan.
WltHla i (* is ti i at. t a.- u a. tip tit!
".it p. . u a. r. Muj i Ke< ling. or:
tot. 1 . t. t ar t.oaj tUe data
- ' t i {*' * * •> < ti.:t I Ol. hi i- 1
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t. , . , i *1 y it* t in ti i d
tin, . . ili.b i t Of t u
» o . * 1 * i u 11 i H d P .i! («ll
i ; ; * 1 iii,-. Ur
t • . . '.ngly sel
i * ..tii .. g
tis ,. .. . ,11. , ... .o.. u.u.,
t. .. , ...i .ii uri . t.
pi . -i... t P .. i ted <o
p:a . it i. unkind to say the Past
and 1 .u to i nu.pnhci d. ’iite Trib
une l.n no intention to give away
simp :i.un, l i we p* to cn
lighten s. tb < f our rca’dtrs as fol
low us closely doling the next few
^ Fall; < ity is no longer only a
l>la« ft' spot on the gcogiaih) nap of
Nebraska. It’s a big spot and get
ting bigger. People h< re of Falls
City front afar and look up and won-1
dor. The great railroad magnates
ore gambling in New York for con-!
trol in the new line from Nebraska
to the gulf line. It looks now as
though the Standard Oil interests
would win out, and John D. Rockefel
ler undertake the promotion of this
great from Falls City to the Gulf
enterprise, ity the time the great
Panama Canal is opened for traffic
this shortest cut to the sea will al
so be ready to carry the immense
quantities of stock and grain to the
coast, there to be taken abroad huge
ocean liners ami carric d to every
quarter of the globe.
* * *
The council of Seattle, Washington
i» a chivalrous body. When Wash
ington adopted the constitutional
amendment granting women the right
to vote, the Seattle council at onco
set down making arrangements fbr
the comfort of the women at the
polling places. Among other things
smoking was prohibited. These west
ern law makers may at times appear
in public with top boots, but they 1
know how to be court toils anti con
siderate. Will Kansas authorities
show themselves us kindly nad as
thoughtfully disposed. Such a touch
of real old time chivalry is en
couraging to say the hast, in our
so called selfish and sordid age.
Voting men who ungullantly and vul-i
gurly abuse the simplest rule s of
propriety and good breeding can b arn
a lesson from the coast.
* » fe
It is generally admitted that the
city’s present utilities plant is at |
the very best, entirely equal to the
supplying Fails City with sufficient
light and water. This is casting
reflection upon the plant ns it is.
The point aimed at, is that Falls
City is growing and will very soon
have outstripped’ the ability of the
present plant to meet Its needs. Can
wo wisely defer the discussion of
tills fact until we are up against
the necessity of doing something, and
doing it quickly. A great deal of]
dirt lit) been kicked up on account of
tills subject in the past, and the prob-j
abilities are that much of the fault is
to be laid at the door of hasty act-j
ion Why not take up these prob
lems and deal with them while we
can do so with decision.
To the Nebraska boy under Is yrs
of age , growing the largest yield of
com from one acre of Nebraska land.
In year 1911, $50; the second, $25;
third, $20; fourth $15; fifth, $10 and
to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,
it nth and eleventh, $5 each.
The entire labor of preparing the
ground, planting cultivating and linr
V« sting of this acre of corn to be
done bj the contestants who enter
ontc:-t by recording Ids name In the
cffii e of VV. It, Mellor, Secretary,
[.iiiooln, not later than May 20, 11' 11.
The contestant shall file with the
sen clary a full and detailed ac
count of bis method of performing
the work, fertilizers used, if any;
whnthf r bottom, hill or table land
and the character or kind of soil on
which the crop was grown; with an
accurate account of the cost of
production, rent of ground, cost of
plowing, harrowing, discing, planting,
cultivation, husking and every fcat
urt of expense in labor, seed fer
tilizer, etc,, based on the actual time
ttint entered Into the production of
this acre of corn.
On request, prize winner must for
ward a sample of ten ears of corn
grown to W. it. Mellor, Sec., IJncoln.
m * m
Vice President Sherman decided
three tie votes in tlie senate within
a half hour. The history of the sen
ale does not disclose the fact that
any vice president, during the last
half ceutuiy at least, ever was call
ed upon three times to east the
deriding vote in that body. That
lie should enjoy this privilege with
in the i.licit space of half an hour
in cue eventful day is without par
rullol. Through one of the vice
president’s \oiis the senate pa s d
he ship subsidy bill. This was. the
■ list tbr.e the 'ire president has
t. ! a vote since January 1X99,
chon a tie vo'.e was cast on the rcso
. on os’ s nator 1 aroa declaring it
i be th<* pulley of ih' United States
t to r liu the Philippines per
il,,i.\ and a.u ouj -m, it to he
!. pi. i; i.. (i il.e iiiitid States ul
. iUatil. to tuns the' ,o in i.ui.t of
o- e a.i ( i. Mir t i the peopl !
Iieiicl i he treaty of laris tin n I
a. ui i i . otiutci laucn and the s< n-!
t ... iii t’oe ;. \,8 was divided a - to
■ I. c ... of t goM rnn «. lit with re
aid to those islands.
We me jt nt in min t of a lel
ucr fiom our good friend, ,1. O.
Shroytr, farmer and Journalist of
Humboldt. lie has lookoed over the
issues (.f the Daily Tribune and feci,
asstited cl tlie sue cts of an effort
along this line. “if Falls City has
a daily, it ought to be the best be
tween Lincoln and St. Joe. In fact
there is nothing to hinder it from I
!• ing better than either city af ]
fords." Wo appreciate Tiro. Shtoy
er’s encouraging words. Now, if
our friends will all lend us their
support, the thing will soon be a j
nalitv. There is no reason why
Falls City should not have a first
class daily, an honor to the town
and a source of strength to the com !
munity. The Daily Tribune offers'
the opportunity. It remains for
everyone interested in the present
progress of tilings local, to do his
part. The publlshere can only do
a fraction of work that goes with
successful paper building. Much re
mains for the public to do.
Everything is quiet in Falls
City just now. Not a stir in the1
political atmosphere, to indicate that'
wo are on the eve of one or tlie most !
important municipal elections ever
held in Falls City. is it the lull
that so often comes before the
storm. In that case something signi
ficant is brewing. It is to be hoped
that sober, counsel - will prevail
among the leaders upon whose shoul
ders rests the heavy task of carry
ing out the election plans. There
ire three possibilities before the peo
ple; one is to have a wide open
own; the other is to put the lid on
tight and sit down on it; and the
third is a medium policy upon which
both sides by being reasonable and
by yielding the more radical differ
ences can unite. This paper pleads
for uniting even thbugh wo must
sacrifice pet measures. The situation
has two sides. The rights and in
i'rests ef each should be consulted.
We cnnnet for a moment sanction
the riding rough shod over the will
of cither side. We hope to be'
broad enough to ploy fair. It is a
time when wise counsel is precious.
Level beaded men,who have influence j
and whose advice has weight have a i
duty to speak out and give direction
to public, opinion. Laying low docs
not and will not solve the big prob
lems before Falls City bis spring.
* * *
"Sunshine, quiet, and wholesome
food,' are the three things which the
now aged Dr. Galton named as his
choke recreations. Ideal, not a bit
cd it. A k the boy, let loose for
a good time. Does he want quiet,
not likely, or wholesome food, just
ask him. He will not object to the
sunshine, but it is not sunshine lie
is out fur. its tin’ so called good
tlun--really a fools time. Dr, (Jni
ton has grown wise by yiars. He
chose bn* 1c necessities, not foolish
diversions upon which to hang the
fabric of enjoyment. Anil bo was
light. The folly of the average plea
ure sicker is only equaled by the
stupidity of bis chase after elusive
enjoyment. Knjoytuent is not found
in artificial t-.itcim lit and dissipa
tion, enjoyment that is worth the
name is realized in that satisfaction
that satisfies.
M * *
The “kicker" may be a necessary
factor of society as it exists, but
lie cannot be a happy member.
There are excrescences upon the soc
ial fabric that are a menace anti
that are so constituted that they
will only respond to a kick savagely
administered, ilia job is like that of
i he hangman’s, a bootless one. T'lt e
is little profit in knocking down
things and men unless you art* in
position, to fill their places with
that which works an improvement.
Kalis City can gain nothing from
any spasmotic effort at driving out
existing evils unless, she is pre
pared to put something better to
replace v.hat lias been done away wl*
Always give me a bad men, in pref
erence to none. The biggest danger
before us is, .the cultivation of that
type of Pharisaic goodness, that
eventuates in our being so good that
coed to wash their hands of any
further concern about it, except pos
sibly to kick if tilings do not pro
ceed precisely to their liking. No
more vicious idea could prevail. With
tiie election of a new administration,
the individual citizens responsibility
only fairly begins. An officer is
the tool of bis constitm ncy and can
only act with power and effect* when
supported and abetted by the peo
ple. The fact that Americans so
larp ly ignore all responsibility in
government, is chiefly responsible for
the wrt tched bungle that is the
present experience of our cities in
self government.
« • •
A t. tu,.rkable discovi rj has recent
boon made, it is no less a
wonder titan that Ncbtaska is not
"holly an agricultural state, but
ill it also has deposits of initi
al.a .\ braska has minerals and
.iltiie sac may net bid for front
rank as it mining state, she lifts
large stores of useful materials stow
'd away beneath for fertile reaches
itf farm land. One of the recent
additions to her mineral wealth is
Iho discovery of cement rock in val
uable beds. The pumice beds of Ne
braska have provided one of the
fittest scouring compounds known to
the trade for years. Our rivers
furnish a high grade of scoured sand
and gravel for concrete work, clay,
of the finest quality, is stored away
in great beds awaiting the skill and
industry of man to turn it to use
and account. Building rock, ballust
rock, especially limestone rock, is
found in stores in many parts of the
state. Sonic coal has been discov
ered. Oil. gas etc. may yet be dis
covered. Richardson county is well!
rep’-ost nted in this category. Th ■
day will come when, the deposits of j
clay, building stone and liino stone
will offer work for many busy work
men At present we look upon them
as waste products, worthless, even.
Our children will have learned better
before their day has passed.
* * *
In his message on reciprocity, Pres
ident Taft said: “Reciprocity with
Canada must necessarily bo chiefly
confined in its effect on the cost
■T living to food ?nd forest products
The question of the cost of clothing
as affected by the duty within the
scope of the agreement on textiles
and their raw materials, so much
mooted, is not within the scope of
an agreement with Canada, because
phe raises comparatively few wool
p’lit i p, and her texile manufacturers
are unimportant.”
"The free list Includes: Live ani
mals, poultry, wheat, rye, eats bar
ley, corn, hay, cowpeas, fresh vege
tables dried fruits, dairy products,
c-gs, honey, seeds, fish, salt, timb
er and sawed boards, railroad ties,
telephone, telegraph, trolley and
electric light poies, pickets and pal
ings. asbestos, carbon electrodes,
cream separators, barbed fencing wire
and coke.
Cutlery is reduced from 40 per cent
to 27 per cent: Sweetened biscuit
worth more titan fifteen cents a
pound, from 50 to 25 per cent; con
fectionery from 50 to 33 per cent,
iron ore from 15 to 10 cents a ton.
Finished lumber is admitted at a
duty of 50c a thousand feet when fin
ished on one side; 75c when fin
ished on two sides, and $1.50 when
finished on four sides. These rates
are $1.25 lower than those of the
Payne-Aldrich Law. Wheat flour,
now 25 per cent ad valorem, is made
.iffy cents a barrel, or about 10 per
cent ad valorem. Motor vehicles are
reduce d from 45 to 30 per cent.
The Grand
“Jiis Trust Fulfilled”
'Fills is a beautiful biograph)’.
Something you very sel
dom see in moving
“Its Great” “Don’t Miss It”
“Columbo and Its Em
A beautiful hand colored
picture that will
please all.
Don’t fail to see this bill.
We strive to please.
Admission 5 and 10 cents
Contractor and Builder
Plans and Estimates
_ Furnished .
Falls City, Nebraska
201— Four room cottage, with four
lots, east front, good coal and wood
house, only $1,250.00. $750 cash, bal- j
ance in one year at 7 per cent int. I
202— A six room house, modern hot!
and cold water, bath, electric lights, j
good location, 4 lots, some fine fruit
trees, first class out building. This is
a bargain at $2,600.00 Half cash,
terms on balance.
203— A Six Room House and four
choice lots, in good condition, has
good well. For a short time only we
will offer it for $1,600. half cash
and terms on balance.
204— A seven room house, good
condition, 2 lots very desirable lo
cation clos ein, one of the best loca
tions in town, can give immediate
possession. Price for a short time
206—Good three room house with 2
lots, good well some fine fruit, such
as peaches, plums, and cherries,well
fenced, good outside cave, price for
•juick sale $500 cash.
We also have some good farm pro
positions call and see us. First door
east of Heck’s feed store.
Yours Respectfully,
5-tf Falls City, Nebraska.
Suggestive Therapeutist
Treatment given by Suggestion, also
Magnetism or by laying on of hands
All diseases successfully treated
without the use of drugs or surgery.
Office at Powell Building Opposite of
the Court house.
Day Phone 504 Night Phone 531
m++++fH4-H4+t+< i-HH
D. S. HcCarthy j
" "
,i ii
Prompt attentiu. ; ivpd
' to the removal of house- J
hold woods ,
■ ■ i 1
PHONE NO. 21 I ||
■ ■ ii
When in Falls City put your team in
2 blocks west of State Bank
J. P. Musselman & Son.
Sidney P. Spence, Prop.
Only Modern Hotel in the City.
Rate $2.00 Per Day.
Phone 248 Over Richardson Count}
Successor to S. G. Mower
New, Second-hand Furniture, all Kind
Repair Work a Specialty
Contractors and Builders, Falls City.
Otnerol Practionetr
Calls Answered Day Or N’i»:rr
In Town or Country
Physician ar.d Surgeon,
Calls answered promptly night, os
day. ' j
Salem, : : : Nebr.
PhoiiC3, Mutual 53; 3. E. Neb 33.
The Auctioneer
Before arranging date write, tele
phone or telegraph, my expense
Phone* 168-131-7161 f all* City, Neb
Over Harlan’s Pharmacy,
i Office phone 260. lies, phone 271
Phones: Nos. 177, 217
General Contractors
Don’t Build Before Investigating
Address—R. E. Knight,
1524 Ave B. Council Bluffs.
Subscribe for the Daily Tribune
A Typewriter Test That iTeans
Blindfold yourself. Have ten typewriters of different make placed
in a row—a Monarch somewhere among them.
Try each keyboard in turn. The machine with the lightest touch
will be the
and you can locate it every time no matter how it* position be
zmmL i
i Monarchj,
Just as the proper tools produce the best work, so does a respon
sive key action increase the effcieney of a stenographer. It saves
her strength. Therefore, she has a better grip on her work, is
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There is no "three-o’clock fatigue” where the Monarch is used,
and a few days' trial will convince you oi this fact.
Light Touch Honarchs are Solti on the
Monthly Payment Plan
A post card " ill bring ful information.
The Monarch Typewriter
411 South 15th Street, Omaha, Neb.
„ J