The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, February 24, 1911, Image 3

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In the Improvement of dairy breeds
by selection, environment, feed, etc.,
for the greater utility to the dairy
farmer, two characteristics should be
placed foremost, writes \V. II. Jen
kins in Hoard's Dairyman. These are
performance and constitution or vi
tality, and after these beauty and
symmetry of form. The history of
this new American breed—the Colum
bian breeders of dairy cattle will do
well to study closely and learn its les
sons. About thirty years ago Anson
Gregory was keeping a herd of native
cattle on Ids farm in Otsego county.
N. Y. He noticed that one cow in his
herd gave more and richer mill; than
the ot hoi’s, and he raised her heifer
calves year after year. Mr. Gregory
wanted a sire from a different herd,
and he bought a line back, its dam be
ing his neighbor's best cow. Mr. Greg
ory's best cow was bred to the lino
hack hull for several years and a
strain of line hack cattle was estab
Mr. Gregory's two sons were now
grown to manhood, ami they took up
A new distinctive breed of Ameri
can dairy cattle lias been named
the Columbian. The bull shown
herewith, Miles Standish. is owned
by F. L. Gregory, Otsego county,
N. Y„ whose father originated the
the work of improving; (heir new
breed of cattle by selection. They
continued the work of improvement by
selection, feeding, etc., until they own
ed animals with a record of consid
erably over 500 pounds of butter in
one year.
Their type of cows being now estab
lished, three years ago the name Co
lmnhian was given these cattle tinder
a charter from the state, and the Co
lumbian Cattle breeders' association
was organized with five members.
The best and largest herd of Colutu
liians is now owned by C. O. Gregory
and bis father on the farm where the
breed originated. They have thirty
three cows. Some of the Columbian
. cattle. Mere exhibited at lo ;tl i'.iim i’l
New York this year, but very few of
this new butter breed have been of
fered for sale.
The Columbians so far have made
good records as a butter breed of cat
tle, and there seems to be good rea
sons for believing they will fake a
permanent place among the standard
dairy in < c Us.
Importart Points to Consider In Se
lecting the Ram,
In selecting a rani two fiascos o£
brooding should be avoided lie mu
nmi! scrub, Unit lias no good < Inirnc
terisiies to fix, and tlie “pure breed
scrub" without individuality, whose
purity of lira ling only gives him
greater power to work ruin in the
flock. Good individuality. Kicked l .\
several generations of good ancestry,
will insure prepotency with alrno t un
failing c.-rtainty where the inns are
suitable and management corn- t.
Great attention should bo paid to the
ram's general contour. 11 is strn tore
should lie firm and massive, with a
broad, spacious breast, no dispropor
tinnate length of legs and well formed
mid fully developed quarters, especial
ly the hindquarters. 11 is loin should
be stout and well knit, ids features
bold, mid a muscular neck is desirable
A bold and courageous eye anti car
llage are indicative of spirit and vigor
IIis head should be long, but rather
small and well molded.
Isolate Sick Animrls.
Keep aiiing stock in a place aparl
when* you ran give it especial < are
In this way you may save the sa le
and not run the risk of infecting the
<s <? • • • • . • • • ..•
The Swineherd.
- 4 Roots and oilmen) should have *
«, a place In the brood sow's ra- •
<.,. A good brood sow is always •
worth much more Hum the mar- i!
<•> ket price of pork.
l ull a"' tl sows product* better .
4 littt'i s mid arc more quiet at far
4. rowing time than those that are •<
The lirst month of a pig's life •
deteru i tea In a large 1110asure *'
<i the pro lit with which it will lie v
4 grown.
A lt!
T ness to compel lings to eat their
fool iu tli* mud. A small feed •
4 lag floor will soon pay for itself. ‘
<4- ] trial liiood.meal is a valuable '•*
4 rati n for hogs. It not only sup- *
4 p!if them with mi abundance of *
I pro : ul act a ns a regulator .
of digest! m. A
,C Never buy a brood sow with •.
short legs and short, chunky '
4 b<idy. She must have liig feed- <f
4 ing capacity in order to prod m e *
<4 plenty of milk.
■ ..
The Youthful Disraeli, Elegant
and Eloquent.
His Airs and Graces, His Frills and
Laces and His Dazzling Oratory In
His Early Political Battles—A Pen
Picture of His Remarkable Face.
Benjamin Disraeli's career in piuetl
,'ttl polities began with a series of re
verses that might have discouraged a
| icss persistent lighter. Five times the
youthful novelist and versatile hud
ding statesman attempted to break
into parliament before he succeeded in
winning an election, going down to de
feat throe times at Wycombe and once
tt Taunton.
In William Flayvelle Mouypenny's
•'I.ife of Benjamin Disraeli" the au
thor declares that tales are still told in
Wycombe of Disraeli's famous first
*peech from the portico of tlie Red
“Tile youthful orntoi was now at the
height of tils dandyism, and his ’curls
and rutiles' played no small part in
the election. Standing on the top o?
the porch beside the figure of the lion,
with his pale face set off by masses of
jet black hair and his-person plenty
ously adorned witli lace and cambric,
he must have seemed to the spectators
better fitted for his role of fashionable
novelist than for that of strenuous pol
itician. Great, then, was their sur
prise when this ’popinjay,' as a hostile
newspaper called him. began to pour
forth a torrent of eloquence with tre
mendous energy of action and in a
voice that carried far along the High
street. He had an Instinct for the.dra
mafic effects which hold the attention
of the mob. ‘When the poll is declared
I shall bo there.’ lie exclaimed, accord
ing to a Wycombe tradition, pointing
to the head of the lion, ’and my oppo
nent will lie there.’ pointing to tlie
tail. By the admission even of the op
posito party the speech was a com
plete success, and his popularity with
the crowd was thenceforth assured "
As to the young orator's appearance
.it Taunton, Mr. Monypenuy gathers
these comments of an eyewitness from
in almost forgotten hook of Hint time;
Never in my life hurl I been so
struck by n face ns | was by that <>f
Disraeli, it was lividiy pale, ami from
beneath two finely arched eyebrows
blazed out a pair of Intensely black
eyes. 1 never have seen such orbs In
mortal sockets either before or since
His physiognomy was strictly Jewish
O' er a broad, high forehead were t ing
lets of coal black, glossy hair, which,
coni lied away from his right temple,
fell in' luxuriant clusters or bunches
over his left check and ear. which it
entirely concealed from view.
"There was a sort of half smile, half
sneer playing about his beautifully
formed mouth, the upper lip of which
was curved as we see it in the por
traits of Byron He was very showily
attired in a dark bottle green frock
coat, a waistcoat of the most extrava
gant pattern, the front of which was
almost covered with glittering chains,
and in fancy pattern pantaloons Hi'
wore a plain hind; stuck, but no collar
was visible Altogether lie was the
most intellectual looking exquisite I
had ever seen.
“He commenced In a lisping, lacka
daisical tone of voice. He minced his
phrases in apparently tile most affect
ed manner and while ho was speaking
placed his hands in all imaginable po
sitions. not because lie felt awkward
and did not know, like a booby in n
drawing room, where to put them, but
apparently for the purpose of exhibit
ing to the best advantage the glitter
ing rings which decked Ids white and
taper fingers. Now lie would place Ids
thumbs in the armholes of Ids waist
coat and spread out Ids lingers on its
Dashing surface; then one set of digits
would he released and he would lean
affectedly on Hie table, supporting him
self with Ids right hand; anon lie
would push aside the curls from Ids
“I’.ut as lie pro- oedecl till traces or ,
dandyism and affectation were lost
With a rapidity of utterance perfectly
astonishing he referred to past events
and indulged in anticipations of the
future. The Whigs were, of course,
the objects of his unsparing satire,
mill Ids eloquent denunciations of them
were applauded to the echo In all lie
said he proved himself to be the fin
ished orator livery period was round
oil with the utmost elegance, and In
his most daring flights, when one trem
bled lest he should fall from the giddy
height to which he had attained, he so
gracefully descended that every hearer
was wrapped in admiring surprise.
11 is voice, at (1 rs t so fin leal, gradually
became full, musical and sonorous and
with every varying sentiment was
beautifully modulated. His arms no
longer appeared to be eshiblte, for
show, but he exemplified the eloquence
of the hand. The dandy was trans
formed Into the man of mind, the Man
tallni looking personage Into a prac
ticed orator and finished elocutionist."
Har Declaration.
"Have von anything to declare?"
asked the customs inspector.
"Yes." replied the Indy who was re
turning from Kurope “I unhesitating
|y declare that It is an outrage the
way this government permits things
to he mussed up In one’s trunk ”-Chl
engo Keeord-Heral I
I.el those who complain of having to
work undertake to do nothing If this
lives not convert them nothing will
Loss of Cud Is a Symptom Mc-cly arid
Not a Disease.
I,ins (if (ini Is not n disease, but
merely (lie symptom of sickness.
When a cow suffers from Indigestion
1 or any other ailment which makes hi r
feel quite sk k she naturally will stop
chewing her cud. When the trouble
' subside- rumination will lie resumed,
i Many | *>• iple give artlflcinl ends, think
lug In establish rumination hy such
i means. This of course is highly ab
I surd, says the lturn! New Yorker.
On general principles give a cow a
full dose of physic when she will not
chew her cud and follow the purge by
full doses of stimulants in warm wa
ter, tliin gruel or flaxseed lea. As a
physic a pound of cpsom salts, half
nu ounce of ground ginger root and a
cupful of blackstrap molasses shaken
up In three pints of warm water will
prove effective. Four ounce doses of
whisky along with half a dram of
fluid extract of mix vomica will serve
well as a stimulant. Another good
stimulant for cows is a mixture of
equal parts of aromatic spirits of am
monia, pure alcohol and spirits of ni
trons ether (sweet niter). A dose of
this is two ounces every three or four
hours, well diluted wit li water, gruel
or flaxseed ten. Rectal inactions of
soapy warm water are also useful
when a cow Is affected In the way
here considered.
Selection and Cure of the Brood Sow
of Vital Importance.
The brood sow is the foundation of
ail profitable pork production, and her
selection, care and management are
the most important factors of the
whole industry, writes ITofesso/ ('. <i.
Wheeler in Kansas Parmer. It Is a
subject upon which volumes have been
written, and in spite of Ibis fact prob
ably more bog growers fail In this
point than in any other phase of the
In making the selection of sows it
must lie borne in mind that we cannot
expect uniformity In (he pigs unless
we have uniformity In the parents. A
type must therefore be kept In mlml
and the selections, as far as possible,
made to conform to this type. The
sows should he broad between the
eyes and of refined appearani e about
tin1 face and neck. The shoulder
should be smooth and deep. Tin* body
should la; fairly long, with well sprung
rilis. giving plenty of room for the
vital organs. There should ire no
pinchliiu in just back of the should' rs
The various other requirements of the
marker tyre me t be followed- til ■
well developed bants, brood, straight
hatk end do; p side:; sit vl, straight
Ice : ■ iiouhl support the animal, with
go ; v. Id til be tv 'ell th.-:-.; the hove
should not be too fine, mid the feet
I ’h* i • 1);/ United States department ol
A'S a bre 1 the Oh< ter White hog
is I njr?\ ! >.1 in body, has a heavy
hone n* d is not an refined or com
! a • i ti e poland-t Idna. Jn col
i ih bic»d hs white. Blue spots
an* often > n upon liie skin along
tin- i> k and s!d s. The sows are
* d vei prolifh
'll • pnalfty of the meat is about
!,*. ...; of the ! Hu o Jersey. Tin
. i ho i Chester Whit
;:mv in show condition.
should be strong; weak pasterns are
far too common in breeding stock and
iiutsl lie guarded against.
Selection of bre d sows for the BUe
cording year should ho made early.
In fa t, the most sin i-essful hog man
will have t hi.-; th ought in mind eoutin
uousiy sis he goes nhout among hi
l igs. The culling of the old s,ow>
should begin sc; con as the pigs are
■ weaned, disctirdittg ihone which have
produced small iitt is or those whi it
are such poor sticklers gs to he tin
able to raise a good litter and th •
cross, nervous sows that are a I way ;
getting ext lied and killing pig '. A
tried brie. 1 sow that lit■ fulfilled all
the ie:|Uit*c.neuts is worth keeping for
several years. In the s-election of gilt
study first the dams, giving ] refer a ■
to these fl'o 1 la r e, even lit; (If. I. 1
mtifhei'B having the d< : tors
From the standpoint of fecundity it
F well to look to the s i e also, for :
sire ceic tori from a large litter will
he n ro»likely to trai ■ It that char
ttete r (.. ids female off
'id. • tnrture sew nut 1: t hy far the
b< i hrood w. It would ho h
If the :1k ■ were not bred until a year
old. If the practice of lifts ding too
voting t c riimted the vigor and vi
tality of the li d will lie greatly re
diced ::f i fit f W gat rations.
Muttcn on thi Farm.
With tin cep mi th • farm the prob
lem of f." • ■ meat for family m e Is
parti solved. Mullen butchered on
the farm < m neatly alwa; ■; he used to
advantace. and then yeti will know
wh'dher pen ,in> eating spring iatnb
or something else.
Churning Temperature.
I»i ti l f u el that the temperature <>f
cream at chnruing time should be r»F
to r>s degrees F. in the summer and
do to degrees in winter. The best
cimrniu;- re all will he hnd at tiiese
res 1 tei th e 1 emperaIures.
For the next THIRTY DAN'S commencing
MON DAN’, FF.IL i«>th, the Zimmerman Mu
sic House, will, in connection with the facto
ries they represent, carry on One of I he
Biggest Factory Advertising Sales ever
held in this part of the State. Over TWF.ft
TY new, fine, upright Pianos and at Never
Heard of Before Prices, quality considered.
Fine :: New :: Up-Right :: Pianos :: At
$148.00 $168.00 $180.00 $210.00 $230.00
$245.00 $260.00 and up
The same as you ordinarily pay from $250 to $400.
These Pianos are MAKES of factories of over 40
years standing and highly guaranteed. Therefore,
you run no risk, as we stand back ot every piano
sold. Don't overlook this opportunity but investigate
it thoroughly by examining the fine quality of these
Zimmerman Music Mouse •
Stone Street : Falls City. Nebraska
c . j- ..TP
o »
o Delivered anywhere o
o Per week.6 cents o
o Per month .. ..25 cents o
O o
raoer.;. ^mmssssama
Life Saved at Deaths Doer
‘T never frit bo near my grave,"
writfes W. I!. Patterson, of Welling
ton, Texan, as when a frightful cough
and lung trouble pulled mo down to
J00 pounds, in spite of doctors treat
meat for two years. My father and
mother and twto slaters died of con
sumption. and that I am alive today
is due solely to Dr. King’s New
Discovery, which completely cur d
me. Now I weigh 1fc7 pounds and
have been well and strong for many
years.” Quick, safe, sure, its the
best remedy on earttli for coughs,
colds, lagrippe, ashtma, croup, and
all throat and lung trouble, ’50c and
$1.00, Triel bottle free. Guaranteed
by A. G. Wanner.
Pneumonia follows A Cold
liut n< v< r follows tho use of Foley*
Honey and Tar, which checks the
cough and expels the cold. M. Stock
well, Hannibal, Mo,, says, “It heals
all tlie remedies 1 ever tts< d. I
contracted a bad cold and cough and
was thi' itisned with pneumonia. One
bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar com
pletely cured me.’’ No opiates, just
a reliable household medicine.- A.O.
Ladies’Suede and
Velvet Shoes
H. M. Jenne Shoe Store
can bo had in (.iroct-rics it bought of I. I. La For ■ .
9th Sc. Morton 3rd Ward Store
r..— ....
1 W E. DOU HI N'tlTON I ■■ W, A, (i KEEN WALD, Cl
I J. n ST. \ in-l’iv <«l I I* (iltia-NWALD, Ahs t < tisliier
Fails City State Bank
Capital an«l Bmplu*, §70,0CM4>
This Bank Wants Your Patronage
IQ it * ij « 11 is a strong co riser vat i v© arid ac
^W O w comodatinv" institution operated
under tire Hanking Laws of the State of Nebraska.
S S B 11 s a £rowinff> modern and up to
^® ^^ date ban k a pprecia ten your busi
ness and looks after it's patrons interests.
O g g in* It u ( leoim ^ the accounts and b u s i
UvvmU O w ih>.>, of the small as well as the
larye depositor and borrows r.
It welcomes the accounts of Wo
men and Children as well as
Men and pays interest on Savins' Accounts of the Child
ren and Interest on Time Deposits of “lli<,r Folks."
L.___ _ ___ J
Special SaJe.
17 quart gray dish pan, 25c
14 qt. blue and white dish pan,
8 qt. gray Berlin kettie, 25c
Nothing m this store over
5. 10, 15, and 25c Store