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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1911)
SOCIAL CIRCLE HAPPENINGS MANY ENTERTAINMENTS AND SO CIAL FUNCTIONS Daily Social Events Given By Indi viduals, Clubs, Churches And Lodges The Methodist social circle held a business session at the home of Mrs. H. t\ Burton yesterday after noon. Thi re was a good attendance and many business matt era were git on attention. After these had been disposed of the remainder of the afternoon was spent socially, the ladies enjoying themselves until the adjournment hour. • The Kensington given yesterday afternoon I * > Mrs. George Spragins and Mrs. Grant Sperry at the home ot the former, was a social success Kelly forty ladles were present and thd dt'iglit ful day brightened the snirlt of enjoyment of tho guests. The valentini idea was carried out in the house decorations, a profusion of hearts mingled with red carna tions and potted plants producing a charming effect. Guessing games wore participated in for a time, one of the most Interesting being the myi* terious menu, the guests being ask < <1 to arrange a menu nom u num ber of mysterious phrases or words whieh were cleverjy arranged. There was considerable amusement during tills tost of skill and wit. Then fol lowed a contest in making animals from chewing gum. A card with the name of ail animal was given each lady, together with several sticks of gum from which she was to shape the animal named. Tills created end less fun and kept the party in an uproar or laughter. Excellent re freshments were served in two courses at five o'clock, when the valentine idea was again carried out. The Indies present spent a most enjoyable afternoon. Among the out of town guests present were Mrs. Hushman, from Illinois, Mrs. Will Oilman of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Hun Sailor, Morrill. Has., Mrs. licit Wlndlc. Pawnee City and Mrs.Ohas. Sare, Mound City, Mo. Mrs. Albert Maust and Mrs. (Jeo. Holt gave a very delightful dinner for their husbands at the Maust home last evening al whieh lime twenty of the gentlemen frlendswere enter tallied Mr Maust and Mr. Holt were completely siirphlscd when the gentlemen arrived having been in formed that the dinner was for the ladies. They were equal to the oc casion and entered into the plasiires with hearty good will. At half nf ter six o'clock dinner was announced and the gentlemen s< ated at a long table beautifully decorated with cut flowers and upon which was an array of cut Hos", silver and dainty china. 1 he elaborate dinner which was servo in three i nurses was of surpassing ex " Hence and ihoi(»ngh!y i njoyed bv the gentlemen. Fin* evening was enjoyi <1 with tourmment whist. Mr. Stev, Mill s acd Mr 1 C. Maust proving themselves victors with a f’ nr- i l.i pins, A smoker was one v'i t u i tuny pleasures of the evening. A d Wedding at Nebraska City -Mr. and -Mis, blank Smith arc In N'cbiiu i a t i:y today attending the • - , e it Mr. Sin.tb s cousin. Vi ii t h aau i\i r tin UK 1 , ' .11,1 lined hi the Ho l... ,h \ t V. . I ' Ui 1 i, HI t M o t lo !v, 1 the w< dding tlieie will he • -in a. a alumr at l;’< >; bo,., i . he brim's i ar ei i. , t. i < < null s i i.i ot Nebraska v it. Ladies’ Day At Elks Club The first reception du.t for ladies ut the Klks' new club rooms was held Wednesday afternoon and unite a number of the mothers, wives and sistiis of tlie Klks and a few of their fi b onds enjoyed the afternoon in the beautiful romos. Many will he surprise d at the splendid arrangements of the apart meats since the building lias been remodeled. They are models of convenience and from the point of decorating ad finish they are eeV* talnly beautiful. While the recep tion room, card rooms, library and office can all be used as one room, they are so arranged as to be sep erate apartment*. The billiard room opens off the reception room to the west, then follows reading rooms, dining rooms, etc, all in the wax finished oak and the finest of wall decorations. To the north is the large lodge room with its polish ed oak floor which may also be used for a hall room. The pollished floors throughout the apartments are cov ered with beautiful rugs and the fur nishings are in keeping with the finish of the wood work. More con venient or attractive apartments would be hard to find. Wednesday will continue to be ladies day and the afternoon will be given over to their enjoyment. PUBLISHERS GIVE GUI STATEMENT Oppose Increase in Postage On Magazines. SUBSCRIBER GETS THE BENEFIT Without the Valuable Advertising Publications Cou'd Not Be Pro duced So Gmd and So Cheaply. Washington, f ob. IThe reply of tlie periodical publishers association to tli- statement of Postmaster Gen eral Hitchcock in support of his pro posal to increase the postage on the advertising portions of large maga zines was made in the form of it statement by the postal committee of the association. "Mr. Hitchcock entirely Ignores," the committee says, "the fact that sec ond class mail Is the caief producer . ot the first class po tag. that Anally' saves (he face of tile poslofHce bal ance sheet. The publishers show In stances on which Che postoAflce depart ment has made 14-1 per cent profit, | from carrying magazine advertise- j inents. Mr. Hitchcock Instances one maga zine perhaps the most profitable periodical In the country -lo show that tiiis periodical's recent increase in advertising rate resulted in a protit of $917,100. or enough to pay its post age hill. The absurdity of tills sort of long distance accounting is obvious HliiTi il is explained that the Ameri 1 can magazine* cost to edit, manufae , inn , deliver and administer nearly twice as much as the publishers nets from subscriptions. i “The difference made up from ad vertising is given to the subscriber in his oppoitunity to purchase a much i belter article than his subscription price alone will produce. The postal committee of the periodical publish ers’ association have obtained the ex act figures from the books of the ac count of the five standard monthly magazines which carried the most ad vertising in 1909. “The aggregate tinal net profits of those five magazines are less than one tenth of the aggregate advertising Income. The reader gets the balance. “This operaition of large advertis ing receipts passed over to the reader Hi the shape of a better magazine than his subscription money will make, edit and deliver accounts for i he phenomenon of I he splendid low priced widely read American periodi cals." RUSSIAN STUDENTS REBELLIOUS Every One in the Empire May Go on Strike Unless Their Demands Are Complied With. St. Petersburg, Kob. 1,V Itloting at tlic University of St. Petersburg was renewed with the possible result that every student in Russia will go upon strike. The students of the University of Tomsk, at Tomsk, Siberia, sent word to the leader of the students here that they, too, would pursue a policy of violence unless demands were granted. So serious Is the situa tion that the rector and prorector ')•; st Petersburg university resigned. The police made 200 additional ar rests (’e ring the morning, it was de clared. although the authorities have adopted a policy of secrecy. MAY SEND TROOPS TO MEXICO Unless Assurance Is Given That Colo rado tike Can be Protected Our Army May Cross Border. Washington. Feb. 15.—The ques ion t sending American troops into •Mexico to .proto i 'the American dike m ing constructed on Mexican soil to ontrol the waters of the Colorado liver was considered by the state de 'orttnent and the Mexican govern ment. it is said Mexico lias shown n disposition to oo-operate with the l'lilted States in safeguarding the engineering work, and if it devolps that Mexico has sufficient force in the vicinity to protect it, American troops will not be sent across the border. Baggage Agents at San Antonio. San Antonio. Tex., Feb. 15.—The thirtieth annual convention of the American Association of General Hng gage Agents was held here today and brought to the city a very large num ber of the members and their wives and children. The most important business before the the meeting was the revision of the uniform fundamen tal rules, but many other technical matters were discussed. No Physical Valuation Bill. Washington, Feb. 15.—No action will be taken at this session of con gress upon the bill introduced by Mr. Madden of Illinois, directing the Inter state Commerce commission to make a physical valuation of the railroads of the United States. Hearings were started by the house committee on interstate commerce, but were sus pended owing to the pressure of legis lative work. To Regulate Copper Trust. Washington, Feb. 15. — Senator Clapp of Minnesota offered a resolu tion in the senate to regulate the Cop per trust. Makes Nome Baking Easy amv' ' ■; wwys'.p- -i Ahsoiue.. ■ ' The '.r'/ h-t-i' ' . »■ nas.: i;",or ; C r - o b'roaiu c■ i -f” N0ALHMNH»tv\ •’ it. Wilson, Wahl Huilding. 1-tt. Alls. V. Lyford returned lids morn ing from Lincoln wheere she spent yesterday with friends. Will trade some good land lor sev eral automobiles. Address Geo. Von Uu.ium, Falls City, Neb. 13-0t Mrs. Fox lias been seriously ill again this week at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. llimmelreleh. Book Lovers—get your popular copyrights for 50c at Harlan's Phar macy. 13-tf Mrs. Harry llutliburn of Lincoln arrived this morning to visit her sis ter, Mrs. H, It. Miner. Suits cleaned and pressed at the suitatorium located over Richardson County bank. 2-tf Mr. and Mrs. Simon Davies and lit tle Gwendoline are visiting relatives in Verdon tills week. Dr. Kerr’s White Pine Expectorant —stops the cough—don't experiment Harlan’s Pharmacy. 13-tf 1). M. Davies was called to Tren ton, Neb., yesterday by the serious Illness of his father. Cherry Cocoanut Fudge Chocolate Nut Fudge Cream Bon Bons Strawberry Taffy Ribbon Taffy All for 10c per lb, Saturday, Feb. 18th. This will be the last candy sale of the season, Don't miss it. At The Candy Kitchen 3t LaGrippe Coughs Strain and weaken tiio system and if not cheeked may develop into pneu monia. No danger of this when Fo ley's Honey and Tar is taken prompt ly. It is a reliable family medicine for all coughs and colds, and acts quickly and effectively in cases of croup. Refuse substitutes. A. G Wanner. V.G.Lyford returned last night from Lincoln. II. Northdorf returned yesterday from a business trip to Oskalnosa. Kansas, Wife Got Tip Top Advice “My wife wantted me- to take our l>oj to the doctor to cure an ugly boil." writes l>r. i'raukel, of Stroud, OUla. “t said ‘put that Bueklen’s Arnicu Salvo on it.- Stic did so, and a cured the boil in a short time.’’ Ouickost licaler of burns, scalds cuts, corns, bruises, sprains, swellings. Best pile cure on earth. Try it. On ly 25c at A. (5. Wanuer’s. Baptist Church There will be preaching at the Baptist church next Sunday n’t 11 o’clock a. m. and at 7:30 p. in. by Rev. K. R. Stouffer of Morrill, Kas. Also Sunday School at 9:45 a. in. The public is cordially invited. Special attention given to dry clean ing of ladies suits and dresses at the Suitatorium, located over Richardson County bank. 2-tf Will Veacli went to Kansas City this morning to take part in the inter-state blue rock shoot. W’e feel confident Mr. Veacli will come up to his usual high standard as a marksman. Our chocolates are fresh an made from pure sugar. Harlan’s Phar macy. 13-tf F. M. Harlow, who has been very ill for the past four weeks, went to Kansas City this morning for treat ment in the hospital. Mrs. Delia Sanfard returned from Barada, where she was called by the Illness of her daughter-in-law. At this writing Mrs. Sanford is very little better. DAWSON Daisy Cooper was down from Paw nee City Sunday visiting friends. E. W. Cummings, Guy Snethen, Hi Belden, Frank Hummel, Dave Kean Mike Kiley and Ben Mullen all ship ped out stock last Monday night. As there were eight car loads, there was not room enough in the stock yards for them all and they had to herd them out around the yards. Joseph O'Grady spent a few days in Omaha last week on business. Kosella Kiley, Loretta O’Grady and Marguerite Riley visited Sunday at the home of Josephine O'Grady. Mrs. Ike Bodkin sat up awhile one day this week for the first time since she has was taken ill with typhoid fever, Vista Lively visited with her par ents in Falls City Saturday and Sun day. Dawson High School boys played a game of basket ball with the Stel la hoys Saturday. The game ended In favor of Stella, the score being it to 1 Walter Johnson of Pawnee was visiting friends here Sunday. Mr. I'hner is putting a fence at the south side of his new home that he recently purchased. Barney Riley has returned from his trip to Alliance, Neb. Mick Cooper is having a siege of the measles. Mrs. Hayden Prater of Hutchinson, Kansas is here visiting her aunt, Mrs.. Will Albright. Mary Miller has been sick with the grip for several days. .1. Miles purchased a new Overland car at Humboldt one day this week. News reached here Wednesday of the death of Thomas Coil of Mc Cook. Neb. lie died of pneumonia. He was not sick a short time. Three of that family have died with the same disease in the last month. Arthur Smith's baby, who has been very ill with pneumonia, is improving slowly. Tails Victim To Thieves i S. \V. Bonds, of Coal Cityt, Ala., | has a justiable grievance. Two ttliieves stole bis health for twelve I years. They were a liver and kid ! ney trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life Pills throttled them. He's well now. Unrivaled for constipation, mal aria. headache, dyspepsia. 25c. A. G. Wanner. OHIO. John Hutchinson was a guest of Otl | Huegge Sunday afternoon. Mrs. P. E. Shaffer and Mrs. Noah Peck spent last Wednesday with Mrs. A. Elshire. Dorothy Miller was a guest at the hdme of E. M. Kinnnel one night i last week. Ilamnnn Wilcox accompanied Ac lie Pritchard home from Falls City : last Friday. Hay Meyers and family were guests of Herman Beachy and wife Sunday. Wes Nedrow and family spent last Tuesday at the home of Norman For ney and family. Wm. Huttins and family entertaine a number of relatives Sunday. H. J. Pritchard and family were th< guests of Mrs. Nedrow and family on Sunday. Ed Huegge and family were guests of Henry Weinert andf ainily Sun day. Warren McDowell and wife of Falls U'i!y were entertained at. the home I of L C. Schaffer nad family Charles Everly of Maxwell, Nebr., a me last Wednesday to spend a few days with Mrs. A. Flshire and fam ; ily, Mrs Will Bartlett was called to Omaha last Thursday by the sickness of her grand daughter. l’ert (rullimer was a guest of Louis ! Schuler a couple of days last week. Priscilla Woodring came out from Falls City Friday and visited with te r parents a day or two. Porter Randolph and family moved into the B. F. S'ngle house last Thursday and 11. Woodring and fam ily will move Into the house on the Huitner farm just vacated by Mr. Randolph. Wm. Huettner and family enter tained relatives at their home Sun day. The little son of F. M. Shaffer is quite siek at this writing. F. Shaffer and Edna spent last Wednesday at P. E. Shaffer’s. " Harvey Peek returned to Morrill, Kans.. after two weeks spent in this vicinity. Mrs. Ed. Ruegge invited in several ladies at her homo last Wednes day to assist her in sewing carpet rags of which a great lot was sewed A fine time was enjoyed by thosr that were there and Mrs. Ruegge prepared an excellent dinner. Charles Schulenbeerg and wife o! Shubert spent Sunday with the lat ter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood ring and their daughter. Mrs. Rum baugh of Barada was there also. Ed Ruegge and family were guest? I of H. Meinhenrt and family. ! Mrs. Ktta W. Bowman was out in | this vicinity last week visiting the Brethren of the Silver Creek, church ; in the interests of the Chicago Mis sion. I __ Backache, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness Result from disordered kidneys. Fo ley Kidney Pills have helped others, they will help you. Mrs. J, B. Miller, , Syraeure, N. Y., says, "For a long time I suffered with kidney trouble and rheumatism. I had severe back aches and felt all playde out. After taking two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills my headache is gone and where I used to lie awake with rheumatism I now sleep in comfort, Foley Kid ney Pills did wonderful things for me.” Try them now. A. G. Wanner. Pneumonia Follows A Cold But never follows the use of Foley’ Honey and Tar, which checks the cough and expels the cold. M. Stock well, Hannibal, Mo., says, "It beats all the remedies I ever used. I contracted a bad cold and cough and was threatened with pneumonia. One bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar com pletely cured me.” No opiates, just a reliable household medicine.—A.G. Wanner. SHUBERT Clyde llill went to St, Joseph on Saturday to visit friends and relatives Born, on Tuesday o Mr. and Mrs. Win. Nettlebeck, a daughter who lias been given the name of Helen Alberta. Houis Shulenberg of 1 arada was a business visitor here Monday. James Chandler was a Falls City visitor Tuesday. W. W. James made a business trip to Peru Tuesday. R. K. Cline of Auburn was in the city Tuesday. Walter Travis of Glen Rock is visiting with home folks here. James 10. Stephenson and family spent tlie greater part of the week with home folks in Falls City. Thomas Moore of Stella was a pleasant caller here one day the first of the week. Miss Edna Albin returned to her school duties at Peru Monday. William Whitten and wife spent Sunday with friends in Verdon. Raymond Shaffer spent Sunday in Falls City. Born, on Friday to Win. Fish and wife, a son. The public, sale held at Daniel Mc Daniels Tuesday was well attended and everything brought a fair price. I Speedy Relief From Kidney Trouble "I had an acute attact of Bright’s disease with inflammation of the k Incys and bladder, and dizziness,” says Mis. Cora Thorp, Jackson, Mic. ' A boi < of Foley’s Kidney Remedy overcome .Tie attack, reduced the in flammation, Jook away the pain and made the bladder action normal. I wish everyone could know of this wonderful remedy.” A. G. Wanner. Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable I remedy for backache, rheumatism and 1 urinary irregularities. They are ton j ic in action, quit k in results and | afford a prompt relief from all kid ' ney disorders. A. G. Wanner. ---- TO-NIGHT i __. .. . “HIS TRUST" A BEAUTIFUL lilOOBAPII A faithful devotion and self sacrifice of an old neprro servant “The Link That Held” “EDISON” A picture that holds the attention of all We cater especially to the la dies and children Admission 5 and 10 cents THE KANSAS LAW UPHELD THE STATE SUPREME COURT SAYS IT IS CONSTITUTIONAL. That or Any Other State Has the Au thority to Stop Liquor Sales For All Purposes. Topeka, Feb. 13.—The supreme court decided that Kansas needs no constitutional amendment to enforce the absolute prohibition of the sale and manufacture of intoxicating li quors. A statute to that effect is suf ficient. At the same time the court held that a constitutional amendment does not in any sense diminish the force of the situation in any way. The derision also holds the string ent prohibitory law of 1909 constitu tional. The case came up to the supreme court from Sedgwick county, from a suit by the stale against Michael Weiss. The court ruled that Kansas or any other state has ample author ity to prohibit the sale and manufac ture of intoxicating liquors within its borders. The law of 1909 hermetically sealed the liquor situation in Kansas. Up to its passage, liquor could be bought for mechanical, scientific and medicinal purposes as a matter of constitutional right, but that statute wiped out those privileges, and has made he situation absolutely air-tight. Weiss, in whose case this decision was handed down, was arrested at Wichita for selling liquor and con victed. lie appealed to supreme court on the ground that his sales were for medicinal purposes and that the legislature did not have the right to stop the sale of liquor for purposes allowed by the constitution. The force of the decision is that a prohibitory law' in Kansas would be constitutional even though tho orig inal prohibitory amendment of 1880 had never been submitted and passed. NO MORE BILLS IN KANSAS Both Houses Have Stopped Their In troduction and Will Grind Out What They Have. Topeka, Feb. 13.—The embargo on the introduction of bills in both houses of the legislature now is on. In the house a total of 1,012 bills have been introduced to date, and 285 have been guillotined. In the senate 648 have been introduced, and the ax has fallen upon 142. Woman suffrage was passed and has the governor’s signature. The house spent all afternoon in committee of the whole and passed thirteen bills to third reading. Among them was the Goddard bill, providing that the votes cast % inpiatbs of the soldiers’ home at I>eavehwdrth shall he counted in their home counties and not in Leavenworth county as here tofore. The Keene bill providing that the guilty party in a divorce action must wait one year before being married was also recommended. The senate has passed the Avery bill, a recording fee of 50 cents for each $100 of the face value on all mortgages. The attorney general holds that this fee cannot be collected from non-residents. CUMMINS FOP RECIPROCITY The Iowa Senator Thinks It Strange That His Position Should Be in Doubt. New York, Fob. 13.—Senator Albert R. Cummins of Iowa spoke in advo cacy of the Canadian reciprocity agreement before the Union League club of Brooklyn. Commenting upon the fact that some curiosity had been expressed as to what ,, his position would be upon the proposed trade agreement, the senator said it seemed strange to him that, after having ad vocated Canadian reciprocity in every part of the country for ten years “when most of its present advocates were denouncing it,” his attitude should bo in doubt. “1 went down in defeat for it more than once,” said Mr. Cummins, “and 1 think I have the same courage of conviction now that 1 had tbo» •• CSit at a table cf 13 persons on Friday the 13 a of the month. C.Let a bhfb your path. C.Break a mirror. C,Walk under a ladder. ^And bad luck won’t touch your business if you advertise in this paper. C.Trade ads. know no super stition. CK you have goods to sell, let the ad. do it. (Copyright, 1'JOO, by W. N. I.)