Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1911)
CAUGHT GOM UNO GOING HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME. What Your Friends and Their Friends Have Been Doing the Past Week. Rudy lit1' : w:i' down from Salem o Saturday. Mrs. LatV ])a\is of Sal m was shop ping here Saturday. Jacob W’lest and wile were down Saturday from Fargo. W. F. Chism of Stella was one of our Saturday visitors. John Gleason >of Rulo was one of the Saturday shopi>ers. Miss Ida Bowers of Verdon was a shopper here Saturday. J. C. Shaffer was down from Bar ada Saturday shopping. < Sam Kant 1 and son were over from Sabetha, Kas., Saturday. Dr. E. K. Days was down from Daw son Saturday on business. John Carston and wife of Verdon were trading here Saturday. Fred Bahr of Barada was in the c it on business Saturday evening. Miss Rlioda Weddle of Preston was among our Saturday shoppers. Charles McCool of Salem was in the city shopping on Saturday. Moses Barr of Barada was seen on our streets Saturday afternoon. Mr. Lemon and family were of the throng of shoppers here Saturday. Mrs. John Ticlien and daughter, Katie were down from Salem today. George Funk of south of Dawson was in the city Saturday afternoon. E. E. Bolejack of Barada was a business caller in this city Saturday. \\ ilson Wamsley of Barada was a Florida visitor in the city on Satur The Misses Laura, Grace and Ona Kelly were down from Salem Sat urday. Mr. Stanford, formerly of the Grand Theater, returned Sunday from Des Moines. D. Mehlen of Humboldt was mixing with old acquaintances here Saturday evening. Clarence Dingle of Salem was in the city Saturday looking after busi ness affairs. D. I). Houtz a teacher near Verdon was among the throng on our streets here Saturday. M. E. Colson of Humboldt was in the city Saturday evening doing his weekly shopping. H F Keville of Humboldt was down Saturday morning to attend the Director’s meeting. .1. C. Shaffer of Harada was visiting with old friends at the court house Saturday afternoon. .Miss Sadie Jones of Salem, who t'-'ichers near Auburn was trading at this place Saturday. .1. Jl.Bother was down from Hum boldt Saturday looking at the crowds and doing some shopping. VV. Travis of Shubert was shop ping in this city Saturday and look ing after business matters. V. G. Lyford, had a large crowd in attendance at his twelfth Annual Housekeeper's Sale Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. John Gilligan re turned Saturday to his home in Lin coln after a short stay here. Mrs. Henry Mosiman returned Sat urday afternoon from a few days visit with her parents in Rulo. There are a great many people sick with the grip at the present time due to the changeable weather. Sheriff Fenton returned Saturday evening from Lincoln, where he took a patient to the insane hospital. I he .Misses Kuhlinan of near Mani lla was in the city shopping and hav ing a good time Saturday evening. J. W. Wissinger of Barada was among those that came down Satur day to attend the director’s meeting. • Miss Alice Kdvi.ig left yesterday for Aurora, ill., to visit her sister. Miss Lois. Cut price in Meat. Rib hoi] 7c per 11) and Brisket boil 6c at C. W. Thornton’s. Dr. Bert Windle was down from Pawnee City to spend Sunday with itis Wife at the home of J. R. Ram el. O. W. Hacker, an employee at the city power plant, was called to Au burn this morning by the deatli of his mother. Mike Kostos, who has been visiting here wdth his cousin, Peter Ba eakos and family, left for Beatrice yesterday afternoon. E. E. Butler was down from Barada i today and a caller at our office. Mrs. Sturdevant returned yesterday from Kansas City, where she was buying new millinery goods. .1. O. Shroyer of Humboldt was on the streets here today chatting with old friends. Claude and Emery Hurt of Verdon were visiting in this city this morn-! ing. Harry .1. Pittock went to St. .loe | this afternoon to spend Sunday with ' Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Fast. Requests are constantly coming to ! this office for help in finding some lady who does fancy cake baking and various kinds of fancy cooking. \ny lady who will send us her name • an he kept busy with tills kind of work. Alvin and Frank Forr came down from Humboldt this evening to spend Sunday with Miss Louise Rule and Miss Rill Houston. Mrs. Rosa Nofsger and sons from near DuBois Were here on legal bus iness today. Cut prices on meat at C. W. Thornton's. Brisket boil 6c per Hi. Rib roast 7c per pound. The best meat. 2t, John Faukbauscr was down from Humboldt on Saturday and attended the directors’ meeting at the court house. Miss Fuller is here visiting her uncle and lias accepted a position as stenographer with a business firm in tills city. Mike Mellza and family of Verdon were visiting with friends in the city Saturday and also doing their shopping. Alfred Katiel of Humboldt was one of the many in attendance at the dir ector's meeting at (lie court house Saturday. Olive Tilth n came down from Saler this morning and is the guest of \lj-ss Brace Harlan. Bernard Duerfolcil and son were down from Larada yesterday. 1 lurry I'm I linger lias returned from McCook and will take a position as 'iraltoniaii on the Missouri Pacific. Mi. and Mrs. Bc-rf ■ Veach were down from Vetdou Friday to attend th ' i'diersal of Hie Falls City chor ee at tiie home of Mrs. Banks. Sheriff Fenton "»nt to Lincoln on the early train this morning, stop ping at Sluibi rt It ; a patient to bo taken to the state asylum. Mr. and -Mrs. c. II. Borland left this afternoon for their homo at Bennett, Nth., after a week's visit with Dr Bailey ; i’d family. Don't forget the "Better Falls City’ discussion '•ltid’.iy night at the Pres byterian i hureli 1 y Su])t. Wood. What about our public schools. A’ they good, bad or indifferent. li. .1. Hanika was down from Shu bert today. Mrs. T. .1. (list, will return tomorro from a business trip to Lincoln. Mrs. Burchard will come home to night from Atchison where she lias bet a caring for her mother who is very ill. She will rest, at home awhile her sister from Quincy, 111., staying with the mother in the mean time. New Suits ana Coats for the Spring of 1911. Nifty and up to the very last minute in style, at the Ready to Wear Store, Fred H. Sehoek. 10-2t. I. J. Berger was over from Reserve yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peek of Re serve were trading here yesterday. Miss Gertrude Lyford came down from Tecumseh Friday to visit over Sunday at home. J. F. Winter of Lincoln was hero on business yesterday, John Holt-man of Humboldt was a business visitor here Friday. F. N. Mackey of Kansas City spent Friday here. .1. M. Dye was down from Humbol dt yesterday. I). W. Stanley of St. Joe was look ing after biisim ss matters here yes terday. E. C. Craige of Hiawatha was in town yesterday. Miss ( :ace Auxier come down from Verd n Friday and remained for the Chorus rchersal in the evening She is f* i no tig the number who hav< joined the chorus now rehersing, “ The Aim i t ini Flag,” by- Carl Bush. Mrs. Joaehum Eichhoff, who lias been quite ill. is improving now. Roy Mastin has acccptc d a pj.dLo. in Lincoln as stenographer in the of fice of the Rumly J’'louring Co. Col. Bill Spragins took Billy Veach of Verdon under his protecting wing and hied him off to the Ozark region of Southern Missouri, yesterday, af ternoon. Now the natives will have a pair at which to set up and take notice. K. 11. Curtzer is in the city Ib is repr< seni ;ng the Kart-Poor T -ac tor Co. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fritz were here shopp ng Thursday. Frank Porr was down from Hum boldt yesterday, a guest at the Houston home. Rice Bros, started a cottage for ft. \V. McCormick today, this cottage will be modern. They also furnish a tennent at a rental of $25 per month. Same signed a contract for one year. Rice Bros, will start another crew of carpenters to work next week. Will Cook and daughter, Mrs. Pearl Riley of Nebraska City are in the city visiting at the home of the former’s father, William Cook. Guy Wahl came up from St. Lou's yesterday for a few days visit to his parents. .1. P. Shields, proprietor of the City hotel, has been on the sick list the past, week with grip. Mr. R. I). Hicks came down from Humboldt this morning on business. Mr. Dailey of Kentucky arrived yesterday for a visit with Ms brother, S. H. Hailey. Mrs. Smith is over from Falrview, Kas., for a visit, with the family of her son. .Miss Alice Keeling will leave to morrow for Aurora, 111., for a visit with her sister, Miss Lois Keeling. Sheriff Fenton returned last night from a business trip to Lincoln. V. G. Lytord returned last nig lit from Lincoln, win re he was called on business. K. II. Davies went to Atchison to day to r< main over Sunday. Mrs. liny Gould and little* daughter of Omaha are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Jleaeoek. Mr. Sherman tame up from Kan sas City Wednesday evening re turning yesterday. Morris Sheehan and wife are back from Loc'kridge, Okla., where they were called by the serious illness of Mr. Sheehan's uncle. Miss Maria Wherry of Carlton, Mo., is here on a visit to old friends. She will it main about two months and lias apartments with Mrs. W. L. White. Friends have received the announ cement of the birth of a son to Hey. and Mrs. Elmer Ward Cole, and hasten to extend their congratulations The central school eighth grade will give a program Friday February 10 in honor of Lincolns’ birthday. Ev erybody invited. Falls City chorus meets with Mrk. Hanks for preliminary work, Friday evening at eight o’clock. Henry Winert, from near Preston, was in town yesterday. Mrs. Charles Hanna has been very sick for several days. -lira. 1 diik Knickerbocker lias bet* ill for a few days, suffering from rhe grip. Dr. II. I). Burchard and family wer over from Reserve Sunday to spend the day with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Burchard. Mr. and Mrs. John Bu< hholz re turned Sunday night from their wed ding trip and will begin preparations soon to move on their farm. Mrs. Sam Prater, who has been seriously ill for several weeks with inflamitary rheumatism, is worse today. Her case is quite serious. Mrs. Glen Brunson of Burwell, Neb returned yesterday from a visit with \ I'.-e'on relatives and is again with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ramcl. John Sims of Pawnee City was in the city the last of las week look ing after his new house which is be ing completed, down near the park entrance. Claude Ramsey of St. Joe, accom panied by his friend, VV. Crane, is -pending the day with his parents, J. M. Ramsey and wife. They will re turn this evening. Mrs. Bert Parish passed through this city this morning on her way to Glassi ow, Ky., where site was l ull ed by the death of her father, Geo. Harlan, which occurred Sunday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Sharrah were Reserve visitors here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maze re turned Sunday from their wedding trip and are at the Ratekin home in the east part of town. Mrs. II. M. Hall of Carlisle, Iowa ar rived in the city Saturday evening on a visit to her son, L. ,L Hall and family. Charlie Saee of Mouiul City, Mo., is a guest at. the home of his sister, Mrs. Grant Sperry. Mrs. George Kerdoff of Kansas City arrived today to visit her sis ter, Mrs. Ted Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gould and little daughter of Omaha, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Heaeock left this afternoon for Lincoln for a few days visit witli Mr. and Mrs. Ray DePutron and Miss Ruth Heaeock Miss Mildred Holland and Miss Nell Snyder will go to Lincoln tomorrow for a visit with Mrs. DePutran. Senator I. H. Morehead returned today to Lincoln. Alfred Schmidt was a Dawson visi tor here Saturday. J. L. Rood is back in bis place at the Thornton Meat Market after a weeks visit in Fremont. lie return ed Saturday. Miss Anna Kratz and Miss Ruby Hart were over from Reserve, shop ping Saturday. .1. E. Pet k andwife were over from Reserve shopping Saturday. Life Saved at Deaths Door “I never felt so near my grave,” writtes W. U. Patterson, of Welling ton, Texas, as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down Vo 100 pounds, in spite of doctors treat ment for two years. My father and mother and twto sisters died of con sumption. and that I ant alive today is due solely to Dr. King’s New Discovery, which completely cur d me. Now 1 weigh 187 pounds arid have been well and strong for many years." Qui< k, safe, sure, its the best remedy on enrtth for coughs, colds, lagrippe, ashtina, croup, and all throat and lung trouble, HOC and $1.00. Trio! bottle free. Guaranteed by A. O. Wanner. SCHOOL DIRECTORS MEET THIS PROVED TO BE A LIVELY MEETING A Number Of Important Matters Weree Discussed By Men Interested Then- "as a \erjr interesting meet iug held Saturday in the county court room, participate d in by most of the school directors from over the county. Fully a hundred were present, many whose names are giv en below. The object of the met ting was to discuss several hills now before' the legislature regarding educational mai lers. This county voted unanimously to oppose the hills for a central Rur al high school, to teach domrstU science and agriculture in rural dis tricts and to increase the number of county superintendents. The first is considered impractical for tlio reason that, no matter where the Central Rural High School was located, the pupils from some parts of the county would have to board while attending school. If their parents cannot afford to hoard them now in the towns so they may at tend school they feel they cannot af ford it for tie- rural, school and that the additional taxes to maintain it would become aV burden and no real good would be derived. In the matter of teaching domestic science and agriculture, it was voted down because there is not a district in the county that, can afford the additional expense. But very few school buildings have room to spare for arranging a small room for dom estic science instructions and $500 at the very least estimate would he re quired to make the start. Again land would have to he purchased to make the teaching of agriculture a practical study. Even a second coun ty superintendent, who would be paid $1,000 per year, could not visit the schools over the county more than twice during their school year and could not do justice to the work that was costing the disrict such an amount of money. The sentiment was generally against the Bills and resolutions were unanimously adopted to instruct our senator and representatives lo use their influence against, and vote against any such measure. Also, believing the county get bet ter results from examinations for teachers hold in the county, it was voted to request our representativees to frame a bill taking the examina tions out of the hands of the state examiner and returning them to the county superintendents. This was a very enthusiastic meet ing and shows that the people gener ally arc taking the keenest interest in educational matters and this is as it should be for the good of our s< bools. Barada: Chris Whitehead, Allen Franklin, Fred Bahr, W. F. Slagle, F. F. Bolejack, Moses Barr, .J. C. Shaffer, .1. W. Wessingor. Humboldt. F. Stalder, J. M. Hansen, .J. O. Shroyer, Henry Funk, C. Lionberger, B. F. Revelle, George Funk, John Fankhauser, M. E. (Jolson, Peter Fankhauser, G. E. Koris, J. C. Chism, 1*. G. Mehlen, Stella. \V. T. Chism, J. E. Gilbert, Francis VVithee, John Rainsh, Geo. Griffiths, Shubert, H. J. Hanika, Louis Rhote, T. Weddle; J. (i. Evans, Rulo, F. E. Nitzsche, R. I). Waggoner, Salem, J. E. Morrison, C. P. Snyder, W. 1’. Shildneck, W. I!. Kelly, Isaac Stollz, Dawson. T. F. Ryan, C. L. Allen, Guy Snethen, Chris Hoffman, M. D. Ulmer, J. E. Heim, S. L. Barlow. DuBois. Wm. l'cnn, Ed Erwin. Verdon A. II. Kroh M. Arnold. Falls City and Vicinity Stipt, Wood .1. II. Prichard .1. W. lli.'sehick A. II. Ernst. 1>. i>. I lout/, H. R. I latum Chris Kainnioivr Wallace Cully Louis Zontnor Cleon Peck E. T. Peck Frank Wilt A1 holt, A pel Louis Snogs W. H. Wheeler Rudolph Fowler E. E. 11 u tier .1. Ji. Kobo Wife Got Tip Top Advice "My wife want ted inn to take our hoy to the doctor to cure on ugly boil." writes l)r. Fratikel, of Stroud, Okla. "I said ‘put that liucklen’s Arnica Salve on it.’ She did so, and it. i tired the bdil in ti short time.” Quickest healer of burns, scald* cuts, corns, bruises, sprains, swellings. Host pile cure on earth. Try it. On ly 2r>< ai A. ti. Wanner’s. Mastery Know one thing and know it well, When you’re asked,know how to toll, Everything and toll it right Find or* nil the fe ts: in sight, Then find out what the rest don't see That's the way to Mastery. Palls Victim To Thieves S. VV. ISi'iuIm, of Coal Cityt, Ala., lias a Justiabli* grievance. Two tthlcves stole Ids hcultli for twelve years. They were a liver and kid ney trouble. Then Ur. King's New Life I’ills throttled them, lie's well now. Cnrivaled for constipation, mal aria, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. A. (J. Wanner. The following piece of poetry was composed from an engineer's work report on his arrival at the terminal. Valve stem's blowing And pistons (oo. Rocker boxes loose Where the bolts go through. Springs all broken Making her hard to ride, Key up hack < nd of Main rod On the Fireman’s side. Put in the eali window To keep out I he cold Clean out her nozles She hums too ninth coal. Bore out her flues, And bore out clean, Beware the old Pelican She will not steam. As every exhaust takes Four scoops of coal, That is why the Fireman’s all in At the end of tile "go." Remember The Name Foley's Honey and Tar for all coughs and colds, for croup, bron chitis, hoarseness nail for racking !n grippe coughs. No opiates. Refuse suhsi it utes. An Oyster Supper -- A large number of the country friends o f Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stet-1 ler planned to give them a chivaree j last Saturday and take them bysur-1 prise at the homo of their brother, | Mr. Clayton Fry. However they learned the intentions of their friends and gave them the surprise. They were given a eordial welcome and after an evening spent with games and various amusements, an oyster supper was served. Those present report a fine time. Backache, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness Result from disordered kidneys. Fo ley Kidney Fills have helped others, j they will help you. Mrs. .1. It. Miller, Syracure, N. V., says, “For a long time I suffered witli kidney trouble | and rheumatism. I had severe back aches and felt all playde out. After! taking two bottles of Foley Kidney! Fills my headac he is gone and where I used to lie awake with rheumatism | I now sleep in comfort. Foley Kid ! ney Fills did wonderful things for j me.” Try them now. A. G. Wanner. ! J UNVEILED THEIR WINDOW A BEAUTIFUL AND IMPRESSIVE SERVICE The Members of W. R. C. and G. A. R. Attended The Unveiling Ser vice In A Body That February 12 should be Hi* date i hoseii for tlie unveiling of the ! beautiful G. A. R. window in tli* Makes Home Baking Easy i PSfeif® Absolutory Puro 7he only !' r^ ■ /. 'wdor mmfo fj'at.: : r v-ro Grasm o-T < *r?rr NDALUMiNvIUf' ' > ■ >ilt Christian Church luaki s the day on* of double importance to the Post and loyal citizens of the community. It was a fitting celebration In honor of the birthday anniversary of one of our greatest herns. The members of the local Post and \V. It. C. met. at their hail and in bfidy murched to the Christina church where special services were arranged . l!ev. Day delivered a splendid sermon to the Boys in Blue and at the nuspteons moment, a cord on each side of the window was drawn by llie post commander and the president of the Relief Corps and tin beautiful national colors which had veiled tiie window during the dedleut ion service fell into the arms of two of the Union soldiers who had fought for their country un der the glorious flag. II was a glorious moment andfor a few mom ents a pin could have been heard to fall. Then followed the reading of the dedicatory lines by the Post and i ongregatlon. The National music was one of the features of the bountiful service, and all who attended feel fully repaid for nothing wus left undone that could have added to the beauty or success of the occasion. This beautiful window is the gift to the church purchased by free will contribution from the veternns in and around tills city. LaGrippe Coughs Strain and weaken the system and if not cheeked may develop Into pneu monia. No danger of this when Fo ley's Money and Tar is taken prompt ly. It is ti reliable family medicine for all coughs and colds, and acts quickly and effectively In cases of croup. Refuse substitutes. A. Q. Wanner. Miss Rill Houston was hostess to the II. <!. dub last Saturday after noon and entertained them right roy ally. Needlework is the order of this club and the music contributed by several guests added to the pleasure of the company. Dainty refresh ments were served at five o'clock. Among the guests of the dub were; Mrs. Ted Wright. Misses Frances Ramsey, Helen Itesterer, Miss Ahem, of Slnibert and Miss Kaehelries of Alma, Nebr. Speedy Relief From Kidney Trouble "1 had an u< ute attart of Height's disease with inflammation of the i. Buys and bladder, and dizziness,” says dlis. Cora Thorp, Jackson, Mic. \ hoi < of Foley’s Kidney Hem's!/ n, i one ■ h attack, reduced the m flainniatlon, look away the pain and made the bladder action normal. I wish everyone could know of this wonderful remedy." A. G. Wanner. Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable remedy for backache, rheumatism and urinary irregularities. They are ton ic in action, tjiiit k in results and afford a prompt relief from all kid ney disorders. A. (!. Wanner. The W. It. C. ladies will enjoy a kensington at the G. A. it. hall to morrow afternoon. Mrs. K.L.Sandusky is giving a val entine party tomorrow afternoon for x few friends complimentary to Mrs. Maple of Chicago. Mrs. Geo. Spragins and Mrs. Graat Sperry have issued invitations for a kensington to be held Wednesday at the Spragins home. Pneumonia Follows A Cold But. never follows the use of Foley’ Honey and Tar, which checks the cough and expels the cold. M. Stock well. Hannibal, Mo., says, "It beats all the remedies I ever used. I contracted a bad cold and cough and was threatened with pneumonia. One bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar com pletely cured me.” No opiates, just a reliable household medicine.—A.G. Wanner.