Henry C. Smith LANDS & LOANS V 240 acres well improved, If miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Will take i 40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. 200 acres 1‘i niiies from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and laud Will take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 180 acres upland, J mile from depot. Richardson county, Nebraska. S12.000. 100 acres Johnson county. Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent 107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska 80 acres Ji-mile from Falls City high school. 840 acres, 88,000 improvements Also 040 acres adjoining. Will take 180acres as part payment. Fine running water. A No 1 opportunity. Money to loan TELEGRAPH SERVICE MOVED TO OFFICE BUILDING Three Hundred Men Ate Employed About The Missouri Pacific Shops At Present U twelve o’clock last night the telegraph service was removed from the old station building and will hero after be done entirely from the of fice In the yards. This will mean a great relief at. tin station where tin' small room has made the handling if all tile work very difficult. At the pri sent, time the number of men employed at the Division yards is about 30u. The weather has he mi unusually favorable for pushing the work of construction. If is possible to go ahead with the outside work to good advantage. The big concrete smoko stack for the power plant is being pushed sky ward. The boilers for the generating of the steam to drive the different engines and lo supply heat etc., are being put into place In the shop de partment, the' big new machines for doing the inachlui work are being un loaded. Possibly one-third of Die shop machinery is already on the x ground. A. T. Holland is in Atchison. A. N. Roberts Is visiting relatives 4t Atchison. John Neal, lin man, went Ho Au burn Sunday F, E. Pierson of Lincoln is here visiting friends. K. <1. Howe, of Nuns City, is now working in t!»<• yards. Will Jenkins of Atchison, arrived In Falls City to work. F. A. Shultz, master mechanic, of Atchison, Is now In Fails City. Dispatcher Wilson and wife were Ben Hinton stayed at home for I the first time since he has been in Falls city. v Ren is reforming. FORMER FALLS CITY GIRL DIES In OMAHA j Friends In This City Were Shocked To Learn of The Death of Mrs. Charles Roe I I'l i tids wvir shocked and grieved *, Monday mpi'iiing to hear of the death . mi' Airs. Charles Hoc m e Aliss Alice i» Abbott, which occurred Sunday et ; cuing in a hospital at Omaha after . undergoing a serious operation. She was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs George Abbott. Mrs. , Abbott went to Omaha Sunday to I be with her daughter. Mr. Abbott ' went on the early train Monday. The funeral was held Tuesday af fc.'« n at two o’clock front the h in. in Omaha All the members nf tie, tamih wen present. They have the sincere sympathy of tin ’ I'tu-ts of Falls City friends AFTCR MANY MONTHS OF SUF. FERING HE PASSED AWAY Died on Monday, January 30, 1911— He Leaves A Wife And * Two Children. \ John William Fallstcad. son of the late John Fallstcad was born, Jum 1374 on the old home farm, four miles northeast of this city. April 23, 1306 ho was married to Nellie Hall and to them two child ren were born, the youngest a baby sev< n months old. Last September Mr, Fallstcad ar.d family started south, going overland, hoping the trip would Improve his health They stopped at Hard* n City. Kansas, Mr. Fallstcad being taken very ill there. In December lie was brought to Kansas City for treatment and on January 3rd lie was brought on home. With his family he has been stopping at the home of Geo. Plege, where lie passed away Mon day, January 30 att 12:3«< p. m. He was taken to the home of liis broth er, George Fallstcad where the fu neral was held Wednesday at 2:00 p. in conducted by Rev. Bailey. The burial was made in Silver Creed cemetery. Mr. Fallstcad was a number of the I. O. R. M. in which he carrii d $500 insurance. Besides his " if< a id two children he leaves two -isti-rs and his brother, George II. Fallstead, to all of whom is ex tended condolence of many friends. IN A SOCIAL WAY Social Happenings Reported Since Our Last Issue Mrs. Arthur Weaver has issued In vitations for a wldst party, Monday afternoon, February the fitli. Mr. and Mrs. 1). M. Davies have issued invitations for Thursday ev ening, whist is announced. Mrs Davies will entertain a large com pany of ladies at cards Friday after noon and with a soin'erset party on Friday evening. The Kensington of the Kplscopal church will he held Thursday after noon with Mrs. Spence In the par lorn of the National. Assisting Mrs. Spence will he Mrs. Neldc, Mrs Rohrlng, Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs Amelia Spence. A cordial Invitation is extended to nil. Miss Marie l.lchty entertained Mrs Wat tain's Sunday School < hiss, ol which she is a member, last Friday evening, at her home on North Bara da road. About thirty young peoplt were present and passed (lie evening with entertaining games of various sorts. Refreshments were served it I onto o'clock. The evening was ..a unusually pleasant one. Rev. and .Mr* Watson were present. "he 1! (!. club was entertained c.n turday afternoon by Miss Maybelh I’oteet nl lnr home in the (Jilltgan addition. All members of the club n << present and enjoyed a u.ori i 'i as,ant afternoon. Needlework oc cupied the young ladies' time a,.d music by several present was enjoyed by all. Dainty refreshments were si ived at five o'clock. Mrs. Ted V, right was a guest of the club. Misses Carrie and Jennie Keim cp i rtnined a number of friends lust Saturday evening with whist, guests for three tables being pres ent. The contests were spirited and tin' games thoroughly enjoyed. During the evening music, both vocal nnd instrumental was con tributed by several guests, including Miss Burehard, Miss Northdorf, Mr. Itichardson and Mr. Woods, Kxcel j lent refreshments were served dur ing the evening. Mrs. Klnier Martin entertained the Sunny Slope ladles Wednesday after noon. Quite a goodly number were present, with needlework and conver sation interspersed with music, a good social time was had. At this meeting it was decided not to hold tlielr regular election of officers for two months. Nice refreshments were served. Mrs. ('has. Weyand and Miss Nettie Boyd were visitors. The next meeting will l>e held with the Misses Stewarts on February 8th. I Sorosts tiebi its regular meeting at the City Federation rooms, with thir teen members present. After a bus iness session, Mrs. Dittmar read an article on "Domestic Science,"which was enjoyed by all. Then followed several articles on "The State Llbrar Commission" after which the subject was discussed with much enthusiasm. The club adjourned to meet Feb ruary 8th at the home of Mrs. ('has. Wilson. The Kat'fee Klateh was entertain ed Tuesday afternoon by Miss Graham at her home on North Har lan street. There was a large at tendance of club members and sev eral Invited guests were present. As usual the ladies devoted their time to needlework. A number of musi cal numbers by tin* hostess and sev eral of her guests delighted the en tire company. Excellent refreshment were served at half after five o’clock. Thursday evening Mrs. Reavis and Mrs. Uhlig gave the last of the ser ies, entertaining both ladies and gen tlemen. Ten tables were played, whist being the game of he evening. As in the afternoon partners and tables were chosen from dainty handpainted score cards. The games were very interesting and the score good, the play continuing until eleven o'clock, when refreshments, dainty and delicious were served in two courses. The evening was one continual round of pleasure and one of the most enjoyable parties of the week. Among the out of town guests were Mrs. Young of Stella, Mrs. May of Auburn, Miss Kachelries of Alma, Neb., and Miss Stltes of St. Louis. On Thursday afternoon of last week Mrs. Burton Reavis and Mrs. Will Uhllg gave a whist party from three until six at which time about fifty ladies were entertained. Beau tiful carnations nad ferns were con spicuous through the rooms, adding beauty and fragrance. Twelve tables were placed for the game, each tabic being marked with a card upon which was placed the number and monogram "U-K” Five games were played after which excellent re freshments were served in two courses, the ladies having the as sistance" of Misses Until Reavis, An nn Margaret (list. Mrs. Allan I) May of Auburn and Miss Stiles, of St. Louis were present. There was pleasure written upon every face and truly the afternoon was most enjoyable. COMMENT OF PUBLIC INTEREST * » * Boost the booster -you < an do tliis best and most effectively by throwing your influence and patron age to the Tribune. « * » Incidentally talk with some of I (lie mothers who have children in school before considering the mem bers of the school board. * * * Who is your choice for mayor the ni’p who (nines out plainly and who pledges himself to push the paving of Stone street. * * * I With the talk about a mayor, mix a little about councilman. A mayor can do little without a council that will help him and stand by him. Now who is your choice for council men. * • • The Hod Cross Association has asked congress to take steps to prevent any person or organization other than the American Red Cross society, from using their name and emblem. Of late the use has becom very general. This is done natural ly t<> t|i(> detriment of the Red i Cross society and a few people know that the use of the name is punish able by a heavy fine and imprison ment as it is protected from infring ment by its charter. When this be comes generally known it is safe to say those having usurped the name with no intention of doing a wrong or without knowledge of the charter provisions will discontinue its use. * * * Indiana is considering the advisa bility of licensing drinkers. This I rather novel idea is not without pre i cedent, when we come to think about it. Wo have become so accustomed to the idea of licensing the seller of intoxicants, that the feasibility of granting a permit to the drinker lias been lost sight of. It lias become a common practice to safeguard the public, by requiring person engaged in work that has attached to it great risk or responsibility, to carry a li cense showing their fittness for that particular work. Alcohol, like elec tricity, steam, dynamite, cot. is a dangerous commodity when careless ly handled, and there should appear 1 o incongruity in requiring that the man about to tank up on it. first show that he is capable of safely i urrying the load. * * * The agitation over the coining city i election is good, we cannot well give i this matter too much thought nor I too careful consideration. This is a crucial period in the affairs of our city. Falls City is just beginning to largely realize the extent of her good fortune and the wonderful opportuni j ties that are knocking at her door. ! She is as a city just awakening to , a conciousneEs of the magnitude of her possibilities and also of her responsibilities. The great question uppermost in every mind is "What next." Above all things, at this time, we need to cultivate a dispo sition favorable to the larger out look. Nothing that is worthwhile c an ' be done from a norrow partisan stand point. This is no time to rant about abuses that may or may not exist. Neither is it a time to vent ones spleen for stage effect. But it is a time to lay willing and strong hand to the common task of building the "greater Falls City. The man, who at the present crisis cannot help build, should at least show the good grace to not tear down. We have too great need of all our available force to permit any of it to be used to our loss or damage. In other words we have nothing to waste. Therefore, let the agitators, who* are being ex ercised for the good of our city, i lay this to heart, that what we most i need is a feeling of good will, a hearty spirit of co-operation, and j the disposition to solve our problems ( peaceably. To the accomplishment of \ this the Tribune pledges its strength and influence, and will vouch for | that of its faithful readers, also. • • • HEALTHY RACE BEST DEFENSE Scientific “race breeding” to pro duce better “crops of boys and girls" was advocated tonight by William A. Koever, professor of philosophy in the Kansas state Agricultural College, at the child welfare exhibit, in New York last week. "1 want Mr. Carnegie," he said, ‘‘put down another 10 million dollars 1 for the elimination of delinquency through scientific race breeding What we most need is to stop the craze for making money and to go more directly to making men. "Better as a defense thmi all the dreadnoughts is verility in a race, through selective marriage and a bet ter train ng of the young. Through a scientific development of tire young in the next fifty years, we could de '■«. lop such a high type that no foes won!)! : ttack us. Half a century of such c 'tcnt’fic child training as the interest on our war expense wj-ild make rr.; ‘ ble woul1 decrease tlie inhabitants of om pisons and asy j lams fat per cent." # * * A SENSIBLE LAW Seator Stone lias introduced a bill iii tile Missouri legislature requiring coup! s about to be married to submit to a physical examination. Such a la)) will necessarily meet with strong iippc- .ion on tlie part especially of the sentimental and the not over in telligent, but it should meet with the undivided support of all thinking peo ple of whatever rank and station. 'I lie divorce evil can only be over come by attacking it at its roots. M isty anil illadvised marriages are tiie great feeders of the divorce mills. Here if anywhere prevention is better than cure. The object of tile law is wholly beneficial. That in some cases it might work injury iid hardship is conceivable. Never thelisr, the object to bo achieved is so im lortant that some risk may well be incurred in order to have its ad vantages. The law goes farther than merely to .attempt to relieve the dt ’ orce mills from handling their un happy grist. We pass stringent laws regulating the mating of animals, but permit the mating of our young peo ple to go unregulated. We owe it to posterity, to see that the next generation is at least well born. Other states have such laws. But they are as yet all too few. And un till they cover the country as a whole and are generally enforced their re strictions will be evaded quite large ly. * * * POWER OF PUBLIC OPINION New evidences arise daily that pro gressive ideas regarding corporations are getting into the inner circles of high finance. George M. Reynolds, president of the biggest bank in Chicago, and next to the largest in the United States, declared in favor of govern ment supervision of the issue of rail roarfsecurities, in testifying before th railway securities commission, which is investigating the subject. Mr. Reynolds spoke of a changing public sentiment, and he said that “it is the desire of the moneyed in terests more and more to conform to the dictates of public opinion.” Simi lar opinions have been voiced recent 1 by many of the men of large affairs including George W. Perkins, 10. H. Gary, \V. 1). Hines and \V. C. Brown. Clearly, no intelligent man in Amer iea can fail to realize that public opinion, thoroughly aroused, is a power which, soon or late, must dom inate all other influences in this coun try, and it is just as clear that pub lic opinion is unalterably and over whelmingly working toward holding till big corporations to strict account ing alike to their patrons and to their stockholders.—Kansas City Star Remember The Name Foley's Honey and Tar for all coughs and colds, for croup. bron chitis, hoarseness nad for racking la grippe coughs. No opiates. Refuse substitutes. Backache, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness Result from disordered kidneys. Fo ley Kidney Pills have helped others, they will help you. Mrs. .1. B. Miller. Syracure, N. V., says, ‘ For a long time 1 suffered with kidney trouble and rheumatism. I had severe back aches and felt all playde out. After, taking two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills my headache is gone and where I used to lie awake with rheumatism 1 now sleep in comfort. Foley Kid ney Pills did wonderful things for me.” Try them now. A. G. Wanner. LaGrippe Coughs Strain and weaken the system and if not checked may develop into pneu monia. No danger of t It is when Fo ley’s Honey and Tar is taken prompt ly. It is a reliable family medicine for all coughs and colds, and acts quickly and effectively in eases of croup. Refuse substitutes. A. G. Wanner. Speedy Relief From Kidney Trouble "I had an acute attach of Bright’s disease with inflammation of the k1 incys .incl bladder, and dizziness,” says Mrs. Cora Thorp, Jackson, Mic. ’ A hot .< of Foley’s Kidney Remedy overcome .ho attack, reduced the in flammation, took away the pain and made the bladder action normal. I wish everyone could know of this wonderful remedy.” A. G. Wanner. Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable remedy for backache, rheumatism and urinary irregularities. They are ton ic in action, quic k in results and afford a prompt relief from all kid ney disorders. A. G. Wanner. Pneumonia Follows A Cold _._ i But. never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which checks the cough and expels the cold. M. Stock-' well, Hannibal, Mo., says, “It boats! all the remedies I ever used. 1 contracted a bad cold and cough and was threatened with pneumonia. One bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar com pletely cured me.’’ No opiates, just a reliable household medicine.—A.G. Wanner. Life Saved at Deaths Door “I never felt so near my grave." | writtes W. H. Patterson, of Welling-1 ton. Texas, as when a frightful cough j and lung trouble pulled me down to, 100 pounds, in spite of doctors treat meat for two years. My father and mother and twto sisters died of con sumption. and that I am alive today is due solely to Dr, King’s New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 1S7 pounds and have been well and strong for many years." Quick, safe, sure, its the best remedy on eartth for coughs, colds, lagrippe, ashtma, croup, and all throat and lung trouble. 50c and $1.00. Triel bottle free. Guaranteed by A. G. Wanner. Wife Got Tip Top Advice “My wife wanttod me to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boil.” writes Dr. Frankel. of Stroud, Okla. "I said 'put that Buekleu’s Arnica Salve on it.’ She did so. and it cured the boil in a short time.” Quickest healer of burns, scalds cuts, corns, bruises, sprains, swellings. Best pile cure on earth. Try it. On ly 25c at A. G. Wanner’s. Falls Victim To Thieves S. \V. Bends, of Coal Cityt, Ala., has a justiable grievance. Two-.; tthieves stole his health for twelve ! years. They were a liver and kid ney trouble. Then Dr. King’s New Life Pills throttled them. He’s well now. Unrivaled for constipation, mal aria, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. A. 0. Wanner. Brood Sow Sale F. W. Whitiock will sell thirty head of Du roc Jersey Brood sows on Saturday, February iStlit, lttll at Musselman’s feed yard. Falls Cityt, Neebraska. OIL CARRIED FIRE ! ACROSS TOE RIVER I * Washington County Oklahoma'Swept By Blaze. STARTED iN THE OIL POOLS Oil and Farm Property Damaged $100,000 by Prairie Fire Fed by Oil Waste, Bartlesville, Ok., Feb. 2.—A pruirie fire which, has done over $100,001) damages across Washington county. The oil waste on the Caney river is burning for two miles. Oil companies have 200 men fighting the llames. The fire started in the oil pools near Young's lake, in the northern part of the state, and fanned by a northwest wind, swept derricks, tanks and rigs before it. No loss of life has been reported. A number of of farmero living in the district were compelled to build backfires, place their belongings on the burned tracts, and flee. It. was hoped the fire would be checked when it reached Caney river, but oil waste on the wrater carried the fire across to the opposite bank. A call was sent to Bartlesville for help and automobiles carried men to fight, the flames. Persons living north of Dewey were greatly alarmed by the fire, but no serious damage Is report ed there. Among the oil companies whose property was damaged are the Pnarie Oil and Gas company, the Central Oil and Gas company and the Caney Valley Oil comimny. FLOWERS BLOOMING IN TEXAS An Unprecedented Heat Wave May Cause Loss of Fruit Crop—At Fort Worth 93 Degrees. Dallas, Tex., Feb. 2.—The South west is enduring an unprecedented heat wave. The thermometer reach ed 93 degrees in Fort Worth, while the average was just under the 90 mark. Fruit trees and violets are in bloom in East Texas. Generally at this time of year the "northers” make zero weather at points where grass now carpets the earth. Farmers fear fruit trees which are budding now will go baren because there is sure to be cold weather be fore the advent of real spring. Coal Tonnage on the Ohio. Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 2.—The extent of commerce on the Ohio river is ex emplified by the total tonnage which was shipped through the locks in the river during the month of January. The total amount of coal shipped dur ing January was about t;02,9<>5 tons, amounting to about 15,878,105 bush els. representing about $1,111,474. This establishes a new record in the shipping of coal to Southern points from here. * Indorses Federal Road Law. Washington, Feb. 2.—The proposed federal law to secure co-operation be tween the state and the federal gov ernment in improving roads and high ways and authorizing the appoint ment of a national commission ou highway improvement, was strongly Indorsed at a hearing before the house committee on agriculture.