The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 20, 1911, Image 6

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of Our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
I* Thomas of Du Hols spent last
**>■ v •> j jiU nan nfs north of this
Milton Zimmerman anil wife visited i
with relatives at Hollandbnrg, Kan..1
Ibet week
A!tit Gilbert spent Thursday of last
wyek in St Joju'ph
brant Orninb was a Kails City visi
tor onv day last week
James Goolsby moved his family to
r*r«M City last Tuesday.
batn Adams of Missouri was a Kulo
visitor last Monday.
Mr Parthnn of Kansas was a Kulo
business visitor Tuesday.
Jehu Dunn of Missouri was a Kulo
visitor the first of the week
T E Kulp of Wymote was a Kulo
business visitor, Monday forenoon.
Mr Herbert of Broken Bow is help
>m Mr. Frick In liis jewelry shop.
Dr J. E. Wilson from White Cloud,
several days in Kulo last week.
^ain Goolsby of Missouri was a
Ruin Visitor the first of the week.
Floyd and Vere True were business
visitors to Atchison last Saturday.
Newton llosfotd was a Kansas City
visitor a few days lust week.
Fmmn Dniinekcr went to St. Joseph
for a visit with relatives, Tuesday.
ftr. Shepherd and son Harry made
a trip to Missouri, Saturday evening.
George Gilbert of Table Rock came
iRaturdny evening to attend his broth
er's funeral.
Mr* Max Young and son, Frank, of
Kansas are visiting relatives in tills
city this week.
Sam and Exxing Ward spent it few
days in St Joseph the latter pari of
lilM week.
Mi' and Mrs. Panghurn returned
Saturday from an extended slay in
Kansas City.
Mis Lee Myers of Vermilion, S.
Dakota, was ••ailed here by the death
of her father. Jeff Gilbert.
Charlie Maze visited xvith friends
in Rulo a few days the last of the
Fred Steward spent a couple of
days with home folks at Sparks, Kan
cas, last xveek.
Clyde Dariah and wife attended the
funeral of Miss Cora Plumb, In Falls
City last week
I'nele Joe Frederic and Sarah Gal
Jmcan xvore unitid in marriage at
t o’elo k on Jan. nth, Pll I.
John Thllliges of Effingham. Kan
«.ts visited xxitti relatives in this vi
»fuft> last xveek
The band boys gaxe a dance at
Flow fords' hall one night last week,
w lih-h was xx ell attended
Jonithan Ratekin of Falls City at
tend'd the fttneial of Mr. Gilbert,
here Sunday afternoon.
Mr Portion of Reserv* lias bought
t'i S* m Rrnnk properly and expects
t mow his family to town soon.
Marry Shephi id .tnd wife and Miss
Anna Mahan spent several days of
list seek with friends at St. Joe
Mr Ford and family left, Saturday
night for the western part of Nebras
ka. tv here hi' ha.; a claim.
Ruth White returned recently to
ter koine at Kockport, Mo., after a
Vwrr weeks visit with relatives In
this city.
Frank Bingham and family returned
Frtdar from Missouri where they
were railed by the death of Mrs. H's
*i<a her.
The funeral of John Frederic, who
was said to have been killed by a
train in Missouri, was held at the
4’atholic church Sunday at 3 o'clock.
A.'birthday surprise party was giv
**w wn Miss Opal Mays. Thursday
sight. of iast week. Dancing was in
tulged in, and a general good time
Id reported.
A new class for nun was organ
ised at the M. E. Sunday school,
taught by the Pastor; it is hoped
this class will be a power for good.
The Teachers Association was atten
ded by a large and enthusiastic
crowd of spectators as well as teach
ers. But the sight seeing which
had been planned was limited on ac
count of the cold and sleet which
made travel almost impossible, how
e\«r we hope to have the meeting
again when the weather is more fa
(Veil Kanaly, his sifter, Mamie,
and Grace Cronin left Monday night
for Auburn to attend the funeral of
Misr Mamie Ryan, whose death was
caused by an operation to remove a
growth from her throat. Nellie Schaf
fer will have charge of Miss Kanaly's
room during her absence, and Chris
tine Sickle will teach for Miss Mam
Preaching at the Evangelical chute
next Sunday morning.
.1. A. Martin and wife were in the
city on last Tuesday.
The grippe hasfastened Itself upon
this entire community, scarcely a
family escaping.
Mrs. Conrad Gerdes was very ill
the tore part of the week.
Miss Ethel Dunn Is among the num
ber who have been confined to bed
with grippe.
Esther Laukemper is quite sick
with bronchitis.
Tom Noah’s small daughter Edna
wtis quite sick from drinkink coal
oil on Wednesday, lust.
(’has. Gaston and Marry Mosena of
i Shubert spent several days of last
week in Manilla plumbing for .1 A.
It. F. Drldge-tnan hits opened a
rt'staunmt, bakery and confectionery
store in the Sailor’s building on the
corner of Main and First Street.
The W. O. W. initiated a couple of
new members on Saturday evening,
after which Sovereign Wnmsley treat
ed the lodge to supper. A drill team
has been organized with Mr. Andrews
its captain,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cully of Silver
Creek attended services at the Evan
gelical church on Sunday. Mrs. Cul
I ly is working in the Interests of the
| Motile Department of the S. S.
Mr and Mrs. .1. A. Stephenson of
i Shubert were over the tirut of last
week bringing with them Mr. Stephen
soii'u sister Anna of Liberty. Nehr.
who remained for a visit with her
| The community was greatly shockc
j to hear of the death of Mrs. (’has.
Noyes, Saturday She was a sufferer
from tuberculosis. She leaves to
, mourn her untimely death, her hits
; hand, two children and many relatives
j and friends. The funeral was i undue
ted front the Evangelical church at
llarada by lte\. Tim Vice on Sunday
The remains were laid to rest in the
! Harris cemetery. We extend s.vmpa
I tlij to the sorrowing ones.
Tom Mears spent several days in
John Lundy spent last Sunday in
Falls City.
IF .1 PrU Hard was in l.iucoln the
first of the week.
Otto Uuogge was tlie guest of John
Hutchinson. Sunday.
Norman Fate was guest of F. M.
Shaffer, and family, Sunday.
Wilma Shaffer was the Riiest of
Merle Fields, Sunday,
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mein
Mrs. N. Peck was given a handker
chief shower on her birthday,
heit, January 12 twin girl babies.
F. S. Fichty was in Kansas City
last week visiting Mrs. Yellton.
Daisy Peck is visiting in Morrill.
Kansas, the guest of her brother.
Ora Crook of Salem visited with
Pearl Fields. Saturday night ami Sun
Misses Maud and Myrtle Yoeam of
Falls City were guests of K. M. Kim
tnel and wife Sunday.
Rev. F. A. Hazlett of Ashland was
in this vicinity last week working in
the interest of the Ashland college.
Perry Shaffer and family and Mrs.
N. Peck and son Clarence spent last
Friday at the home of Earl Shaffer
and family.
Fast Friday, t»eo. Prichard loaded
1 a car with his belongings and started
i for his new home near Abilene Kans.
His wife and children will leave in a
! '• w days.
Mrs. J. C. Shulenberg who has been
a victim of grippe for several days is
s'owly recovering.
V in. Harris was putting up ice the
it -t of the week.
(Iran, urn Lewis is now quite ill at
i"t i .rue here.
.Mis. Charles Wilson spent a few
.iays here last week with friends.
t.d Uronson of near Verdon was
.1 business visitor here, Thursday.
Grandma Shubcrt was a guest 01
,we\. Murray and wife, Thursday.
iioy and Raymond Shaffer visited i
jail in the past week with relatives.
J loss Kill Ion and wife spent last
.k at Syracuse visiting the hitters
sbii i and family.
Win. Martin and wife are now re
joicing over the arrival of a little
Mrs. Thompson and daughter of
Smith county are here visiting
Messrs. Walt Lewis, Oscar i’ond,
Leon Shubert were to Kansas City
last week.
Mr and Mrs. .). C. Shulenberg,
Chas. Shulenberg and wife and little
son Oral were the guests of friends
at Stella, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Wiles returned
home Wednesday evening from Glen
wood, Iowa where they went to at
tend the marriage of their son Ray
to Miss Edith Dean of that place.
A very pretty but quiet wedding
took place at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. II. Dean of Glenwood, Iowa,
last, Tuesday, January 10, 1011 at
high noon, when their daughter Miss
Edith became the wifi' of Ray Wiles
of this city. The ceremony was per
formed by Rev. I’almerson in the pres
! once of the near relatives and close
friends of the bride and groom. Fol
lowing the ceremony a delicious din
ner was served. Doth the bride and
groom are known for their sterling
qualities and take with them the well
wishes of all who know them.
Mrs. Henry Curtis is quite sick.
Mr. Yates moved to Dawson last
Alfred Elehert from Peru is visiting
bis brother and wife.
Wesley Shaffer and wife of Y’erdon
spent, Monday in Stella v isiting.
Mrs Bessie Hapgood is slowly
recovering from a serious illness,
Arthur Pole is moving from the
Kroli farm to the Holland place.
E. A. Kroli expects to move soon
from town to bis fathers farm.
Elmer Pugh and family spent Sun
day at the home of .1. M. Goodloe.
Mrs. E, Wheeler visited most of
last, week in Omaha with Mrs. A. L.
Miss Florence Wheeler visited rel
atives and friends in Lincoln
last week.
Mrs. Z. Pixley left last week for
Omaha to look for a location for a
new home.
Mrs. Bessie llasket of Auburn
visited with Mrs. Pritts a few
days last week.
Mrs, Alvina Rudy returned Monday
from Shubert where she had been
nursing Mrs. Murphy.
Geo. Slocum after a two weeks ser
ious illness with an abscess of the
tongue, was able to be in town Thurs
A. .1. Baldwin spent Sunday at lion*
with his family. He is now travel
ing for an adjusting company of Om
Word reached here, Sunday that
Miss .Mamie Ryan a former Stella
girl, but now of Auburn, bad died at
a hospital in Omaha.
Mrs. Angeline Raper is again help
ing at the Keefer restaurant. Mr.
Keefer is able to he down stairs
and help with the work.
The Woodman lodge held public
installation Thursday evening and
after the services they gave an oys
ter supper to their families. About
100 guests were present.
F. G. Wixon sold his barber shop
last Thursday to Mr. Seoville of Ne
maha. Mr. Seoville moved here Fri
day and is now occupying Mrs. Hay’s
house on Kim Street.
The Methodists are holding revival
meetings since Wednesday of last
week. Sunday evening Elder Sapp
of the Christian church supplied the
pulpit and addressed a very large au
Room and Board for two gentlemen
in private family. Convenient loca
tion. Call at Tribune office or
Phone 226.
Latest Luxury Is Boarding Place
for Stylish Cats.
Buffalo Woman Makes Specialty of
Caring for Handsome Persian
and Short-Haired Angoras
—A Beautiful Animal.
Buffalo, N. Y.—Greenhouses for eats
are the latest thing in winter quar- !
ters supplied by the mistress of the
»ats' boarding house on Hoyt street, i
who believes in furnishing her board
ers with a sun parlor as well as with(
^sleeping and eating apartments.
'.Heavy builder's paper and tar paper
line the rear wall and part of the
roof of this new winter runway, but I
the remainder is glass, secured from
a florist, who has retired from busi
ness. Thoso interested in improving
the coats of their prize Angoras,
should see these fourteen good-tem
pered cats frisking around in the al-!
most wintry sunshine, their fur grow
ing thicker and liner and glossier
every day.
Whenever the wind blows too nip
|Plngly, every cat retreats to the shel
ter of the house, which has been
freshly lined with builder's paper, and
has piles of straw to burrow in. Ev
ery cat in the establishment is a
itianusome rerstan except me iour
short-haired cats, who have traveled
from the ends of the earth, and who
will leave the boarding house to re
isume their (ravels shortly.
Although the Angoras are a lordly
[lot, and come to the boarding house
loaded down with prejudices about
what they should eat and how warm
;un atmosphere they should he allowed
to breathe, gradually the little lady
of the house discourages these views
until the kittens come to enjoy plain
food and blasts of fresh air. Just at
present she is working hard with a
small Angora and her two kittens.
They were very feeble on arrival,
their eyes closed with hard colds and
their bodies limp with weakness.
Heauty, the mother cat, has had abou^
$60 spent upon her for doctor bills,
and all three cats have to he fed
goats' milk from a medicine dropper.
The milk costs thirty cents per pint.
Although the three kittens have
been at the house only a month, they
have grown Immensely ,and have such
,'high spirits that the other Persians
are beginning to wonder if they have
not some low-bred, short-haired blood’
;in their furry bodies.
“Taking care of such a lot of valu
ables," said the woman of the house,
1 "is a great responsibility. A few
weeks ago one of my most distin
guished boarders undertook to walk
out alone, through a door which I
had left open Just for a minute. Well,
he didn't come back. I spent a lot
of money advertising, and did every
thing to find that cat. At last a
woman who sometimes works here
saw a cat which looked like Smoke
In a neighboring house, and we went
nfter him aud brought him home in
One of the most beautiful cats in
the house is Cinders, whose velvety
coat shows all the colors of tbe less
brilliant leaves. When the air 1b not
too chilly, Cinders loves to squirm
among the leaves which fall from the
(tree* into the open runway, and to
dash out when another cat ambles by,
unconscious of his presence.
Animal Asks for Cakes When Hungry
and Alarms Servant When It
Enters Kitchen.
Berlin.—The German public has
lately been regaled with tale* of the
increased accomplishments of Don. a
talking dog
Fov five .years Don, who is the prop
erty of Herr Ebers. a gamekeeper of
the royal hunting preserves of Kol
blt2-L>etxUnger, near Hamburg, has
been noted for hts powers of speech.
He began to learn at the age of 6
months, and now has a useful, If lim
ited, vocebulary.
When the puppy Don was standing
by hla master's side at dinner time
eae day Herr Ebers said, "You want
something, do you?” To every one's
amanement Don replied In a deep,
bat clear tone. "Haben, haben!”
(“Want, want!”)
The gamekeeper at once started to
develop the dog's talent In reply to
"What Is your name?” he learnt to
say "Don.” and to "WTiat’s the mat
ter?" he answers "Hunger. He came
to say "Kuchen" (cakes) with parti
cular distinctness When cakes are
in view he repeats. "Kutchen. haben,
haben!” any number of times and
If hts ple« is unanswered he adds
"Hunger!” with a long drawn empha
sis on the last syllable.
Those who hear the dog talk for
the first time are often half-frightened
so uncanny Is the impression. One
day lion wandered Into the kitchen of
a working woman who was slicing
sausages. He exclaimed, “Don—hun
ger want!" The housewife, after n
moment's stupefaction, dashed from
the room In a fright, leaving the sau
sages for lion.
Need Not Be Old Maid.
New York. —Miss Anna Caldwell,
author of "The Nest Egg," a play por
traying an old maid, said no woman
need he an old maid In New York, be
■ause there are so many freak men
here that she can marry at least one
of them.
Whole Sale Oil
And buy your Oil and Gas
oiine of an Independent Oil
Company. We are agents
for the Chanute Refining Co
of Chanute, Kansas. They
have large storage tanks
here, and aim to keep a good
supply on hand at all times.
We have our office in our
warehouse near the mill.
You can get us there during
the day. We will be pleas=
ed to serve you. We know
we can please you.
Yours for business.
Chanute Refining Co.
Phone 396 HECK &. WAMSLEY, Agents.
j are always at enmity with each other.
Like water and oil, they wont “mix.”
and often make them most as good
as new. Keep your teeth in and do
not have them pulled out. Bring
them to us to be fixed.
Dr. Yutzy, Dr. C. E. Heffner, Falls City, Nebraska
'cadMVMMtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmammmmmmam vhmmhhbmhmmmumumhmmbi
The Kansas City Star and Times
The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’
news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are
furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents
| per week.
As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals,
j No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and
night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times.
This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive
merchant and farmer.
I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber’s door
promptly on arrival of trains.
Give me a trial.
RICHARD WYLER, Distributor
Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year. \
Address The Kansas City Star.
|U| p* AT Lresh meat of all kinds may be
* had of Mack & Nixon, either at
the Market in Barada or at the
Mack farm. Good Beef, 8c and 9c per pound.
Pork dressed I Ic. Will deliver if not too far out.
Mack & Nixon, Barada, Nebr.
Neglected wounds produce old sores and
these in time develop ulcers which eat away
the vitality.
Snow Liniment
Is a Healing Remedy for AH Ailments of
the Flesh of Man and Oeast.
The speed with which this splendid liniment heals up a bad
wound or sore has surprised and pleased those who were accus
tomed to the slower and uncertain effect of less powerful reme
dies. It mendst the lacerated flesh so quickly that there is but
little time lost from work. In relieving rheumatic pains, neural
gia, sciatica, it lias done and is doing a wonderful work. Many
chronic victims of these diseases have found to their great satis
faction that it cures an attack in a fraction of the time required
by the ordinary treatment.
It is equally effective in the flesh ailments of animals. Owners
of blooded stock value it highly for two reasons: It heals sores
and wounds quickly, and leaves no disfiguring scars.
This remedy Is needed in every home. If its great power and
efficacy was generally known, no family would be without It.
Price 25c, 50c and SI.00 per Bottle.
Stephen* Eye Salre I* u safe find speedy remedy
Amo Rtcowtt«wBtpB~