The County in General The “Doings” of Our Country Friends and Neighbors. RULO. I* Thomas of Du Hols spent last **>■ v •> j jiU nan nfs north of this *.>»>■ Milton Zimmerman anil wife visited i with relatives at Hollandbnrg, Kan..1 Ibet week A!tit Gilbert spent Thursday of last wyek in St Joju'ph brant Orninb was a Kails City visi tor onv day last week James Goolsby moved his family to r*r«M City last Tuesday. batn Adams of Missouri was a Kulo visitor last Monday. Mr Parthnn of Kansas was a Kulo business visitor Tuesday. Jehu Dunn of Missouri was a Kulo visitor the first of the week T E Kulp of Wymote was a Kulo business visitor, Monday forenoon. Mr Herbert of Broken Bow is help >m Mr. Frick In liis jewelry shop. Dr J. E. Wilson from White Cloud, several days in Kulo last week. ^ain Goolsby of Missouri was a Ruin Visitor the first of the week. Floyd and Vere True were business visitors to Atchison last Saturday. Newton llosfotd was a Kansas City visitor a few days lust week. Fmmn Dniinekcr went to St. Joseph for a visit with relatives, Tuesday. ftr. Shepherd and son Harry made a trip to Missouri, Saturday evening. George Gilbert of Table Rock came iRaturdny evening to attend his broth er's funeral. Mr* Max Young and son, Frank, of Kansas are visiting relatives in tills city this week. Sam and Exxing Ward spent it few days in St Joseph the latter pari of lilM week. Mi' and Mrs. Panghurn returned Saturday from an extended slay in Kansas City. Mis Lee Myers of Vermilion, S. Dakota, was ••ailed here by the death of her father. Jeff Gilbert. Charlie Maze visited xvith friends in Rulo a few days the last of the week Fred Steward spent a couple of days with home folks at Sparks, Kan cas, last xveek. Clyde Dariah and wife attended the funeral of Miss Cora Plumb, In Falls City last week I'nele Joe Frederic and Sarah Gal Jmcan xvore unitid in marriage at t o’elo k on Jan. nth, Pll I. John Thllliges of Effingham. Kan «.ts visited xxitti relatives in this vi »fuft> last xveek The band boys gaxe a dance at Flow fords' hall one night last week, w lih-h was xx ell attended Jonithan Ratekin of Falls City at tend'd the fttneial of Mr. Gilbert, here Sunday afternoon. Mr Portion of Reserv* lias bought t'i S* m Rrnnk properly and expects t mow his family to town soon. Marry Shephi id .tnd wife and Miss Anna Mahan spent several days of list seek with friends at St. Joe Mr Ford and family left, Saturday night for the western part of Nebras ka. tv here hi' ha.; a claim. Ruth White returned recently to ter koine at Kockport, Mo., after a Vwrr weeks visit with relatives In this city. Frank Bingham and family returned Frtdar from Missouri where they were railed by the death of Mrs. H's *ietxUnger, near Hamburg, has been noted for hts powers of speech. He began to learn at the age of 6 months, and now has a useful, If lim ited, vocebulary. When the puppy Don was standing by hla master's side at dinner time eae day Herr Ebers said, "You want something, do you?” To every one's amanement Don replied In a deep, bat clear tone. "Haben, haben!” (“Want, want!”) The gamekeeper at once started to develop the dog's talent In reply to "What Is your name?” he learnt to say "Don.” and to "WTiat’s the mat ter?" he answers "Hunger. He came to say "Kuchen" (cakes) with parti cular distinctness When cakes are in view he repeats. "Kutchen. haben, haben!” any number of times and If hts ple« is unanswered he adds "Hunger!” with a long drawn empha sis on the last syllable. Those who hear the dog talk for the first time are often half-frightened so uncanny Is the impression. One day lion wandered Into the kitchen of a working woman who was slicing sausages. He exclaimed, “Don—hun ger want!" The housewife, after n moment's stupefaction, dashed from the room In a fright, leaving the sau sages for lion. Need Not Be Old Maid. New York. —Miss Anna Caldwell, author of "The Nest Egg," a play por traying an old maid, said no woman need he an old maid In New York, be ■ause there are so many freak men here that she can marry at least one of them. Whole Sale Oil START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT And buy your Oil and Gas oiine of an Independent Oil Company. We are agents for the Chanute Refining Co of Chanute, Kansas. They have large storage tanks here, and aim to keep a good supply on hand at all times. We have our office in our warehouse near the mill. You can get us there during the day. We will be pleas= ed to serve you. We know we can please you. GIVE US A TRIAL. Yours for business. Chanute Refining Co. Phone 396 HECK &. WAMSLEY, Agents. i COLD WINDS AND POOR TEETH j are always at enmity with each other. Like water and oil, they wont “mix.” WE DOCTOR POOR TEETH. and often make them most as good as new. Keep your teeth in and do not have them pulled out. Bring them to us to be fixed. WE CROWN, FILL OR BRIDGE TEETH PERFECTLY. Dr. Yutzy, Dr. C. E. Heffner, Falls City, Nebraska 'cadMVMMtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmammmmmmam vhmmhhbmhmmmumumhmmbi TAKE YOL'R HOME PAPER FIRST THEN SUBSCRIBE FOR The Kansas City Star and Times The Star and Times, reporting the full twenty-four hours’ news each day in thirteen issues of the paper each week, are furnished to regular subscribers at the rate of 10 cents | per week. As newspapers, The Star and The Times have no rivals, j No other publisher furnishes his readers with the full day and night Associated Press reports, as does the Star and Times. This should recommend the papers especially to the pregressive merchant and farmer. I deliver both the Star and Times to the subscriber’s door promptly on arrival of trains. Give me a trial. RICHARD WYLER, Distributor Should you want Tho Star by mail send 10c per week. $5.20 a year. \ Address The Kansas City Star. |U| p* AT Lresh meat of all kinds may be * had of Mack & Nixon, either at the Market in Barada or at the Mack farm. Good Beef, 8c and 9c per pound. Pork dressed I Ic. Will deliver if not too far out. Mack & Nixon, Barada, Nebr. 1 Neglected wounds produce old sores and these in time develop ulcers which eat away the vitality. Ballard’s Snow Liniment Is a Healing Remedy for AH Ailments of the Flesh of Man and Oeast. The speed with which this splendid liniment heals up a bad wound or sore has surprised and pleased those who were accus tomed to the slower and uncertain effect of less powerful reme dies. It mendst the lacerated flesh so quickly that there is but little time lost from work. In relieving rheumatic pains, neural gia, sciatica, it lias done and is doing a wonderful work. Many chronic victims of these diseases have found to their great satis faction that it cures an attack in a fraction of the time required by the ordinary treatment. It is equally effective in the flesh ailments of animals. Owners of blooded stock value it highly for two reasons: It heals sores and wounds quickly, and leaves no disfiguring scars. This remedy Is needed in every home. If its great power and efficacy was generally known, no family would be without It. Price 25c, 50c and SI.00 per Bottle. JAMES F. BALLARD PROPRIETOR ST. LOUIS, MO. Stephen* Eye Salre I* u safe find speedy remedy Amo Rtcowtt«wBtpB~