The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 20, 1911, Image 2

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    The County in General
The “Doings” of our Country Friends
and Neighbors.
WiU Chism was down from Stella,
Miss Ltiella Nussh.uim wns a <min
ty seat visitor recently.
Mrs, Lewis Parsons visited friends
at Broeh a few days last week.
Will Shan of Rout 2 took a lay off
last week on account of sickness.
Zack Hrinman and son William of
llarada were pleasant callers here.
Monday .-I'ller arrived >.» ;t «vet V
troin Kansas City for a visit with his
J ill < Tits.
Mis. K, Chase lias returned from
an extended visit, with her sou and
family at St. Isuits.
Prank Bosh and wife of Humboldt
attended the funeral of Mrs. Lucy
Cornell last Tuesday.
The Misses Eunice and Helen > or
nell returned to their home at Peru.
Wednesday morning.
Messrs. M. Hoineelnmn and Kin
merson Hauers made a business trip
to the county seat, Tuesday.
Mrs. Chafen of Humboldt attended
the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Imey
Cornell last week.
James Poor and family arrived from
St. Louis and will move to the Schra
der farm south of town.
Ed Kuker lias been very ill from an
attack of the grippe. lie is improv
ing at this writing.
Will Nedrow is very nick with ap
pendicitis and Is under the skillful
care of Dr. Houston of Kalis City.
Mrs. Dave Griffith is enjoying a
visit from her sister and noice who
recently arrived from Oklahoma.
Jess Waggoner and wife arrived the
first of the week from Lanham, this
state for a visit with the formers
A very large crowd attended Gli
de Toms’ Cabin in Hall's opera
house, Wednesday evening. All re
port it to have been fine.
Messrs. Cyrus and llruee Nedrow.
Will Steward and John Hall spent
Sunday forenoon in the country the
guests of the formers brother Will
Rev. Isaac ami children, who spent
a few days here departed the latter
part of tlu» week for Ohio where t.he>
will make their future home.
Mrs. Margaret Sailors and daugh
ter Miss Ethel returned from a short
stay with ltd Sailors and family at
Sheriff Fenton was up from Falls
City Tu day on business and while
in town was fortunate enough to cap
ture the gentleman who recently help
ed himself to an ov< front In Falls
R. 15. McNutt living south-west of
town died Wednesday afternoon, the
funeral service was held from the
home , Friday at two o’clock and in
terment was made in the Verdon cem
Frank Deitrich received the sad
news last week of the death of his
brother, 1> 1*. Deitrich of Reading
Pa. The deceased is well known
here having lived in Verdon several
years ago. He leaves a wife, two
children and six brothers, besides a
wide circle of friends to mourn his
Mrs. W. F. Veach gave a party last
Wednesday afternoon in honor of her
mother and mother-in-law’s birthdays
which occurred on tiro same day. .V
very enjoyable time was had by all.
Dainty refreshments were served by
the hostess, the guests departed at
! a late hour wishing Mrs. Hall and
y Mrs. P. F. Veach many more happy
£ The ice business is on in full blast.
Clyde Thacker was a Falls City vis
V' itor, Sunday.
£ Mrs. Ed Pyle is on the sick list this
Andrew Mattil returned from St.
Chas. Cain and his family moved
to Preston last week.
Mrs. Chas. Burner was a Prestoi
visitor, Sunday.
Joseph, Wednesday.
Preston has a good grain market
39 cents for corn.
The Drainage Co. has unloadei
three ears of coal to date.
Wo understand the Preston bank is
planning n new building.
Howard Pribbens wont lo Falls City
Saturday night.
liert Borland is working again in
Preston as night operator.
.lames Margrave. W. C. Margrave
and K. llosolton wore Hiawatha visi
tors, Wednesday.
We understand Hump Zoeller re
turned to Falls City again Saturday
j night.
Bold. Chestnut and wife were Proa
; Ion visitors, Sunday at the* home of
1 Chas Cain and family.
Richard Daesehner and wife went
to West Point, Tuesday to visit her
F.l.Dempsey tile Burlington agent
left Friday for a vacation, Mr. Rus
sell is taking his place.
Martha Bleteher returned to her
home in Reonardville after a two
weeks visit with friends and relatives.
The official surveyor for the drain
age ditcli is still here surveying and
making the line for the ditch. Munii
and Co. will soon have two dredge
boats working here. This will make
three dredge boats within three miles
of Preston.
A Non was born to Claud Fergus
and wife last week.
Marshall Perry attended to business
in Dawson, Wednesday.
Mias Rose Hnl/.da visited with rel
atives in Table Rock, Sunday.
Ray Hicks was a passenger to Falls
City Wednesday.
Dr. Mary Ilowers of Pawnee City
was in Humboldt, Tuesday.
Charlie Legg and wife of Liberty
are guests id' relatives in this city,
('has, Relse attended to business in
Kansas City the last of the week.
Walter Legg accompanied a ship
ment of cattle to St. Joseph, Friday. |
O. A. Cooper and wife returned,'
Wednesday from a visit with rela
August Mitchell and wife left, Wed
iiesday for a few days visil with n l
at Ives in Falls City.
Miss Stella Finch of Omaha is a
guest at the home of her sister
Mrs. R. U. I’llilpot.
Miss Anna l’orak is spending this
week witli her sister Mrs. Kozler ami
family at Dewitt.
A .1. Fox had tlie misfortune to
lose a pocket book containing one
hundred dollars, Sunday.
Mrs. A. A Tanner and children
came down from Lincoln tiiis we< k to
spend some time with friends.
Miss Emma Zelinka went to Lin
coln, Saturday to spend some time
with friends in that city,
Lloyd Stabler of Nokomls Canada
is enjoying a visit with relatives and'
old time friends in this litv.
Jas. Trimble and family moved Mon 1
day to the farm north-east of town
for which ho recently traded his!
town property.
Wm. Reynolds returned to ids home
; in Beevor City, Friday after visiting
j for tile past week with relatives in
Mrs. J. A. Covault came down from
Table Rock, Wednesday for a visit
with her brother Norris Ayler and
C. G. Collins and wife who have
been visiting with relatives in this
city departed. Wednesday for their
i home at Tama, Iowa.
Chas. James, who for the past year
has held a position in Illinois, return
j ed to his home in this city the first
of the week.
Mrs. George Segrist who accom
panied her husband as far as Lincoln,
j on his return to Dakota, returned to
this city, Saturday, and will remain
for some time with friends.
At the meeting of the Presbyter
' 'an Missionary Society. Thursday, the
I following officers were elected,—
Mrs. K. J. Cardy, President
Mrs j. c. Herwig, Vice President
! Mrs L. .11 llackett, Treasurer
| Mrs. O, A. Cooper, Secretary
Ioanna O'Grady was sick last week.
Lev. ,1. .1. Loweghan went to Omab
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mountain went
| to Omaha, Monday,
.John Yates moved to town last Fri
Maine lliley went to Auburn. Mon
Clare Liebhart lias been sit k for a
few days.
Lloyd Kinsey went to Salem, Sun
day evening.
Margie. Kean lias been sick with
the grippe. v
Mrs. James O'Grady is sick with
i lie grippe.
Mrs Mike Murphy was on the sick
list last week.
Mrs. I)r. A. E. Burgher came home
from Oklahoma, Sunday.
Ambrose and Alex Tiehen, Jr. went
'< Humboldt lust Monday
Judd and ILeidrieks shipped out a
car-load of horses last week.
Margaret O'Grady went to Omaha
last week to visit relatives.
Wilbur Burr returned home from
Texas, Sunday, where lie has been
looking at the country.
John Eckard went to Jasper Missou
ri, last week.
Mrs. Jim Harris went hack to Ok
lahoma, last week after a visit witli
relatives here.
Charlie Wise shipped out a carload
of stock last week, as did also Bryan
O’Connell and Mr. Mullen.
Rosella Riley is keeping house for
Hugh O'Grady, Sr. during Margaret’s
Mrs. Robert Ecjie of Humboldt, was
down visiting her parents a few days
last week.
Charles Allen and wife arrived
from Dakota, Sunday to visit Mr. Al
len's parents.
Mr and Mrs. I\ E. Watson .ent t i
St. Louis, Sunday to visit relatives
They intend to stay a couple of week
When given as soon as the croupy
cough appears Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy will ward off an attack of
croup and prevent all danger and
cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth
era use it successfully. Sold by all
Medicines that aid nature are al
ways most effectual. Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy acts on this plan. !t
allays the rough, relieves the lungs,
opens the secretions and aids nature
in resoring the system to a healthy
condition. Thousands have testified
to its superior excellence. Sold by
all dealers.
Do you know that fully nine out of
every ten cases of rheumatism are
simply rheumatism of the muscles du
to cold or damp, or chronic rheuma
tism. and require no internal treat
ment whatever? Apply Chamberlain’
Liniment freely and see how quickly
it. gives relief. For sale by all deal
1 have for sale the *40 acre trae
belonging to Charles Portrey,
lying North of the city and ad
joining the Meyers land on the
North, was a part of the Sarah
lvhine land. Can sell the tract
in 1, 2, 3, or 5 acre tracts to suit
the purchaser. Can give 3 years
time on twothirds of the purchase
price. Mr. Portrey will have the
land surveyed and give a road
from the city to each tract. This
is a chance to get a nice piece of
land for a home near town at a
very reasonable price and on ex
ceedingly reasonable terms.
For further particulars call at
the office of
John W. Powell.
1st. floor of new office buildim
south of Court House square.
Falls City, Nebraska.
Office Phone 252, Home 51.
South Side Sunday School.
Hiblo School—3:00 to 4:00 p. m.
Evening Service—7:30 to 8:30 p. m
All who have no convenient place
to attend, and desire to study the
word and worship in a plain and in
formal way, are invited to attend.
We are little but we are growing.
Como and help us grow.—W. IT. Wy
WANTED—A dependable boy at
once to help distribute the Kansas
City Star mornings and evenings.
Only a boy who wants a steady job
and won’t soldier on duty need ap
ply. Phone 226 or call at The Trib
une office.
Like Other Members of Their Family
They Always Attack Weakened
and Starved Trees.
In peach orchards from New York,
southward to Virginia and westward'
to Michigan the peach tree bark bee
tle lias given occasional trouble since
about 1850. It Is a hard-shelled in
Bect about % inch long, and when it
emerges from the tree leaves tiny
holes like small shot holes in the
bark, lienee it is sometimes called the
shot-hole borer. The full-grown beetles
appear in early spring, burrow
through the bark to the sapwood.
and lay their eggs The larvae soon
hatch and make little burrows of their
owns in various directions. In about
one month they emerge and start a
second brood. The numerous burrows
eventually girdle and kill the trees.
Like other members of their family,
they rarely attack healthy trees, but
promptly recognize weakened and
starved trees, which soon show the
gummy exudations at points of at
tack. This peculiarity suggests that
orchard trees should be kept in the
best possible vigor, and all that show
serious Infestation should be prompt
ly cut out and burned at once, so as
to destroy all the insects under the
bark. Delay is sure to increase the
risk to other trees from increased
Peach Tree Bark Beetle.
numbers of insects. If only slight in
festations are noticed all trees should
be closelj examined to determine tire
original source of weakness, and
should be stimulated with applications
of fertilizer, and the trunk kept cov
ered with whitewash to which parts
green has been added. Strong whale
oil soapsuds with a little crude car
bolic add also aid the effectiveness
of whitewash.
A recent bulletin by II. F. Wilson
of the United States department of
agriculture recommends severely trim
ming hack trees that are seriously
Injured and the application of farm
yard manure and commercial ferti
lizer prior to the application of a
thick coat, of whitewash to the trunks
and limbs three times a year; first,
in the last week of March; second,
during the second week in July; and
third, about October 1. For apparent
ly healthy but sllg. t'y attacked trees,
Mr. Wilson reeomm ids rhe white
washing and the ren ivul of all dead
limbs and trees, not only in the or
chard, but in the !a ighborhoad, so us
to destroy the breeding places.
Injury by Rabbits and Mice May Be
Avoided by Fastening Screen
Around Trunk.
To keep rabbits and mice away from
the trees, take a length of plain wire
screen; form it around the trunk of
the tree, fasten the ends together and
push it down an inch or so into the
/I. 1
X ■ ■
To Protect Trees.
soil. A good way to fasten the ends
of the screen is to lap them over
abo’at an inch and run a straight wire
down through the openings, like ma
king a seam with a needle in a piece
of cloth. T! can be easily removed.
“ —
Just Published
Webster’* NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary,
(G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass,
surpasses the old International as much as that
book exceeded its predecessor. On the old
foundation a new superstructure has been built.
The reconstruction has been carried on through
many yesrs by a large force of trained workers,
under the supervision of Dr. W. T. Harris,
former United States Commissioner of Educa
tion, and reenforced by many eminent special
ists. The definitions have been rearranged and
amplified. The number of terms defined has
been more than doubled. The etymology,
synonyms, pronunciation, have received un
sparing scholarly labor. The language of
English literature for over seven centuries, the
terminology of the arts and sciences, and the
every-day speech of street, shop, and house
hold, are presented with fullness and clearness.
In s: e of vocabulary, in richness of general
i information, and in convenience of consulta- j
tion, khv book sets a new mark in lexicography.
400,000 words and phrases.
6000 illustrations.
2700 pages.
Write to the publishers for Specimen Petrel. >
Be Sure and read the Contest offer.
Ads. as
^ Props r
Let us build you an inch
ad. in this paper; a col
umn ad., a page ad., or
any old size ad.
Let it tell in forceful terms:
What you’ve got to sell
What it’s worth
Why it’s best at that price
Such an advertisement
in this paper will bring
buyers who hardly knew
you existed before you
5. — -— — J
1.1 oj)> lUUtt, by W . JN. U.)
Be Sure and read the Contest offer.
I he Youth’s
Larger and 'fetter
for lQll
The Contents of the New Departments of
The Companion include
P-.— Expert Advice on Foot- !
ball and Baseball; Hunt
BoVS ing and Fishing ; Handy J
Contrivances for the
Young Mechanic.
P__. Suggestions for the Girl
COT Who Must Make Her
Girls Owu Way; Hints for
Young Housekeepers;
The Girl’s Wardrobe.
P--, Practical Short Articles j
about the Kitchen, the [
Family Parlor, the Garden, the
Hennery — everything [
that can be of help in
making home more com
fortable, more beautiful.
Inspiring Articles
Current Event*, Nature and Science,
The Doctor’s Weekly Counsel.
Send for Announcement for 1911 and Sample
Copies of the Larger Companion Free.
HfREeTo Jan. 1911
Every New Subscriber who cuts out
and tends this slip (or mentions this
paper) with $1.75 for the 52 issues of
The Companion for 1911 will receive
All the remaining issues for 1910,
including the beautiful Holiday Num
bers for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The Companion’s Art Calendar for
1911, lithographed in thirteen colors
and gold. SN
Then The Companion for the 52 weeks
of 1911—a library of reading that
would cost $40 in book form.
New Subscriptions Received at This Office.
General Praclioneer
Calls Answered Day Or Night
la Town or Country.
D. S. HcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of house
hold goods.
Physician and Surgeon,
Calls answered promptly niglit ov
Salem, : : : Nebr.
Phones, Mutual 53; S. E. Neb 33.
The Auctioneer
Before arranging date write, tele
phone or telegraph, my expense
Phones 168 131 7HI tails City. Neb
The Central
Credit Co.
REPORTS on financial standing
and reliability of firms, corporations
and individuals anywhere.
Domestic and foreign COLLEC
TIONS given prompt and competent
—Patronize home industries. Ben
jamins Franklin’s old and up-to-date
Magazine, The Saturday Evening
Post, is now carried in Falls City
by Lewis Wise. He asks the patron
age of the intelligent reading public
of Falls City. Read the Tost it is
good, and belongs to a home industry.
Suggestive Therapeutist
Treatment given by Suggestion, also *
Magnatism or by laying on of hands
All diseases successfully treated
without the use of drugs or surgery.
Office at Residence 1 block north
and 3 blocks east of the Library.
Phone 504
Office over Kerr’s Pharmacy
Office Phene*200 Residence Phone 271
PhoDes: Nos. 177, 217
Phone 2t'< Ovt rlliehardson County
I have returneod to Falla City to
make my home, after an absence of
four years and will engage in my old
business of buying junk of all kinds,
such as scrap-iron, rubber, copper,
brass, and metal of all kinds.
“Honest Weight and cash prices” is
my motto. Don’t forget your old
friend when you have junk to sell.
Phone 276. One blk north and two
east of the Library. \
Reference—Falls City State bank.