The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1910, Image 8

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    Henry C. Smith
240 acres well improved, If- miles from Depot in Kas. Good spring Best of terms. Willtaae^l
40 acres as part payment, balance long time at low interest. |
200 acres l's miies from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska Good buildings and land W ill B
take 40 or 80 acres as part payment 1
100 acres upland, 1 mile from depot, Richardson county, Nebraska. $12,00<). |
160 acres .Johnson county, Nebraska 80 rods to church and school. Best of terms. Might rent I
107 acres near Brownville, Nebraska
80 acres J^-mile from Fallfe City high school. tj
040 acres, $8,000 improvements Also 640 acres adjoining. Will take lOOacres a- part payment. I
Fine running water. A No. 1 opportunity.
Money to loan
Royal is the
only baking
powder made
from Royal
Grape Cream
of Tartar
Highest in
No Ahm
No Lime Phosphate
Christian Church.
There will bo the regular services
in the court house next Sunday morn
ing commencing with the Bible School
at UIM-0 a in
f’reai hiug at 11:00 p. m. by the pas
tor. subject of the sermon, “The
New Years Forgcticry."
At the morning service we will
decide on Vnton week of prayer to
commence next Sunday evening. A
cordial invitation to all. Come and
worship with us. F. E. Day.
Presbyterian Notes.
N'< \t Sunday morning the pastor
will pr. ach a sdrinon on the outlook
01 the ( hurrij of the New Year,
It is much to be desired that we have
a good attendance for the opening
day of the years work. In the even
ing at G:'IO It is expected there will
be a Union Young Peoples' meeting
of the city in the Sunday School room
and this will be followed by the first
of a series of Union meetings to be
held in the. church under the aus
pices of the Ministerial Association.
The sermon Sunday night will ]
be preached by Rev. J. F. Watson,
and other ministers will take part!
therein. At the same time the I
Rev. .1, K Naim Inga will preach in
the Mission building on South Harlan
Street, and a service will he held ev
ery night the same as in our church j
for the north end of the city.
On Saturday night a Watch Night j
social will be held in the basement
from eight until half past eleven
tvhen a solemn Watch Night service,
will be conducted by the pastor.
To anv or all of these services the
general public is cordially invited.
R. Cooper Hailey, Pastor.
' STRAYED—One dark grey horse
(branded) about 1150 lbs wt; 4 years
old; strayed from farm Thursday
night, 2Vi miles south of Preston;
will pay reward for return of same.—
Wm. Ingold, Reserve, Kans, Phone,
44 O.
Union Meetings.
The co-operative churches foe city
under the leadership of their pas
tors will observe the wee k of prayer
beginning with Sunday evening, Jan
uary' 1st. The meetings will con
tinue two weeks instead of one as Is
usually the custom. ' Serviei s will be
held iii the Presbyterian church at
the north end <T town and in the
.Mission church at the south side.
There will be services each evening
at both points' the pastors preaching
alternately. Sunday evening, Janu
ary 1st, Rev. Watson will preach in
the Presbyterian church and Rev.
Nannluga at the Mission Church. The
public is cordially Invited to these
Calendars For 1911: ,
The Tribun*' has just received from
New York City one of the finest
Selections of Domestic ami Imported
calendars, wall pockets, cut-outs, and
advertising novelties ever shown in
Hie west, \Ve are prepared to quote
attractive prices, and would lie pleas
ed to have those interested call at
any Unit' and look over this elegant
line. Orders can he taken now,
and delivery made whenever desired,
I Inis insuring the host of work, Our
joti department is at present per
fectly equipped for this high class
printing, witli help familiar with this
line of work, so that we can offer as
good a class of work, if not bettor,
than that of the firms who send out
traveling salesmen on high salaries,
and charge cxliorhinnt prices. Don’t
fail to inspect this line, even if you
arc not In the market for some of
these goods.
Pay up. You'll feel better, and
we will be enabled to publish a bet
ter paper.
David Moyer Dead.
David Moyer, who has been working
on the Hist farm near Humboldt for
some time was found dead in bis
room by Mr. Uist Tuesday morning.
Coroner Wilson was summoned and
an Inquest held. Apparently Moyer
had been dead several hours. lie
did not appear at breakfastand Mr.
Uist went to bis room to call him.
He was lying face down on the floor.
Death was evidently due to heart
trouble. He had a brother in Okla
homa who arrived Wednesday to
take charge of the body. On his
person was found a small amount of
money and bank books showing he
had considerable money on deposit
in banks in Snbrthn and Hiawatha
lie was unmarried and bis brother
will likely take the body back to
Oklahoma for burial.
The verdict of the corner's jury is
as follows:
The State of Nebraska, Richardson
County, SS.
Al an inunisition holdcn at Hum
be.lnt, Neb ."taka. in Richardson coun
ty. on the :*7th day of December A.
D, 1910, before me, M. L. Wilson, cor
oner of said county, upon the body of
David Moyer lying dead, by the Jur
ors whose names are hereto sub
scribed, the said jurors upon their
oath do say that his deah was caus
ed by natural causes, no foul play.
C. E. Nims, foreman,
W. C. Schmolzel,
(leorgo Prentices,
R. T. James,
James M. Trimble.
C. E. Furrow.
In testimony whereof the said jur-1
ors have hereunto set their hands;
the day and year aforesaid.
M. L. Wilson, Coroner, i
- — . —
Sorry to trouble you, but don’t you ^
owe something on subscription? To-j
day is the best time to call and
Various Kinds of Entertainment by
Individuals, Lodges, Clubs,
Churches, Etc.
Mrs. .). M. Deaton entertained the
Sunny Slope friends Wednesday af
ternoon from two until five. The
time passed all too fast in pleasant
conversation, needle-work and music.
Nice refreshments were served by
the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Elmer
Kuhn. The next meeting will be
with Mrs. Men Kelly, January 4.
One of the most enjoyable dinner
parties of Christmas day was given
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L.
Hlmmelreich where they wore Joined
in the happy celebration of the day
by the families of K. A. Dili mar and
Charles allrgravis. At two o'clock
j the party was seated at a very
1 beautifully decorated table. A Christ
I mas tree well trimmed was sur
! rounded by a mound of holly and red
ribbons. Ited and green ribbons with
holly extended to the corners,of the
table and from the chandelier smil
as and mistletoe were suspended.
An excellent, dinner of four courses
was served which did ample credit
to tlie ladies having it in charge.
The afternoon was a most, enjoyable
one and will linger long in the mem
ory of all for ils many pleasant as
sociations. Mrs. Jennie Marvin of
Kansas City was present.
On Wednesday afternoon of last
week Mrs. Peter Hugo Jussen en
tertained witli a Five-hundred party
complimentary to her daughter, Mrs.
II. 15. Kennedy of Okmulgee, Okla.
Guests for ten tables were present
and enjoyed the game through the
pleasant afternoon hours. The house
was dressed in Christmas greens
and red shades of candies and elec
tric lights cast a softening glow thru
the spacious rooms. Eight guests at
one time were served with refresh
ments in the dining room. Here
the decorations, also in Christmas
colors were exceptionally attractive.
Dainty boxes with sprays of holly
held bon bons and were presented to
each guest. Every pleasure for her
guests was well considered by Mrs.
Jussen and the afternoon is marked
as one of the most enjoyable of
the holiday entertainments.
Sorosis mot on Wednesday, Decem
ber 28, with Mrs. Jaquet. The vice
president, Mrs. Moreheau presiding.
Seventeen members responded to roll
call by naming the favorite house
hold duty. After business Mrs. A.
E. Hill read a comprehensive paper
on “Domestic Art,” after which fol
lowed a discussion of the club upon
“Economy of Time in Household
Duties." Mrs. Hcacock then read
an article on the “Blue Jay." Club
adjourned to meet January 11 with
Mrs. Korner. Delicious refreshments
were served by the hostess asissted
by her daughter, Miss Alice Jaquet.
Miss Lela Dowell entertained about
forty-five friends on Wednesday
complimentary to the visiting young
ladies and the young people at home
for the holiday vacation. Cards,
som’erset and music made the even
ing pass all too quickly, tin' young
people apparently enjoying every
moment. Pretty Christmas decora
tions were conspicuous through all
the rooms and the cheerful holiday
spirit was in the air. Excellent re
freshments were served at small
tables. Miss Lela having the; assist
ance of Mrs. Jim Powell. Mrs. Davies!
of Ideal, R. D„ Miss Edna DeWald j
and Miss Grace Maddox. Among the |
out of town guests were Miss Beulah
Rush, Lincoln; Miss Barnes and Miss
Maekie, Tectimseh; Miss Huntington,
Lincoln; Frank Stockton, Kansas
City; .lohn Brannigan, Peru.
A Town Without a Christmas.
That was Franklin, Nebraska on
Christmas day. An epidemic of ty
phoid fever is raging there and ev
ery effort is being put forth to quell
it. The board of health is enforc
ing the strictest rules of quarantine.
No child under fifteen is allowed on
the street. No children thronged the
toy simps, no Christmas trees were
trimmed, there were no entertain
ments for the little folks at the
churches. The merchants stored
away their supply of holiday goods
and the re was none of the joy and
happiness that usually characterizes
} Christmas.
As lias been the custom of the
: Church for ages and a custom fol
lowed in lliis city for many years,
I there was a choral celebration of
the Holy Eucharist at St. Thomas
1 Episcopal church Christmas eve. As
usual the church was filled, for many
| whoare not communicants, make a
point of attending the midnight ser
vice on Christmas Eve for its beauty
and solemnity. The church was dec
orated with beautiful Christmas
greens and lighted throughout with
candles, no other artificial light
being used. Special music was sung
by the large vested choir the Agnus
Del sung by Roy Fairchilds and the
offertory by Miss Tanner and Miss
Taylor being exceptionally good
The short address of the rector.
Rev. Nelde, was very good and dwelt
somewhat with the disappointments
or failures of former Christmas days.
The absent ones who seem more
real and nearer to us at this sea
son the very present opportunity of
the present Christmas to make others
happier bv overcoming past disap
I pointmonts and by making a special
i effort in memory of the birth of the
I Christ Child whose life was all love
| and sacrifice to brighten and make
I happier for some one this happiest
day of all the year.
It was a beautiful service through
| out and its beauty and solemnity left
with all the feeling of "Peace on
Earihj Good Will Toward Men.”
Ankle Broken in Runaway.
Last Monday the Misses Amanda,
| Emma and Irma Duerfeldt were com
ing to town from their home in Bar
ada and when two blocks west of the
High school the mules they drove
shied at an auto. The pressure of
the animal against the pole of the
buggy snapped it which frightened j
the team and they ran away. Miss j
Amanda, who was driving was thrown
out and was kicked by the mule
though not seriously hurt. She was
bruised from the buggy running over
her. Emma and Irma jumped and
Emma had her left ankle broken and
one bon© dislocated. She was taken
to Dr. Boose’s office where the in
juries were dressed and later was
taken to the home of Miss Grace
Maddox where she will remain until
it is practical to remove her to her
home in Barada. At this time she is
getting along as well as could be ex
pected. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Barnnrd Duerfeldt came down from
Barada Wednesday to look after her. I
_ I
Card of Thanks.
We take this moans of expressing
our sincere thanks to our many
kind friends and neighbors for the ^
many acts of kindness and for as-f
sistanco rendered during the illness
and the death ok our mother and sis
ter, Mrs. Ellen Cox. ^
Mr. and Mrs. Joly^Cox.
Mrs. Alice Reynolds,
Thomas Reynolds.
Christmas Entertainments
We could not enjoy a white Christ
mas this year, the feature of the day
which makes it possible for Santa
Claus to come with his wonderful
reindeer. But this year he used an
areoplain.. If he had been detected
it is safe to say the wonderful ma.
chine, would have been seen loaded as
the sleigh never, was before. IJe
was most liberal and left abundant
treats and gifts at the churches
and homes fpr children and grown
folks alike.
At the Brethren church on Christ
mas eve there was a tree and a very
interesting program. The Sunday
School pupiiR furnished the numbers
and acquitted themselves admirably.
All received gifts and a liberal treat
of candy and nuts,
r _
The exorcises for the South Side
Sunday school were held at the (i. A.
R. hall which was filled to its ut
most capacity on Friday evening. The
program was exceptionally good and
many a little heart was made to
beat with joy at the beautiful toys
Old Santa had sent on ahead to place
upon their beautiful tree. It. was a
very successful entertainment and
is spoken of o nail sides as a suc
The Beulah Sunday School held
their tree and treat at the home of
John Young Christmas afternoon.
There was a good attendance altliouj 1
the school has been re-organized but
a short time. The gifts and treat
adorned the tree which was beautiful
ly trimmed and was a pleasing sight
to all the children. It was a happy
assembly and will long be remember
ed bv those present.
A musical program was given at
the Evangelical church by the mem
bers of the Sunday School. It was
particularly interesting and was at
tended by a very large crowd. The
usual tree gladdened the hearts of
the children and all were made hap
py by beautiful gifts and bags of
candy and nuts.
The congregation of the Christian
1 church still worship in the court
^ house and here on Christmas night
; a treat was given the children. There
was a splendid program given which
was very entertaining. Then Santa
t Claus appeared and presented the
I members of the Sunday School with
a quantity of candy, nuts and fruit
which was fully enjoyed.
At the Presbyterian church on
Christmas eve there was a very cn
tentaining cantata put on. "Crown
ing of Christmas." It was a very
pretty story and all the characters
were well represented by the child
ren. This was followed by tree and
| treat which was the crowning event
j for the. children in the evenings en
Cottage For Rent.
Close In. near Central School, good
east front, some fruit, good outside
and inside cellar, good well of water,
also good out buildings. Vacant Jan
uary 1st. Call at Whiaker's store
or phone 509.
Jack Miller came down from Tecum
soh Saturday , to spend Christmas
with his mother, Mrs. Caroline Mil
ler returning Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown Keim of Enid
Okl., arrived last Saturday to spend
the holidays with his brother, A. R.
Keim and his sisters. Misses Carrie
and Jennie Keim.
Rev. John Boose and family re
turned the first of the week to their
home in Pontiac, 111. They came to
attend the Boose family reunion and
spend the holidays.
} T 'r- --
Mrs. John Powell is quite ill with
Levi Kinsey was down from. Daw
son Monday, v .. ...
Win. Klebor left 'Tuesday on a
business trip to Gutherie, Okla.
' Dr. J. L. Gandy <>f IfOtubaWt was'
a business ^sTtor tuTO'Sunday.1 • •”
Elmer Saylor is Vrp: from ' Kansias '
City this week \ ie1ttng1iis:phreh^s:'' '•
Will Heserer was up from Kansas
City to spend ClrristiinfS 'with' his
mother. ’ ip r " ■?
All brck subscription accotfVt muss
be settled. Call today,' before you
forget it.
Prank Stockton came tip from Kan
sas City for a few days Visit with
his parenst. ' " * >
Miss Elizabeth Pfaun went to Ne
braska City last Saturday night to
spend the holidays at home.
Miss Hue Gates arrived Wednes
day from St. Joe for a viist with her
Mother, Mrs. George Morris.
Miss Janet Barnes and Miss Janet
| Mackie of Tecumseh are guests tliiW
i week of Helen and Constance Lyford.
Miss Frances Morton came down
from Lincoln Saturday to spend Chris
| mas at home. She returned Tues
Join the ‘'Pay-as-You-Go Club” by
! settling your back subscription. We
| can use the money to good advan
I tage.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davies went to
Hiawatha Tuesday afternoon to at
tend a concert given there the same
Miss Elizabeth Steele came down
from Lincoln Saturday to spend tho
holidays w ith her mother Mrs. Kate
D. Steele.
| Mrs. Crooks of Hiawatha, who has
| been visiting the family of her sou,
Harry Crooks, returned to her home
j Tuesday.
Mrs. W. S. Leyda and daughters
went to Kansas City Monday for a
few days shopping. Theyreturned
Miss Edna DeWald went to He
serve Thursday morning to visit a
couple of days with her sister, Mrs.
Sam Stewart.
| Bruno C. Hanson came down from
j Omaha to spend Christmas with his
his wife and baby at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. Kerr.
George A. Abbott returned Monday
from Omaha where he spent Christ
mas with his children. Mrs. Abbott
came down Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Seff and daugh
ter Bertha went to Sioux City, fa.
last Saturday to visit a week with
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Seff.
Invoicing is now in order in sev
eral of the stores, all the merchants
wishing to get through «*arly and^
clean up stock for the early spring
Dr. and Mrs. Bert Windle returned
Monday to their home in Pawnee City
after spending Christmas with the
latter’s parents, Mr. nad Mrs. John
Max Werner came down from Ne
braska City to spend Christmas with
his family at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L. C. Edwards. He returned
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sehoek and lit
tle son went to Nebraska City last
Saturday to spend Christmas. Mr.
Schork returned Monday while Mrs.
Sehoek remained for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnard Duerfedt of
Barnda were in town a couple of
days this week, called here by the
illness of their daughter, Emma, who
had her ankle broken in a runaway
Monday. >“
Rev. John Boose of Pontiac, Ills ,
preached at the Presbyterian church
Sunday night. His address, which
was especially good, was heard^ a
large congregation and all enjoyed
hearing our former townsman.