DAWSON Mrs. Chester Sipe is very ill with toBsilitis. Mrs. M. •). Clancy was in Falls City Tuesday. Carrie Watson lias been very sick the past week. Mrs. Ike Bodkin is very sick with typhoid fever. Mrs. Joe Tiehon and son are guests at Mrs. Albright. Bryan Riley came down from Oma ha and spent Christmas. Miss Stacia O'Grady came home Thursday to spend the holidays. Beatrice Neeld and Arta Draper were in Humboldt Tuesday. •f.F . Hendricks went to his home at. Nelson to spend Christmas. Margaret Ryan is spending the hol idays at her home in this city. Kate O’Donnell came up from Falls City Monday and returned Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Walsh and daughters of Humboldt were in Dawson Monday. Winifred Ryan is visiting tier sis ter. Mrs. Ed Murphy at Shubert this wmpanion Lamer and better for 1Q11 Tha Contanla of tha Naw Dapartmanta of Tha Companion includa PVm. nxpert Advice on lfoot ball and Baseball; Hunt* BoVS ing and Fishing; Handy ^Contrivances for the Young Mechanic. Suggestions for the C.irl " j Who Must Make Her Girls Own Way; Hints for ^Young Housekeepers; The Girl’s Wardrobe. P_r Practical Short Articles * about the Kitchen, the Family Farlor, the Garden, the Hennery — everything that can he of help in making home more com fortable, more beautiful. GLORIOUS STORIES Inspiring Articles Current Event*, Nature and Science, The Doctor** Weekly Counsel. Send for Announcement for J911 and Sample Copies of the Larger i ompan ton Free. FREE To Jan. 1911 Every New Subscriber who cuts out and sends this slip (or mentions this paper) witb $1. 75 for the 52 issues of The Companion for 1911 will receive All the remaining issues for 1910, including the beautiful Holiday Num bers for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Companion's Art Calendar for 1911, lithographed in thirteen colors and gold. sn Then The Companion for the 52 weeks of 1911— a library of reading that would cost $40 in book form. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION BOSTON, MASS. New Sabecriptieai ReceWed el Tki» Office. ___ . i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I [Old Dutch L Cleanser Shortens your clean ing work in the kitchen —through o u t the house. This One Cleanser in handy sifter can keeps the house and ||B everything in it spick and span with half the time required with old-fashioned cleaners. Cleaurvs.Scrubs, Scours,Polishes For porcelain ware and on the bath tub. Old Dutch Cleanser is the one safe cleanser to use. The New and Better Way » Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleanser on a wet cloth, rub well, wipe with a clean, wet cloth. Takes off all dis coloration and scum and will not scratch. Use it for all your clean ing. The one best cleanser for | the farm. IiLARGE SIFTER CAN ,vu| DR. H. S. ANDREWS General Practloneer Calls Answered Day Or Night In Town or Country. TELEPHONE No. 3 BARADA. - NEBRASKA CLEAVER & SEBOLD INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS NOTARY IN OFFICE D. S. HcCarthy DRAT AND TRANSFER Prompt attention plven to the removal of house- ] hold poods. PHONE NO. 211 A. J. SMITH M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Calls answered promptly night ov day. Salem, : : : Nebr. Phones, Mutual 53; S. E. Neb. 33. WHITAKER The Auctioneer t Before arranging date write, tele phone or telegraph, my expense J. (j. WHITAKER Phone* 168 1 11 7161 Fall. City, Neb The Central Credit Co. FALLS CITY. NEB. DRAWER NO. 12. REPORTS on financial atandloc and reliability of firms, corporations and individuals anywhere. Domestic and foreign COLLEC TIONS given prompt and competent attention —Patronize home industries. Beu jainine Franklin's old and up-to-date Magazine, The Saturday Eveniag Post, is now enrrled in Falls Cltr by Lewis Wise, lie asks the patros uge of the intelligent reading public i of Falls City. Read the Post it is good, and belongs to a home industry. ! PROF. H. A. REYNOLDS Suggestive Therapeutist Treatment given by Suggestion, also Magnatism or by laying on of hands All diseases successfully treated without the use of drugs or surgery. Office at Residence 1 block north and 3 blocks east of the Library. Phone 504 R F. ROBERTS IDElNTfS'F Office over Kerr’* Pharmacy | Office Phone 260 Residence Pbone 271 —..... EDGAR R. MATHERS XDELN TfST Phones: Nos. 177, 217 STATE BANK BUILDING. DR. C. N. ALLISON I IDJElN'FiS'F Phone 24h Over Richardson County Rank. FALLS CITY, NEBRASKA Notice. 1 have returneed to Falls City make my home, after an absence ot four years and will engage in my dH business of buying junk of all kinds, such as scrap-iron, rubber, copper, brass, and metal of all kinds. “Honest Weight and cash prices’’ is my motto. Don't forget your old friend when you have junk to sell. Phone 276. One blk north and two east of the Library. Reference- Falls City State bank. J. FERER.